def main():

    val = IrgIsisFunctions.getCubeCenterLatitude('/u/smcmich1/data/lronacProduction/NAC_DTM_M115108088_M115114873/workDir/M115114873LE.correctedMosaic.cub')
    print val
    return 0

            usage = "usage: [--help][--manual]\n  "
            parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
            parser.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="inputPath",
                              help="Path to the input file.")
            parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="outputPath",
                              help="Where to write the output file.")
            parser.add_option("-s", "--skip", dest="skip",
                              help="Only plot every N points.")

            parser.add_option("--manual", action="callback", callback=man,
                              help="Read the manual.")
            (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

            if not options.inputPath:  parser.error("Need input file!")
            if not options.outputPath: parser.error("Need output file!")
            if not options.skip:  options.skip = 1
        except optparse.OptionError, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)

        print "Beginning processing....."

        #filePath   = '/home/smcmich1/data/stereoCorrectionTest/M120168714LE.corrected.cub_stereoCalibrationTemp2/pcAlignOutput-beg_errors.csv'
        #outputPath = '/home/smcmich1/data/stereoCorrectionTest/begErrors.png'

        fileContents = readErrorFile(options.inputPath)
        plotError(fileContents, options.outputPath, int(options.skip))

        print "Finished"
        return 0
def fetchAndPrepFile(db, setName, subtype, remoteURL, workDir):
    '''Retrieves a remote file and prepares it for upload'''
    #print 'Uploading file ' + setName
    # Images with a center over this latitude will use polar stereographic projection
    #   instead of simple cylindrical projection.
    HIGH_LATITUDE_CUTOFF = 65 # Degrees
    asuImagePath  = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '_noGeo.jp2') # Map projected image from ASU
    asuLabelPath  = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '_noGeo.lbl') # Label from ASU
    edrPath       = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.IMG')       # Raw image from PDS
    timePath      = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.time')      # Contains only the file capture time string
    #cubPath     = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.cub')        # Output of mroctx2isis
    #calPath     = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.cal.cub')    # Output of ctxcal
    mapPath       = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.map.cub')   # Output of cam2map
    mapLabelPath  = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.map.pvl')   # Specify projection to cam2map
    # Generate the remote URLs from the data prefix and volume stored in these parameters
    asuImageUrl, asuLabelUrl, edrUrl = generatePdsPath(setName, subtype)
    if True: # Map project the EDR ourselves <-- This takes way too long!
        print 'Projecting the EDR image using ISIS...'

        localFilePath = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.tif') # The output file we will upload

        # Check if this is a "flat" calibration image
        badImage = checkForBadFile(edrUrl)       
        if badImage:
            raise Exception('TODO: Remove bad images from the DB!')
        if not os.path.exists(edrPath):
            # Download the EDR file
            cmd = 'wget ' + edrUrl + ' -O ' + edrPath
            print cmd

        # Extract the image capture time from the .IMG file
        if not os.path.exists(timePath):
            timeString = getCreationTimeHelper(edrPath)
            f = open(timePath, 'w')
        # Convert and apply calibration to the CTX file
        calPath = IrgIsisFunctions.prepareCtxImage(edrPath, workDir, False)

        ## Find out the center latitude of the file and determine if it is high latitude
        centerLat = IrgIsisFunctions.getCubeCenterLatitude(calPath, workDir)
        print centerLat
        highLat   = abs(float(centerLat)) > HIGH_LATITUDE_CUTOFF

