def describe(obj, stats=None, format=pprint.pformat): '''Return the object decription depending on its type. Usefull with numpy and cdms variables/axes :Params: - **obj**: The object to describe. - **stats**: If True, include numerical information like min, max, mean, count, ... :Return: - The object's summary string ''' try: import cdms2, MV2, numpy from cdms2.avariable import AbstractVariable from cdms2.axis import AbstractAxis if isinstance(obj, configobj.ConfigObj): obj = obj.dict() if not isinstance(obj, (cdms2.avariable.AbstractVariable, cdms2.axis.AbstractAxis, numpy.ndarray)): return format(obj) otype = obj.__class__.__name__ # type(obj) sh, sz = MV2.shape(obj), MV2.size(obj) mi = ma = av = co = None if stats and sz: try: if hasattr(obj, 'typecode') and obj.typecode() not in ('c', ): mi, ma, av, co = MV2.min(obj), MV2.max(obj), MV2.average( obj), MV2.count(obj) except: logger.exception('Error getting statistics of object %s', type(obj)) if isinstance(obj, AbstractVariable): return '%s: %s, shape: (%s), order: %s%s' % ( otype,, ','.join( '%s=%s' % (, a.shape[0]) for a in obj.getAxisList()), obj.getOrder(), stats and ', min: %s, max: %s, avg: %s, count: %s' % (mi, ma, av, co) or '') elif isinstance(obj, AbstractAxis): return '%s: %s, size: %s%s' % ( otype,, sz, stats and ', min: %s, max: %s, avg: %s, count: %s' % (mi, ma, av, co) or '') else: #if isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray): return '%s: shape: %s%s' % ( otype, sh, stats and ', min: %s, max: %s, avg: %s, count: %s' % (mi, ma, av, co) or '') except Exception as e: logger.exception('Error getting description of object %s', type(obj)) return '%s (error getting description)' % (type(obj))
def rank_nD(self, data, axis=0): if not axis in [0, 1]: if not isinstance(axis, str): raise 'Ranking error, axis can only be 1 or 2 or name' else: nms = data.getAxisIds() for i in range(len(nms)): nm = nms[i] if axis in nm.split('___'): axis = i if not axis in [0, 1]: raise 'Ranking error, axis can only be 1 or 2 or name' if axis != 0: data = data(order=(str(axis) + '...')) a0 = MV2.argsort(data.filled(1.E20), axis=0) n = a0.shape[0] b = MV2.zeros(a0.shape, MV2.float) sh = a0[1].shape for i in range(n): I = MV2.ones(sh) * i c = MV2.array(a0[i].filled(n - 1)) b = genutil.arrayindexing.set(b, c, I) m = data.mask if not m is None: b = MV2.masked_where(m, b) else: b = MV2.array(b) n = MV2.count(b, 0) n.setAxisList(b.getAxisList()[1:]) b, n = genutil.grower(b, n) b = 100. * b / (n - 1) b.setAxisList(data.getAxisList()) if axis != 0: st = '' for i in range(axis): st += str(i + 1) st += '0...' data = data(order=st) b = b(order=st) return b
def rank(self, data, axis=0): if not axis in [0, 1]: if not isinstance(axis, str): raise 'Ranking error, axis can only be 1 or 2 or name' else: nms = data.getAxisIds() for i in range(len(nms)): nm = nms[i] if axis in nm.split('___'): axis = i if not axis in [0, 1]: raise 'Ranking error, axis can only be 1 or 2 or name' if data.ndim > 2: raise "Ranking error, array can only be 2D" if axis == 1: data = MV2.transpose(data) a0 = MV2.argsort(data.filled(1.E20), axis=0) n = a0.shape[0] b = MV2.zeros(a0.shape, MV2.float) sh = a0[1].shape for i in range(n): I = MV2.ones(sh) * i c = MV2.array(a0[i].filled(n - 1)) b = genutil.arrayindexing.set(b, c, I) m = data.mask if not m is None: b = MV2.masked_where(m, b) else: b = MV2.array(b) n = MV2.count(b, 0) n.setAxis(0, b.getAxis(1)) b, n = genutil.grower(b, n) b = 100. * b / (n - 1) b.setAxisList(data.getAxisList()) if axis == 1: b = MV2.transpose(b) data = MV2.transpose(data) return b
