def __init__(self, parent, data): = data self.tool = Mytools() self.childNodes = [] self.parent = parent self.childTagName = None pass
def rangos(self, Hessii, Etot, n_interv): """ 0.5*k*DQ^2 = E_tot""" my.hess_check(Hessii) d = [dict() for n in range(len(Hessii))] DQ = [sqrt(2.0 * Etot / hii) for hii in Hessii] n1 = 0 for bond in self.bonds: n2 = 0 low = self.b0[n1] - DQ[n1] interv = 2. * DQ[n1] / float(n_interv) for i in range(n_interv): rango = (low + i * interv, low + (i + 1) * interv) d[n1][rango] = 0 n1 += 1 n1 = len(self.b0) for ang in self.angles: low = self.a0[n1 - len(self.b0)] - DQ[n1] interv = 2. * DQ[n1] / float(n_interv) for i in range(n_interv): rango = (low + i * interv, low + (i + 1) * interv) d[n1][rango] = 0 n1 += 1 n1 = len(self.b0) + len(self.a0) cte = len(self.b0) + len(self.a0) for dieh in self.dihedrals: low = self.d0[n1 - cte] - DQ[n1] interv = 2. * DQ[n1] / float(n_interv) for i in range(n_interv): rango = (low + i * interv, low + (i + 1) * interv) d[n1][rango] = 0 n1 += 1 return d
def main(): datapath = '../TestData/' predictionDir = '../Predictions/' if not os.path.isdir(predictionDir): os.mkdir(predictionDir) Single = True nbc = 128 binhalfwins = [2, 3, 4] nbc = 128 lenthresh = 10 halfwins = [8, 17, 25] alpha = 3 shiftstart = -4 shiftend = -1 fileList = os.listdir(datapath) siz = 1 thresh = 0 samplelist = [files for files in fileList if files.startswith("Sample")] for sample in samplelist: if Single: QuadDir = '{}{}/SpecificQuadDescriptors/'.format(datapath, sample) else: QuadDir = '{}{}/AllQuadDescriptors/'.format(datapath, sample) print 'saving classifction number for', sample smp = GestureSample(datapath, sample, training=False) Numberofframe =['numFrames'] OutDir = '{}ClassifierOutputs/'.format(QuadDir) allBinaryLabels = np.zeros((1, Numberofframe)) ss1 = 0 for binhalfwin in binhalfwins: BinClfFile = BinClfFile = '{}binary_halfwin_{}.mat'.format( OutDir, str(binhalfwin)) BinaryLabels = sio.loadmat(BinClfFile)['frame_label'] allBinaryLabels += BinaryLabels ss1 += 1 allprobs = np.zeros((20, Numberofframe)) ss = 0 for halfwin in halfwins: ss += 1 inFile = '{}Classfication_nbc_{}_halfwin{}.mat'.format( OutDir, str(nbc), str(halfwin)) probabilties = 1 - np.transpose(sio.loadmat(inFile)['frame_probs']) allprobs += probabilties (r, c) = np.shape(probabilties) M = np.zeros((r + 1, c)) M[:20, :] = allprobs / ss # M[20,:] = BinaryLabels BinaryLabels = mytools.myfilter(allBinaryLabels / ss1, siz, thresh) # M[20,:] = binprob M[20, :] = BinaryLabels (p, D) = dpEM(M, alpha) (labels, starts, ends) = getLabels(p) FinalLabels = refineLabes(labels, starts, ends, M, lenthresh, Numberofframe, shiftstart, shiftend) tempfilename = '../Predictions/{}_prediction.csv'.format(sample) mytools.exportPredictions(FinalLabels, tempfilename)
