Ejemplo n.º 1
    def find_moves_to_escape_check(self, king, king_loc, current_player, opposing_player, board):
        escape_moves = dict()
        dangerous_moves = list()
        list_of_escape_moves = list()

        next_king_moves = self.find_king_escape_moves(king, king_loc, current_player, board)

        opposing_player_moves = []
        for piece_name, location in opposing_player.get_pieces().items():
            opposing_player_moves += piece_util.generate_moves_by_piece(piece_name, location, opposing_player, board, True)

            if piece_name.lower() in ['r', '+r', 'b', '+b'] and len([x for x in next_king_moves if x in opposing_player_moves]) > 0:
                dangerous_moves += piece_util.generate_attacks_by_piece(piece_name, location, king_loc, current_player, board)

                if self.debug_mode:
                    print("Moves after generating dangerous moves for " + piece_name + "... " + str(dangerous_moves))

        # void all of the opposing player moves where the player already has pieces
        opposing_player_moves = [x for x in list(set(opposing_player_moves)) if x not in opposing_player.get_pieces().values()]
        king_escape_moves = [x for x in next_king_moves if x not in opposing_player_moves]
        escape_moves[king_loc] = king_escape_moves

        for piece_name, location in current_player.get_pieces().items():
            # Avoid changing the king's escape positions 
            if piece_name != king:
                current_player_moves = piece_util.generate_moves_by_piece(piece_name, location, current_player, board, False)

                # Find moves that other pieces other than the king can make to move out of check
                intersecting_moves = [x for x in dangerous_moves if x in current_player_moves]
                if len(intersecting_moves) > 0:
                    escape_moves[location] = intersecting_moves
        return escape_moves, dangerous_moves
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def update_game_with_action(self, board, action, action_param_1, action_param_2, action_param_3=None):
        ''' Return type 2D-array of updated game board and boolean indicating whether an action was taken

        This function handles deciding which action is trying to be taken by the current player and attempts
        to execute that action. This function lets the functions it calls tell it whether or not the move was successful.
        if action == 'move':
            board_origin = action_param_1
            board_destination = action_param_2
            promotion_move = action_param_3

            if self.debug_mode:
                print(self.current_player.get_name() + " wants to make the following move: " + " ".join([action, action_param_1, action_param_2]))

            piece_name = piece_util.get_piece_at_location(board, board_origin)

            if not piece_name:
                if self.debug_mode:
                    print("There was no piece at board location " + str(board_origin))
                return board, False

            move = [action, action_param_1, action_param_2, action_param_3]
            board, move_was_made  = self.attempt_to_move_piece(board, piece_name, move, board_origin, board_destination)
            return board, move_was_made

        elif action == 'drop':
            piece_name = action_param_1
            drop_location = action_param_2
            board, drop_was_made = self.attempt_to_drop_piece(piece_name, drop_location, board)
            return board, drop_was_made
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def attempt_to_drop_piece(self, piece_name, drop_location, board):
        ''' Return type 2D-array of updated game board and boolean indicating whether a drop was made

        This function explicitly handles the logic for dropping a piece out of captures. It checks all 
        the extensive set of rules regarding whether a drop can be made or not.
        if piece_util.can_drop_piece(self.game_board, piece_name, self.current_player, drop_location, self.lower_player.captures, self.upper_player.captures):
            self.game_board = piece_util.drop_piece(board, self.current_player, piece_name, drop_location)

            if self.current_player is self.upper_player:
                piece_name = piece_name.upper()
                self.upper_player.update_pieces(piece_name, drop_location)
                self.lower_player.update_pieces(piece_name, drop_location)
            if self.debug_mode:
                print(self.current_player.name + " cannot drop " + str(piece_name))
            return board, False
        return board, True
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def is_opponent_in_checkmate(self, board, king, current_player, current_player_moves, escape_moves, drop_moves):
        ''' Return type void

