Ejemplo n.º 1
    def open_file(self, file_name, mode=None, format='nc'):
        open_file() [public]
        Purpose:    Opens a file with the given mode.
        Parameters:    file_name [type=string]
                        Name of the file to open.
                    mode [type=string]
                        How to open the file (e.g. 'r' for reading, 'rw' for reading and writing, etc.)
                        Passing None defaults to opening for reading only.
        Returns:    [nothing]
        # Set the mode default
        if mode is None: mode = 'r'

        # If the file is already open, close it.
        if self._df is not None:

        self._file_name = file_name
        self._format = format

        # Figure out whether we're reading, writing, or both.
        self._read = (mode.find('r') > -1)
        self._write = (mode.find('w') > -1 or mode == 'r+')

        #       if self._write:
        #           warning("DataIO: Writing is currently not supported.  Opening as read-only.")
        #           self._write = False

        if reader.__name__ == "Nio":
            # If the reader is PyNIO open it with PyNIO's open command
            self._df = reader.open_file(file_name, mode=mode, format=format)
        elif reader.__name__ == "scipy.io.netcdf":
            # If the reader is scipy, open it with scipy's open command
            if self._read:
                self._df = reader.netcdf_file(file_name, 'r')
            elif self._write:
                self._df = reader.netcdf_file(file_name, 'w')
        elif reader.__name__ == "Dataset":
            # If the reader is netCDF4, open it with that open command
            if self._read:
                self._df = reader(file_name, mode='r')
            elif self._write:
                self._df = reader(file_name, mode='a')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def open_file(self, file_name, mode=None):
        open_file() [public]
        Purpose:    Opens a file with the given mode.
        Parameters:    file_name [type=string]
                        Name of the file to open.
                    mode [type=string]
                        How to open the file (e.g. 'r' for reading, 'rw' for reading and writing, etc.)
                        Passing None defaults to opening for reading only.
        Returns:    [nothing]
        # Set the mode default
        if mode is None: mode = 'r'

        # If the file is already open, close it.
        if self._df is not None:

        self._file_name = file_name

        # Figure out whether we're reading, writing, or both.
        self._read = (mode.find('r') > -1)
        self._write = (mode.find('w') > -1 or mode == 'r+')

#       if self._write:
#           warning("DataIO: Writing is currently not supported.  Opening as read-only.")
#           self._write = False

        if reader.__name__ == "Nio":
            # If the reader is PyNIO open it with PyNIO's open command
            self._df = reader.open_file(file_name, mode=mode)
        elif reader.__name__ == "scipy.io.netcdf":
            # If the reader is scipy, open it with scipy's open command
            if self._read:
                self._df = reader.netcdf_file(file_name, 'r')
            elif self._write:
                self._df = reader.netcdf_file(file_name, 'w')
        elif reader.__name__ == "Dataset":
            # If the reader is netCDF4, open it with that open command
            if self._read:
                self._df = reader(file_name, mode='r')
            elif self._write:
                self._df = reader(file_name, mode='a')
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def close(self,out_file_name=''):
        close() [public]
        Purpose:    Closes the file and resets the class to its initial state.  The file is set for writing, and any changes have occurred, create a 
                        new file and copy all the variables over, without anything that's been "removed."
        Parameters: [none]
        Returns:    [nothing]
        self._attempted_close = True
        if self._write:
            # Copy the data to another file, excluding the removed variables ...
            tmp_file_name = "%s.tmp" % self._file_name
            tmp_file = None
            if reader.__name__ == "Nio":
                tmp_file = reader.open_file(tmp_file_name, format='nc', mode='w')
            elif reader.__name__ == "scipy.io.netcdf":
                tmp_file = reader.netcdf_file(tmp_file_name, mode='w')
            elif reader.__name__ == "Dataset":
                tmp_file = reader(tmp_file_name,'w')

            # Copy dimensions over
            for dimension, length in self._df.dimensions.iteritems():
                if reader.__name__ == "Nio":
                    tmp_file.create_dimension(dimension, length)
                elif reader.__name__ in ["scipy.io.netcdf", "Dataset"]:
                    tmp_file.createDimension(dimension, len(length))

            # Create new dimensions added by splicing
            for variable, splice_info in self._sp_variables.iteritems():
                dim_names, index_lists = splice_info
                for dim_name, indexes in zip(dim_names, index_lists):
                    if dim_name not in tmp_file.dimensions.keys():
                        if reader.__name__ == "Nio":
                            tmp_file.create_dimension(dim_name, len(np.unique(indexes)))
                        elif reader.__name__ in ["scipy.io.netcdf", "Dataset"]:
                            tmp_file.createDimension(dim_name, len(np.unique(indexes)))

            # Copy variable definitions over
            for variable, data in self._df.variables.iteritems():
                if variable not in self._rm_variables:
                    # If this variable is going to be spliced, find its new dimensions
                    if variable not in self._sp_variables:
                        dim_names = data.dimensions
                        dim_names, index_lists = self._sp_variables[variable]

                    if reader.__name__ == "Nio":
                        tmp_file.create_variable(variable, data.typecode(), dim_names)
                    elif reader.__name__ == "scipy.io.netcdf":
                        tmp_file.createVariable(variable, data.dtype, dim_names)
                    elif reader.__name__ == "Dataset":
                        if hasattr(data, "_FillValue"):
                            tmp_file.createVariable(variable, data.dtype, dim_names, fill_value=data._FillValue)
                            tmp_file.createVariable(variable, data.dtype, dim_names)

            # Copy file attributes over
            for attribute in dir(self._df):
                if not hasattr(tmp_file, attribute) and attribute not in self._rm_attributes['__file__']:
                    setattr(tmp_file, attribute, getattr(self._df, attribute))

