def doBallisticProbe(params, t0, xx0vec, plotsOn=True): ''' main function for passive ballistic probe (no control or guidance). Uses augmented spherical planet-relative EOMs. ''' print('\nRUNNING PASSIVE PROBE...') # set dummy sig0 and e0 values sig0 = 90 e0 = 0 # ========================================================================= # Set up events # ========================================================================= event1 = lambda t, y: ODEs.above_max_alt_sph(t, y, params) event1.terminal = True event1.direction = 1 event2 = lambda t, y: ODEs.below_min_alt_sph(t, y, params) event2.terminal = True # ========================================================================= # Main integration loop # ========================================================================= tspan = (t0, sol = solve_ivp( lambda t, y: ODEs.sphericalEntryEOMsAug(t, y, sig0, e0, params), tspan, xx0vec, rtol=params.rtol, atol=params.atol, events=(event1, event2)) xxvec = sol.y tvec = sol.t if plotsOn: # uses global variable ax3 for plotting! ax3.plot(xxvec[3, :] / 1e3, xxvec[0, :] / 1e3 - params.p.rad) # ========================================================================= # Compute target errors # ========================================================================= xxfvec = xxvec[:, -1] sfErr = np.degrees(xxfvec[6]) hfErr = xxfvec[0] - params.rf vfErr = xxfvec[3] - params.vf print('Final range error: {0:.6e} deg'.format(sfErr)) print('Final altitude error: {0:.6f} m'.format(hfErr)) print('Final velocity error: {0:.6f} m/s'.format(vfErr)) return xxvec, tvec, sfErr, hfErr, vfErr
def simRun(params, tspan, events, **options): # now do the setup and call dynamics y0 = np.block([params.x0, params.v0]) sol = solve_ivp(lambda t, y: ODEs.dynamics(t, y,, params), [tspan[0], tspan[-1]], y0.flatten(), rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10, events=events) # 1e-10 maintains about 5 sig figs of accuracy if 'verbose' in options: if options['verbose']: # print('BC: %.2f, EFPA_WR: %.2f' % (params.BC, params.efpaWR)) print('EFPA_WR: {0:.2f} deg, vmag_WR: {1:.3f} m/s'\ .format(params.efpaWR, params.vmagWR*1e3)) print(sol.message) if not sol.success: sys.exit('integration failed') if not sol.status: print('Got stuck at:') print('BC: %.2f' % params.BC) print('EFPA: %.2f' % params.efpa) sys.exit('no termination event reached') return sol
def marvelProbe(params, verbose = False, MC = False): ''' main function for MARVEL probes. 1) back-propagate probes for params.tback seconds 2) split probe into N separate probes 3) apply delta-V of params.DV to each probe in hard-coded directions 4) forward propagate to entry interface 5) call mainAD for each probe from entry interface to landing ''' # get inertial cartesian state from given planet-relative spherical state params.x0, params.vInfvec_N = LLAEHV2RV(, params.lon, params.alt, params.efpaWR, params.hdaWR, params.vmagWR, params, params.tspan[0]) params.v0 = Vinf2VN(params.x0, params.vInfvec_N, params, params.tspan[0]) # propagate vehicle backwards in time by params.tback seconds yy0 = np.block([params.x0, params.v0]) solBack = solve_ivp(lambda t, y: ODEs.TBP(t, y, params), (params.tback, 0), yy0.flatten(), rtol = params.rtol, atol = params.atol) xx0vecCenter = solBack.y[:,-1] x0vecCenter = xx0vecCenter[:3] v0vecCenter = xx0vecCenter[3:] # split probe into 4 separate probes rDir = x0vecCenter / np.linalg.norm(x0vecCenter) vDir = v0vecCenter / np.linalg.norm(v0vecCenter) hDir = np.cross(rDir, vDir) hDir = hDir / np.linalg.norm(hDir) thDir = np.cross(hDir, rDir) thDir = thDir / np.linalg.norm(thDir) phi = np.radians(0) eta = np.radians(0) aDir = np.cos(phi) * thDir + np.sin(phi) * hDir bDir = -aDir cDir = np.cos(eta) * hDir - np.sin(eta) * thDir dDir = -cDir v0vecDown = v0vecCenter + params.DVDown * aDir v0vecUp = v0vecCenter + params.DVUp * bDir v0vecLeft = v0vecCenter + params.DVLeft * cDir v0vecRight = v0vecCenter + params.DVRight * dDir xx0vecDown = np.hstack([x0vecCenter, v0vecDown]) xx0vecUp = np.hstack([x0vecCenter, v0vecUp]) xx0vecLeft = np.hstack([x0vecCenter, v0vecLeft]) xx0vecRight = np.hstack([x0vecCenter, v0vecRight]) # pdb.set_trace() # propagate each probe forward until atm interface eventEI = lambda t, y: ODEs.above_max_alt(t, y, params) eventEI.terminal = True paramsDown = copy.deepcopy(params) solDown = solve_ivp(lambda t, y: ODEs.TBP(t, y, params), (0, 10 * params.tback), xx0vecDown, rtol = params.rtol, atol = params.atol, events = (eventEI)) paramsDown.x0 = solDown.y[:3,-1] paramsDown.v0 = solDown.y[3:,-1] paramsDown.inputType = 'inertial vectors' paramsUp = copy.deepcopy(params) solUp = solve_ivp(lambda t, y: ODEs.TBP(t, y, params), (0, 10 * params.tback), xx0vecUp, rtol = params.rtol, atol = params.atol, events = (eventEI)) paramsUp.x0 = solUp.y[:3,-1] paramsUp.v0 = solUp.y[3:,-1] paramsUp.inputType = 'inertial vectors' paramsLeft = copy.deepcopy(params) solLeft = solve_ivp(lambda t, y: ODEs.TBP(t, y, params), (0, 10 * params.tback), xx0vecLeft, rtol = params.rtol, atol = params.atol, events = (eventEI)) paramsLeft.x0 = solLeft.y[:3,-1] paramsLeft.v0 = solLeft.y[3:,-1] paramsLeft.inputType = 'inertial vectors' paramsRight = copy.deepcopy(params) solRight = solve_ivp(lambda t, y: ODEs.TBP(t, y, params), (0, 10 * params.tback), xx0vecRight, rtol = params.rtol, atol = params.atol, events = (eventEI)) paramsRight.x0 = solRight.y[:3,-1] paramsRight.v0 = solRight.y[3:,-1] paramsRight.inputType = 'inertial vectors' # propagate all 4 probes to the surface outsDown = Outs() outsUp = Outs() outsLeft = Outs() outsRight = Outs() outsDown = mainAD(paramsDown, params.tspan,, outsDown, verbose = verbose) outsUp = mainAD(paramsUp, params.tspan,, outsUp, verbose = verbose) outsLeft = mainAD(paramsLeft, params.tspan,, outsLeft, verbose = verbose) outsRight = mainAD(paramsRight, params.tspan,, outsRight, verbose = verbose) # make sure that all probes enter atm at least 1 km away from orbiter dista = greatCircleDistDeg(params.lon,, outsDown.lon0, outsDown.lat0, params) distb = greatCircleDistDeg(params.lon,, outsUp.lon0, outsUp.lat0, params) distc = greatCircleDistDeg(params.lon,, outsLeft.lon0, outsLeft.lat0, params) distd = greatCircleDistDeg(params.lon,, outsRight.lon0, outsRight.lat0, params) if min(dista, distb, distc, distd) < 1: # sys.exit('a probe entered the atmosphere within {0:.3f} km of the'\ # ' orbtier'.format(min(dista, distb, distc, distd))) print('a probe entered the atmosphere within {0:.3f} km of the'\ ' orbtier'.format(min(dista, distb, distc, distd))) # find minimum distance between two landing locations distAB = greatCircleDistDeg(outsDown.lonf, outsDown.latf, outsUp.lonf, outsUp.latf, params) distAC = greatCircleDistDeg(outsDown.lonf, outsDown.latf, outsLeft.lonf, outsLeft.latf, params) distAD = greatCircleDistDeg(outsDown.lonf, outsDown.latf, outsRight.lonf, outsRight.latf, params) distBC = greatCircleDistDeg(outsUp.lonf, outsUp.latf, outsLeft.lonf, outsLeft.latf, params) distBD = greatCircleDistDeg(outsUp.lonf, outsUp.latf, outsRight.lonf, outsRight.latf, params) distCD = greatCircleDistDeg(outsLeft.lonf, outsLeft.latf, outsRight.lonf, outsRight.latf, params) minDist = min(distAB, distAC, distAD, distBC, distBD, distCD) maxDist = max(distAB, distAC, distAD, distBC, distBD, distCD) return outsDown, outsUp, outsLeft, outsRight, (minDist, maxDist)
