Ejemplo n.º 1
def decode(img):
    A decoding function that gets all of the alpha values associated with all the pixels in our image which are somewhere between 0-255 and converts that alpha value to a character.
    ints = []
    #A list of ints that will contain all of our alpha values.
    width, height = img.size  #Get the width and the height of my image.
    pixelData = ImageUtilities.getPixelList(img)
    #Get all of the pixels in the image and put them into a list.
    for y in range(height):  #Iterate across the pixels from top to bottom.
        for x in range(width):  #Iterate across out image from left to right.
            alpha = ImageUtilities.getAlphaFromList(img, pixelData, x, y)
            #Referenced the dumped contents
            if (alpha == 255):  #If the alpha of our pixel is 255....
                #I don't want 255 values because that means that is not part of my message.
            #Get the alpha value and append it to my list of ints.

    msg = ""
    #Make an empty string to store our decoded message.
    for value in ints:  #Iterate across my list of ints. (For each int in my list...)
        msg += chr(value)
        #Convert my int to it's character value and add it back to my message.
    return msg
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def getImageRepresentation(self):
        print("getImageRepresentation:", self._bestReferenceName)
        text = self._bestReferenceName
        size = 100
        canvas = Image.new("RGB", [size, size], (255, 255, 255))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(canvas)
        textWidth, textHeight = draw.textsize(text)
        offset = (5, 5)
        white = "#000000"
        draw.text(offset, text, fill=white)
        ret = 255.0 - np.asarray(canvas)

        middleOfImage = np.array([[50.0, 50.0]])

        cloudPoints = np.dot(
            self._transformation[1]) + self._transformation[2] + middleOfImage

        referencePoints = self._referenceClouds[
            self._bestReferenceName] + middleOfImage

        ImageUtilities.addPointsToImage(ret, cloudPoints, 0)
        ImageUtilities.addPointsToImage(ret, referencePoints, 1)

        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 3
def PointCloudToRgbImage(cloud, color):
    if 0 == cloud.size():
        return np.zeros((10, 10, 3))
    cols = int(cloud.max()[1] + cloud.min()[1]) + 1
    rows = int(cloud.max()[0] + cloud.min()[0]) + 1
    ret = np.zeros((rows, cols, 3))
    ImageUtilities.addPointsToImage(ret, cloud, color)
    return ret
 def super_resolution_dataset(self, super_resolutioned_image, ratio, dataset):
     resized_image = super_resolutioned_image.resize(ratio)
     patches, patches_dc = resized_image.get_patches(interval=4)
     hr_patches = dataset.query(patches)
     hr_patches = hr_patches + patches_dc
     hr_data = ImageUtilities.reconstruct_patches(hr_patches, resized_image.size, ImageUtilities.gaussian_filter())
     resized_image.Y = hr_data
     return resized_image
Ejemplo n.º 5
def encode(img):
    An encoding function that gets a message from the user and converts each character in that message to an ascii value. It then takes a bunch of pixels from the image and sets the alpha value of each pixel to a corresponding value from our int list.
    msg = getInput(img)
    #Get User input
    ints = stringToInts(msg)
    #Convert all characters in the input to their ascii values
    ImageUtilities.setPixelAlphasFromIntsRandom(img, ints)
    #For every ascii value set a different pixel's alpha value to that ascii value.
    return img
Ejemplo n.º 6
def decode(img):
    A decoding function that gets all of the alpha values associated with all the pixels in our image which are somewhere between 0-255 and converts that alpha value to a character.
    ints = []
    #A list of ints that will contain all of our alpha values.
    width, height = img.size  #Get the width and the height of my image.
    size = width * height
    #The number of pixels in our image.
    position = 0
    #The position we are in out list.
    percent = 0
    #The percent of decoding we have done for our image.
    pixelData = ImageUtilities.getPixelList(img)
    #Get all of the pixels in the image and put them into a list.
    for y in range(height):  #Iterate across the pixels from top to bottom.
        for x in range(width):  #Iterate across out image from left to right.
            alpha = ImageUtilities.getAlphaFromList(img, pixelData, x, y)
            #Referenced the dumped contents
            if (alpha == 255):  #If the alpha of our pixel is 255....
                position += 1
                #Increment our position
                value = int(size / 100)
                #Get a reference for what 1 percent in our image is.
                if (position % value == 0):  #If we go up 1 percent...
                    percent += 1
                    #Increment our percent value
                    print("Decode progress: " + str(percent) + " of 100")
                    #Print what percent we have gone through in our image.
                #I don't want 255 values because that means I reached the end of my message.
            #Get the alpha value and append it to my list of ints.
            position += 1
            #Increment the position variable by 1.
            value = int(size / 100)
            #Get a reference for what 1 percent in our image is.
            if (position % value == 0):  #If we go up 1 percent...
                percent += 1
                #Increment out percent value.
                print("Decode progress: " + str(percent) + " of 100")
                #Print what percent we have gone through in our image.