        if True:#not os.path.exists(mapLabelPath):
            # Generate the map label file           
            generateDefaultMappingPvl(mapLabelPath, highLat)
        if True:#not os.path.exists(mapPath):
            # Generate the map projected file
            cmd = ['timeout', '6h', 'cam2map', 'matchmap=','False', 'from=', calPath, 'to=', mapPath, 'map=', mapLabelPath]
            print cmd
            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
            if (p.returncode != 0):
                raise Exception('Error or timeout running cam2map, returnCode = ' + str(p.returncode))
        if True: #not os.path.exists(localFilePath):
            # Generate the final image to upload
            cmd = 'gdal_translate -of GTiff ' + mapPath + ' ' + localFilePath
            print cmd
        # Clean up intermediate files    
        # Two local files are left around, the first should be uploaded.
        return [localFilePath, timePath]
    else: # Use the map projected image from the ASU web site
        print 'Using ASU projected image...'
        localFilePath = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.jp2')  # The output file we will upload
        # Note: ASU seems to be missing some files!
        # We are using the label path in both projection cases
        if not os.path.exists(asuLabelPath):
            # Download the label file
            cmd = 'wget "' + asuLabelUrl + '" -O ' + asuLabelPath
            print cmd
        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(asuLabelPath): # Try the alternate label path
            asuLabelUrl  = asuLabelUrl.replace( '.scyl.', '.ps.')
            asuLabelPath = asuLabelPath.replace('.scyl.', '.ps.')
            print 'Trying alternate label path: ' + asuLabelUrl
            # Download the label file
            cmd = 'wget "' + asuLabelUrl + '" -O ' + asuLabelPath
            print cmd
            if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(asuLabelPath):
                raise Exception('Failed to download file label at URL: ' + asuLabelUrl)
        # Check the projection type
        projType = IrgGeoFunctions.getProjectionFromIsisLabel(asuLabelPath)
        if projType != 'SimpleCylindrical':
            print 'WARNING: projType = ' + projType
            print 'Maps Engine may fail to ingest this file!'
            #raise Exception(projType + ' images on hold until Google fixes a bug!')
        if not os.path.exists(asuImagePath):
            # Download the image file
            cmd = 'wget "' + asuImageUrl + '" -O ' + asuImagePath
            print cmd
        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(asuImagePath):
            raise Exception('Failed to download image file at URL: ' + asuImageUrl)

        ## Correct the ISIS header if needed
        #fixedAsuHeaderPath = putIsisHeaderIn180(asuLabelPath)
        #if (fixedAsuHeaderPath != asuLabelPath):
        #    os.remove(asuLabelPath) # Delete replaced header

        if True: # This is fast now, so do it every time
            # Correct the file - The JP2 file from ASU needs the geo data from the label file!
            #cmd = ' --keep --label '+ asuLabelPath +' '+ asuImagePath +' '+ localFilePath
            #print cmd
            # TODO: Remove unnecessary image copy here
            (correctedPath, sidecarPath) = addGeoDataToAsuJp2File(asuImagePath, asuLabelPath, localFilePath, keep=False)
            if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(sidecarPath):
                raise Exception('Script to add geo data to JP2 file failed!')
        # Clean up
        # Three local files are left around, the first should be uploaded.
        return [correctedPath, sidecarPath, asuLabelPath]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def fetchAndPrepFile(db, setName, subtype, remoteURL, workDir):
    '''Retrieves a remote file and prepares it for upload'''

    #print 'Uploading file ' + setName

    # Images with a center over this latitude will use polar stereographic projection
    #   instead of simple cylindrical projection.
    HIGH_LATITUDE_CUTOFF = 65  # Degrees

    asuImagePath = os.path.join(workDir, setName +
                                '_noGeo.jp2')  # Map projected image from ASU
    asuLabelPath = os.path.join(workDir,
                                setName + '_noGeo.lbl')  # Label from ASU
    edrPath = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.IMG')  # Raw image from PDS
    timePath = os.path.join(
        setName + '.time')  # Contains only the file capture time string
    #cubPath     = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.cub')        # Output of mroctx2isis
    #calPath     = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.cal.cub')    # Output of ctxcal
    mapPath = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.map.cub')  # Output of cam2map
    mapLabelPath = os.path.join(workDir, setName +
                                '.map.pvl')  # Specify projection to cam2map

    # Generate the remote URLs from the data prefix and volume stored in these parameters
    asuImageUrl, asuLabelUrl, edrUrl = generatePdsPath(setName, subtype)

    if True:  # Map project the EDR ourselves <-- This takes way too long!
        print 'Projecting the EDR image using ISIS...'

        localFilePath = os.path.join(workDir, setName +
                                     '.tif')  # The output file we will upload

        # Check if this is a "flat" calibration image
        badImage = checkForBadFile(edrUrl)
        if badImage:
            raise Exception('TODO: Remove bad images from the DB!')

        if not os.path.exists(edrPath):
            # Download the EDR file
            cmd = 'wget ' + edrUrl + ' -O ' + edrPath
            print cmd

        # Extract the image capture time from the .IMG file
        if not os.path.exists(timePath):
            timeString = getCreationTimeHelper(edrPath)
            f = open(timePath, 'w')

