Ejemplo n.º 1
    def train(self,
		This function handles everything related to supervised learning portion of this system. 
		It expects the list of text files containing the pitch tracks of the dataset, the array
		of their known tonics and generates the joint distribution of the mode and saves it.
        mode_track = []
        for idx in range(len(pt_list)):
            print pt_list[idx]
            cur_track = mf.load_track(pt_list[idx], pt_dir)
            cur_cent_track = mf.hz_to_cent(cur_track,
            for i in cur_cent_track:
        joint_dist = mf.generate_pd(mode_track,
        if (metric == 'pcd'):
            joint_dist = mf.generate_pcd(joint_dist)
        joint_dist.save((mode_name + '_' + metric + '.json'),
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def train(self, mode_name, pt_list, ref_freq_list, pt_dir='', metric='pcd', save_dir='./'):
		This function handles everything related to supervised learning portion of this system. 
		It expects the list of text files containing the pitch tracks of the dataset, the array
		of their known tonics and generates the joint distribution of the mode and saves it.
		mode_track = []
		for idx in range(len(pt_list)):
                        print pt_list[idx]
			cur_track = mf.load_track(pt_list[idx], pt_dir)
			cur_cent_track = mf.hz_to_cent(cur_track, ref_freq=ref_freq_list[idx])
			for i in cur_cent_track:
		joint_dist = mf.generate_pd(mode_track, smooth_factor=self.smooth_factor, cent_ss=self.cent_ss, source=mode_name, segment='all')
			joint_dist = mf.generate_pcd(joint_dist)
		joint_dist.save((mode_name + '_' + metric + '.json'), save_dir=save_dir)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def train(self,
        save_name = mode_name + '_' + metric + '.json'
        dist_list = []
        dist_json = []
        for pt in range(len(pt_list)):
            cur = mf.load_track(pt_list[pt], pt_dir)
            time_track = cur[:, 0]
            pitch_track = cur[:, 1]
            pts, segs = self.slice(time_track, pitch_track, pt_list[pt])
            pts = [mf.hz_to_cent(k, ref_freq=ref_freq_list[pt]) for k in pts]
            temp_list = self.train_segments(pts, segs, ref_freq_list[pt],
                                            save_dir, save_name, metric)
            for tmp in temp_list:

        for d in dist_list:
            temp_json = {
                'bins': d.bins.tolist(),
                'vals': d.vals.tolist(),
                'kernel_width': d.kernel_width,
                'source': d.source,
                'ref_freq': d.ref_freq,
                'segmentation': d.segmentation

        with open((save_dir + save_name), 'w') as f:
            dist_json = {mode_name: dist_json}
            json.dump(dist_json, f, indent=2)
		# load the annotations for testing data; it will be only used for 
		# makam recognition (with annotated tonic)
		for i in makam_annot:
			for j in annot:
				# append the tonic of the recordıng from the relevant annotation
				if(i['mbid'] == j['mbid']):
					i['tonic'] = j['tonic'] 

		#actual estimation
		for recording in makam_annot:
			#check if test recording was use in training
			if (recording['mbid'] + '.pitch' in makam_recordings):
				raise ValueError(('Unique-check Failure. ' + recording['mbid']))

			pitch_track = mf.load_track(txt_name=(recording['mbid'] + '.pitch'), 
			init_time = time.time()
			cur_out = estimator.estimate(pitch_track, mode_names=makam_list,
				        est_tonic=False, est_mode=True, k_param=k_param,
						distance_method=distance, metric=distribution_type,
						mode_in=fold_dir, tonic_freq=recording['tonic'])
			end_time = time.time()
			elapsed = (round((end_time - init_time) * 100) / 100)
			print elapsed
			output[('Fold' + str(fold))].append({'mbid':recording['mbid'], 'mode_estimation':cur_out[0], 'sources': cur_out[1], 'distances':cur_out[2], 'elapsed_time':elapsed})
with open(os.path.join(distancePath, distance + '_k' + str(k_param) + '.json'), 'w') as f:
	json.dump(output, f, indent=2)
def run(distance_inp, training_i):
	###Experiment Parameters-------------------------------------------------------------------------
	distance = distance_inp
	training_idx = training_i
	rank = 10
	fold_list = np.arange(1,11)
	distance_list = ['intersection', 'corr', 'manhattan', 'bhat', 'euclidean', 'l3']
	makam_list = ['Acemasiran', 'Acemkurdi', 'Beyati', 'Bestenigar', 'Hicaz', 
				  'Hicazkar', 'Huseyni', 'Huzzam', 'Karcigar', 'Kurdilihicazkar', 
				  'Mahur', 'Muhayyer', 'Neva', 'Nihavent', 'Rast', 'Saba', 
				  'Segah', 'Sultaniyegah', 'Suzinak', 'Ussak']

