Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_too_many_parameters_for_init(self):
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
         mp = mm.ModelParameters(
             {'pi_E': (1., 1.), 'pi_E_N': 1.})
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
         mp = mm.ModelParameters(
             {'pi_E': (1., 1.), 'pi_E_E': 1.})
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_coords_format():
    Simple test of __init__ and calculation of .x and .y.
    It checks if coordinates are passed properly in different formats.
    times = np.linspace(2456789.0123, 2468013.579)

    parameters = {'t_0': 2462401., 'u_0': 0.1, 't_E': 2000.}
    params = mm.ModelParameters(parameters)

    coords_txt = "18:18:18.18 -30:30:30.30"
    coords = [
        None, coords_txt,
        SkyCoord(coords_txt, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))

    trajecotories = [mm.Trajectory(times, params, coords=c) for c in coords]
    for trajectory in trajecotories:
        assert np.all(trajectory.x == trajecotories[0].x)
        assert np.all(trajectory.y == trajecotories[0].y)

    parameters['pi_E_E'] = 0.1
    parameters['pi_E_N'] = -0.15
    params = mm.ModelParameters(parameters)

    coords = coords[1:]
    p = {'earth_orbital': True, 'satellite': False, 'topocentric': False}
    kwargs = {'times': times, 'parameters': params, 'parallax': p}
    trajecotories = [mm.Trajectory(coords=c, **kwargs) for c in coords]
    for trajectory in trajecotories:
        assert np.all(trajectory.x == trajecotories[0].x)
        assert np.all(trajectory.y == trajecotories[0].y)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_rho_t_e_t_star():
    """check if conversions between rho, t_E, and t_star work ok"""
    t_0 = 2450000.
    u_0 = 0.1
    t_E_1 = 20.
    t_E_2 = t_E_1 * u.day
    rho = 0.001
    t_star_1 = t_E_1 * rho
    t_star_2 = t_E_2 * rho

    for (t_E, t_star) in zip([t_E_1, t_E_2], [t_star_1, t_star_2]):
        params_1 = mm.ModelParameters({
            't_0': t_0,
            'u_0': u_0,
            't_E': t_E,
            'rho': rho
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(params_1.t_star, t_star_1)

        params_2 = mm.ModelParameters({
            't_0': t_0,
            'u_0': u_0,
            't_star': t_star,
            'rho': rho
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(params_2.t_E, t_E_1)

        params_3 = mm.ModelParameters({
            't_0': t_0,
            'u_0': u_0,
            't_star': t_star,
            't_E': t_E
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(params_3.rho, rho)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_t_0_kep():
    """test reference epoch for orbital motion"""
    dict_static = {'t_0': 2456789.01234, 'u_0': 1., 't_E': 12.345,
                   's': 1.2345, 'q': 0.01234, 'alpha': 30.}
    dict_motion = dict_static.copy()
    dict_motion.update({'dalpha_dt': 10., 'ds_dt': 0.1})
    dict_motion_2 = dict_motion.copy()
    dict_motion_2.update({'t_0_kep': 2456789.01234-18.2625})
    motion = mm.ModelParameters(dict_motion)
    motion_2 = mm.ModelParameters(dict_motion_2)

    assert motion.t_0_kep == motion.t_0
    assert motion_2.t_0_kep == dict_motion_2['t_0_kep']

    epoch_1 = dict_static['t_0'] - 18.2625
    epoch_2 = dict_static['t_0']

    # Test motion.
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion.get_alpha(epoch_1).value, 29.5)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion.get_alpha(epoch_2).value, 30.)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion.get_s(epoch_1), 1.2295)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion.get_s(epoch_2), 1.2345)

    # Test motion_2.
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion_2.get_alpha(epoch_1).value, 30.)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion_2.get_alpha(epoch_2).value, 30.5)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion_2.get_s(epoch_1), 1.2345)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion_2.get_s(epoch_2), 1.2395)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_orbital_motion_1():
    """basic tests of orbital motion"""
    dict_static = {
        't_0': 2456789.01234,
        'u_0': 1.,
        't_E': 12.345,
        's': 1.2345,
        'q': 0.01234,
        'alpha': 30.
    dict_motion = dict_static.copy()
    dict_motion.update({'dalpha_dt': 10., 'ds_dt': 0.1})
    static = mm.ModelParameters(dict_static)
    motion = mm.ModelParameters(dict_motion)

    assert static.is_static()
    assert not motion.is_static()

    epoch_1 = dict_static['t_0'] - 18.2625
    epoch_2 = dict_static['t_0']
    epoch_3 = dict_static['t_0'] + 18.2625