def internas_dihe(self, conex, ndih): try: self.qt_1 = self.dihedrals self.dihedrals = [my.dihedros(self.cart[conex[i][0]-1], self.cart[conex[i][1]-1], \ self.cart[conex[i][2]-1], self.cart[conex[i][3]-1],self.qt_1[i]) for i in range(ndih)] except AttributeError: self.qt_1 = [0.0 for w in range(ndih)] self.dihedrals = [my.dihedros(self.cart[conex[i][0]-1], self.cart[conex[i][1]-1], \ self.cart[conex[i][2]-1], self.cart[conex[i][3]-1],self.qt_1[i]) for i in range(ndih)]
def main(): datapath = '../TestData/' predictionDir = '../Predictions/' if not os.path.isdir(predictionDir): os.mkdir(predictionDir) Single =True; nbc =128 binhalfwins = [2,3,4]; nbc =128 lenthresh = 10 halfwins = [8,17,25]; alpha = 3 shiftstart = -4 shiftend = -1 fileList = os.listdir(datapath) siz = 1;thresh = 0; samplelist=[files for files in fileList if files.startswith("Sample")] for sample in samplelist: if Single: QuadDir = '{}{}/SpecificQuadDescriptors/'.format(datapath,sample) else: QuadDir = '{}{}/AllQuadDescriptors/'.format(datapath,sample) print 'saving classifction number for',sample smp=GestureSample(datapath,sample,training = False); Numberofframe =['numFrames']; OutDir = '{}ClassifierOutputs/'.format(QuadDir) allBinaryLabels = np.zeros((1,Numberofframe)) ss1=0 for binhalfwin in binhalfwins: BinClfFile = BinClfFile = '{}binary_halfwin_{}.mat'.format(OutDir,str(binhalfwin)) BinaryLabels = sio.loadmat(BinClfFile)['frame_label'] allBinaryLabels += BinaryLabels ss1+=1 allprobs = np.zeros((20,Numberofframe)) ss =0 for halfwin in halfwins: ss+=1 inFile = '{}Classfication_nbc_{}_halfwin{}.mat'.format(OutDir,str(nbc),str(halfwin)) probabilties = 1-np.transpose(sio.loadmat(inFile)['frame_probs']) allprobs += probabilties (r,c) = np.shape(probabilties); M = np.zeros((r+1,c)); M[:20,:] = allprobs/ss # M[20,:] = BinaryLabels BinaryLabels = mytools.myfilter(allBinaryLabels/ss1,siz,thresh) # M[20,:] = binprob M[20,:] = BinaryLabels; (p,D) = dpEM(M,alpha) (labels,starts,ends) = getLabels(p) FinalLabels = refineLabes(labels,starts,ends,M,lenthresh,Numberofframe,shiftstart,shiftend) tempfilename = '../Predictions/{}_prediction.csv'.format(sample) mytools.exportPredictions(FinalLabels,tempfilename)
def calc_grad_ext(F_ext, atom1, atom2): v1 = my.attr_val(atom1) v2 = my.attr_val(atom2) # vector = [v1[i]-v2[i] for i in range(3)] vector = [v2[i] - v1[i] for i in range(3)] norm = np.linalg.norm(vector) U = [x / norm for x in vector] g_ext = [F_ext * x for x in U] return g_ext
class MyNode: def __init__(self, parent, data): = data self.tool = Mytools() self.childNodes = [] self.parent = parent self.childTagName = None pass def parser(self): = self.tool.getTagName( self.attr = self.tool.getAttributes( if not self.tool.IsChildrenExist( self.text = self.tool.GetText( pass def getChildren(self, tag_name): if self.tool.IsChildrenExist( childdatas = self.tool.getChildrenData( self.childTagName = self.tool.getTagName(childdatas) subdatas = self.tool.splitChildrenData(childdatas, self.childTagName) for subdata in subdatas: node = MyNode(self, subdata) node.parser() self.childNodes.append(node) return self.childNodes pass