    msg = ""
    #Make an empty string to store our decoded message.
    for value in ints:  #Iterate across my list of ints. (For each int in my list...)
        msg += chr(value)
        #Convert my int to it's character value and add it back to my message.
    return msg
 def super_resolution(self, ratio):
     image = self.image
     examples_dataset = image.construct_dataset()
     super_resolutioned_image = image
     construct_level = int(math.log(ratio, self.alpha) + 0.5)
     for level in range(construct_level):
         super_resolutioned_image = self.super_resolution_dataset(super_resolutioned_image, self.alpha, examples_dataset)
         super_resolutioned_image = ImageUtilities.project_high2low(super_resolutioned_image, image, self.alpha, 3, level+1)
         new_examples_dataset = super_resolutioned_image.construct_dataset()
     return super_resolutioned_image
Ejemplo n.º 8
def getInput(image):
    Get user input and make sure it isn't longer than the number of pixels in my image
        image<Image>: The image to pass in to check it's size.
    length = ImageUtilities.getImageLength(image)
    message = input("Please input a message of: " + str(length) +
                    " or less characters.")
    if (len(message) > length):
        print("Error, too many characters imput!")
        print("Expected: " + str(length) + " characters or less but got: " +
              str(len(message)) + " characters.")
    return message
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def setImage(self, image=None):
        print("Image set")
        self._empty = False

        # Show the image background container


        # Set rotation origin in the center of the image
        pixmapSize = self._pixmapItem.pixmap().size()
        self._pixmapItem.setTransformOriginPoint(pixmapSize.width() // 2,
                                                 pixmapSize.height() // 2)

    lower_thres = 50
    upper_thres = 150

    red_edges = cv2.Canny(red_mask, lower_thres, upper_thres)
    blue_edges = cv2.Canny(blue_mask, lower_thres, upper_thres)
    yellow_edges = cv2.Canny(yellow_mask, lower_thres, upper_thres)
    black_edges = cv2.Canny(gray_feed, lower_thres, upper_thres)

    # Dilating the resulting edges
    # Dilating
    blue_edges = cv2.dilate(blue_edges, kernel, iterations=1)
    yellow_edges = cv2.dilate(yellow_edges, kernel, iterations=1)
    red_edges = cv2.dilate(red_edges, kernel, iterations=1)

    # Detecting the contours and displaying them.
    iu.getArrowContours(blue_edges, outputImg, 2000, "blue")
    iu.getArrowContours(red_edges, outputImg, 2000, "red")
    iu.getArrowContours(yellow_edges, outputImg, 2000, "yellow")
    iu.getBoxContours(red_edges, outputImg, 2000, "red")
    iu.getTriangleContours(red_edges, outputImg, 2000, "red")
    iu.getCrossContours(black_edges, outputImg, 2000, "Black")

    # Image stacking script that was open sourced
    imgStack = iu.stackImages(
        0.5, ([feed, gray_feed, hsv], [red_mask, yellow_mask, blue_mask], [
            red_edges, yellow_edges, blue_edges
        ], [black_edges, outputImg, outputImg]))

    # Displays the results
    cv2.imshow("Result", imgStack)
    cv2.imshow("Output", outputImg)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def execute(self, inData):
     print("Executing grayscale convertion stage")
     self._grayMatrix = ImageUtilities.rgb2grayNaive(inData)
     return self._grayMatrix
Ejemplo n.º 12
    return msg
    #Return my message string.

#Start the main CODE!
Colors = Colors()
#Initialize all of our colors.

userInput = input("Would you like to encode(e) or decode(d) a message?")
if (userInput == "e"):
    e_mode = input("Would you like to open(o) or create(c) a new image?")
    if (e_mode == "c"):
        image_name = input(
            "Please enter the name of the image you wish to create. Example) my_image.png"
        img = ImageUtilities.createPNGImage("RGBA", 60, 30, Colors.white)
        #Make a white image

        #Encode the image alpha values.
        img = encode(img)

        #Save and display the image.
        ImageUtilities.save(img, image_name)
        #Save the image
    if (e_mode == "o"):
        img_name = input(
            "Please enter the name of the image you wish to open. Example) my_image.png"
        img = Image.open(img_name)
        #Encode the image alpha values.
        img = encode(img)