Ejemplo n.º 1
as a series of rasters and overlays of different data,
e.g. Hillshade overlaid by erosion/deposition amounts, or water depth
or d50 size, etc.

@author: dav

import LSDPlottingTools as lsdplt
import LSDPlottingTools.LSDMap_GDALIO as mapio  # fun trivia: this is Welsh for 'mapping'.
import numpy as np
"""Plots a hillshade overlain with the erossion or deposition amount"""

folder = "/mnt/DATA/DATA/VIRTUALBOX_SHARED/HydrogeomorphPaper/BOSCASTLE/PaperSimulations/Radar1km/TransLim/"
laptop_folder = ""

filename = "boscastle5m_bedrock_fill.asc"
drapename = "waterdepth2400.txt"

# Create the drape array from one of the Catchment model output rasters
drape_array = mapio.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(folder + drapename)
# Optional: A lot of the output rasters contain very small values for certain
# things like water depth or elevation difference, so you can mask this below:
low_values_index = drape_array < 0.005
drape_array[low_values_index] = np.nan

# Alternatively you can just pass the name of a secondary drape raster instead
# of an array below: The function takes either a string or a ready-extracted array.
lsdplt.DrapedOverHillshade(folder + filename, drape_array, clim_val=(0,400), \
drape_cmap='Blues', colorbarlabel='Elevation in meters'\
,ShowColorbar=True, ShowDrapeColorbar=True, drape_cbarlabel = "Water depth (m)")
Ejemplo n.º 2
filename = DataDirectory + "Elevations0.asc"
drapename = DataDirectory + "WaterDepths2880.asc"

#LSDP.RasterDifference(DataDirectory + "Elevations0.asc",
#                      DataDirectory + "Elevations4200.asc",
#                      raster_band=1,
#                      OutFileName="TestDIFF.asc",
#                      OutFileType="AAIGrid")

                             cbar_label="DEM difference (m)")

# Create the drape array from one of the Catchment model output rasters
#drape_array = LSDP.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(drapename)
# Optional: A lot of the output rasters contain very small values for certain
# things like water depth or elevation difference, so you can mask this below:
#low_values_index = drape_array < 0.005
#drape_array[low_values_index] = np.nan
LSDP.DrapedOverHillshade(filename,drape_array,clim_val=(0,400), \
                         drape_cmap=trunc_cmap, colorbarlabel='Elevation in meters',\
                         ShowColorbar=True, ShowDrapeColorbar=True,
                         drape_cbarlabel = "Water depth (m)",
Ejemplo n.º 3
drapename = DataDirectory + "WaterDepths2880.asc"

#LSDP.RasterDifference(DataDirectory + "Elevations0.asc",
#                      DataDirectory + "Elevations4200.asc",
#                      raster_band=1,
#                      OutFileName="TestDIFF.asc",
#                      OutFileType="AAIGrid")
LSDP.MultiDrapeErodeDiffMaps(DataDirectory, "BoscastleElevations0.asc", "BoscastleElevDiff*.bil", 
               drape_min_threshold= -4.5,
               drape_max_threshold= 4.5,
               cbar_label = "Erosion/Deposition (m)")

# Create the drape array from one of the Catchment model output rasters
#drape_array = LSDP.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(drapename)
# Optional: A lot of the output rasters contain very small values for certain
# things like water depth or elevation difference, so you can mask this below:
#low_values_index = drape_array < 0.005
#drape_array[low_values_index] = np.nan

LSDP.DrapedOverHillshade(filename,drape_array,clim_val=(0,400), \
                         drape_cmap=trunc_cmap, colorbarlabel='Elevation in meters',\
                         ShowColorbar=True, ShowDrapeColorbar=True,
                         drape_cbarlabel = "Water depth (m)",