params.hdaWR = 0 params.vmagWR = 6 ### SET DEFAULT SEPARATION DELTA-V AND TIMING DVnom = 1e-4 # km/s tbacknom = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 # s params.tback = tbacknom ### TIME VECTOR AND EXIT CONDITIONS params.tspan = (tbacknom, 5000000) # EXIT CONDITIONS: params.hmin = 10 params.hmax = params.p.halt + 1e-7 event1 = lambda t, y: ODEs.below_min_alt(t, y, params) event1.terminal = True event2 = lambda t, y: ODEs.above_max_alt(t, y, params) event2.terminal = True event2.direction = 1 events = (event1, event2) = events ### INTEGRATION TOLERANCE params.rtol = 1e-11 params.atol = 1e-11 outsCenter = Outs() outsCenter = mainAD(params, params.tspan,, outsCenter)
def doFNPAG(mode, paramsTrue, paramsNom, t0, xx0vec, sig0, sigd, ts, ts1, ts2, verbose=True, plotsOn=True, updatesOn=True): ''' main function for FNPAG with variable mode (supports modes 1 and 2). paramsTrue holds real values used in propagation, paramsNom holds nominal values used in prediction for guidance updates. ''' # ========================================================================= # Set up events # ========================================================================= event1 = lambda t, y: ODEs.above_max_alt(t, y, paramsTrue) event1.terminal = True event1.direction = 1 event2 = lambda t, y: ODEs.below_min_alt(t, y, paramsTrue) event2.terminal = True event3 = lambda t, y: ODEs.switchEvent(t, y, ts) event3.terminal = True # ========================================================================= # Main integration loop # ========================================================================= # make sure correct bank angles are set = sig0 = sig0 # initialize tvec = np.arange(t0, + paramsTrue.dtGdn, paramsTrue.dtGdn) tvecEval = np.empty(1) tvecEval[0] = t0 xxvec = np.empty((len(xx0vec), 1)) xxvec[:] = np.NaN xxvec[:, 0] = xx0vec tsList = [] sigdList = [] t = t0 ind = 0 xx0veci = xx0vec ## PHASE 1 ## phase = 1 for ind, t in enumerate(tvec): # update guidance if updatesOn: ts = updateFNPAG(xxvec[:, -1], t, ts, sig0, sigd, ts1, ts2, phase, mode, paramsNom) # update event with new ts value event3 = lambda t, y: ODEs.switchEvent(t, y, ts) event3.terminal = True if verbose: print('PHASE 1: updating guidance at time {0:.3f} ts = {1:.3f}'\ .format(t, ts)) tsList.append(ts) # propagate until next guidance update or switching time tspan = (t, t + paramsTrue.dtGdn) soli = solve_ivp(lambda t, y: ODEs.dynamics(t, y, paramsTrue), tspan, xx0veci, rtol=paramsTrue.rtol, atol=paramsTrue.atol, events=(event1, event2, event3)) # append results xxvec = np.append(xxvec, soli.y, axis=1) tvecEval = np.append(tvecEval, soli.t) xx0veci = xxvec[:, -1] # either proceed to next guidance update or enter phase 2 if soli.status == 0: # reached next guidance update continue elif len(soli.t_events[0]) > 0: # reached switching time break else: sys.exit('propagator never reached next guidance update or'\ 'switching time in phase 1') tvecP1 = tvecEval * 1 ## create new tvec for phase 2 tvec = np.arange(tvecEval[-1], + paramsTrue.dtGdn, paramsTrue.dtGdn) ## PHASE 2 ## phase = 2 = sigd = sigd print() for ind, t in enumerate(tvec): # update guidance if updatesOn: sigd = updateFNPAG(xxvec[:, -1], t, ts, sig0, sigd, ts1, ts2, phase, mode, paramsNom) = sigd = sigd # make