        # Convert and apply calibration to the CTX file
        calPath = IrgIsisFunctions.prepareCtxImage(edrPath, workDir, False)

        ## Find out the center latitude of the file and determine if it is high latitude
        centerLat = IrgIsisFunctions.getCubeCenterLatitude(calPath, workDir)
        print centerLat
        highLat = abs(float(centerLat)) > HIGH_LATITUDE_CUTOFF

        if True:  #not os.path.exists(mapLabelPath):
            # Generate the map label file
            generateDefaultMappingPvl(mapLabelPath, highLat)

        if True:  #not os.path.exists(mapPath):
            # Generate the map projected file
            cmd = [
                'timeout', '6h', 'cam2map', 'matchmap=', 'False', 'from=',
                calPath, 'to=', mapPath, 'map=', mapLabelPath
            print cmd
            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
            if (p.returncode != 0):
                raise Exception(
                    'Error or timeout running cam2map, returnCode = ' +

        if True:  #not os.path.exists(localFilePath):
            # Generate the final image to upload
            cmd = 'gdal_translate -of GTiff ' + mapPath + ' ' + localFilePath
            print cmd

        # Clean up intermediate files

        # Two local files are left around, the first should be uploaded.
        return [localFilePath, timePath]

    else:  # Use the map projected image from the ASU web site
        print 'Using ASU projected image...'

        localFilePath = os.path.join(workDir, setName +
                                     '.jp2')  # The output file we will upload

        # Note: ASU seems to be missing some files!
        # We are using the label path in both projection cases
        if not os.path.exists(asuLabelPath):
            # Download the label file
            cmd = 'wget "' + asuLabelUrl + '" -O ' + asuLabelPath
            print cmd
        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(
                asuLabelPath):  # Try the alternate label path
            asuLabelUrl = asuLabelUrl.replace('.scyl.', '.ps.')
            asuLabelPath = asuLabelPath.replace('.scyl.', '.ps.')
            print 'Trying alternate label path: ' + asuLabelUrl
            # Download the label file
            cmd = 'wget "' + asuLabelUrl + '" -O ' + asuLabelPath
            print cmd
            if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(asuLabelPath):
                raise Exception('Failed to download file label at URL: ' +

        # Check the projection type
        projType = IrgGeoFunctions.getProjectionFromIsisLabel(asuLabelPath)
        if projType != 'SimpleCylindrical':
            print 'WARNING: projType = ' + projType
            print 'Maps Engine may fail to ingest this file!'
            #raise Exception(projType + ' images on hold until Google fixes a bug!')

        if not os.path.exists(asuImagePath):
            # Download the image file
            cmd = 'wget "' + asuImageUrl + '" -O ' + asuImagePath
            print cmd
        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(asuImagePath):
            raise Exception('Failed to download image file at URL: ' +

        ## Correct the ISIS header if needed
        #fixedAsuHeaderPath = putIsisHeaderIn180(asuLabelPath)
        #if (fixedAsuHeaderPath != asuLabelPath):
        #    os.remove(asuLabelPath) # Delete replaced header

        if True:  # This is fast now, so do it every time
            # Correct the file - The JP2 file from ASU needs the geo data from the label file!
            #cmd = ' --keep --label '+ asuLabelPath +' '+ asuImagePath +' '+ localFilePath
            #print cmd
            # TODO: Remove unnecessary image copy here
             sidecarPath) = addGeoDataToAsuJp2File(asuImagePath,

            if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(sidecarPath):
                raise Exception('Script to add geo data to JP2 file failed!')

        # Clean up
        # Three local files are left around, the first should be uploaded.
        return [correctedPath, sidecarPath, asuLabelPath]
def main(argsIn):

    print '#################################################################################'
    print "Running"

            usage = "usage: [--output <path>][--manual]\n  "
            parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
            inputGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Input Paths')
            inputGroup.add_option("--left",  dest="leftPath",  help="Path to left  cube file")
            inputGroup.add_option("--right", dest="rightPath", help="Path to right cube file")            

            inputGroup.add_option("--lola",    dest="lolaPath", help="Path to LOLA DEM")
            inputGroup.add_option("--asu",     dest="asuPath",  help="Path to ASU DEM")
            inputGroup.add_option("--node-file", dest="nodeFilePath", 
                                  help="Path to file containing list of available nodes")


