Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, universe, selectionstring, cutoff=15.0, pbc=False, sparse=None):
        """Initialize from a *universe* or pdb file.

                 :class:`MDAnalysis.Universe` or a PDB file name.
                 :class:`MDAnalysis.core.AtomGroup.AtomGroup` or a
                 :meth:`MDAnalysis.Universe.select_atoms` selection string
                 for atoms that define the lipid head groups, e.g.
                 universe.atoms.PO4 or "name PO4" or "name P*"
                 head group-defining atoms within a distance of *cutoff*
                 Angstroms are deemed to be in the same leaflet [15.0]
                 take periodic boundary conditions into account (only works
                 for orthorhombic boxes) [``False``]
                 ``None``: use fastest possible routine; ``True``: use slow
                 sparse matrix implementation (for large systems); ``False``:
                 use fast :func:`~MDAnalysis.analysis.distances.distance_array`
                 implementation [``None``].
        universe = MDAnalysis.as_Universe(universe)
        self.universe = universe
        self.selectionstring = selectionstring
        if type(self.selectionstring) == MDAnalysis.core.AtomGroup.AtomGroup:
            self.selection = self.selectionstring
            self.selection = universe.select_atoms(self.selectionstring)
        self.pbc = pbc
        self.sparse = sparse
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Calculate native contacts within a group or between two groups.

            psf or pdb file
            dcd or xtc/trr file
            instead of a topology/trajectory combination, one can also supply
            a :class:`MDAnalysis.Universe`

            selection string that determines which distances are calculated; if this
            is a tuple or list with two entries then distances are calculated between
            these two different groups ["name CA or name B*"]
            reference group, either a single :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.AtomGroup.AtomGroup`
            (if there is only a single *selection*) or a list of two such groups.
            The reference contacts are directly computed from *refgroup* and hence
            the atoms in the reference group(s) must be equivalent to the ones produced
            by the *selection* on the input trajectory.
            contacts are deemed any atoms within radius [8.0 A]
            name of the output file; with the gz or bz2 suffix, a compressed
            file is written. The average <q> is written to a second, gzipped
            file that has the same name with 'array' included. E.g. for the
            default name "q1.dat.gz" the <q> file will be "q1.array.gz". The
            format is the matrix in column-row format, i.e. selection 1
            residues are the columns and selection 2 residues are rows. The
            file can be read with :func:`np.loadtxt`.  ["q1.dat.gz"]

        The function calculates the percentage of native contacts q1
        along a trajectory. "Contacts" are defined as the number of atoms
        within *radius* of a given other atom. *q1* is the fraction of contacts
        relative to the reference state 1 (typically the starting conformation
        of the trajectory).

        The timeseries is written to a file *outfile* and is also accessible as
        the attribute :attr:`ContactAnalysis1.timeseries`.

        # XX or should I use as input
        #   sel = (group1, group2), ref = (refgroup1, refgroup2)
        # and get the universe from sel?
        # Currently it's a odd hybrid.
        # Enhancements:
        # - select contact pairs to write out as a timecourse
        # - make this selection based on qavg
        from os.path import splitext

        self.selection_strings = self._return_tuple2(kwargs.pop("selection", "name CA or name B*"), "selection")
        self.references = self._return_tuple2(kwargs.pop("refgroup", None), "refgroup")
        self.radius = kwargs.pop("radius", 8.0)
        self.targetdir = kwargs.pop("targetdir", os.path.curdir)
        self.output = kwargs.pop("outfile", "q1.dat.gz")
        self.outarray = splitext(splitext(self.output)[0])[0] + ".array.gz"
        self.force = kwargs.pop("force", False)

        self.timeseries = None  # final result

        self.filenames = args
        self.universe = MDAnalysis.as_Universe(*args, **kwargs)

        self.selections = [self.universe.select_atoms(s) for s in self.selection_strings]

        # sanity checkes
        for x in self.references:
            if x is None:
                raise ValueError("a reference AtomGroup must be supplied")
        for ref, sel, s in izip(self.references, self.selections, self.selection_strings):
            if ref.atoms.n_atoms != sel.atoms.n_atoms:
                raise ValueError(
                    "selection=%r: Number of atoms differ between "
                    "reference (%d) and trajectory (%d)" % (s, ref.atoms.n_atoms, sel.atoms.n_atoms)