def saveFVs(QuadDir,NumberofFrame,gmm,nbc,halfWindows): savefilename = "{}FVS/FVsnbc_{}_halfwin_{}.mat".format(QuadDir,str(nbc),str(halfWindows[-1])) # if not os.path.isfile(savefilename): XX = [] print "Saving Framwise FVS for ", QuadDir; for numFrame in range(1,NumberofFrame+1): filename = '{}desc{}.mat'.format(QuadDir,str(numFrame).zfill(5)) Quads = sio.loadmat(filename)['QuadDescriptors'] XX.append(Quads) num = np.shape(XX)[0] # fvs = np.zeros((NumberofFrame,nbc*13)) Allfvs = [np.zeros((NumberofFrame,nbc*13)) for k in range(len(halfWindows)) ] # del fvs print np.shape(Allfvs),' one ',np.shape(Allfvs[0]) for numFrame in xrange(1,NumberofFrame+1): wincount = -1 for halfwin in halfWindows: wincount+=1 XXtemp = [] for fnum in np.arange(max(0,numFrame-halfwin-1),min(numFrame+halfwin,NumberofFrame),1): Quads = XX[fnum] if np.shape(Quads)[0]>1: XXtemp.extend(Quads) num = np.shape(XXtemp)[0] if num>0: Allfvs[wincount][numFrame-1,:] = mytools.fisher_vector(XXtemp, gmm) wincount = -1 for halfwin in halfWindows: wincount+=1 savefilename = "{}FVS/FVsnbc_{}_halfwin_{}.mat".format(QuadDir,str(nbc),str(halfwin)) fvs = Allfvs[wincount] sio.savemat(savefilename,mdict = {'fvs':fvs})
def saveClfOut(QuadDir,OutDir,halfwins,Numberofframe,svmclf,nbc): for halfwin in halfwins: outFile = '{}Classfication_nbc_{}_halfwin{}.mat'.format(OutDir,str(nbc),str(halfwin)) # if not os.path.isfile(outFile): FVsFile = "{}FVS/FVsnbc_{}_halfwin_{}.mat".format(QuadDir,str(nbc),str(halfwin)) fvs = sio.loadmat(FVsFile)['fvs'] vecAllfvs = np.zeros((Numberofframe,nbc*13)) isFrame_labeled = np.zeros(Numberofframe) i = 0; for fnum in xrange(Numberofframe): fvsum = np.sum(fvs[fnum]) if abs(fvsum)>0: vecAllfvs[i,:] = fvs[i,:] isFrame_labeled[fnum] = 1 i+=1 vecAllfvs = vecAllfvs[:i,:] vecAllfvs = mytools.power_normalize(vecAllfvs,0.2) frame_probs = svmclf.predict_proba(vecAllfvs) frame_label = svmclf.predict(vecAllfvs) frame_probstemp = np.zeros((Numberofframe,20)) frame_probstemp[isFrame_labeled>0,:] = frame_probs frame_labelstemp = np.zeros(Numberofframe) frame_labelstemp[isFrame_labeled>0]=frame_label print 'saving to ' , outFile sio.savemat(outFile,mdict={'frame_probs':frame_probstemp, 'frame_label':frame_labelstemp, 'isFrame_labeled':isFrame_labeled})
def saveClfOut(sample,QuadDir,OutDir,halfwin,Numberofframe,svmclf,nbc): outFile = '{}binary_halfwin_{}.mat'.format(OutDir,str(halfwin)) # if not os.path.isfile(outFile): FVsFile = "{}FVS/FVsnbc_{}_halfwin_{}.mat".format(QuadDir,str(nbc),str(halfwin)) fvs = sio.loadmat(FVsFile)['fvs'] vecAllfvs = np.zeros((Numberofframe,nbc*13)) isFrame_labeled = np.zeros(Numberofframe) i = 0; for fnum in xrange(Numberofframe): fvsum = np.sum(fvs[fnum]) if abs(fvsum)>0: vecAllfvs[i,:] = fvs[i,:] isFrame_labeled[fnum] = 1 i+=1 vecAllfvs = vecAllfvs[:i,:] vecAllfvs = mytools.power_normalize(vecAllfvs,0.4) frame_label = svmclf.predict(vecAllfvs) frame_labelstemp = np.zeros((Numberofframe)) frame_labelstemp[isFrame_labeled>0]=frame_label print 'saving to ' , outFile sio.savemat(outFile,mdict={'frame_label':frame_labelstemp,'isFrame_labeled':isFrame_labeled})