sure sigd is in [-180, 180] deg range sigd = (sigd + 180) % (360) - 180 if verbose: print('PHASE 2: updating guidance at time {0:.3f}'\ ' sigd = {1:.3f} deg'.format(t, sigd)) sigdList.append(sigd) # propagate until next guidance update or final state tspan = (t, t + paramsTrue.dtGdn) soli = solve_ivp(lambda t, y: ODEs.dynamics(t, y, paramsTrue), tspan, xx0veci, rtol=paramsTrue.rtol, atol=paramsTrue.atol, events=(event1, event2)) # append results xxvec = np.append(xxvec, soli.y, axis=1) tvecEval = np.append(tvecEval, soli.t) xx0veci = xxvec[:, -1] if soli.status == 1: # reached terminal state break # trim off first array elements xxvec = xxvec[:, 1:] tvecEval = tvecEval[1:] tvecP2 = tvecEval * 1 if plotsOn: print() # TODO: add some plotting here # ========================================================================= # Compute apoapsis error and DV magnitudes # ========================================================================= raf, rpf = getApses(xxvec[:3, -1], xxvec[3:, -1], paramsTrue) raErr = raf - paramsTrue.raStar DV1 = np.sqrt(2 *\ * abs((np.sqrt(1/paramsTrue.raStar - 1\ / (paramsTrue.raStar + paramsTrue.rpStar))\ - np.sqrt(1/paramsTrue.raStar - 1 / (raf + rpf)))) DV2 = np.sqrt(2 *\ * abs((np.sqrt(1/paramsTrue.rpStar - 1\ / (paramsTrue.raStar + paramsTrue.rpStar))\ - np.sqrt(1/paramsTrue.rpStar - 1 / (raf + paramsTrue.rpStar)))) DV = DV1 + DV2 print('\n\nfinal apoapsis error: {0:.3e} m'.format(raErr)) print('delta-V for periapsis raise: {0:.3f} m/s'.format(DV1)) print('delta-V for apoapsis correction: {0:.3f} m/s'.format(DV2)) print('total delta-V: {0:.3f} m/s'.format(DV)) return xxvec, tvecEval, raf, rpf, raErr, DV,\ tsList, sigdList, tvecP1, tvecP2
def NonLinSystem(t, x, power_yaw, Ybus): """ Objective: Describes the system of equations for a coupled machine-turbine system dictated by a given network. We use the Kundur 2-area system as a test-case Inputs: x := state vector t := time fi := struct containing flow info Ybus := Admittance matrix Outputs: F := d/dts Note: In this function, we will work with 2 systems 1) Turbine := No_mach*No_states_mach : No_mach*No_states_mach + 11 2) Synchronous Machines := 0:No_mach*No_states_mach The network gives us voltage info of the buses and we use this to simulate the dynamics of turbine and synch mach """ # So now we have things written in different functions # This is sorta the main function where we get the ODEs # Initialization: Nfull = No_mach * No_states_mach + No_states_turb * No_turb #========================================================================== # 0) Get the currents from the turbine to feed into the grid Iturb = TurbineCurrentsInGlobal(t, x[No_mach * No_states_mach:]) #========================================================================== # 1) Get voltage from the network Vd, Vq, Id, Iq = GridInterconnection(Ybus, x[:No_mach * No_states_mach], Iturb) #========================================================================== # 2) Use this voltage to simulate SM omega_slack = x[3] DXsyncDT = np.zeros(No_mach * No_states_mach) # Loop over machines l = 0 for mach in range(No_mach): if mach == 0: omega_slack_1 = 377 else: omega_slack_1 = x[3] mach_dyn = ODEs.SyncMachineEqns(t, x[:No_mach*No_states_mach],\ omega_slack, omega_slack_1,\ Id[mach], Iq[mach]) DXsyncDT[l:l + No_states_mach] = mach_dyn l = l + No_states_mach #========================================================================== # 3) Use this voltage to simulate turbine DXturbDT = np.zeros(No_states_turb * No_turb) # Loop over turbines k = 0 for turb in range(No_turb): turb_dyn = ODEs.TurbineEqns(t, x[No_mach*No_states_mach:],\ power_yaw[turb]/5e6, Vd[-1],Vq[-1]) DXturbDT[k:k + No_states_turb] = turb_dyn k = k + No_states_turb #========================================================================== # 4) Stack 'em F = np.hstack((DXsyncDT, DXturbDT)) return F
