Tselect = np.squeeze(InVar[Z1:Z2 + 1, :])
            Dselect = np.squeeze(DensVar[Z1:Z2 + 1, :])

            VertDim = Zdim
        elif (VcoordType == 'p'):
            Nvert = Np

            Tselect = np.squeeze(InVar[P1:P2 + 1, :])
            Dselect = np.squeeze(DensVar[P1:P2 + 1, :])

            VertDim = Pdim

        # Smooth the input temperature field in the horizontal.
        InVarSmooth = np.zeros((Nvert, Nx))
        for ivert in range(Nvert):
            InVarSmooth[ivert, :] = nu.SmoothLine(np.squeeze(InVar[ivert, :]))

        # Take the horizontal gradient of the 2D field.
        #   Create a 2D delta X array
        DeltaX_2D = np.tile(DeltaX.reshape((1, Nx)), (Nvert, 1))
        InVarGrad = np.gradient(InVarSmooth, DeltaX_2D, axis=1)
        InVarGradSmooth = np.zeros((Nvert, Nx))
        for ivert in range(Nvert):
            InVarGradSmooth[ivert, :] = nu.SmoothLine(
                np.squeeze(InVarGrad[ivert, :]))

        # Do vertical average of layer between bottom and top layer
        # Use density weighted averaging.
        Tbar = np.squeeze(np.average(Tselect, axis=0, weights=Dselect))

        # Smooth Tbar in order to mitigate noise in the gradient
Ejemplo n.º 2

    # finish calculations
    # entropy deficit
    Sdef = (SmSat - Sm) / (SsstSat - Sb)

    # potiential intensity
    Pi = np.sqrt((Ts - To) * (Ts / To) * CkOverCd * (SsstSat - Sb))

    # ventilation index
    Vi = WindShear * Sdef / Pi

    ##### Smoothed versions ####
    # wind shear
    WindShearSmooth = nu.SmoothLine(WindShear)

    # entropy deficit
    SmSmooth      = nu.SmoothLine(Sm)
    SmSatSmooth   = nu.SmoothLine(SmSat)
    SbSmooth      = nu.SmoothLine(Sb)
    SsstSatSmooth = nu.SmoothLine(SsstSat)

    SdefSmooth = nu.SmoothLine((SmSatSmooth - SmSmooth) / (SsstSatSmooth - Sb))

    # potential intensity
    TsSmooth = nu.SmoothLine(Ts)
    ToSmooth = nu.SmoothLine(To)

    PiSmooth = nu.SmoothLine(np.sqrt((TsSmooth - ToSmooth) * (TsSmooth / ToSmooth) * CkOverCd * (SsstSatSmooth - SbSmooth)))