            # Copy variable attributes over
            for variable, data in tmp_file.variables.iteritems():
                    for attribute in dir(self._df.variables[variable]):
                        if not hasattr(data, attribute) and attribute not in self._rm_attributes[variable]:
                            setattr(data, attribute, getattr(self._df.variables[variable], attribute))
                except KeyError:
                    for attribute in dir(self._df.variables[variable]):
                        if not hasattr(data, attribute):
                            setattr(data, attribute, getattr(self._df.variables[variable], attribute))

            # Copy variable data over (NetCDF4 Python appears to require this be done after setting all the variable attributes)
            for variable, data in self._df.variables.iteritems():
                if variable not in self._rm_variables:
                    tmp_variable = np.copy(self._df.variables[variable][:])

                    # Overwrite the data if we need to ...
                    if variable in self._ov_variables:
                        tmp_variable = np.copy(self._ov_variables[variable])

                    # Do splicing ...
                    if variable in self._sp_variables:
                        dim_names, index_lists = self._sp_variables[variable]
                        tmp_variable = np.copy(self._df.variables[variable][np.ix_(*index_lists)])

                    # Put it in the file ...
                    tmp_file.variables[variable][:] = tmp_variable

#           for dimension, length in tmp_file.dimensions.iteritems():
#               print dimension, length


        if self._write:
            # Move temporary file to original file's location
            import shutil
            if len(out_file_name) > 0:
                shutil.move(tmp_file_name, self._file_name) 

        self._df = None
        self._file_name = ""
        self._read = False
        self._write = False
        self._rm_variables = []
        self._sp_variables = {}
        self._rm_attributes = { '__file__':[] }
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def close(self, out_file_name=''):
        close() [public]
        Purpose:    Closes the file and resets the class to its initial state.  The file is set for writing, and any changes have occurred, create a 
                        new file and copy all the variables over, without anything that's been "removed."
        Parameters: [none]
        Returns:    [nothing]
        self._attempted_close = True
        if self._write:
            # Copy the data to another file, excluding the removed variables ...
            tmp_file_name = "%s.tmp" % self._file_name
            tmp_file = None
            if reader.__name__ == "Nio":
                tmp_file = reader.open_file(tmp_file_name,
            elif reader.__name__ == "scipy.io.netcdf":
                tmp_file = reader.netcdf_file(tmp_file_name, mode='w')
            elif reader.__name__ == "Dataset":
                tmp_file = reader(tmp_file_name, 'w')

            # Copy dimensions over
            for dimension, length in self._df.dimensions.iteritems():
                if reader.__name__ == "Nio":
                    tmp_file.create_dimension(dimension, length)
                elif reader.__name__ in ["scipy.io.netcdf", "Dataset"]:
                    tmp_file.createDimension(dimension, len(length))

            # Create new dimensions added by splicing
            for variable, splice_info in self._sp_variables.iteritems():
                dim_names, index_lists = splice_info
                for dim_name, indexes in zip(dim_names, index_lists):
                    if dim_name not in tmp_file.dimensions.keys():
                        if reader.__name__ == "Nio":
                        elif reader.__name__ in ["scipy.io.netcdf", "Dataset"]:

            # Copy variable definitions over
            for variable, data in self._df.variables.iteritems():
                if variable not in self._rm_variables:
                    # If this variable is going to be spliced, find its new dimensions
                    if variable not in self._sp_variables:
                        dim_names = data.dimensions
                        dim_names, index_lists = self._sp_variables[variable]

                    if reader.__name__ == "Nio":
                        tmp_file.create_variable(variable, data.typecode(),
                    elif reader.__name__ in ["scipy.io.netcdf", "Dataset"]:
                        tmp_file.createVariable(variable, data.dtype,

            # Copy file attributes over
            for attribute in dir(self._df):
                if attribute[:2] != "__" and not hasattr(
                        tmp_file, attribute
                ) and attribute not in self._rm_attributes['__file__']:
                    setattr(tmp_file, attribute, getattr(self._df, attribute))

            # Copy variable attributes over
            for variable, data in tmp_file.variables.iteritems():
                    for attribute in dir(self._df.variables[variable]):
                        if not hasattr(
                                data, attribute
                        ) and attribute not in self._rm_attributes[variable]:
                                data, attribute,
                except KeyError:
                    for attribute in dir(self._df.variables[variable]):
                        if not hasattr(data, attribute):
                                data, attribute,

            # Copy variable data over (NetCDF4 Python appears to require this be done after setting all the variable attributes)
            for variable, data in self._df.variables.iteritems():
                if variable not in self._rm_variables:
                    tmp_variable = np.copy(self._df.variables[variable][:])

                    # Overwrite the data if we need to ...
                    if variable in self._ov_variables:
                        tmp_variable = np.copy(self._ov_variables[variable])

                    # Do splicing ...
                    if variable in self._sp_variables:
                        dim_names, index_lists = self._sp_variables[variable]
                        tmp_variable = np.copy(

                    # Put it in the file ...
                    tmp_file.variables[variable][:] = tmp_variable

#           for dimension, length in tmp_file.dimensions.iteritems():
#               print dimension, length


        if self._write:
            # Move temporary file to original file's location
            import shutil
            if len(out_file_name) > 0:
                shutil.move(tmp_file_name, out_file_name)
                shutil.move(tmp_file_name, self._file_name)

        self._df = None
        self._file_name = ""
        self._format = ""
        self._read = False
        self._write = False
        self._rm_variables = []
        self._sp_variables = {}
        self._rm_attributes = {'__file__': []}