        # compute reference contacts
        dref = MDAnalysis.lib.distances.distance_array(
            self.references[0].coordinates(), self.references[1].coordinates()
        self.qref = self.qarray(dref)
        self.nref = self.qref.sum()

        # setup arrays for the trajectory
        self.d = np.zeros_like(dref)
        self.q = self.qarray(self.d)
        self._qtmp = np.zeros_like(self.q)  # pre-allocated array

        self.qavg = np.zeros(shape=self.q.shape, dtype=np.float64)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def reference(self):
     return mda.Universe(PSF, CRD)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def u(self):
        top = mmtf.parse(MMTF)
        with mock.patch('mmtf.fetch') as mock_fetch:
            mock_fetch.return_value = top

            return mda.fetch_mmtf('173D')  # string is irrelevant
Ejemplo n.º 5
from __future__ import division, print_function

import MDAnalysis
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from IPython import embed

import cPickle as pickle

univ = MDAnalysis.Universe('top.tpr', 'prot.gro')

#rg = univ.residues[1:-1]
rg = univ.residues
ag = rg.atoms
charges = np.abs(rg.atoms.charges)

width = 0.01
bb = np.arange(0,1+width,width)
hist, bb = np.histogram(charges, bins=bb)

plt.bar(bb[:-1], hist, width=width, align='edge')
ymax = 116
xcoords = [0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35]
for xc in xcoords:
    plt.axvline(x=xc, ymax=ymax, linestyle='--', color='k')
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def universe(self):
     return mda.Universe(*self.ref_files)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def universe():
     return mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, pdb, delta=1.0, atomselection='resname HOH and name O',
                 metadata=None, padding=1.0, sigma=None):
        """Construct the density from psf and pdb and the atomselection.

        pdb : str
            PDB file or :class:`MDAnalysis.Universe`;
        atomselection : str
            selection string (MDAnalysis syntax) for the species to be analyzed
        delta : float
            bin size for the density grid in Angstroem (same in x,y,z) [1.0]
        metadata : dict
            dictionary of additional data to be saved with the object
        padding : float
            increase histogram dimensions by padding (on top of initial box size)
        sigma : float
            width (in Angstrom) of the gaussians that are used to build up the
            density; if ``None`` (the default) then uses B-factors from pdb

        For assigning X-ray waters to MD densities one might have to use a sigma
        of about 0.5 A to obtain a well-defined and resolved x-ray water density
        that can be easily matched to a broader density distribution.

        The following creates the density with the B-factors from the pdb file::

          DC = BfactorDensityCreator(pdb, delta=1.0, atomselection="name HOH",
                                     padding=2, sigma=None)
          density = DC.Density()

        See Also
        :func:`density_from_PDB` for a convenience function

        u = MDAnalysis.as_Universe(pdb)
        group = u.select_atoms(atomselection)
        coord = group.positions
        logger.info("Selected {0:d} atoms ({1!s}) out of {2:d} total.".format(coord.shape[0], atomselection, len(u.atoms)))
        smin = np.min(coord, axis=0) - padding
        smax = np.max(coord, axis=0) + padding

        BINS = fixedwidth_bins(delta, smin, smax)
        arange = list(zip(BINS['min'], BINS['max']))
        bins = BINS['Nbins']

        # get edges by doing a fake run
        grid, self.edges = np.histogramdd(np.zeros((1, 3)),
                                             bins=bins, range=arange, normed=False)
        self.delta = np.diag([(e[-1] - e[0]) / (len(e) - 1) for e in self.edges])
        self.midpoints = [0.5 * (e[:-1] + e[1:]) for e in self.edges]
        self.origin = [m[0] for m in self.midpoints]
        n_frames = 1

