Ejemplo n.º 1
def ensembleMSDalltogether(filenames):
    currentDir = os.getcwd()
    sd_ensemble = []
    dt_ensemble = []
    for file1 in filenames:
        dt_filename = currentDir + "/dt_" + file1
        sd_filename = currentDir + "/sd_" + file1
        if os.path.isfile(dt_filename) and os.path.isfile(sd_filename):
            dt_data = np.load(dt_filename)
            sd_data = np.load(sd_filename)
            stats, sd_data, dt_data = MSD.singleTrajectoryAnalysis(file1)

        (i, _) = sd_data.shape
        k = dt_data.size
        assert (i == k), "sd and dt data mismatch in: " + file1

        sd_list = arMa.makeListOfLists(sd_data)
        dt_list = list(dt_data)

        sd_ensemble, dt_ensemble = arMa.mergeLists(sd_ensemble, dt_ensemble,
                                                   sd_list, dt_list)

    stats = np.zeros((len(dt_ensemble), 3))  # msd, std, dt
    for a in range(len(dt_ensemble)):
        stats[a, 2] = dt_ensemble[a]
        stats[a, 0] = 3 * statistics.mean(sd_ensemble[a])
        stats[a, 1] = 3 * statistics.stdev(sd_ensemble[a]) / math.sqrt(

    # Oho, but what's this? We have some experimental error that makes the y-intercept non-zero!
    # I tried assuming it's the same for every cell type, but that might be incorrect.
    # We'll extrapolate it from a linear fit of the first 7 non-zero dts, then subtract it.

    if dt_ensemble[0] == 0:
        dt_slice = dt_ensemble[1:8]
        statSlice = stats[1:8, 0]
        linearFit = np.polyfit(dt_slice, statSlice, 1)
        intercept = linearFit[0]
        stats[1:, 0] = stats[1:, 0] - intercept
        stats[1:, 1] = stats[1:, 1] + intercept
        dt_slice = dt_ensemble[0:7]
        statSlice = stats[0:7, 0]
        linearFit = np.polyfit(dt_slice, statSlice, 1)
        intercept = linearFit[0]
        stats[:, 0] = stats[:, 0] - intercept
        stats[:, 1] = stats[:, 1] + intercept

    # Stats: [dtIndex] [MSD | stddev | dt]

    return stats
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ensembleMSD(filenames):
    currentDir = os.getcwd()
    stats_ensemble = []
    dt_ensemble = []
    # dt_mean_ensemble = []
    # dt_std_ensemble = []
    # means_ensemble = []
    # stds_ensemble = []
    for file1 in filenames:
        stats_filename = currentDir + "/stats_" + file1
        if os.path.isfile(stats_filename):
            stats = np.load(stats_filename)
            dt_data = stats[:, 2]
            stats, _, dt_data = MSD.singleTrajectoryAnalysis(file1)

        lenDt = len(dt_data)
        for dtIndex in range(lenDt):
            stats_ensemble, dt_ensemble = arMa.dataInsert(
                stats_ensemble, dt_ensemble, stats[dtIndex, :],
            # means_ensemble, dt_mean_ensemble = arMa.dataInsert(means_ensemble, dt_mean_ensemble, stats[dtIndex,0], dt_data[dtIndex])
            # stds_ensemble, dt_std_ensemble = arMa.dataInsert(stds_ensemble, dt_std_ensemble, stats[dtIndex,1], dt_data[dtIndex])

    # So now, stats_ensemble is a list of lists of numpy arrays, and dt_ensemble is a list
    # We will perform a weighted average of each MSD in the ensemble, with the weights equal to the inverse of the variance for each point

    # assert (dt_mean_ensemble == dt_std_ensemble), "Something went wrong"
    lenDt = len(dt_ensemble)
    finalStats = np.zeros((lenDt, 3))
    if dt_ensemble[0] == 0:
        for a in range(1, lenDt):
            finalStats[a, 2] = dt_ensemble[a]
            thisMean, thisSD = weightedMean(stats_ensemble[a])
                0] = 3 * thisMean  # Multiple of three comes from converting the radial MSD to the genomic MSD.
            finalStats[a, 1] = 3 * thisSD

        for a in range(lenDt):
            finalStats[a, 2] = dt_ensemble[a]
            thisMean, thisSD = weightedMean(stats_ensemble[a])
                0] = 3 * thisMean  # Multiple of three comes from converting the radial MSD to the genomic MSD.
            finalStats[a, 1] = 3 * thisSD

    # Oho, but what's this? We have some experimental error that makes the y-intercept non-zero!
    # I tried assuming it's the same for every cell type, but that might be incorrect.
    # We'll extrapolate it from a linear fit of the first 7 non-zero dts, then subtract it.

    if dt_ensemble[0] == 0:
        dt_slice = dt_ensemble[1:8]
        statSlice = finalStats[1:8, 0]
        linearFit = np.polyfit(dt_slice, statSlice, 1)
        intercept = linearFit[0]
        finalStats[1:, 0] = finalStats[1:, 0] - intercept
        dt_slice = dt_ensemble[0:7]
        statSlice = finalStats[0:7, 0]
        linearFit = np.polyfit(dt_slice, statSlice, 1)
        intercept = linearFit[0]
        finalStats[:, 0] = finalStats[:, 0] - intercept

    return finalStats