Ejemplo n.º 1
def forceUnclaim(x, z):
    position = (x, z)

    plot = plots[position]

    if plot.status == PlotStatus.CLAIMED and plot.owner in players:
        players[plot.owner].numPlots += 1

    plot.status = PlotStatus.FREE

    PhysicalMap.unclaim(x, z)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def unclaim(name, x, z):
    position = (x, z)

    plot = plots[position]

    if (plot.status != PlotStatus.CLAIMED and plot.status != PlotStatus.TEMP) or plot.owner != name:
        return False

    players[name].numPlots += 1

    plot.status = PlotStatus.FREE

    PhysicalMap.unclaim(x, z)