            # The default working directory path is kind of ugly...
            parser.add_option("--workDir", dest="workDir",  help="Folder to store temporary files in")

            parser.add_option("--prefix",  dest="prefix",   help="Output prefix.")

            parser.add_option("--log-path",  dest="logPath",        
                              help="Where to write the output log file.")

            parser.add_option("--crop",  dest="cropAmount", 
                              help="Crops the output image to reduce processing time.")

            parser.add_option("--manual", action="callback", callback=man,
                              help="Read the manual.")
            parser.add_option("--keep", action="store_true", dest="keep",
                              help="Do not delete the temporary files.")
            (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argsIn)

            if not options.leftPath: 
                parser.error("Need left input path")
            if not options.rightPath: 
                parser.error("Need right input path")
            if not options.prefix: 
                parser.error("Need output prefix")            

        except optparse.OptionError, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)

        print "Beginning processing....."

        startTime = time.time()

        # Make sure we have all the functions we need

        # Set this to true to force steps after it to activate
        carry = False

        # Set up the output folders
        outputFolder  = os.path.dirname(options.prefix)
        inputBaseName = os.path.basename(options.leftPath)
        tempFolder    = outputFolder + '/' + inputBaseName + '_stereoCalibrationTemp/'
        if (options.workDir):
            tempFolder = options.workDir
        if not os.path.exists(outputFolder):
        hadToCreateTempFolder = not os.path.exists(tempFolder)
        if not os.path.exists(tempFolder):
        # Set up logging
        if not options.logPath:
            options.logPath = options.prefix + '-Log.txt'

        # Go ahead and set up all the output paths
        # -- Deliverables
        demPath               = options.prefix + '-DEM.tif'
        intersectionErrorPath = options.prefix + '-IntersectionErr.tif'
        hillshadePath         = options.prefix + '-Hillshade.tif'
        colormapPath          = options.prefix + '-Colormap.tif'
        colormapLegendPath    = options.prefix + '-ColormapLegend.csv'
        mapProjectLeftPath    = options.prefix + '-MapProjLeft.tif'
        mapProjectRightPath   = options.prefix + '-MapProjRight.tif'
        confidenceLevelPath   = options.prefix + '-Confidence.tif'
        confidenceLegendPath  = options.prefix + '-ConfidenceLegend.csv'
        # -- Diagnostic
        intersectionViewPathX    = options.prefix + '-IntersectionErrorX.tif'
        intersectionViewPathY    = options.prefix + '-IntersectionErrorY.tif'
        intersectionViewPathZ    = options.prefix + '-IntersectionErrorZ.tif'
        lolaDiffStatsPath        = options.prefix + '-LOLA_diff_stats.txt'
        lolaDiffPointsPath       = options.prefix + '-LOLA_diff_points.csv'
        lolaAsuDiffStatsPath     = options.prefix + '-ASU_LOLA_diff_stats.txt'
        lolaAsuDiffPointsPath    = options.prefix + '-ASU_LOLA_diff_points.csv'
        mapProjectLeftUint8Path  = options.prefix + '-MapProjLeftUint8.tif'
        mapProjectRightUint8Path = options.prefix + '-MapProjRightUint8.tif'

        # If specified, crop the inputs that will be passed into the stereo function to reduce processing time
        mainMosaicCroppedPath   = os.path.join(tempFolder, 'mainMosaicCropped.cub')
        stereoMosaicCroppedPath = os.path.join(tempFolder, 'stereoMosaicCropped.cub')
        if options.cropAmount and (options.cropAmount > 0):

            # Verify input files are present
            if not os.path.exists(options.leftPath):
                raise Exception('Input file ' + options.leftPath + ' not found!')
            if not os.path.exists(options.rightPath):
                raise Exception('Input file ' + options.rightPath + ' not found!')

            if (not os.path.exists(mainMosaicCroppedPath)) or carry:
                cmd = ('crop from= ' + options.leftPath   + ' to= ' + mainMosaicCroppedPath + 
                           ' nlines= ' + str(options.cropAmount))# + ' line=24200')
                print cmd
            if (not os.path.exists(stereoMosaicCroppedPath) or carry):
                cmd = ('crop from= ' + options.rightPath + ' to= ' + stereoMosaicCroppedPath + 
                           ' nlines= ' + str(options.cropAmount))#  + ' line=24200')
                print cmd
            options.leftPath  = mainMosaicCroppedPath
            options.rightPath = stereoMosaicCroppedPath

        print '\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'