    # Test get_s() and get_alpha() for static case.
    assert static.get_s(epoch_1) == static.get_s(epoch_2)
    assert static.get_s(epoch_1) == static.get_s(epoch_3)
    assert static.get_s(epoch_1) == dict_static['s']
    assert static.get_alpha(epoch_1) == static.get_alpha(epoch_3)
    assert static.get_alpha(epoch_1) == dict_static['alpha'] * u.deg

    # Test get_s() and get_alpha() for orbital motion case.
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion.get_alpha(epoch_1).value, 29.5)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion.get_alpha(epoch_2).value, 30.)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion.get_alpha(epoch_3).value, 30.5)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion.get_s(epoch_1), 1.2295)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion.get_s(epoch_2), 1.2345)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion.get_s(epoch_3), 1.2395)

    # Test arguments as list or array.
        motion.get_alpha([epoch_1, epoch_2, epoch_3]).value, [29.5, 30., 30.5])
        motion.get_alpha(np.array([epoch_1, epoch_2, epoch_3])).value,
        [29.5, 30., 30.5])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(motion.get_s([epoch_1, epoch_2, epoch_3]),
                                   [1.2295, 1.2345, 1.2395])
        motion.get_s(np.array([epoch_1, epoch_2, epoch_3])),
        [1.2295, 1.2345, 1.2395])

    # Test get_alpha() units.
    assert static.get_alpha(epoch_1).unit == u.deg
    assert static.get_alpha(epoch_2).unit == u.deg
    assert motion.get_alpha(epoch_1).unit == u.deg
    assert motion.get_alpha(epoch_2).unit == u.deg

    assert motion.alpha == 30. * u.deg
    assert motion.s == 1.2345
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_is_finite_source():
    Test if .is_finite_source() works properly for 1L1S
    common = {'t_0': 1.23, 'u_0': 0.123, 't_E': 23.456}
    params_1 = mm.ModelParameters(common)
    params_2 = mm.ModelParameters({'rho': 0.001, **common})
    params_3 = mm.ModelParameters({'t_star': 0.012, **common})

    assert not params_1.is_finite_source()
    assert params_2.is_finite_source()
    assert params_3.is_finite_source()
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_n_lenses():
    Test if lenses are counted properly
    p_1 = mm.ModelParameters({'t_0': 10, 'u_0': 1, 't_E': 3, 'rho': 0.001})
    p_2 = mm.ModelParameters({'t_0': 10, 'u_0': 1, 't_E': 3, 'rho': 0.001,
                              's': 10, 'q': 0.5, 'alpha': 100.})
    p_3 = mm.ModelParameters({'x_caustic_in': 0.1, 'x_caustic_out': 0.15,
                              't_caustic_in': 1000, 't_caustic_out': 2000.,
                              's': 1, 'q': 0.8})
    assert p_1.n_lenses == 1
    assert p_2.n_lenses == 2
    assert p_3.n_lenses == 2
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_Lee09_and_WittMao94():
    test Lee et al. 2009 and Witt & Mao 1994 finite source calculation
    t_vec = np.array([3.5, 2., 1., 0.5, 0.])

# The values below were calculated using code developed by P. Mroz.
    expected_0 = np.array([1.01084060513, 1.06962639343, 1.42451408166,
                           2.02334097551, 2.13919086656])
    expected_1 = np.array([1.01110609638, 1.07461016241, 1.57232954942,
                           2.21990790526, 2.39458814753])
    expected_2 = np.array([1.0110829794, 1.07404148634, 1.55620547462,
                           2.24809136704, 2.44503143812])
# The last values are for 2-parameter LD with same settings and lambda=0.3.
# Correction is:
#  -lambda*(1-1.25*sqrt(costh))
# and for 1-parameter LD we used:
#  1-gamma*(1-1.5*costh)

    # Test uniform source first.
    params_0 = mm.ModelParameters(
        {'t_0': 0., 'u_0': 0.5, 't_E': 1., 'rho': 1.})
    mag_curve_0 = mm.MagnificationCurve(times=t_vec, parameters=params_0)
    methods_0 = [-5., 'finite_source_uniform_Lee09', 5.]
    mag_curve_0.set_magnification_methods(methods_0, 'point_source')
    results_0 = mag_curve_0.get_point_lens_magnification()
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected_0, results_0, decimal=4)