raf, rpf = getApsesSphPR(xxvecs2[:, -1], paramsNom) print(raf / 1e3 - paramsNom.p.rad) h = np.linalg.norm(xxvecs2[:3, :], axis=0) / 1e3 vmag = np.linalg.norm(xxvecs2[3:, :], axis=0) / 1e3 ax.plot(vmag, h, label='spherical EOMs') ax.legend() # spherical aug xx0vec3 = np.append(xx0vec2, 0) tic3 = time.time() e0 = 0 paramsNom.ef = 100 paramsNom.sigf = sigd event1 = lambda t, y: ODEs.above_max_alt_sph(t, y, paramsNom) event1.terminal = True event1.direction = 1 event2 = lambda t, y: ODEs.below_min_alt_sph(t, y, paramsNom) event2.terminal = True tspan = (t0, sol = solve_ivp( lambda t, y: ODEs.sphericalEntryEOMsAug(t, y, sig0, e0, paramsNom), tspan, xx0vec3, rtol=paramsNom.rtol, atol=paramsNom.atol, events=(event1, event2)) xxvecs3 = sol.y toc3 = time.time() raf, rpf = getApsesSphPR(xxvecs3[:, -1], paramsNom)
params1.hmin = 30 params1.hmax = 100 tspan = np.linspace(0, 1800, 10000) # integrate # r0vec_N = np.array([-6402,-1809,1065]) * 1e3 # v0vec_N = np.array([0.999,-6.471,-4.302]) * 1e3 r0vec_N = np.array([6478100, 0, 0]) / 1e3 # v0vec_N = np.array([-671.533934883426, 472.3899576546, 10979.4827826405]) / 1e3 v0vec_N = np.array([-0.67153393, 0.47238996, 10.97948278]) y0 = np.block([r0vec_N, v0vec_N]) event1 = lambda t, y: ODEs.below_min_alt(t, y, params1) event1.terminal = True event2 = lambda t, y: ODEs.above_max_alt(t, y, params1) event2.terminal = True sol = solve_ivp(lambda t, y: ODEs.dynamics(t, y, params1), [tspan[0], tspan[-1]], y0.flatten(), rtol=1e-9, atol=1e-9, t_eval=tspan, events=(event1, event2)) # normally set tols to 1e-12 print(sol.message)
def doFNPAG(mode, paramsTrue, paramsNom, t0, xx0vec, sig0, sigd, ts, verbose=True, plotsOn=True, updatesOn=True): ''' main function for FNPAG with variable mode (supports modes 1 and 2). paramsTrue holds real values used in propagation, paramsNom holds nominal values used in prediction for guidance updates. Uses spherical planet-relative EOMs. ''' print('\nRUNNING FNPAG...') # ========================================================================= # Set up events # ========================================================================= event1 = lambda t, y: ODEs.above_max_alt_sph(t, y, paramsTrue) event1.terminal = True event1.direction = 1 event2 = lambda t, y: ODEs.below_min_alt_sph(t, y, paramsTrue) event2.terminal = True event3 = lambda t, y: ODEs.switchEvent(t, y, ts) event3.terminal = True # ========================================================================= # Main integration loop # ========================================================================= # initialize tvec = np.arange(t0, + paramsTrue.dtGdn, paramsTrue.dtGdn) tvecEval = np.empty(1) tvecEval[0] = t0 xxvec = np.empty((len(xx0vec), 1)) xxvec[:] = np.NaN xxvec[:, 0] = xx0vec tsList = [] sigdList = [] t = t0 ind = 0 xx0veci = xx0vec ## PHASE 1 ## phase = 1 for ind, t in enumerate(tvec): # update guidance if updatesOn: ts = updateFNPAG(xx0veci, t, ts, sig0, sigd, phase, mode, paramsNom, sphericalEOMs=True) # update event with new ts value event3 = lambda t, y: ODEs.switchEvent(t, y, ts) event3.terminal = True if verbose: print('PHASE 1: updating guidance at time {0:.3f} ts = {1:.3f}'\ .format(t, ts)) tsList.append(ts) # propagate