def flat_points(lists_points): L = [] for val in lists_points: x, y, z = my.attr_val(val) L.append(x) L.append(y) L.append(z) return L
def saveQuads(saveDir, isAll, numFrame, Joints3D, Single, combs): savefilename = '{}desc{}.mat'.format(saveDir, str(numFrame).zfill(5)) QuadDescriptors = [] # AllQuadDescriptors = [] if np.sum(Joints3D[0, :]) > 0.05: for combination in combs: quadrupleJoints = Joints3D[combination - 1] QuadDescriptor = mytools.ComputeQuadDescriptor( quadrupleJoints, Single, isAll) if isAll: QuadDescriptors.extend(QuadDescriptor) else: QuadDescriptors.append(QuadDescriptor) QuadDescriptors = checkDescs4NAN(QuadDescriptors) sio.savemat(savefilename, mdict={'QuadDescriptors': QuadDescriptors})
def saveFVs(QuadDir, NumberofFrame, gmm, nbc, halfWindows): savefilename = "{}FVS/FVsnbc_{}_halfwin_{}.mat".format( QuadDir, str(nbc), str(halfWindows[-1])) # if not os.path.isfile(savefilename): XX = [] print "Saving Framwise FVS for ", QuadDir for numFrame in range(1, NumberofFrame + 1): filename = '{}desc{}.mat'.format(QuadDir, str(numFrame).zfill(5)) Quads = sio.loadmat(filename)['QuadDescriptors'] XX.append(Quads) num = np.shape(XX)[0] # fvs = np.zeros((NumberofFrame,nbc*13)) Allfvs = [ np.zeros((NumberofFrame, nbc * 13)) for k in range(len(halfWindows)) ] # del fvs print np.shape(Allfvs), ' one ', np.shape(Allfvs[0]) for numFrame in xrange(1, NumberofFrame + 1): wincount = -1 for halfwin in halfWindows: wincount += 1 XXtemp = [] for fnum in np.arange(max(0, numFrame - halfwin - 1), min(numFrame + halfwin, NumberofFrame), 1): Quads = XX[fnum] if np.shape(Quads)[0] > 1: XXtemp.extend(Quads) num = np.shape(XXtemp)[0] if num > 0: Allfvs[wincount][numFrame - 1, :] = mytools.fisher_vector( XXtemp, gmm) wincount = -1 for halfwin in halfWindows: wincount += 1 savefilename = "{}FVS/FVsnbc_{}_halfwin_{}.mat".format( QuadDir, str(nbc), str(halfwin)) fvs = Allfvs[wincount] sio.savemat(savefilename, mdict={'fvs': fvs})
""" Created on 2011-10-6 @author: huangkan """ import Mytools ten10 = 10 ** 10 l = list(Mytools.int2(7830457, 2)) ans = 1 for i in l: if i == "0": ans = ans * ans % ten10 else: ans = ans * ans * 2 % ten10 ans = (ans * 28433 + 1) % ten10 print(ans) print(l)
newdes = des if NANs.any() > 0: print 'There is NAN case', np.shape(des) newdes = des[not NANs] print 'sahpe after', np.shape(newdes) return newdes if __name__ == '__main__': # main() # Path which contains sample files in .zip format datapaths = ['../TestData/'] # Keep an copy the the sample files We delete what is not required # _depth.mp4 _video.mp4 _user.mp4 and files will be deteted mytools.UnzipAllfiles(datapaths[0]) kk = 0 isAll = False Single = True for datapath in datapaths: # Get the list of training samples fileList = os.listdir(datapath) print datapath # Filter input files (only ZIP files) samplelist = [ files for files in fileList if files.startswith("Sample") ] for sample in samplelist: #print("\t Processing file " + sample)
