Ejemplo n.º 1
def InitProjectLocation(projecturi):
	Initialises the folder structure on disk for a Project.
	If no project is provided, a new one is created.
	Otherwise the given project is essentially moved to the new location.

		projecturi -- the filesystem location for the new Project.
						Currently, only file:// URIs are considered valid.
		the given Project, or the newly created Project object.
	if not projecturi:
		raise CreateProjectError(4)
	(scheme, domain,folder, params, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse(projecturi, "file", False)

	folder = PlatformUtils.url2pathname(folder)

	if scheme != "file":
		# raise "The URI scheme used is invalid." message
		raise CreateProjectError(5)

	filename = "project.jokosher"
	folder_name_template = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")
	projectdir = os.path.join(folder, folder_name_template)

		project = Project.Project()
	except gst.PluginNotFoundError, e:
		Globals.debug("Missing Gstreamer plugin:", e)
		raise CreateProjectError(6, str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def SetProperties(self):
		Sets basic Event properties like location, start, duration, etc.
        if self.file:
            if self.single_decode_bin:

            Globals.debug("creating SingleDecodeBin")
            caps = gst.caps_from_string("audio/x-raw-int;audio/x-raw-float")
            f = PlatformUtils.pathname2url(self.GetAbsFile())
            Globals.debug("file uri is:", f)
            self.single_decode_bin = SingleDecodeBin(caps=caps, uri=f)
            Globals.debug("setting event properties:")
            propsDict = {
                "caps": caps,
                "start": long(self.start * gst.SECOND),
                "duration": long(self.duration * gst.SECOND),
                "media-start": long(self.offset * gst.SECOND),
                "media-duration": long(self.duration * gst.SECOND),
                "priority": 2,

            for prop, value in propsDict.iteritems():
                self.gnlsrc.set_property(prop, value)
                Globals.debug("\t", prop, "=", value)
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def AddEventsFromList(self, start, fileList, copyFile=False, undoAction=None):
		Adds multiple files to an instrument one after another starting
		at the given start position.
			start -- the offset time in seconds for the first event.
			fileList -- URIs to the Event files.
			copyfile --	True = copy the files to Project's audio directory.
						False = don't copy the files to the Project's audio directory.
		if not fileList:
		if not undoAction:
			undoAction = self.project.NewAtomicUndoAction()
		for uri in fileList:
			# Parse the uri, and continue only if it is pointing to a local file
			(scheme, domain, file, params, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse(uri, "file", False)
			if scheme == "file":
				file = PlatformUtils.url2pathname(file)
				event = self.addEventFromFile(start, file, copyFile, _undoAction_=undoAction)
				event = self.addEventFromURL(start, uri, _undoAction_=undoAction)
			if event:
				start += event.duration
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def SetProperties(self):
		Sets basic Event properties like location, start, duration, etc.
        if self.file:
            if self.single_decode_bin:

            Globals.debug("creating SingleDecodeBin")
            caps = gst.caps_from_string("audio/x-raw-int;audio/x-raw-float")
            f = PlatformUtils.pathname2url(self.GetAbsFile())
            Globals.debug("file uri is:", f)
            self.single_decode_bin = SingleDecodeBin(caps=caps, uri=f)
            Globals.debug("setting event properties:")
            propsDict = {
                "caps": caps,
                "start": long(self.start * gst.SECOND),
                "duration": long(self.duration * gst.SECOND),
                "media-start": long(self.offset * gst.SECOND),
                "media-duration": long(self.duration * gst.SECOND),
                "priority": 2