        if sigma is None:
            # histogram individually, and smear out at the same time
            # with the appropriate B-factor
            if np.any(group.bfactors == 0.0):
                wmsg = "Some B-factors are Zero (will be skipped)."
                warnings.warn(wmsg, category=MissingDataWarning)
            rmsf = Bfactor2RMSF(group.bfactors)
            grid *= 0.0  # reset grid
            self.g = self._smear_rmsf(coord, grid, self.edges, rmsf)
            # histogram 'delta functions'
            grid, self.edges = np.histogramdd(coord, bins=bins, range=arange, normed=False)
            logger.info("Histogrammed {0:6d} atoms from pdb.".format(len(group.atoms)))
            # just a convolution of the density with a Gaussian
            self.g = self._smear_sigma(grid, sigma)

            metadata['pdb'] = pdb
        except TypeError:
            metadata = {'pdb': pdb}
        metadata['atomselection'] = atomselection
        metadata['n_frames'] = n_frames
        metadata['sigma'] = sigma
        self.metadata = metadata

        logger.info("Histogram completed (initial density in Angstrom**-3)")
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def convert(self):
     w = mda.Writer(self.newname, self.frames.n_atoms)
     for ts in self.frames:
Ejemplo n.º 10
import MDAnalysis as mda
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from MDAnalysis.analysis import align
from MDAnalysis.analysis import rms
import pandas as pd
x = mda.Universe('AT3_3UIM_model1.B99990004_filt.pdb')
a = mda.Universe('outII.pdb')
                select='backbone or (resid 8 and name CB and resname ALA)',
R = rms.RMSD(a, x, select='backbone or (resid 8 and name CB and resname ALA)')
df = pd.DataFrame(R.rmsd,
                      'Frames', 'Time (ns)',
                      'backbone or (resid 8 and name CB and resname ALA)'
df.to_csv('rmsd_AT3.II.csv', index=False)
fig = df.plot(x='Frames',
              y=['backbone or (resid 8 and name CB and resname ALA)'],
              figsize=(20, 16),
fig.set_xlabel(r'RMSD ($\AA$)')
for item in ([fig.title, fig.xaxis.label, fig.yaxis.label] +
Ejemplo n.º 11
from MDAnalysis.analysis.align import rotation_matrix
from MDAnalysis.analysis.psa import PSAnalysis
import pandas as pd
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as hier
from scipy.spatial.distance import directed_hausdorff
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import *
from matplotlib import collections  as mc
import glob
import os
import shutil

# Endpoint structures

target = mda.Universe("paper_methods/top/init.psf",

initial = mda.Universe("paper_methods/top/init.psf",

# RESIDs adjusted ****(confirm selection rigorously!)****

mhp1_bun_resids = "(resid 32:64 or resid 67:102 or resid 203:300)"

# Reference structure

candidate = 'IF_OCC_2jlo_avg_candidate.pdb'
ref_IF_OCC_avg = mda.Universe(candidate)

# Selections
Ejemplo n.º 12
import MDAnalysis
import MDAnalysis.analysis.rms
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

u = MDAnalysis.Universe('XDATCAR.pdb', permissive=True)
ref = MDAnalysis.Universe('XDATCAR.pdb', permissive=True)     # reference (with the default ref_frame=0)
ref.trajectory[0] #use first frame as reference
R = MDAnalysis.analysis.rms.RMSD(u, ref,
           select="all",         # superimpose on whole backbone of all atoms # align based on all atoms
           groupselections=["type H","type O"],
           filename="rmsd_all.dat",center=True)#,   # CORE
timestep=0.0005  #0.5fs from fs to ps as Reader has no dt information, set to 1.0 ps          
rmsd = R.rmsd.T   # transpose makes it easier for plotting
time = rmsd[1]*timestep

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,4))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(time, rmsd[2], 'k-',  label="all")
ax.plot(time, rmsd[3], 'r--', label="type H")
ax.plot(time, rmsd[4], 'b--', label="type O")
ax.set_xlabel("time (ps)")
ax.set_ylabel(r"RMSD ($\AA$)")
Ejemplo n.º 13
def per_core_work(topology_file_path, trajectory_file_path,
                  list_square_vertex_arrays_this_core, MDA_selection,
                  start_frame, end_frame, reconstruction_index_list,
    """Run the analysis on one core.