''' Created on 2011-4-30 @author: huangkan ''' import Mytools i=144 while 1: o=Mytools.hexagonal(i) if Mytools.Ispentagon(o) and Mytools.Istriangle(o): print(o) break i+=1
''' Created on 2011-10-1 @author: huangkan ''' import Mytools import math l=50 ans=l*l*3 for x in range(1,l+1): for y in range(1,l+1): g=Mytools.gcd(x, y) x1=x/g y1=y/g k=min(math.floor((l-x)/y1),math.floor(y/x1)) ans+=k*2 print(ans)
def cinetica(self): k = 0.5 * my.cuad(self.vel, self.vel) * self.mass return k
return L ########### READING DATA ######################## # READING DATA FROM THE INPUT FILE input = open('input.dat') files = [line for line in] #reading of the Cartesian Cordinates, number of Atoms, type of Atoms, #Masses and Energy file_st1 = files[0] cord, numat, typ, symb, mass, st1_energy, st1_grad_cart, st1_hess_cart = \ my.initial_data(file_st1,'state1') # READING CONECTIVITY #my.mtx_conect('conex.dat') conexion = list(open('internas.dat')) nbond = int(conexion[0]) nang = int(conexion[nbond + 1]) ndih = int(conexion[nbond + nang + 2]) bond = [tuple([int(m) for m in w.split()]) for w in conexion[1:nbond + 1]] ang = [ tuple([int(m) for m in w.split()]) for w in conexion[nbond + 2:nbond + nang + 2] ] dih = [ tuple([int(m) for m in w.split()])
''' Created on 2011-8-7 @author: huangkan ''' limit=50*10**6 flag=[False]*(limit+1) import Mytools ps=Mytools.primes(int(limit**.5)+1) for i in ps: sum=i*i for j in ps: sum=i*i+j*j*j if sum>limit: break else: for k in ps: sum=i**2+j**3+k**4 if sum>limit:break else: flag[sum]=True ans=0 for i in flag: if i:ans+=1 print(ans)
''' Created on 2011-7-31 @author: huangkan ''' import math import Mytools sum=0 print(int(Mytools.mysqrt(2*10**200))) for i in range(2,100): if i**.5!=int(i**.5): t=int(math.sqrt(i*10**200)) #print(len(str(t))) ints=list(str(t)) for j in ints[1:]: sum+=int(j) print(sum)
def internas_bonds(self, conex, nbond): self.bonds = [my.enlaces(self.cart[conex[i][0]-1], self.cart[conex[i][1]-1]) \ for i in range(nbond)]
def internas_ang(self, conex, nang): self.angles = [my.angulos(self.cart[conex[i][0]-1], self.cart[conex[i][1]-1], \ self.cart[conex[i][2]-1]) for i in range(nang)]
''' Created on 2011-7-9 @author: huangkan ''' def cont(i,j): return int(str(i)+str(j)) #from Mytools import primes from Mytools import Isprime import Mytools from itertools import combinations estimate=1000000 limit=100000 pr=Mytools.primes_shelter(limit) p1=[i for i in range(limit) if pr[i] and i%3==1 and i>673] t=[3,7,109,673] Oracle=Mytools.PrimeOracle() i=673 while True: if Mytools.Isprime(i): for j in t: if not Mytools.Isprime(cont(i,j)) or not Mytools.Isprime(cont(j,i)): break else: print(i) break i+=6
""" Created on 2011-7-30 @author: huangkan """ import Mytools limit = 100 l = [0] * (limit + 1) for i in range(0, limit + 1): if i % 2 == 0: l[i] = 1 p = Mytools.primes(limit) for i in p[1:]: tl = l[:] for j in range(1, int(limit / i) + 1): for k in range(limit + 1): if k + i * j < limit: l[k + i * j] += tl[k] else: break print(l) for i in range(limit): if l[i] > 5000: print(i) break