    # Then test 1-parameter limb-darkening.
    params_1 = mm.ModelParameters(
        {'t_0': 0., 'u_0': 0.1, 't_E': 1., 'rho': 1.})
    mag_curve_1 = mm.MagnificationCurve(times=t_vec, parameters=params_1,
    methods_1 = [-5., 'finite_source_LD_Lee09', 5.]
    mag_curve_1.set_magnification_methods(methods_1, 'point_source')
    results_1 = mag_curve_1.get_point_lens_magnification()
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected_1, results_1, decimal=3)

    # Tests for Witt & Mao 1994 start here
    methods_2 = [-5., 'finite_source_uniform_WittMao94', 5.]
    mag_curve_0.set_magnification_methods(methods_2, 'point_source')
    results_2 = mag_curve_0.get_point_lens_magnification()
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected_0, results_2, decimal=4)

    methods_3 = [-5., 'finite_source_LD_WittMao94', 5.]
    mag_curve_1.set_magnification_methods(methods_3, 'point_source')
    results_3 = mag_curve_1.get_point_lens_magnification()
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected_1, results_3, decimal=3)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_binary_source():
    Test if binary source parameters are properly set and changed
    params = mm.ModelParameters({
        't_0_1': 2455000.1, 'u_0_1': 0.05, 't_star_1': 0.025,
        't_0_2': 2455123.4, 'u_0_2': 0.15, 't_star_2': 0.050,
        't_E': 25.})
    assert params.t_E == 25.
    assert params.source_1_parameters.rho == 0.001
    assert params.source_2_parameters.rho == 0.002

    params.t_0_1 = 2456789.012345
    assert params.t_0_1 == 2456789.012345
    assert params.source_1_parameters.t_0 == 2456789.012345

    params.t_star_2 = 0.075
    assert params.source_2_parameters.t_star == 0.075
    assert params.t_star_2 == 0.075
    assert params.source_2_parameters.rho == 0.003
    assert params.rho_2 == 0.003

    params.t_E = 12.5
    assert params.t_star_1 == 0.025
    assert params.source_1_parameters.t_star == 0.025
    assert params.rho_1 == 0.002
    assert params.source_1_parameters.rho == 0.002
    assert params.t_star_2 == 0.075
    assert params.source_2_parameters.t_star == 0.075
    assert params.rho_2 == 0.006
    assert params.source_2_parameters.rho == 0.006
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_fspl():
    check if FSPL magnification is calculate properly
    t_0 = 2456789.012345
    t_E = 23.4567
    u_0 = 1e-4
    rho = 1e-3
    gamma = 0.56789
    t_vec = np.array([-(rho**2-u_0**2)**0.5, 0., ((0.5*rho)**2-u_0**2)**0.5])
    t_vec = t_vec * t_E + t_0

    params = mm.ModelParameters(
        {'t_0': t_0, 'u_0': u_0, 't_E': t_E, 'rho': rho})

    mag_curve = mm.MagnificationCurve(
        times=t_vec, parameters=params, gamma=gamma)
    methods = [t_0-t_E, 'finite_source_LD_Yoo04', t_0+t_E]
    mag_curve.set_magnification_methods(methods, 'point_source')
    results = mag_curve.get_point_lens_magnification()

    u = np.array([rho, u_0, 0.5*rho])
    pspl = (u**2 + 2.) / np.sqrt(u**2 * (u**2 + 4.))
    expected = np.array([1.27323965-gamma*0.09489869,
# These values were calculated by Andy Gould (file b0b1.dat).
    expected *= pspl

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected/results, 1., decimal=4)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_update():
    t_0 = 2456141.593
    u_0 = 0.5425
    t_E = 62.63 * u.day
    params = mm.ModelParameters({'t_0': t_0, 'u_0': u_0, 't_E': t_E})
    params.as_dict().update({'rho': 0.001})

    assert len(params.parameters.keys()) == 4
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_magnification_type():
    Check type of magnification returned for model with t_eff.
    At some point it was astropy quantity.
    parameters = mm.ModelParameters({'t_0': 1., 't_eff': 0.2, 't_E': 3.})
    magnification_curve = mm.MagnificationCurve(2., parameters)
    assert type(magnification_curve.get_magnification()) == np.ndarray
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_init_parameters():
    t_0 = 6141.593
    u_0 = 0.5425
    t_E = 62.63 * u.day
    params = mm.ModelParameters({'t_0': t_0, 'u_0': u_0, 't_E': t_E})