    The code to perform on a given core given the list of square vertices assigned to it.
    # obtain the relevant coordinates for particles of interest
    universe_object = MDAnalysis.Universe(topology_file_path,
    list_previous_frame_centroids = []
    list_previous_frame_indices = []

    #define some utility functions for trajectory iteration:

    def produce_list_indices_point_in_polygon_this_frame(vertex_coord_list):
        list_indices_point_in_polygon = []
        for square_vertices in vertex_coord_list:
            path_object = matplotlib.path.Path(square_vertices)
            index_list_in_polygon = np.where(
        return list_indices_point_in_polygon

    def produce_list_centroids_this_frame(list_indices_in_polygon):
        list_centroids_this_frame = []
        for indices in list_indices_in_polygon:
            if not indices[
                    0].size > 0:  # if there are no particles of interest in this particular square
                current_coordinate_array_in_square = relevant_particle_coordinate_array_xy[
                current_square_indices_centroid = np.average(
                    current_coordinate_array_in_square, axis=0)
        return list_centroids_this_frame  # a list of numpy xy centroid arrays for this frame

    for ts in universe_object.trajectory:
        if ts.frame < start_frame:  # don't start until first specified frame
        relevant_particle_coordinate_array_xy = universe_object.select_atoms(
            MDA_selection).coordinates()[..., :-1]
        # only 2D / xy coords for now
        #I will need a list of indices for relevant particles falling within each square in THIS frame:
        list_indices_in_squares_this_frame = produce_list_indices_point_in_polygon_this_frame(
        #likewise, I will need a list of centroids of particles in each square (same order as above list):
        list_centroids_in_squares_this_frame = produce_list_centroids_this_frame(
        if list_previous_frame_indices:  # if the previous frame had indices in at least one square I will need to use
            #  those indices to generate the updates to the corresponding centroids in this frame:
            list_centroids_this_frame_using_indices_from_last_frame = produce_list_centroids_this_frame(
            #I need to write a velocity of zero if there are any 'empty' squares in either frame:
            xy_deltas_to_write = []
            for square_1_centroid, square_2_centroid in zip(
                if square_1_centroid == 'empty' or square_2_centroid == 'empty':
                    xy_deltas_to_write.append([0, 0])

            #xy_deltas_to_write = np.subtract(np.array(
            # list_centroids_this_frame_using_indices_from_last_frame),np.array(list_previous_frame_centroids))
            xy_deltas_to_write = np.array(xy_deltas_to_write)
            #now filter the array to only contain distances in the range [-8,8] as a placeholder for dealing with PBC
            #  issues (Matthieu seemed to use a limit of 8 as well);
            xy_deltas_to_write = np.clip(xy_deltas_to_write,

            #with the xy and dx,dy values calculated I need to set the values from this frame to previous frame
            # values in anticipation of the next frame:
            list_previous_frame_centroids = list_centroids_in_squares_this_frame[:]
            list_previous_frame_indices = list_indices_in_squares_this_frame[:]
        else:  # either no points in squares or after the first frame I'll just reset the 'previous' values so they
            # can be used when consecutive frames have proper values
            list_previous_frame_centroids = list_centroids_in_squares_this_frame[:]
            list_previous_frame_indices = list_indices_in_squares_this_frame[:]
        if ts.frame > end_frame:
            break  # stop here
    return list(zip(reconstruction_index_list, xy_deltas_to_write.tolist()))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, pdb, delta=1.0, atomselection='resname HOH and name O',
                 metadata=None, padding=1.0, sigma=None):
        """Construct the density from psf and pdb and the atomselection.

          DC = BfactorDensityCreator(pdb, delta=<delta>, atomselection=<MDAnalysis selection>,
                                  metadata=<dict>, padding=2, sigma=None)

          density = DC.Density()


            PDB file or :class:`MDAnalysis.Universe`; a PDB is read with the
            simpl PDB reader. If the Bio.PDB reader is required, either set
            the *permissive_pdb_reader* flag to ``False`` in
            :data:`MDAnalysis.core.flags` or supply a Universe
            that was created with the `permissive` = ``False`` keyword.
            selection string (MDAnalysis syntax) for the species to be analyzed
            bin size for the density grid in Angstroem (same in x,y,z) [1.0]
            dictionary of additional data to be saved with the object
            increase histogram dimensions by padding (on top of initial box size)
            width (in Angstrom) of the gaussians that are used to build up the
            density; if None then uses B-factors from pdb

