Ejemplo n.º 1

press = np.logspace(-8, 2, 100)
kappa  = -3.0
gamma1 =  0.3
gamma2 =  0.1
alpha  =  0.6
beta   =  0.8
R_star =  0.756 * ac.R_sun.value
T_star = 5000
T_int  = 100
sma    = 0.03099 * ac.au.value
grav   = 2182.73
T_int_type = 'const'

temp = PT.PT_line(press, kappa,  gamma1, gamma2, alpha, beta, R_star, 
                  T_star, T_int, sma, grav, T_int_type)

plt.plot(temp, press)
plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)')
plt.ylabel('Pressure (bar)')
plt.savefig('inv.png', bbox_inches='tight')

out = np.zeros((100, 9))
out[:,0] = press
out[:,1] = temp
out[:,2] = 0.1499751
out[:,3] = 0.8498589
out[:,4] = 1e-4
Ejemplo n.º 2
# Read the pressure file to an array:
press = PT.read_press_file(pfile)

# System parameters:
Rplanet = 1.0 * 6.995e8  # m
Tstar = 5700.0  # K
Tint = 100.0  # K
gplanet = 2200.0  # cm s-2
smaxis = 0.050 * sc.au  # m

# Fitting parameters: [log10(kappa), log10(g1), log10(g2), alpha, beta]
params = np.asarray([-2.0, -0.55, -0.8, 0.5, 1.0])

# Calculate the temperature profile:
temp = PT.PT_line(press, params, Rplanet, Tstar, Tint, smaxis, gplanet)

# ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
# ( 2) Make an atmospheric file with uniform abundances:
import makeatm as ma

# Output filename:
atmfile = "uniform.atm"
# Elemental abundances file:
elemabun = "../inputs/abundances_Asplund2009.txt"
# Transiting extrasolar planet filename:
tep = "../inputs/tep/HD209458b.tep"

# Atmospheric species:
species = "He    H2    CO    CO2   CH4   H2O   NH3    C2H2   C2H4"
# Abundances (mole mixing ratio):
def retrievedPT(datadir,
    datadir:  string. Path/to/directory containing BART-formatted output.
    atmfile:  string. Path/to/atmospheric model file.
    tepfile:  string. Path/to/Transiting ExoPlanet file.
    nmol:     int.    Number of molecules being fit by MCMC.
    solution: string. Geometry of the system. 'eclipse' or 'transit'. 
    outname:  string. File name of resulting plot.
    outdir:   string. Path/to/dir to save `outname`. If None, defaults 
                      to the results directory of BARTTest if `datadir` is 
                      within BARTTest.
    T_int:    float.  Internal planetary temperature. Default is 100 K.
    # Set outdir if not specified
    if outdir is None:
            if datadir[-1] != '/':
                datadir = datadir + '/'
            outdir = 'results'.join(datadir.rsplit('code-output',            \
                                                   1)).rsplit('/', 2)[0] + '/'
            if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
            print("Data directory not located within BARTTest.")
            print("Please specify an output directory `outdir` and try again.")

    # Read g_surf and R_planet from TEP file
    grav, Rp = ma.get_g(tepfile)

    # Read star data from TEP file, and semi-major axis
    R_star, T_star, sma, gstar = bf.get_starData(tepfile)

    # Read atmfile
    mols, atminfo = readatm(atmfile)
    pressure = atminfo[:, 1]

    # Read MCMC output file
    MCfile = datadir + 'MCMC.log'
    bestP, uncer = bf.read_MCMC_out(MCfile)
    allParams = bestP
    # Get number of burned iterations
    foo = open(MCfile, 'r')
    lines = foo.readlines()
    line = [
        foop for foop in lines if " Burned in iterations per chain:" in foop
    burnin = int(line[0].split()[-1])

    # Figure out number of parameters
    nparams = len(allParams)
    nradfit = int(solution == 'transit')
    nPTparams = nparams - nmol - nradfit
    PTparams = allParams[:nPTparams]

    # Plot the best PT profile
    kappa, gamma1, gamma2, alpha, beta = PTparams
    best_T = pt.PT_line(pressure, kappa, gamma1, gamma2, alpha, beta, R_star,
                        T_star, T_int, sma, grav * 1e2, 'const')