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(params.t_0, t_0)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(params.u_0, u_0)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(params.t_E, t_E.value)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_init_parameters():
    """are parameters properly passed between Model and ModelParameters?"""
    t_0 = 6141.593
    u_0 = 0.5425
    t_E = 62.63 * u.day
    params = mm.ModelParameters({'t_0': t_0, 'u_0': u_0, 't_E': t_E})
    model = mm.Model(parameters=params)
    almost(model.parameters.t_0, t_0)
    almost(model.parameters.u_0, u_0)
    almost(model.parameters.t_E, t_E.value)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_repr_parameters():
    t_0 = 2456141.593
    u_0 = 0.5425
    t_E = 62.63 * u.day
    params = mm.ModelParameters({'t_0': t_0, 'u_0': u_0, 't_E': t_E})

    out_1 = "    t_0 (HJD)       u_0    t_E (d) \n"
    out_2 = "2456141.59300  0.542500    62.6300 \n"

    assert (out_1 + out_2) == str(params)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_too_much_rho_t_e_t_star(self):
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
         t_0 = 2450000.
         u_0 = 0.1
         t_E = 20. * u.day
         rho = 0.001
         t_star = t_E * rho
             't_0': t_0, 'u_0': u_0, 't_E': t_E,
             'rho': rho, 't_star': t_star})
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_update():
    check if the number of parameters can be changed
    t_0 = 2456141.593
    u_0 = 0.5425
    t_E = 62.63*u.day
    params = mm.ModelParameters({'t_0': t_0, 'u_0': u_0, 't_E': t_E})
    params.as_dict().update({'rho': 0.001})

    assert len(params.parameters.keys()) == 4
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_file_params(filename):
    """Read in the model parameters used to create the file"""
    with open(filename) as data_file:
        lines = data_file.readlines()
        ulens_params = lines[2].split()
    return (mm.ModelParameters({
        't_0': float(ulens_params[1]),
        'u_0': float(ulens_params[2]),
        't_E': float(ulens_params[3]),
        'rho': float(ulens_params[4])
    }), float(ulens_params[5]))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_init_parameters():
    make sure that parameters are properly stored
    t_0 = 6141.593
    u_0 = 0.5425
    t_E = 62.63*u.day
    params = mm.ModelParameters({'t_0': t_0, 'u_0': u_0, 't_E': t_E})

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(params.t_0, t_0)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(params.u_0, u_0)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(params.t_E, t_E.value)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_PSPL_for_binary():
    test PSPL model used in a model that is defined as binary
    t_0 = 1000.
    t_E = 20.
    u_0 = 1.
    t_vec = np.array([10., 100.]) * t_E + t_0
    params = mm.ModelParameters({
        't_0': t_0, 'u_0': u_0, 't_E': t_E, 's': 1.2, 'q': 0.1, 'alpha': 0.})
    mag_curve = mm.MagnificationCurve(times=t_vec, parameters=params)
    mag_curve.set_magnification_methods(None, 'point_source_point_lens')
    u2 = u_0**2 + ((t_vec - t_0) / t_E)**2
    pspl = (u2 + 2.) / np.sqrt(u2 * (u2 + 4.))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(pspl, mag_curve.get_magnification())
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_BLPS_01():
    """simple binary lens with point source"""
    params = mm.ModelParameters({
        't_0': t_0,
        'u_0': u_0,
        't_E': t_E,
        'alpha': alpha,
        's': s,
        'q': q

    model = mm.Model(parameters=params)
    t = np.array([2456112.5])
    data = mm.MulensData(data_list=[t, t * 0. + 16., t * 0. + 0.01])
    magnification = model.get_magnification(data.time[0])
    almost(magnification, 4.691830781584699)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_orbital_motion_gammas():
    """test .gamma_parallel .gamma_perp .gamma"""
    dict_params = {'t_0': 2457123.456, 'u_0': 0.0345, 't_E': 30.00,
                   's': 1.5, 'ds_dt': 0.5, 'q': 0.987,
                   'alpha': 12.345, 'dalpha_dt': 50.}
    params = mm.ModelParameters(dict_params)

