Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(metadatafile):
    """ Write a test metadata.xml file"""

    # Create a Metadata Writer once with Tool Name and Version
    mWriter = Metadata.MetadataWriter("Test Tool Name", "0.0")

    ## You can loop the following for a batch mode, or just once for a single tool run
    # Create a "run", and start the processing clock

    # Add Parameter Name and value for each Input
    mWriter.currentRun.addParameter("Parameter Name 1", "Parameter Value 1")
    mWriter.currentRun.addParameter("Parameter Name 2", "Parameter Value 2")

    # Add Output Name and Value for each output
    mWriter.currentRun.addOutput("Output Name 1", "Output Value 1")
    mWriter.currentRun.addOutput("Output Name 2", "Output Value 2")

    # Use addMessage to write messages to the file.
    mWriter.currentRun.addMessage("Info", "Info Message Text")
    mWriter.currentRun.addMessage("Warning", "Warning Message Text")
    mWriter.currentRun.addMessage("Error", "Error Message Text")

    # Use addCustomNode to write custom node tags to Information Node
    mWriter.currentRun.addResult("CustomNode1", "CustomValue1")
    mWriter.currentRun.addResult("CustomNode2", "CustomValue2")

    # When Processing is complete, stop the clock
    strToolStatus = "Success"  # Optional status for the run
    ## Repeat this block for each run if in batch mode.

    # At the very end, write the file. (Only do this at the very end if batching!)