attribute_parameters_obj = nau.InputTable(attribute_parameters)
    #Keep a list of input copies so we can delete them just before exit
    input_copies = (facilities_obj, incidents_obj, point_barriers_obj,
                    line_barriers_obj, polygon_barriers_obj,

    #If the network dataset does not support hierarchy, set the useHierarchy parameter to false.
    nds_has_hierarchy = nau.nds_supports_hierarchy(desc_nds_attributes)
    if not nds_has_hierarchy:
        use_hierarchy = False

    #determine whether we should use time based or distance based impedance attribute based on measurement method
    impedance_attribute = time_attribute if measurement_method == "TRAVEL_TIME" else distance_attribute
    impedance_units = nau.verify_impedance_units(time_attribute,

    #If the Cutoff is specified, convert the cutoff value from user specified unit to impedance unit
    if default_cutoff:
        converted_cutoff = nau.convert_units(default_cutoff, measurement_units,
        converted_cutoff = default_cutoff

    #Get counts for facilities, incidents, barrier features and attribute parameters
    facility_count = facilities_obj.count
    incident_count = incidents_obj.count

    #Convert inputs from record sets to feature classes if they are not empty.
    #determine whether we should use time based or distance based impedance attribute based on break units
    #using python ternary operator here.
    impedanceAttribute = timeImpedance if breakUnits.lower() in TIME_UNITS else distanceImpedance 
    #get the user supplied break values as list for easy processing    
    breakValueList = [val.encode("utf-8") for val in breakValues.strip().split()]
    breakValueCount = len(breakValueList)
    if breakValueCount == 0:
        raise nau.InputError()
    #Find the largest break value.
        endBreakValue = max([locale.atof(val) for val in breakValueList])
    except ValueError:
        raise nau.InputError()
    impedanceUnit = nau.verify_impedance_units(timeImpedance,timeImpedanceUnits,distanceImpedance,
    #Convert break values from user specified units to impedance units.
    convertedBreakValueList = nau.convert_units(breakValueList,breakUnits,impedanceUnit)
    converetedEndBreakValue = max([locale.atof(val) for val in convertedBreakValueList])   

    zeroString = nau.float_to_string(0,ROUND_PRECISION)
    ##Determine if the throtling conditions are met. If not raise an exception and quit
    ##If throtling parameters have zero value, then do not perform throtlling checks.
    # Thortling Check 1: Check for number of facilities
    if facilities_obj.count == 0:
        raise nau.InputError()
    if strMaxFacilities and facilities_obj.count > maxFacilities:
        arcpy.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 30096,"Facilities", maxFacilities)
        raise nau.InputError()

    # If the network dataset does not support hierarchy, set the useHierarchy parameter to false.
    nds_has_hierarchy = nau.nds_supports_hierarchy(desc_nds_attributes)
    if not nds_has_hierarchy:
        use_hierarchy = False

    # determine whether we should use time based or distance based impedance attribute based on measurement method
    impedance_attribute = time_attribute if measurement_method == "TRAVEL_TIME" else distance_attribute
    impedance_units = nau.verify_impedance_units(
        time_attribute, time_attribute_units, distance_attribute, distance_attribute_units, desc_nds_attributes, False

    # If the Cutoff is specified, convert the cutoff value from user specified unit to impedance unit
    if default_cutoff:
        converted_cutoff = nau.convert_units(default_cutoff, measurement_units, impedance_units)
        converted_cutoff = default_cutoff

    # Get counts for facilities, incidents, barrier features and attribute parameters
    facility_count = facilities_obj.count
    incident_count = incidents_obj.count

    # Convert inputs from record sets to feature classes if they are not empty.
    if facility_count:
        facilities_obj.copyFeatures(out_gdb_workspace, FACILITIES_FIELDS)
    #get the user supplied break values as list for easy processing
    breakValueList = [
        val.encode("utf-8") for val in breakValues.strip().split()
    breakValueCount = len(breakValueList)
    if breakValueCount == 0:
        arcpy.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 30117)
        raise nau.InputError()
    #Find the largest break value.
        endBreakValue = max([locale.atof(val) for val in breakValueList])
    except ValueError:
        arcpy.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 30118)
        raise nau.InputError()
    impedanceUnit = nau.verify_impedance_units(
        timeImpedance, timeImpedanceUnits, distanceImpedance,
        distanceImpedanceUnits, descNDSAttributes, False)[impedanceAttribute]
    #Convert break values from user specified units to impedance units.
    convertedBreakValueList = nau.convert_units(breakValueList, breakUnits,
    converetedEndBreakValue = max(
        [locale.atof(val) for val in convertedBreakValueList])

    zeroString = nau.float_to_string(0, ROUND_PRECISION)

    ##Determine if the throtling conditions are met. If not raise an exception and quit
    ##If throtling parameters have zero value, then do not perform throtlling checks.
    # Thortling Check 1: Check for number of facilities
    if facilities_obj.count == 0:
        arcpy.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 30117)
        raise nau.InputError()