def _get(self): if 'relative' in self.portrait_types.keys(): d = self.portrait_types['relative'] vals = d[1] real_value = getattr(self, d[0]) real = self.__get() setattr(self, d[0], vals[0]) a0 = self.__get() sh = list(a0.shape) sh.insert(0, 1) a0 = MV2.reshape(a0, sh) for v in vals[1:]: setattr(self, d[0], v) tmp = self.__get() tmp = MV2.reshape(tmp, sh) a0 = MV2.concatenate((a0, tmp)) a0 = MV2.sort(a0, 0).filled() real2 = real.filled() a0 = MV2.reshape(a0, (a0.shape[0], sh[1] * sh[2])) real2 = MV2.reshape(real2, (sh[1] * sh[2], )) a0 = MV2.transpose(a0) indices = [] for i in range(len(real2)): indices.append(MV2.searchsorted(a0[i], real2[i])) indices = MV2.array(indices) indices = MV2.reshape(indices, (sh[1], sh[2])) if not ((real.mask is None) or (real.mask is MV2.nomask)): indices = MV2.masked_where(real.mask, indices) a = MV2.masked_equal(a0, 1.e20) a = MV2.count(a, 1) a = MV2.reshape(a, indices.shape) indices = indices / a * 100 setattr(self, d[0], real_value) indices.setAxisList(real.getAxisList()) ## print indices.shape return indices else: return self.__get()
## masked_less(x, value) = x masked where x < value xl = MV2.masked_less(xouter, 160) ## masked_less_equal(x, value) ## masked_less_equal(x, value) = x masked where x <= value ## masked_not_equal(x, value) ## masked_not_equal(x, value) = x masked where x != value ## masked_outside(x, v1, v2) ## x with mask of all values of x that are outside [v1,v2] xmo = MV2.masked_outside(xouter, 120, 160) ## count(a, axis=None) ## Count of the non-masked elements in a, or along a certain axis. xcount = MV2.count(xmo, 0) xcount2 = MV2.count(xmo, 1) ## masked_where(condition, x, copy=1) ## Return x as an array masked where condition is true. ## Also masked where x or condition masked. xmwhere = MV2.masked_where( MV2.logical_and(MV2.greater(xouter, 120), MV2.less(xouter, 160)), xouter) ## maximum(a, b=None) ## returns maximum element of a single array, or elementwise maxval = MV2.maximum(xouter) xmax = MV2.maximum(ud, vd) xmax = MV2.maximum.reduce(ud) xmax = MV2.maximum.reduce(vd) xmax2 =, axis=0)
b137 = MV2.zeros(137 + 1, typecode=MV2.float32) f = open('L137.dta') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for i, line in enumerate(lines): tmp = line.split() a137[i] = float(tmp[0]) b137[i] = float(tmp[1]) ph137 = a137 + b137 * ps tmp = MV2.where(ph137 > ph[nlev], 1.e20, ph137) tmp = MV2.masked_values(tmp, 1.e20) nlev0 = MV2.count(tmp) tmp = ph137[0:nlev0] tmp = tmp[::-1] nlev2 = nlev + 1 + len(tmp) ph2 = MV2.zeros(nlev2, typecode=MV2.float) ph2[0:nlev + 1] = ph[:] ph2[nlev + 1:] = tmp[:] a = MV2.zeros(nlev2, typecode=MV2.float) b = MV2.zeros(nlev2, typecode=MV2.float) tmp = a137[0:nlev0] a[nlev + 1:] = tmp[::-1]
def testCount(self): xouter = MV2.outerproduct(MV2.arange(5.), [1] * 10) masked = MV2.masked_outside(xouter, 1, 3) self.assertEqual(MV2.count(masked), 30) self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(MV2.count(masked, 0), 3)) self.assertTrue((MV2.count(masked, 1) == [0, 10, 10, 10, 0]).all())