            for prop, value in propsDict.iteritems():
                self.gnlsrc.set_property(prop, value)
                Globals.debug("\t", prop, "=", value)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def openDB(self):
   Открыть БД и отобразить список пациентов
   # Подчищаем старые данные
   # Создаём новый список экспортных пациентов
   self.patLst = pr.ExportProbes()
   # Получаем имя базы в системной кодировке
   filename = pu.convert(QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,
                                                           u'Выберете файл базы данных',
                                                           u"Базы данных (*.gdb *.GDB)"))
   if filename != '':
     # Подключаемся к базе
     global base
       base = db.DBAccess(filename)
       # Получаем список пациентов
       patients = base.getAllPatients()
       # Выводим его
       for id in patients.keys():
         # Порядок полей: ID, ФИО, дата рождения, пол
         item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem([ str(id), patients[id][0], str(patients[id][1]), patients[id][2] ])
         item.setCheckState(0, QtCore.Qt.Unchecked)
       self.statusBar().showMessage(u'База данных загружена. Найдено ' + str(len(patients)) + u' пациентов.')
     except UnicodeDecodeError:
       self.statusBar().showMessage(u'Ошибка: слишком длинный путь до базы данных.')
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def exportProbes(self):
   Экспортирование съемов
   # Запрашиваем дирректорию сохраниения съемов в системной кодировке
   dirName = pu.convert(QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self,
                                                               u'Выберете дирректорию сохранения'))
   if dirName != '':
     # Получаем список съемов, приготовленнных к экспорту
     exportLst = self.patLst.getAllProbes()
     # Для каждого пациента в списке экспортных съемов
     for patient in exportLst.keys():
       # Для каждого съема конкретного пациента
       for date in exportLst[patient].keys():
         # Получаем дату съема
         trueDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
         # преобразуем её в строку особого вида
         dateStr = trueDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
         # Получаем Ф.И.О пациента в нужной кодировке
         patientName = pu.convert(base.getPatientName(patient))
         # Суммируем полученные ранее переменные в полное имя файла
         fileName = os.path.join(dirName, patientName + '_' + dateStr + '.txt')
         # Открываем файл на запись
         tmpFile = open(fileName, "w")
         # Получаем матрицы съема
         lMatr, rMatr = base.getMatrix(patient, date)
         # Пишем матрицы по очереди в файл (Формат Новосибирска)
         for i in xrange(35):
           for j in xrange(24):
             tmpFile.write('; ')
         for i in xrange(35):
           for j in xrange(24):
             tmpFile.write('; ')
         # Закрываем файл
     # Информируем пользователя
     self.statusBar().showMessage(u'Экспорт прошёл успешно')
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def OnOK(self, button):
		Tries to create and set a new Project with the user input name, author
		and location.
		If the process fails, a message is issued to the user stating the error.
			button -- reserved for GTK callbacks, don't use it explicitly.
        name = self.name.get_text()
        if not name:
            name = _("New Project")

        author = self.author.get_text()
        if not author:
            author = _("Unknown Author")

        # CreateNewProject expects a URI
        folder = PlatformUtils.pathname2url(self.folder.get_filename())

        # Save the selected folder as the default folder
        Globals.settings.general["projectfolder"] = folder
        if not folder:
            folder = "~"

            project = ProjectManager.CreateNewProject(folder, name, author)
        except ProjectManager.CreateProjectError, e:
            if e.errno == 1:
                message = _("Could not initialize project.")
            elif e.errno == 2:
                message = _(
                    "A file or folder with this name already exists. Please choose a different project name and try again."
            elif e.errno == 3:
                message = _("The file or folder location is write-protected.")
            elif e.errno == 4:
                message = _("Invalid name or author.")
            elif e.errno == 5:
                message = _(
                    "The URI scheme given is either invalid or not supported")
            elif e.errno == 6:
                message = "%s %s" % (
                    _("Unable to load required Gstreamer plugin:"), e.message)