	#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DATA FOLDER INIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	data_folder = '../../../Makam_Dataset/Pitch_Tracks/'
	#data_folder = '../../../test_datasets/turkish_makam_recognition_dataset/data/' #sertan desktop local
	#data_folder = '../../../experiments/turkish_makam_recognition_dataset/data/' # hpc cluster

	# folder structure
	experiment_dir = './BozkurtExperiments' # assumes it is already created

	#chooses which training to use 
	training_dir = os.path.join(experiment_dir, 'Training' + str(training_idx))
	modePath = os.path.join(training_dir, 'Mode')
	if not os.path.exists(modePath):

	# get the training experient/fold parameters 
	with open(os.path.join(training_dir, 'parameters.json'), 'r') as f:
		cur_params = json.load(f)

	done_dists = next(os.walk(modePath))[2]
	done_dists = [d[:-5] for d in done_dists]
	if (distance in done_dists):
		print 'Already done ' + distance

	print 'Computing ' + distance
	cent_ss = cur_params['cent_ss']
	smooth_factor = cur_params['smooth_factor']
	distribution_type = cur_params['distribution_type']
	chunk_size = cur_params['chunk_size']

	# instantiate makam estimator for training
	estimator = be.BozkurtEstimation(cent_ss=cent_ss, smooth_factor=smooth_factor, 

	# load annotations; the tonic values will be read from here
	with open('annotations.json', 'r') as f:
		annot = json.load(f)

	output = dict()
	for fold in fold_list:
		output['Fold' + str(fold)] = []
		fold_dir = os.path.join(training_dir, 'Fold' + str(fold))
		# load the current fold to get the test recordings
		with open((os.path.join('./Folds', 'fold_' + str(fold) + '.json')), 'r') as f:
			cur_fold = json.load(f)['test']

		# retrieve annotations of the training recordings
		for makam_name in makam_list:

			# just for checking the uniqueness of test recordings
			with open(os.path.join(fold_dir, makam_name + '.json')) as f:
				makam_recordings = json.load(f)[0]['source']

			# divide the training data into makams
			makam_annot = [k for k in cur_fold if k['makam']==makam_name]
			pitch_track_dir = os.path.join(data_folder, makam_name)

			# load the annotations for testing data; it will be only used for 
			# makam recognition (with annotated tonic)
			for i in makam_annot:
				for j in annot:
					# append the tonic of the recordıng from the relevant annotation
					if(i['mbid'] == j['mbid']):
						i['tonic'] = j['tonic'] 

			#actual estimation
			for recording in makam_annot:
				#check if test recording was use in training
				if (recording['mbid'] + '.pitch' in makam_recordings):
					raise ValueError(('Unique-check Failure. ' + recording['mbid']))

				pitch_track = mf.load_track(txt_name=(recording['mbid'] + '.pitch'), 

				cur_out = estimator.estimate(pitch_track, mode_names=makam_list,
					        est_tonic=False, est_mode=True, rank=rank,
					        distance_method=distance, tonic_freq=recording['tonic'],
					        metric=distribution_type, mode_in=fold_dir)