until next guidance update or switching time tspan = (t, t + paramsTrue.dtGdn) soli = solve_ivp(lambda t, y: ODEs.sphericalEntryEOMs( t, y, np.radians(sig0), paramsTrue), tspan, xx0veci, rtol=paramsTrue.rtol, atol=paramsTrue.atol, events=(event1, event2, event3)) # append results xxvec = np.append(xxvec, soli.y, axis=1) tvecEval = np.append(tvecEval, soli.t) xx0veci = xxvec[:, -1] # either proceed to next guidance update or enter phase 2 if soli.status == 0: # reached next guidance update continue elif len(soli.t_events[2]) > 0: # reached switching time break else: sys.exit('propagator never reached next guidance update or'\ ' switching time in phase 1') xswitchvec = xxvec[:, -1] # save state at switching time tvecP1 = tvecEval * 1 ## create new tvec for phase 2 tvec = np.arange(tvecEval[-1], + paramsTrue.dtGdn, paramsTrue.dtGdn) ## PHASE 2 ## phase = 2 if verbose: print() for ind, t in enumerate(tvec): # update guidance if updatesOn: sigd = updateFNPAG(xxvec[:, -1], t, ts, sig0, sigd, phase, mode, paramsNom) # make sure sigd is in [-180, 180] deg range sigd = (sigd + 180) % (360) - 180 # if verbose: # print('PHASE 2: updating guidance at time {0:.3f}'\ # ' sigd = {1:.3f} deg'.format(t, sigd)) sigdList.append(sigd) # propagate until next guidance update or final state tspan = (t, t + paramsTrue.dtGdn) soli = solve_ivp(lambda t, y: ODEs.sphericalEntryEOMs( t, y, np.radians(sigd), paramsTrue), tspan, xx0veci, rtol=paramsTrue.rtol, atol=paramsTrue.atol, events=(event1, event2)) # append results xxvec = np.append(xxvec, soli.y, axis=1) tvecEval = np.append(tvecEval, soli.t) xx0veci = xxvec[:, -1] if soli.status == 1: # reached terminal state break # trim off first array elements xxvec = xxvec[:, 1:] tvecEval = tvecEval[1:] tvecP2 = tvecEval * 1 if plotsOn: # uses global variable ax for plotting! ax.plot(xxvec[3, :] / 1e3, xxvec[0, :] / 1e3 - paramsNom.p.rad) ax.plot(xswitchvec[3] / 1e3, xswitchvec[0] / 1e3 - paramsNom.p.rad, 'o', markersize=6, color=plt.gca().lines[-1].get_color()) # ========================================================================= # Compute apoapsis error and DV magnitudes # ========================================================================= raf, rpf, engf = getApsesSphPR(xxvec[:, -1], paramsTrue, returnEng=True) raErr = raf - paramsTrue.raStar mu = * 1e9 # if hyperbolic orbit, assign NaN to both DV values if raf < 0: DV1 = np.NaN DV2 = np.NaN else: DV1 = np.sqrt(2 * mu)\ * abs((np.sqrt(1/raf - 1\ / (raf + paramsTrue.rpStar))\ - np.sqrt(1/raf - 1 / (raf + rpf)))) DV2 = np.sqrt(2 * mu)\ * abs((np.sqrt(1/paramsTrue.rpStar - 1\ / (paramsTrue.raStar + paramsTrue.rpStar))\ - np.sqrt(1/paramsTrue.rpStar - 1\ / (raf + paramsTrue.rpStar)))) DV = DV1 + DV2 # m/s print('final apoapsis error: {0:.3e} m'.format(raErr)) print('delta-V for periapsis raise: {0:.3f} m/s'.format(DV1)) print('delta-V for apoapsis correction: {0:.3f} m/s'.format(DV2)) print('total delta-V: {0:.3f} m/s'.format(DV)) return xxvec, tvecEval, raf, rpf, engf, raErr, DV,\ tsList, sigdList, tvecP1, tvecP2, xswitchvec