            # show the error dialog with the relavent error message
            dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(
                self.dlg, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
                gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_OK,
                _("Unable to create project.\n\n%s") % message)
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def OnOK(self, button):
		Tries to create and set a new Project with the user input name, author
		and location.
		If the process fails, a message is issued to the user stating the error.
			button -- reserved for GTK callbacks, don't use it explicitly.
		name = self.name.get_text()
		if not name:
			name = _("New Project")
		author = self.author.get_text()
		if not author:
			author = _("Unknown Author")
		# CreateNewProject expects a URI	
		folder = PlatformUtils.pathname2url(self.folder.get_filename())
		# Save the selected folder as the default folder
		Globals.settings.general["projectfolder"] = folder
		if not folder:
			folder = "~"

			project = ProjectManager.CreateNewProject(folder, name, author)
		except ProjectManager.CreateProjectError, e:
			if e.errno == 1:
				message = _("Could not initialize project.")
			elif e.errno == 2:
				message = _("A file or folder with this name already exists. Please choose a different project name and try again.")
			elif e.errno == 3:
				message = _("The file or folder location is write-protected.")
			elif e.errno == 4:
				message = _("Invalid name or author.")
			elif e.errno == 5:
				message = _("The URI scheme given is either invalid or not supported")
			elif e.errno == 6:
				message = "%s %s" % (_("Unable to load required Gstreamer plugin:"), e.message)
			# show the error dialog with the relavent error message	
			dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(self.dlg,
				_("Unable to create project.\n\n%s") % message)
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def CreateEventFromFile(self, event=None):
		Called when "Import Audio File..." is selected from the right-click context menu.
		Opens up a file chooser dialog to import an Event.
			event -- reserved for GTK callbacks, don't use it explicitly.
		filenames, copyfile = self.mainview.ShowImportFileChooser()
		#filename will be None is the user cancelled the dialog
		if filenames:
			start = 0
			if event:
				#if we we're called from a mouse click, use the mouse position as the start
				start = (self.mouseDownPos[0]/self.project.viewScale) + self.project.viewStart
			uris = [PlatformUtils.pathname2url(filename) for filename in filenames]
			self.instrument.AddEventsFromList(start, uris)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def CreateEventFromFile(self, event=None):
		Called when "Import Audio File..." is selected from the right-click context menu.
		Opens up a file chooser dialog to import an Event.
			event -- reserved for GTK callbacks, don't use it explicitly.
        filenames, copyfile = self.mainview.ShowImportFileChooser()
        #filename will be None is the user cancelled the dialog
        if filenames:
            start = 0
            if event:
                #if we we're called from a mouse click, use the mouse position as the start
                start = (self.mouseDownPos[0] /
                         self.project.viewScale) + self.project.viewStart

            uris = [
                PlatformUtils.pathname2url(filename) for filename in filenames
            self.instrument.AddEventsFromList(start, uris)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def LoadProjectFile(uri):
	Loads a Project from a saved file on disk.

		uri -- the filesystem location of the Project file to load. 
				Currently only file:// URIs are considered valid.
		the loaded Project object.
	(scheme, domain, projectfile, params, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse(uri, "file", False)
	if scheme != "file":
		# raise "The URI scheme used is invalid." message
		raise OpenProjectError(1, scheme)

	projectfile = PlatformUtils.url2pathname(projectfile)

	Globals.debug("Attempting to open:", projectfile)

	if not os.path.exists(projectfile):
		raise OpenProjectError(4, projectfile)

			gzipfile = gzip.GzipFile(projectfile, "r")
			doc = xml.parse(gzipfile)
		except IOError, e:
			if e.message == "Not a gzipped file":
				# starting from 0.10, we accept both gzipped xml and plain xml
				file_ = open(projectfile, "r")
				doc = xml.parse(file_)
				raise e
	except Exception, e:
		Globals.debug(e.__class__, e)
		# raise "This file doesn't unzip" message
		raise OpenProjectError(2, projectfile)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def InitProjectLocation(projecturi, name, project=None):
	Initialises the folder structure on disk for a Project.
	If no project is provided, a new one is created.
	Otherwise the given project is essentially moved to the new location.