    # Load MCMC data
    MCMCdata = datadir + 'output.npy'
    data = np.load(MCMCdata)
    nchains, npars, niter = np.shape(data)

    # Make datacube from MCMC data
    data_stack = data[0, :, burnin:]
    for c in np.arange(1, nchains):
        data_stack = np.hstack((data_stack, data[c, :, burnin:]))

    # Datacube of PT profiles
    PTprofiles = np.zeros((np.shape(data_stack)[1], len(pressure)))

    curr_PTparams = PTparams

    for k in np.arange(0, np.shape(data_stack)[1]):
        j = 0
        for i in np.arange(len(PTparams)):
            curr_PTparams[i] = data_stack[j, k]
            j += 1
        kappa, gamma1, gamma2, alpha, beta = curr_PTparams
        PTprofiles[k] = pt.PT_line(pressure, kappa, gamma1, gamma2, alpha,
                                   beta, R_star, T_star, T_int, sma,
                                   grav * 1e2, 'const')

    # Get percentiles (for 1, 2-sigma boundaries):
    low1 = np.percentile(PTprofiles, 16.0, axis=0)
    hi1 = np.percentile(PTprofiles, 84.0, axis=0)
    low2 = np.percentile(PTprofiles, 2.5, axis=0)
    hi2 = np.percentile(PTprofiles, 97.5, axis=0)
    median = np.median(PTprofiles, axis=0)

    # Plot and save figure
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.fill_betweenx(pressure, low2, hi2, facecolor="#62B1FF", edgecolor="0.5")
    plt.semilogy(median, pressure, "-", lw=2, label='Median', color="k")
    plt.semilogy(best_T, pressure, "-", lw=2, label="Best fit", color="r")
    plt.semilogy(atminfo[:, 2], pressure, "--", lw=2, label='Input', color='r')
    plt.ylim(pressure[0], pressure[-1])
    plt.xlabel("Temperature  (K)", size=15)
    plt.ylabel("Pressure  (bar)", size=15)
    plt.savefig(outdir + outname)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def callTransit(atmfile, tepfile, MCfile, stepsize, molfit, solution,
                p0, tconfig, date_dir, params, burnin, abun_file):
    Call Transit to produce best-fit outputs.
    Plot MCMC posterior PT plot.

    atmfile: String
       Atmospheric file.
    tepfile: String
       Transiting extra-solar planet file.
    MCfile: String
       File with MCMC log and best-fitting results.
    stepsize: 1D float ndarray
    molfit: 1D String ndarray
       List of molecule names to modify their abundances.
    solution: String
       Flag to indicate transit or eclipse geometry
    p0: Float
       Atmosphere's 'surface' pressure level.
    tconfig: String
       Transit  configuration file.
    date_dir: String
       Directory where to store results.
    params: 1D float ndarray
    burnin: Integer
    abun_file: String
       Elemental abundances file.

    # read atmfile
    molecules, pressure, temp, abundances = mat.readatm(atmfile)

    # get surface gravity
    grav, Rp = mat.get_g(tepfile)

    # get star data
    R_star, T_star, sma, gstar = get_starData(tepfile)

    # Get best parameters
    bestP, uncer = read_MCMC_out(MCfile)

    # get all params
    #allParams = get_params(bestP, stepsize, params)
    allParams = bestP

    # get PTparams and abundances factors
    nparams = len(allParams)
    nmol = len(molfit)
    nradfit = int(solution == 'transit')
    nPTparams = nparams - nmol - nradfit
    PTparams  = allParams[:nPTparams]

    # FINDME: Hardcoded value:
    T_int = 100  # K

    # call PT line profile to calculate temperature
    best_T = pt.PT_line(pressure, PTparams, R_star, T_star, T_int,
                        sma, grav*1e2)

    # Plot best PT profile
    plt.semilogy(best_T, pressure, '-', color = 'r')
    plt.xlim(0.9*min(best_T), 1.1*max(best_T))
    plt.ylim(max(pressure), min(pressure))
    plt.title('Best PT', fontsize=14)
    plt.xlabel('T [K]'     , fontsize=14)
    plt.ylabel('logP [bar]', fontsize=14)
    # Save plot to current directory
    plt.savefig(date_dir + 'Best_PT.png') 