        # Call stereo to generate a point cloud from the two images
        # - This step takes a really long time.

        stereoOutputPrefix = os.path.join(tempFolder, 'stereoWorkDir/stereo')
        stereoOutputFolder = os.path.join(tempFolder, 'stereoWorkDir')
        pointCloudPath     = stereoOutputPrefix + '-PC.tif'
        stereoOptionString = ('--corr-timeout 400 --alignment-method AffineEpipolar --subpixel-mode ' + str(SUBPIXEL_MODE) + 
                              ' ' + options.leftPath + ' ' + options.rightPath + 
                              ' --job-size-w 4096 --job-size-h 4096 ' + # Reduce number of tile files created
                              ' ' + stereoOutputPrefix + ' --processes 10 --threads-multiprocess 4' +
                             ' --threads-singleprocess 32 --compute-error-vector' + ' --filter-mode 1' +
                              ' --erode-max-size 5000 --subpixel-kernel 35 35 --subpixel-max-levels 0')
        if (not os.path.exists(pointCloudPath) and not os.path.exists(demPath)) or carry:

            # Verify input files are present
            if not os.path.exists(options.leftPath):
                raise Exception('Input file ' + options.leftPath + ' not found!')
            if not os.path.exists(options.rightPath):
                raise Exception('Input file ' + options.rightPath + ' not found!')

            cmd = ('parallel_stereo ' + stereoOptionString)
            print cmd

            # Compute percentage of good pixels
            percentGood = IrgAspFunctions.getStereoGoodPixelPercentage(stereoOutputPrefix)
            print 'Stereo completed with good pixel percentage: ' + str(percentGood)
  'Final stereo completed with good pixel percentage: %s', str(percentGood))
            print 'Stereo file ' + pointCloudPath + ' already exists, skipping stereo step.'

        stereoTime = time.time()'Stereo finished in %f seconds', stereoTime - startTime)

        # Find out the center latitude of the mosaic
        if os.path.exists(options.leftPath):
            centerLat = IrgIsisFunctions.getCubeCenterLatitude(options.leftPath, tempFolder)
        elif os.path.exists(demPath): # Input file has been deleted but we still have the info
            demInfo = IrgGeoFunctions.getImageGeoInfo(demPath, False)
            centerLat = demInfo['standard_parallel_1']
            raise Exception("Can't delete the input files before creating the DEM!")

        # Generate a DEM
        if (not os.path.exists(demPath)) or carry:
            # Equirectangular style projection
            # - Latitude of true scale = center latitude = lat_ts
            # - Latitude of origin = 0 = lat+0
            # - Longitude of projection center = Central meridian = lon+0
            cmd = ('point2dem --dem-hole-fill-len 15  --remove-outliers --errorimage -o ' + options.prefix + ' ' + pointCloudPath + 
                            ' -r moon --tr ' + str(DEM_METERS_PER_PIXEL) + ' --t_srs "+proj=eqc +lat_ts=' + str(centerLat) + 
                            ' +lat_0=0 +a='+str(MOON_RADIUS)+' +b='+str(MOON_RADIUS)+' +units=m" --nodata ' + str(DEM_NODATA))
            print 'DEM file ' + demPath + ' already exists, skipping point2dem step.'

        # Create a hillshade image to visualize the output
        if (not os.path.exists(hillshadePath)) or carry:
            cmd = 'hillshade ' + demPath + ' -o ' + hillshadePath
            print cmd
            print 'Output file ' + hillshadePath + ' already exists, skipping hillshade step.'

        # Create a colorized version of the hillshade
        # - Uses a blue-red color map from here:
        if (not os.path.exists(colormapPath)) or (not os.path.exists(colormapLegendPath)) or carry:
            # The color LUT is kept with the source code
            lutFilePath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'colorProfileBlueRed.csv')
            # Generate the initial version of colormap
            colormapTempPath = options.prefix + '-ColormapTemp.tif'
            cmd = 'colormap ' + demPath + ' -o ' + colormapTempPath + ' -s ' + hillshadePath + ' --lut-file ' + lutFilePath
            print cmd
            # Now convert to the final output version (remove transparency layer) and remove the temp file
            IrgFileFunctions.stripRgbImageAlphaChannel(colormapTempPath, colormapPath)            
            # Generate another file storing the colormap info
            writeColorMapInfo(colormapPath, lutFilePath, demPath, colormapLegendPath)
            print 'Output file ' + colormapPath + ' already exists, skipping colormap step.'