        This function only gets called when the opposing player is in check.
        Thus, this function checks whether or not the opposing player is in
        checkmate based on the moves to escape check generated in the
        is_opponent_in_check function. If the opposing player is in checkmate,
        then the in_checkmate attribute of the opposing player is set to True,
        If the opposing player is not in checkmate, the escape_moves attribute
        is set to the escape moves generated.
        num_pieces_in_checkmate = 0
        for move_from, end_locs in escape_moves.items():
            for move_to in end_locs:
                temp_board = deepcopy(board)
                temp_pieces = copy(current_player.get_pieces())
                temp_moves = current_player_moves
                col, row = piece_util.convert_board_pos_to_index(move_to[1]), piece_util.convert_board_pos_to_index(game_board.map_char_to_num[move_to[0]])

                if temp_board[row][col] != '':
                    piece_to_remove = temp_board[row][col]
                    temp_pieces.pop(piece_to_remove, None)
                    piece_name =  piece_util.get_piece_at_location(temp_board, move_from)
                    temp_board = piece_util.make_move(temp_board, piece_name, move_from, move_to)

                    for temp_piece_name, temp_loc in temp_pieces.items():
                        temp_moves += piece_util.generate_moves_by_piece(temp_piece_name, temp_loc, current_player, temp_board, False)
                    if move_to in temp_moves:
                        num_pieces_in_checkmate += 1
        opposing_player = self.get_opposing_player()
        king_loc = opposing_player.get_piece_location(king)
        # void any drop locations that the current player already has pieces at
        drop_moves = [x for x in drop_moves if x not in current_player.get_pieces().values()]
        for piece in opposing_player.captures:
            for drop in drop_moves:
                temp_board = deepcopy(board)
                temp_captures = copy(opposing_player.captures)
                temp_moves = list()
                temp_board = piece_util.drop_piece(temp_board, current_player, piece, drop)
                for temp_piece_name, temp_loc in current_player.get_pieces().items():
                    temp = piece_util.generate_moves_by_piece(temp_piece_name, temp_loc, current_player, temp_board, False)
                    temp_moves += temp
                temp_moves = [x for x in list(set(temp_moves)) if x not in current_player.get_pieces().values()]

                if king_loc in temp_moves:
        # if number of pieces in checkmates are equal to the number of moves to escape, 
        # then there is no place to go and game is over
        if num_pieces_in_checkmate == (len(escape_moves.values()) + len(drop_moves)):
            opposing_player.in_checkmate = True
            opposing_player.escape_moves = { 'drop_moves': drop_moves, 'escape_moves': escape_moves }
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def initialize_board(self, defaultConfiguation, listOfPiecesAndLocations):
        lower_pieces = dict()
        upper_pieces = dict()

        board = [['' for i in range(NUM_COLS)] for j in range(NUM_ROWS)]

        if not defaultConfiguation and listOfPiecesAndLocations:

            for initial_pieces in listOfPiecesAndLocations:
                piece_name = initial_pieces['piece']
                loc = initial_pieces['position']

                col = piece_utils.convert_board_pos_to_index(loc[1])
                row = piece_utils.convert_board_pos_to_index(

                if (col >= 0 and col < NUM_COLS and row >= 0
                        and row < NUM_ROWS):

                    piece_name_value = ord(piece_name) if len(
                        piece_name) == 1 else ord(piece_name[1:])
                    if piece_name_value > 64 and piece_name_value < 91:
                        upper_pieces[piece_name] = loc

                    elif piece_name_value > 96 and piece_name_value < 123:
                        lower_pieces[piece_name] = loc

                    board[row][col] = piece_name
                    print("Piece " + str(piece_name) +
                          " not inserted because of invalid "
                          " board location: (" + str(col) + ", " + str(row) +

            if not defaultConfiguation and not listOfPiecesAndLocations:
                    "Invalid board configuation... initializing game with default board configuation."