    # Test values.
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(params.gamma_parallel.value, 0.333333333)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(params.gamma_perp.value, -0.872664626)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(params.gamma.value, 0.934159869)

    # Test units.
    assert params.gamma_parallel.unit == 1. / u.year
    assert params.gamma_perp.unit == u.rad / u.year
    assert params.gamma.unit == 1. / u.year
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_BLPS_02_AC():
    simple binary lens with extended source and different methods to evaluate
    magnification - version with adaptivecontouring

    params = mm.ModelParameters({
        't_0': t_0,
        'u_0': u_0,
        't_E': t_E,
        'alpha': alpha,
        's': s,
        'q': q,
        'rho': rho
    model = mm.Model(parameters=params)

    t = np.array([6112.5, 6113., 6114., 6115., 6116., 6117., 6118., 6119])
    t += 2450000.
    ac_name = 'Adaptive_Contouring'
    methods = [
        2456113.5, 'Quadrupole', 2456114.5, 'Hexadecapole', 2456116.5, ac_name,
    accuracy_1 = {'accuracy': 0.04}
    accuracy_2 = {'accuracy': 0.01, 'ld_accuracy': 0.00001}
    model.set_magnification_methods_parameters({ac_name: accuracy_1})

    data = mm.MulensData(data_list=[t, t * 0. + 16., t * 0. + 0.01])
    result = model.get_magnification(data.time)

    expected = np.array([
        4.69183078, 2.87659723, 1.83733975, 1.63865704, 1.61038135, 1.63603122,
        1.69045492, 1.77012807
    almost(result, expected, decimal=3)

    # Below we test passing the limb coeff to VBBL function.
    # data.bandpass = '******'
    model.set_limb_coeff_u('I', 10.)
    # This is an absurd value but I needed something quick.
    model.set_magnification_methods_parameters({ac_name: accuracy_2})
    # result = model.data_magnification[0]
    result = model.get_magnification(data.time,
    almost(result[5], 1.6366862, decimal=3)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def parameters(self):
     """Model parameters"""
     model_parameters = mm.ModelParameters({
         float(self.ulens_params[1]) + 2450000.,
     return model_parameters
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_BLPS_02():
    simple binary lens with extended source and different methods to
    evaluate magnification

    params = mm.ModelParameters({
        't_0': t_0,
        'u_0': u_0,
        't_E': t_E,
        'alpha': alpha,
        's': s,
        'q': q,
        'rho': rho
    model = mm.Model(parameters=params)

    t = np.array([6112.5, 6113., 6114., 6115., 6116., 6117., 6118., 6119])
    t += 2450000.
    methods = [
        2456113.5, 'Quadrupole', 2456114.5, 'Hexadecapole', 2456116.5, 'VBBL',

    data = mm.MulensData(data_list=[t, t * 0. + 16., t * 0. + 0.01])
    result = model.get_magnification(data.time)

    expected = np.array([
        4.69183078, 2.87659723, 1.83733975, 1.63865704, 1.61038135, 1.63603122,
        1.69045492, 1.77012807
    almost(result, expected)

    # Possibly, this test should be re-created in test_FitData.py
    # Below we test passing the limb coeff to VBBL function.
    # data.bandpass = '******'
    model.set_limb_coeff_u('I', 10.)
    # This is an absurd value but I needed something quick.
    result = model.get_magnification(data.time,
    almost(result[5], 1.6366862)
    result_2 = model.get_magnification(data.time, bandpass='******')
    almost(result, result_2)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_BLPS_shear():
    simple binary lens with point source and external convergence and shear
    params = mm.ModelParameters({
        't_0': t_0,
        'u_0': u_0,
        't_E': t_E,
        'alpha': alpha,
        's': s,
        'q': q,
        'convergence_K': 0.0,
        'shear_G': complex(0, 0)

    model = mm.Model(parameters=params)
    t = np.array([2456112.5])
    data = mm.MulensData(data_list=[t, t * 0. + 16., t * 0. + 0.01])
    magnification = model.get_magnification(data.time[0])
    almost(magnification, 4.691830781584699)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_methods_parameters():
    make sure additional parameters are properly passed to very inner functions
    params = mm.ModelParameters({
        't_0': t_0,
        'u_0': u_0,
        't_E': t_E,
        'alpha': alpha,
        's': s,
        'q': q,
        'rho': rho
    model = mm.Model(parameters=params)