        ## Create a 3d mesh of the point cloud
        #meshPath   = os.path.join(outputFolder, 'mesh.ive')
        #meshPrefix = os.path.join(outputFolder, 'mesh')
        #cmd = 'point2mesh ' + pointCloudPath + ' ' + options.leftPath + ' -o ' + meshPrefix
        #if not os.path.exists(meshPath):
        #    print cmd
        #    os.system(cmd)

        if not options.keep: # Remove stereo folder here to cut down on file count before mapproject calls

        # Convert the intersection error to a viewable format
        cmdX = 'gdal_translate -ot byte -scale 0 10 0 255 -outsize 50% 50% -b 1 ' + intersectionErrorPath + ' ' + intersectionViewPathX
        cmdY = 'gdal_translate -ot byte -scale 0 10 0 255 -outsize 50% 50% -b 2 ' + intersectionErrorPath + ' ' + intersectionViewPathY
        cmdZ = 'gdal_translate -ot byte -scale 0 10 0 255 -outsize 50% 50% -b 3 ' + intersectionErrorPath + ' ' + intersectionViewPathZ
        if not os.path.exists(intersectionViewPathX) or carry:
            print cmdX
        if not os.path.exists(intersectionViewPathY) or carry:
            print cmdY
        if not os.path.exists(intersectionViewPathZ) or carry:
            print cmdZ

        # Generate a confidence plot from the intersection error
        if not os.path.exists(confidenceLevelPath):
            thresholdString = str(PIXEL_ACCURACY_THRESHOLDS)[1:-1].replace(',', '')
            cmd = ('maskFromIntersectError ' + intersectionErrorPath + ' ' + confidenceLevelPath
                                             + ' --legend ' + confidenceLegendPath + 
                                        ' --scaleOutput --thresholds ' + thresholdString)
            print cmd

        hillshadeTime = time.time()'DEM and hillshade finished in %f seconds', hillshadeTime - stereoTime)

        # Call script to compare LOLA data with the DEM
        if options.lolaPath:
            compareDemToLola(options.lolaPath, demPath, lolaDiffStatsPath, lolaDiffPointsPath, carry)

        # Call script to compare LOLA data with the ASU DEM
        if options.asuPath:
            compareDemToLola(options.lolaPath, options.asuPath, lolaAsuDiffStatsPath, lolaAsuDiffPointsPath, carry)

        # Generate a map projected version of the left and right images
        # - This step is done last since it is so slow!
        mapProjectImage(options.leftPath,  demPath, mapProjectLeftPath,  MAP_PROJECT_METERS_PER_PIXEL, centerLat, options.nodeFilePath, carry)
        mapProjectImage(options.rightPath, demPath, mapProjectRightPath, MAP_PROJECT_METERS_PER_PIXEL, centerLat, options.nodeFilePath, carry)

        # Generate 8 bit versions of the mapproject files for debugging
        cmdLeft  = 'gdal_translate -scale -ot byte ' + mapProjectLeftPath  + ' ' + mapProjectLeftUint8Path
        cmdRight = 'gdal_translate -scale -ot byte ' + mapProjectRightPath + ' ' + mapProjectRightUint8Path
        if not os.path.exists(mapProjectLeftUint8Path) or carry:
            print cmdLeft
        if not os.path.exists(mapProjectRightUint8Path) or carry:
            print cmdRight

        mapProjectTime = time.time()'Map project finished in %f seconds', mapProjectTime - hillshadeTime)

        # Clean up temporary files
        if not options.keep:
            print 'Removing temporary files'
            #IrgFileFunctions.removeIntermediateStereoFiles(stereoOutputPrefix) # Limited clear
            IrgFileFunctions.removeFolderIfExists(stereoOutputFolder) # Larger clear
            #if (hadToCreateTempFolder): Not done since stereo output needs to be retained
            #    IrgFileFunctions.removeFolderIfExists(tempFolder)

        endTime = time.time()' finished in %f seconds', endTime - startTime)
        print "Finished in " + str(endTime - startTime) + " seconds."
        print '#################################################################################'
        return 0