            board[0][0] = 'k'
            board[1][0] = 'g'
            board[2][0] = 's'
            board[3][0] = 'b'
            board[4][0] = 'r'
            board[0][1] = 'p'

            board[0][4] = 'K'
            board[1][4] = 'G'
            board[2][4] = 'S'
            board[3][4] = 'B'
            board[4][4] = 'R'
            board[4][3] = 'P'

            upper_pieces = {
                'K': 'a5',
                'G': 'b5',
                'S': 'c5',
                'B': 'd5',
                'R': 'e5',
                'P': 'e4'
            lower_pieces = {
                'k': 'a1',
                'g': 'b1',
                's': 'c1',
                'b': 'd1',
                'r': 'e1',
                'p': 'a2'


        return board
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_possible_piece_moves(self, current_player, board):
     moves = []
     for piece_name, location in current_player.get_pieces().items():
         moves += piece_util.generate_moves_by_piece(piece_name, location, current_player, board, False)
     return moves
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def find_king_escape_moves(self, king, king_loc, current_player, board):
     next_king_moves = piece_util.generate_moves_by_piece(king, king_loc, current_player, board, False)
     next_king_moves = [x for x in next_king_moves if x not in current_player.get_pieces().values()]
     return next_king_moves
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def attempt_to_move_piece(self, board, piece_name, move, board_origin, board_destination):
        ''' Return type 2D-array of updated game board and boolean indicating whether an move was made

        This function explicitly handles the logic for making a move. It checks all the extensive set of
        rules regarding whether a move can be made or not.
        move = move[:-1] if move[3] is None else move

        if piece_util.can_make_move(board, self.current_player, piece_name, board_origin, board_destination):
            potential_moves = piece_util.generate_moves_by_piece(piece_name, board_origin, self.current_player, board, False)

            if self.debug_mode:
                print("Player " + self.current_player.get_name() + " has piece " + str(piece_name) + ", and potential moves: " + str(potential_moves))

            opposing_player_moves = []
            if piece_name.lower() == 'k':
                opposing_player = self.get_opposing_player()
                opposing_player_moves = self.get_possible_piece_moves(opposing_player, board)
            if board_destination in opposing_player_moves:
                if self.debug_mode:
                    print("Player " + self.current_player.get_name() + " was going to make a move to put them in check.")
                return board, False
                if board_destination in potential_moves:
                    if len(move) > 3 or piece_util.should_pawn_be_promoted(piece_name, self.current_player, board_destination):
                        if piece_util.can_be_promoted(piece_name, board_origin, board_destination):
                            temp_piece_name = piece_name
                            piece_name = piece_util.promote_piece(piece_name)

                            self.update_player_piece(self.current_player, temp_piece_name, board_destination)
                            if self.debug_mode:
                                print(self.current_player.name + " tried to illegally promote " + str(piece_name) + ".")
                            return board, False
                        if self.debug_mode:
                            print("Promotion of " + str(piece_name) + " invalid...")
                    destination_piece = piece_util.get_piece_at_location(board, board_destination)
                    if destination_piece is not None:
                        if not piece_util.piece_owned_by_player(self.current_player, destination_piece):
                            # "unpromotes" a promoted piece upon capturing
                            captured_piece = destination_piece if len(destination_piece) == 1 else destination_piece[1:]
                            if captured_piece is not '':
                                self.update_player_captures(self.current_player, captured_piece, destination_piece)
                            if self.debug_mode:
                                print("Move (" + str(move) + ") attempted by " + self.current_player.name + ", but they already own " + str(destination_piece))
                            return board, False
                    opposing_player = self.get_opposing_player()
                    board = piece_util.make_move(board, piece_name, board_origin, board_destination)
                    self.update_player_piece(self.current_player, piece_name, board_destination)
                    if self.debug_mode:
                        print("Destination (" + str(board_destination) + ") not in potential moves: " + str(potential_moves))
                    return board, False
            if self.debug_mode:
                print(self.current_player.name + " cannot move " + str(piece_name))
            return board, False
        return board, True