        For assigning X-ray waters to MD densities one might have to use a sigma
        of about 0.5 A to obtain a well-defined and resolved x-ray water density
        that can be easily matched to a broader density distribution.

        u = MDAnalysis.as_Universe(pdb)
        group = u.select_atoms(atomselection)
        coord = group.coordinates()
        logger.info("Selected {0:d} atoms ({1!s}) out of {2:d} total.".format(coord.shape[0], atomselection, len(u.atoms)))
        smin = np.min(coord, axis=0) - padding
        smax = np.max(coord, axis=0) + padding

        BINS = fixedwidth_bins(delta, smin, smax)
        arange = zip(BINS['min'], BINS['max'])
        bins = BINS['Nbins']

        # get edges by doing a fake run
        grid, self.edges = np.histogramdd(np.zeros((1, 3)),
                                             bins=bins, range=arange, normed=False)
        self.delta = np.diag(map(lambda e: (e[-1] - e[0]) / (len(e) - 1), self.edges))
        self.midpoints = map(lambda e: 0.5 * (e[:-1] + e[1:]), self.edges)
        self.origin = map(lambda m: m[0], self.midpoints)
        n_frames = 1

        if sigma is None:
            # histogram individually, and smear out at the same time
            # with the appropriate B-factor
            if np.any(group.bfactors == 0.0):
                wmsg = "Some B-factors are Zero (will be skipped)."
                warnings.warn(wmsg, category=MissingDataWarning)
            rmsf = Bfactor2RMSF(group.bfactors)
            grid *= 0.0  # reset grid
            self.g = self._smear_rmsf(coord, grid, self.edges, rmsf)
            # histogram 'delta functions'
            grid, self.edges = np.histogramdd(coord, bins=bins, range=arange, normed=False)
            logger.info("Histogrammed {0:6d} atoms from pdb.".format(len(group.atoms)))
            # just a convolution of the density with a Gaussian
            self.g = self._smear_sigma(grid, sigma)

            metadata['pdb'] = pdb
        except TypeError:
            metadata = {'pdb': pdb}
        metadata['atomselection'] = atomselection
        metadata['n_frames'] = n_frames
        metadata['sigma'] = sigma
        self.metadata = metadata

        logger.info("Histogram completed (initial density in Angstrom**-3)")
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def reference():
     return mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a density grid from a trajectory.

           density_from_trajectory(PSF, DCD, delta=1.0, atomselection='name OH2', ...) --> density


           density_from_trajectory(PDB, XTC, delta=1.0, atomselection='name OH2', ...) --> density

                topology file
                trajectory; if reading a single PDB file it is sufficient to just provide it
                once as a single argument

                'solvent', 'bulk' or 'all' ('all' does both 'solvent' and \bulk' at the
                same time and thus :meth:`DensityCreator.Density`` returns a list of
                densities; this saves time!)  ['all']
                selection string (MDAnalysis syntax) for the species to be analyzed
                ["name OH2"]
                approximate bin size for the density grid in Angstroem (same in x,y,z)
                (It is slightly adjusted when the box length is not an integer multiple
                of delta.) [1.0]
                dictionary of additional data to be saved with the object
                increase histogram dimensions by padding (on top of initial box size)
                in Angstroem [2.0]
                MDAnalysis selection for the solute, e.g. "protein" [``None``]
                With *cutoff*, select '<atomsel> NOT WITHIN <cutoff> OF <soluteselection>'
                (Special routines that are faster than the standard AROUND selection) [0]
          verbosity: int
                level of chattiness; 0 is silent, 3 is verbose [3]

        :Returns: :class:`hop.sitemap.Density`

          * Should be able to also set skip and start/stop for data collection.

        .. Note::
            * In order to calculate the bulk density, use

                  atomselection='name OH2',soluteselection='protein and not name H*',cutoff=3.5

              This will select water oxygens not within 3.5 A of the protein heavy atoms.
              Alternatively, use the VMD-based  :func:`density_from_volmap` function.
            * The histogramming grid is determined by the initial frames min and max.
            * metadata will be populated with psf, dcd, and a few other items.
              This allows more compact downstream processing.

