Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_latest_records(auth_key,
                       use_grades=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']):
    header = {'Authorization': auth_key, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    apiVersion = 'v1'
    loanListURL = 'https://api.lendingclub.com/api/investor/' + apiVersion + \
    payload = {'showAll': 'true'}
    resp = requests.get(loanListURL, headers=header, params=payload)
    loans = resp.json()['loans']
    '''Make a list of tuples specifying the name of each data column to pull, and 
    a function to use to grab that piece of data from the raw loan data'''
    record_map = (
        ('acc_now_delinq', lambda x: x['accNowDelinq']),
        ('annual_inc', lambda x: x['annualInc']),
        ('collections_12_mths_ex_med', lambda x: x['collections12MthsExMed']),
        ('cr_line_dur', lambda x: LCL.get_cr_line_dur(x['earliestCrLine'])),
        ('delinq_2yrs', lambda x: x['delinq2Yrs']),
        ('desc_length', lambda x: LCL.get_desc_length(x['desc'])),
        ('dti', lambda x: x['dti']),
        ('emp_length', lambda x: LCL.get_emp_length(x['empLength'])
         ),  #convert to years from months
        ('id', lambda x: x['id']),
        #            ('funded_amnt', lambda x: x['loanAmount']), #use amount requested rather than funded amnt!
        ('loan_amnt', lambda x: x['loanAmount']
         ),  #use amount requested rather than funded amnt!
        ('inq_last_6mths', lambda x: x['inqLast6Mths']),
        ('int_rate', lambda x: x['intRate']),
         lambda x: LCL.get_mnths_since(x['mthsSinceLastDelinq'])),
         lambda x: LCL.get_mnths_since(x['mthsSinceLastMajorDerog'])),
         lambda x: LCL.get_mnths_since(x['mthsSinceLastRecord'])),
        ('num_add_desc', lambda x: LCL.get_num_descs(x['desc'])),
        ('open_acc', lambda x: x['openAcc']),
        ('pub_rec', lambda x: x['pubRec']),
        ('revol_bal', lambda x: x['revolBal']),
        ('revol_util', lambda x: x['revolUtil']),
        ('term', lambda x: x['term']),
        ('total_acc', lambda x: x['totalAcc']),
        ('tot_cur_bal', lambda x: x['totCurBal']),
        ('addr_state', lambda x: x['addrState']),
        ('home_ownership', lambda x: x['homeOwnership']),
        ('grade', lambda x: x['grade']),
        ('purpose', lambda x: x['purpose']),
         lambda x: LCL.get_zip_loc(x['addrZip'], zip3_loc_data, 'latitude')),
         lambda x: LCL.get_zip_loc(x['addrZip'], zip3_loc_data, 'longitude')))

    records = [make_record(loan, record_map) for loan in loans]
    records = [record for record in records if record['grade'] in use_grades]
    return records
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_latest_records(auth_key, zip3_loc_data, use_grades = ['A','B','C','D','E','F']):
    header = {'Authorization' : auth_key, 
              'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    apiVersion = 'v1'
    loanListURL = 'https://api.lendingclub.com/api/investor/' + apiVersion + \
    payload = {'showAll' : 'true'}
    resp = requests.get(loanListURL, headers=header, params=payload)
    loans = resp.json()['loans']
    '''Make a list of tuples specifying the name of each data column to pull, and 
    a function to use to grab that piece of data from the raw loan data'''
    record_map = (('acc_now_delinq', lambda x: x['accNowDelinq']),
                ('annual_inc', lambda x: x['annualInc']),
                ('collections_12_mths_ex_med', lambda x: x['collections12MthsExMed']),
                ('cr_line_dur', lambda x: LCL.get_cr_line_dur(x['earliestCrLine'])),
                ('delinq_2yrs', lambda x: x['delinq2Yrs']),
                ('desc_length', lambda x: LCL.get_desc_length(x['desc'])),
                ('dti', lambda x: x['dti']),
                ('emp_length', lambda x: LCL.get_emp_length(x['empLength'])), #convert to years from months
                ('id', lambda x: x['id']),
    #            ('funded_amnt', lambda x: x['loanAmount']), #use amount requested rather than funded amnt!
                ('loan_amnt', lambda x: x['loanAmount']), #use amount requested rather than funded amnt!
                ('inq_last_6mths', lambda x: x['inqLast6Mths']), 
                ('int_rate', lambda x: x['intRate']), 
                ('mths_since_last_delinq', lambda x: LCL.get_mnths_since(x['mthsSinceLastDelinq'])), 
                ('mths_since_last_major_derog', lambda x: LCL.get_mnths_since(x['mthsSinceLastMajorDerog'])), 
                ('mths_since_last_record', lambda x: LCL.get_mnths_since(x['mthsSinceLastRecord'])), 
                ('num_add_desc', lambda x: LCL.get_num_descs(x['desc'])),
                ('open_acc', lambda x: x['openAcc']),
                ('pub_rec', lambda x: x['pubRec']),
                ('revol_bal', lambda x: x['revolBal']),
                ('revol_util', lambda x: x['revolUtil']),
                ('term', lambda x: x['term']),
                ('total_acc', lambda x: x['totalAcc']),
                ('tot_cur_bal', lambda x: x['totCurBal']),
                ('addr_state', lambda x: x['addrState']),
                ('home_ownership', lambda x: x['homeOwnership']),
                ('grade', lambda x: x['grade']),
                ('purpose', lambda x: x['purpose']),
                ('latitude', lambda x: LCL.get_zip_loc(x['addrZip'], zip3_loc_data, 'latitude')),
                ('longitude', lambda x: LCL.get_zip_loc(x['addrZip'], zip3_loc_data, 'longitude')))
    records = [make_record(loan, record_map) for loan in loans]
    records = [record for record in records if record['grade'] in use_grades]
    return records