    # Update R0, if needed:
    if nradfit:
      Rp = allParams[nPTparams]
    # Mean molecular mass:
    mu  = mat.mean_molar_mass(abun_file, atmfile)
    # Re-calculate the layers' radii using the Hydrostatic-equilibrium calc:
    # (Has to be in reversed order since the interpolation requires the
    #  pressure array in increasing order)
    rad = mat.radpress(pressure[::-1], best_T[::-1], mu[::-1], p0, Rp, grav)
    rad = rad[::-1]

    # write best-fit atmospheric file
    write_atmfile(atmfile, molfit, rad, best_T, allParams[nPTparams+nradfit:],

    # bestFit atm file
    bestFit_atm = date_dir + 'bestFit.atm'

    # write new bestFit Transit config
    bestFit_tconfig(tconfig, date_dir)

    # ========== plot MCMC PT profiles ==========

    # get MCMC data:
    MCMCdata = date_dir + "/output.npy"
    data = np.load(MCMCdata)
    nchains, npars, niter = np.shape(data)

    # stuck chains:
    data_stack = data[0,:,burnin:]
    for c in np.arange(1, nchains):
        data_stack = np.hstack((data_stack, data[c, :, burnin:]))

    # create array of PT profiles
    PTprofiles = np.zeros((np.shape(data_stack)[1], len(pressure)))

    # current PT parameters for each chain, iteration
    curr_PTparams = PTparams

    # fill-in PT profiles array
    print("  Plotting MCMC PT profile figure.")
    for k in np.arange(0, np.shape(data_stack)[1]):
        j = 0
        for i in np.arange(len(PTparams)):
            if stepsize[i] != 0.0:
                curr_PTparams[i] = data_stack[j,k]
                j +=1
        PTprofiles[k] = pt.PT_line(pressure, curr_PTparams, R_star, T_star,
                                   T_int, sma, grav*1e2)

    # get percentiles (for 1,2-sigma boundaries):
    low1 = np.percentile(PTprofiles, 16.0, axis=0)
    hi1  = np.percentile(PTprofiles, 84.0, axis=0)
    low2 = np.percentile(PTprofiles,  2.5, axis=0)
    hi2  = np.percentile(PTprofiles, 97.5, axis=0)
    median = np.median(PTprofiles, axis=0)

    # plot figure
    ax.fill_betweenx(pressure, low2, hi2, facecolor="#62B1FF", edgecolor="0.5")
    ax.fill_betweenx(pressure, low1, hi1, facecolor="#1873CC",
    plt.semilogy(median, pressure, "-", lw=2, label='Median',color="k")
    plt.semilogy(best_T, pressure, "-", lw=2, label="Best fit", color="r")
    plt.ylim(pressure[0], pressure[-1])
    plt.xlabel("Temperature  (K)", size=15)
    plt.ylabel("Pressure  (bar)",  size=15)

    # save figure
    savefile = date_dir + "MCMC_PTprofiles.png" 
R_star, T_star, sma, gstar = bf.get_starData(tep_name)
# get best parameters
bestP, uncer = bf.read_MCMC_out(logfile)
# get all params
allParams = bf.get_params(bestP, stepsize, params)
# get PTparams and abundances factors
nparams = len(allParams)
nmol = len(molfit)
nPTparams = nparams - nmol
PTparams = allParams[:nPTparams]
kappa, gamma1, gamma2, alpha, beta = PTparams
T_int = 100  # K
T_int_type = 'const'
# call PT line profile to calculate temperature
best_T = pt.PT_line(pressure, kappa, gamma1, gamma2, alpha, beta, R_star,
                    T_star, T_int, sma, grav, T_int_type)

# get MCMC data:
data = np.load(MCMCdata)
nchains, npars, niter = np.shape(data)

# this is data fro first chain zero
data_stack = data[0, :, burnin:]
# pick a chain that you do not like
bad_chain = 0
bad_chain2 = 0
# now he stack all other chains from 1, you can start from 5 here
for c in np.arange(1, nchains):
    if c != bad_chain and c != bad_chain2:
        data_stack = np.hstack((data_stack, data[c, :, burnin:]))
        print c