        _kwargs = self.defaults.copy()
        kwargs = _kwargs
        # workaround for python 2.5 *args,**kwargs only allowed:
        universe_kwargs = {"permissive": kwargs.pop("permissive", False)}
        self.universe = MDAnalysis.as_Universe(*args, **universe_kwargs)
        self.mode = kwargs.pop("mode", "all")  # 'all' runs modes[1:]
        if not self.mode in self.modes:
            errmsg = "DensityCreator: mode must be one of %r, not %r" % (self.modes, self.mode)
            raise ValueError(errmsg)
        if self.mode == "all":
            modes = self.modes[1:]
            modes = [self.mode]
        self.collectors = []
        min_coords = []
        max_coords = []
        for mode in modes:
            modeargs = kwargs.copy()
            if mode == "solvent":
                modeargs["soluteselection"] = None
                modeargs["cutoff"] = 0
            c = DensityCollector(mode, self.universe, **modeargs)
            min_coords.append(c.min_coordinates())  # with default padding from modeargs
        # determine maximum bounding box from initial positions of solvent
        # (add generous padding... probably more than my default 2 A)
        smin = numpy.sort(min_coords, axis=0)[0]  # the three smallest values
        smax = numpy.sort(max_coords, axis=0)[-1]  # the three largest values
        for c in self.collectors:
            c.init_histogram(smin=smin, smax=smax)  # also guarantees compatible grid
        self.densities = {}  # densities will be stored with mode as key
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_AlignTraj_partial_fit(self, universe, reference, tmpdir):
     outfile = str(tmpdir.join('align_test.dcd'))
     # fitting on a partial selection should still write the whole topology
     align.AlignTraj(universe, reference, select='resid 1-20',
                     filename=outfile, weights='mass').run()
     mda.Universe(PSF, outfile)
                          help="name of the rotamer library [%default]")
        parser.add_option("--plotname", dest="plotname", metavar="FILENAME", default=None,
                          help="plot the histogram to FILENAME (the extensions determines the format) "
                               "By default <outputFile>.pdf.")
        parser.add_option("--no-plot", action="store_false", dest="with_plot", default=True,
                          help="suppress producing plots with --plotname")
        parser.add_option("--useNOelectron", action="store_true", dest="useNOelectron",
                          help="Set this flag, if the geometic midpoints of N1 and O1 atoms should be "
                          "used for distances measurements.")
        parser.add_option("--no-useNOelectron", action="store_false", dest="useNOelectron",
                          help="Set this flag, if N1 atoms should be used for distances measurements.")

        options, args = parser.parse_args()


        # load the reference protein structure
            proteinStructure = MDAnalysis.Universe(*args)
            logger.critical("protein structure and/or trajectory not correctly specified")
        if options.residues is None or len(options.residues) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Provide residue ids in --residues R1 R2")

        logger.info("Loading trajectory data as Universe({0})".format(*args))
Ejemplo n.º 19
For the CA CA bonds

CA CA         1    0.14000   392459.2 ; 7,(1986),230; BENZENE,PHE,TRP,TYR ; This is the amber aa - between aromatic AA
CA S          1    0.17500   189953.6 ; Au_cluster_ff ; This is the parameters for the amber aa - between aromatic AA and Sulfer

## Module imports

import numpy as np
import MDAnalysis
from MDAnalysis.analysis.distances import distance_array

universe = MDAnalysis.Universe(
    "hydrophobic_CG.gro")  ## Reading in the .gro file5

# Ligand attached P5 atoms
P5Atoms = universe.select_atoms("name P5")
P5ID = P5Atoms.atoms.ids

# ST atoms
STAtoms = universe.select_atoms("name ST")
STID = STAtoms.atoms.ids

# BEN ligands
PETAtoms = universe.select_atoms("resname PET")
PETID = PETAtoms.atoms.ids

P5AtomsPositionArray = P5Atoms.positions  # Core atoms
STAtomsPositionArray = STAtoms.positions  # Sulfur atoms