def doFNPEG(paramsTrue, paramsNom, t0, xx0vec, sig0, e0, verbose=True, plotsOn=True, updatesOn=True): ''' main function for FNPEG. paramsTrue holds real values used in propagation, paramsNom holds nominal values used in prediction for guidance updates. Uses augmented spherical planet-relative EOMs. ''' print('\nRUNNING FNPEG...') # ========================================================================= # Set up events # ========================================================================= event1 = lambda t, y: ODEs.above_max_alt_sph(t, y, paramsTrue) event1.terminal = True event1.direction = 1 event2 = lambda t, y: ODEs.below_min_alt_sph(t, y, paramsTrue) event2.terminal = True event3 = lambda t, y: engEvent(t, y, paramsTrue) event3.terminal = True # ========================================================================= # Main integration loop # ========================================================================= # initialize tvec = np.arange(t0, + paramsTrue.dtGdn, paramsTrue.dtGdn) tvecEval = np.empty(1) tvecEval[0] = t0 xxvec = np.empty((len(xx0vec), 1)) xxvec[:] = np.NaN xxvec[:, 0] = xx0vec evec = np.empty(1) evec[:] = np.NaN sigvec = np.empty(1) sigvec[:] = np.NaN sig0List = [] t = t0 ind = 0 xx0veci = xx0vec * 1 for ind, t in enumerate(tvec): # update guidance if updatesOn: sig0 = updateFNPEG(xx0veci, t, sig0, e0, paramsNom) if verbose: print('FNPEG: updating guidance at time {0:.3f} '\ ' sig0 = {1:.3f} deg'.format(t, sig0)) sig0List.append(sig0) # propagate until next guidance update or switching time tspan = (t, t + paramsTrue.dtGdn) soli = solve_ivp(lambda t, y: ODEs.sphericalEntryEOMsAug( t, y, sig0, e0, paramsTrue), tspan, xx0veci, rtol=paramsTrue.rtol, atol=paramsTrue.atol, events=(event1, event2, event3)) # get bank angle history eveci = * 1e9 / soli.y[0, :] - soli.y[3, :]**2 / 2 sigveci = sig0 + (eveci - e0) /\ (paramsTrue.ef - e0) * (paramsTrue.sigf - sig0) # append results xxvec = np.append(xxvec, soli.y, axis=1) tvecEval = np.append(tvecEval, soli.t) evec = np.append(evec, eveci) sigvec = np.append(sigvec, sigveci) xx0veci = xxvec[:, -1] if soli.status == 1: break # trim off first array elements xxvec = xxvec[:, 1:] tvecEval = tvecEval[1:] evec = evec[1:] sigvec = sigvec[1:] if plotsOn: # uses global variable ax2 for plotting! ax2.plot(xxvec[3, :] / 1e3, xxvec[0, :] / 1e3 - paramsNom.p.rad) # ========================================================================= # Compute target errors # ========================================================================= xxfvec = xxvec[:, -1] sfErr = np.degrees(xxfvec[6]) hfErr = xxfvec[0] - paramsTrue.rf vfErr = xxfvec[3] - paramsTrue.vf print('Final range error: {0:.6e} deg'.format(sfErr)) print('Final altitude error: {0:.6f} m'.format(hfErr)) print('Final velocity error: {0:.6f} m/s'.format(vfErr)) return xxvec, tvecEval, sfErr, hfErr, vfErr, evec, sigvec, sig0List
def mainAD(params, tspan, events, outs, verbose=True): ### CONVERT GIVEN INPUT TO INERTIAL VECTORS (and other input types as well) # NOTE - no matter what the input type is, vectors should be in N frame if params.inputType == 'inertial vectors': params.vInfvec_N = VN2Vinf(params.x0, params.v0, params, tspan[0]), params.lon, params.alt, params.efpa, params.hda,\ params.vmag = RV2LLAEHV(params.x0, params.v0, params, tspan[0]) _, _, _, params.efpaWR, params.hdaWR, params.vmagWR = \ RV2LLAEHV(params.x0, params.vInfvec_N, params, tspan[0]) elif params.inputType == 'wind-relative vectors': params.v0 = Vinf2VN(params.x0, params.vInfvec_N, params, tspan[0]), params.lon, params.alt, params.efpa, params.hda,\ params.vmag = RV2LLAEHV(params.x0, params.v0, params, tspan[0]) _, _, _, params.efpaWR, params.hdaWR, params.vmagWR = \ RV2LLAEHV(params.x0, params.vInfvec_N, params, tspan[0]) elif params.inputType == 'inertial angles': params.x0, params.v0 = LLAEHV2RV(, params.lon, params.alt, params.efpa, params.hda, params.vmag, params, tspan[0]) params.vInfvec_N = VN2Vinf(params.x0, params.v0, params, tspan[0]) _, _, _, params.efpaWR, params.hdaWR, params.vmagWR = \ RV2LLAEHV(params.x0, params.vInfvec_N, params, tspan[0]) elif params.inputType == 'wind-relative angles': params.x0, params.vInfvec_N = LLAEHV2RV(, params.lon, params.alt, params.efpaWR, params.hdaWR, params.vmagWR, params, tspan[0]) params.v0 = Vinf2VN(params.x0, params.vInfvec_N, params, tspan[0]) _, _, _, params.efpa, params.hda, params.vmag = \ RV2LLAEHV(params.x0, params.v0, params, tspan[0]) else: sys.exit('input type not recognized') ### CALL SIMRUN sol = simRun(params, tspan, events, verbose=verbose) rvec_N = sol.y[0:3, :] vvec_N = sol.y[3:6, :] ### GET OUTPUT PARAMS OF INTEREST # final inertial state rfvec_N = rvec_N[:, -1] vfvec_N = vvec_N[:, -1] tf = sol.t[-1] # convert final state params (these are inertial) lat, lon, alt, fpa, hda, vmag = RV2LLAEHV(rfvec_N, vfvec_N, params, tf) ## Compute peak heat rate, add to output # get airspeed at each time, vInf vInfvec_N = [] for i in range(vvec_N.shape[1]): vInfvec_N.append(VN2Vinf(rvec_N[:, i], vvec_N[:, i], params, sol.t[i])) vInfvec_N = np.asarray(vInfvec_N).T vInf = np.linalg.norm(vInfvec_N, axis=0) # get density at each time r = np.linalg.norm(rvec_N, axis=0) h = r - params.p.rad if params.dMode == 'fun': rho = params.dFun(h) elif params.dMode == 'table': rho = getRho_from_table(params.atmdat, h) else: sys.exit('atm mode not recognized') # calculate S-G heat rate without coefficient, SG SG = [] for i in range(len(rho)): SG.append(np.sqrt(rho[i] / params.Rn) * vInf[i]**3) SG = np.asarray(SG) SGpeak = SG.max() # calculate peak heat rate qpeak = params.p.k * SGpeak * 1e5 # puts q in W/cm^2 units q = params.p.k * SG * 1e5 # now integrate numerically to get heat load Qload = trapz(q, sol.t) # J / cm^2 ## Compute max g, add to output # run through dynamics again to get forces output agvec_N = np.empty((3, len(sol.t))) agvec_N[:] = np.NaN aLvec_N = np.empty((3, len(sol.t))) aLvec_N[:] = np.NaN aDvec_N = np.empty((3, len(sol.t))) aDvec_N[:] = np.NaN for i, (ti, xi, vi) in enumerate(zip(sol.t, rvec_N.T, vvec_N.T)): yyi = np.block([xi, vi]) agvec_N[:, i], aLvec_N[:, i], aDvec_N[:, i] = ODEs.dynamics( ti, yyi,, params, returnAccelerations=True) # compute g-load at each time gload = np.linalg.norm(aLvec_N + aDvec_N, axis=0)\ / (constants.G0 / 1e3) # divide g0 by 1000 to get it in km/s^2 units gpeak = gload.max() ## Compute apoapsis at final time, add to output vf = np.linalg.norm(vfvec_N) rf = np.linalg.norm(rfvec_N) engf = vf**2 / 2 - / rf hfvec_N = np.cross(rfvec_N, vfvec_N) hf = np.linalg.norm(hfvec_N) af = / (2 * engf) eccf = np.sqrt(1 + 2 * engf * hf**2 /**2) raf = af * (1 + eccf) haf = raf - params.p.rad ### ASSIGN OUTPUTS TO outs CLASS # initial state outs.lat0 = outs.lon0 = params.lon outs.alt0 = params.alt outs.efpa0 = params.efpa outs.hda0 = params.hda outs.vmag0 = params.vmag outs.efpaWR0 = params.efpaWR outs.hdaWR0 = params.hdaWR outs.vmagWR0 = params.vmagWR outs.rvec_N0 = params.x0 outs.vvec_N0 = params.v0 outs.vInfvec_N0 = params.vInfvec_N outs.tspan = tspan # vehicle outs.BC = params.BC outs.Rn = params.Rn = # final state outs.latf = lat outs.lonf = lon outs.altf = alt outs.fpaf = fpa outs.hdaf = hda outs.vmagf = vmag outs.rvec_Nf = rfvec_N outs.vvec_Nf = vfvec_N outs.raf = raf outs.haf = haf outs.engf = engf = af outs.eccf = eccf outs.t = tf # peak values and total loads outs.SGpeak = SGpeak outs.qpeak = qpeak outs.Qload = Qload outs.gpeak = gpeak if params.returnTimeVectors: outs.rvec_N = rvec_N outs.vvec_N = vvec_N outs.tvec = sol.t outs.q = q outs.gload = gload return outs