    t = np.array([2456117.])
    methods = [
        2456113.5, 'Quadrupole', 2456114.5, 'Hexadecapole', 2456116.5, 'VBBL',

    data = mm.MulensData(data_list=[t, t * 0. + 16., t * 0. + 0.01])
    result_1 = model.data_magnification[0]

    vbbl_options = {'accuracy': 0.1}
    methods_parameters = {'VBBL': vbbl_options}
    result_2 = model.data_magnification[0]

    vbbl_options = {'accuracy': 1.e-5}
    methods_parameters = {'VBBL': vbbl_options}
    result_3 = model.data_magnification[0]

    assert result_1[0] != result_2[0]
    assert result_1[0] != result_3[0]
    assert result_2[0] != result_3[0]
Ejemplo n.º 28
def get_d_perp(ra_deg, dec_deg, t_0_par, ephemeris_file):
    extract D_perp for satellite for given epoch
    parameters = {
        't_0': t_0_par,
        'u_0': 0,
        't_E': 100.,
        'pi_E_N': 2.**-0.5,
        'pi_E_E': 2.**-0.5,
        't_0_par': t_0_par
    params = MM.ModelParameters(parameters)
    coords = MM.Coordinates(SkyCoord(ra_deg, dec_deg, unit=u.deg))
    satellite = MM.SatelliteSkyCoord(ephemerides_file=ephemeris_file)
    ephemeris = satellite.get_satellite_coords([t_0_par])
    trajectory = MM.Trajectory([t_0_par],
                               parallax={'satellite': True},
    return np.sqrt(trajectory.x**2 + trajectory.y**2)[0]
#        FSPL: 't_0', 'u_0', 't_E', 'rho'
#        PSPL w/ parallax: 't_0', 'u_0', 't_E', 'pi_E_N', 'pi_E_E'
#            (OPTIONAL: 't_0_par')
#        FSBL: 't_0', 'u_0', 't_E', 'rho', 's', 'q', 'alpha'
#        BSPL: 't_0_1', 'u_0_1', 't_0_2', 'u_0_2', 't_E'
#    By Effect:
#        parallax: 'pi_E_N', 'pi_E_E' OR 'pi_E' (OPTIONAL: 't_0_par')
#        xallarap: 'xi_E_N', 'xi_E_E', 'period'
#        finite source: 'rho' (1 source) OR 'rho_1', 'rho_2' (if 2 sources)
#        lens orbital motion: 'dsdt', 'dalphadt' (OPTIONAL: 'z', 'dzdt')
#    Alternative parameterizations:
#        any two of 'u_0', 't_E', 't_eff' (t_eff = u_0 * t_E)
#        any two of 't_E', 'rho', 't_star' (t_star = rho * t_E)
#        FSBL: 't_1', 'u_0', 't_2', 'rho', 's', 'q', 'alpha' (Cassan)

PSPL_params = mm.ModelParameters({'t_0': 2458060., 'u_0': 0.2, 't_E': 30.5})

my_PSPL_model = mm.Model({'t_0': 2458060., 'u_0': 0.2, 't_E': 30.5})
# Returns: AttributeError('rho is not defined for this model.')

FSPL_params = dict(my_PSPL_model.parameters.parameters)
FSPL_params['rho'] = 0.001

my_FSPL_model = mm.Model(FSPL_params)

my_PSPL_model = mm.Model(parameters={
    't_0': 2458060.,
    'u_0': 0.2,
Ejemplo n.º 30
plt.title('OB140939 Models with Parallax')

# Specifying coordinates for an event
ground_data = mm.MulensData(
    file_name=os.path.join(data_dir, 'ob140939_OGLE.dat'))
space_data = mm.MulensData(
    file_name=os.path.join(data_dir, 'ob140939_Spitzer.dat'),
        ephemeris_dir, 'Spitzer_ephemeris_01.dat'))

model_params = mm.ModelParameters(
        {'t_0': t_0, 'u_0': u_0, 't_E': t_E, 'pi_E_N': pi_E_N,
         'pi_E_E': pi_E_E})
event = mm.Event(datasets=[ground_data, space_data],

event.plot_data(label_list=['OGLE', 'Spitzer'])

(fs_ogle, fb_ogle) = event.get_ref_fluxes(data_ref=event.datasets[0])
space_model.plot_lc(f_source=fs_ogle, f_blend=fb_ogle)

plt.title('OB140939 Models with Data')
plt.xlim(2456780., 2456880.)