				output[('Fold' + str(fold))].append({'mbid':recording['mbid'], 'tonic_estimation':cur_out})
	with open(os.path.join(modePath, distance + '.json'), 'w') as f:
		json.dump(output, f, indent=2)
Ejemplo n.º 6
							for makam_name in makam_list:
								makam_annot = [k for k in cur_fold if (k['makam']==makam_name)]
								pt_dir = '../../../Makam_Dataset/Pitch_Tracks/' + makam_name + '/'			
								pt_list = [(tmp['mbid'] + '.pitch') for tmp in makam_annot]
								tonic_list = [tmp['tonic'] for tmp in makam_annot]
								train(makam_name, pt_list, tonic_list, cent_ss, smooth_factor, metric, 'bozkurt', pt_dir=pt_dir, save_dir=save_dir, chunk_size=chunk_size)
							print 'Fold ' + str(fld) + ' Done! ' + str(datetime.now())
						trial_info = {('Experiment' + str(cnt)):{'cent_ss': cent_ss, 'smooth_factor':smooth_factor, 'metric':metric, 'chunk_size':chunk_size, 'method':'bozkurt'}}
						with open('trial_info.json', 'a') as f:
							json.dump(trial_info, f, indent=2)
						print 'Experiment ' + str(cnt) + ' Done\tMetric: ' + metric + ', Smooth_Factor: ' + str(smooth_factor) + ', Cent_SS: ' + str(cent_ss) + ', Chunk Size: ' + str(chunk_size) + ' \n'

cur_fold = fold.load_fold('./Bozkurt_Experiment/bozkurt_test_fold.json')
save_dir = './Bozkurt_Experiment/'
b = be.BozkurtEstimation(cent_ss=cent_ss, smooth_factor=smooth_factor, chunk_size=chunk_size)
results = []
print 'Mode Estimation'
for makam_name in makam_list:
	makam_annot = [k for k in cur_fold if (k['makam']==makam_name)]
	pt_dir = '../../../Makam_Dataset/Pitch_Tracks/' + makam_name + '/'
	pt_list = [(tmp['mbid'] + '.pitch') for tmp in makam_annot]
	tonic_list = [tmp['tonic'] for tmp in makam_annot]
	for pt in range(len(pt_list)):
		print 'new track'
		pitch_track = mf.load_track(pt_list[pt], pt_dir)
		cur_res = b.estimate(pitch_track, mode_names=makam_list, mode_name='', mode_in=save_dir, est_tonic=True, est_mode=True, rank=1, distance_method="euclidean", metric='pcd', tonic_freq=tonic_list[pt])
		results.append({'mbid': pt_list[pt][:-6], 'makam':makam_name, 'tonic':tonic_list[pt], 'estimated':cur_res})
Ejemplo n.º 7
PitchDistribution objects, the functions and the  attributes can be called/accessed the
same way. The distinguishment of these are handled internally.


### Initializations
pt_dir = 'Examples/Pitch Tracks/'
pd_dir = 'Examples/PD/'
pcd_dir = 'Examples/PCD/'
b = be.BozkurtEstimation()


### Loading the pitch tracks
pt1 = mf.load_track('semahat', pt_dir)[:, 1]


### Loading the existing pitch distributions. The JSON related issues are handled
### internally, no need to import json.
pcd1 = p_d.load('semahat_pcd.json', pcd_dir)
pcd2 = p_d.load('gec_kalma_pcd.json', pcd_dir)
pcd3 = p_d.load('murat_derya_pcd.json', pcd_dir)
### You don't need to worry about KDE, if you just want to use the function as it is. KDE
### returns the Kernel Density Estimation, in case you might use in another analysis.
pd = p_d.load('gec_kalma_pd.json', pd_dir)

### They can plotted like this.
#pcd1.plot() # This is Figure 1
#pd.plot() # This is Figure 2
Ejemplo n.º 8
PitchDistribution objects, the functions and the  attributes can be called/accessed the
same way. The distinguishment of these are handled internally.


### Initializations
pt_dir = 'Examples/Pitch Tracks/'
pd_dir = 'Examples/PD/'
pcd_dir = 'Examples/PCD/'
b = be.BozkurtEstimation()


### Loading the pitch tracks
pt1 = mf.load_track('semahat', pt_dir)[:,1]


### Loading the existing pitch distributions. The JSON related issues are handled 
### internally, no need to import json.
pcd1 = p_d.load('semahat_pcd.json', pcd_dir)
pcd2 = p_d.load('gec_kalma_pcd.json', pcd_dir)
pcd3 = p_d.load('murat_derya_pcd.json', pcd_dir)
### You don't need to worry about KDE, if you just want to use the function as it is. KDE
### returns the Kernel Density Estimation, in case you might use in another analysis.
pd = p_d.load('gec_kalma_pd.json', pd_dir)

### They can plotted like this.
#pcd1.plot() # This is Figure 1