		projecturi -- the filesystem location for the new Project.
						Currently, only file:// URIs are considered valid.
		name --	the name of the Project.
		project -- the project to init, or None is a new project should be created.
		the given Project, or the newly created Project object.
	if name == "" or projecturi == "":
		raise CreateProjectError(4)
	(scheme, domain,folder, params, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse(projecturi, "file", False)

	folder = PlatformUtils.url2pathname(folder)

	if scheme != "file":
		# raise "The URI scheme used is invalid." message
		raise CreateProjectError(5)

	filename = name + ".jokosher"
	projectdir = os.path.join(folder, name)

	if not project:
			project = Project.Project()
		except gst.PluginNotFoundError, e:
			Globals.debug("Missing Gstreamer plugin:", e)
			raise CreateProjectError(6, str(e))
		except Exception, e:
			Globals.debug("Could not initialize project object:", e)
			raise CreateProjectError(1)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def CreateNewProject(name, author, projecturi=None):
	Creates a new Project.

		name --	the name of the Project.
		author - the name of the Project's author.
		projecturi -- the filesystem location for the new Project.
						Currently, only file:// URIs are considered valid.
		the newly created Project object.
	if not projecturi:
		projecturi = PlatformUtils.pathname2url(Globals.PROJECTS_PATH)
	project = InitProjectLocation(projecturi)
	project.name = name
	project.author = author
	return project
Ejemplo n.º 14
class Settings:
	Handles loading/saving settings from/to a file on disk.

    # the different settings in each config block
    general = {
        # increment each time there is an incompatible change with the config file
        "version": "1",
        "recentprojects": "value",
        "startupaction": "value",
        "projectfolder": "",
        "windowheight": 550,
        "windowwidth": 900,
        "addinstrumentwindowheight": 350,
        "addinstrumentwindowwidth": 300,
        "instrumenteffectwindowheight": 450,
        "instrumenteffectwindowwidth": 650,

    recording = {
        "fileformat": "flacenc",
        "file_extension": "flac",
        "0",  # zero means, autodetect sample rate (ie use any available)
        "audiosrc": "gconfaudiosrc",
        "device": "default"
    # Overwrite with platform specific settings

    playback = {
        "devicename": "default",
        "device": "default",
        "audiosink": "autoaudiosink"
    # Overwrite with platform specific settings

    extensions = {"extensions_blacklist": ""}

    sections = {
        "General": general,
        "Recording": recording,
        "Playback": playback,
        "Extensions": extensions


    def __init__(self):
        self.filename = os.path.join(JOKOSHER_CONFIG_HOME, "config")

        self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()


    def read(self):
		Reads configuration settings from the config file and loads
		then into the Settings dictionaries.

        for section in self.sections:
            if not self.config.has_section(section):

        for section, section_dict in self.sections.iteritems():
            for key, value in self.config.items(section):
                if value == "None":
                    value = None
                section_dict[key] = value


    def write(self):
		Writes configuration settings to the Settings config file.

        for section, section_dict in self.sections.iteritems():
            for key, value in section_dict.iteritems():
                self.config.set(section, key, value)

        file = open(self.filename, 'w')
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, parent):
		Creates a new instance of NewProjectDialog.
		The dialog is used to create a new Project based on the user's input.
			parent -- reference to the MainApp Jokosher window.
        self.parent = parent

        self.res = gtk.glade.XML(Globals.GLADE_PATH, "NewProjectDialog")

        self.signals = {
            "on_OK_clicked": self.OnOK,
            "on_Cancel_clicked": self.OnCancel,
            "on_editbutton_clicked": self.OnEdit,
            "on_Template_toggled": self.TemplateCheckboxToggled


        self.dlg = self.res.get_widget("NewProjectDialog")

        self.sideimage = self.res.get_widget("sideimage")
            os.path.join(Globals.IMAGE_PATH, "newproject.png"))

        self.name = self.res.get_widget("name")
        self.author = self.res.get_widget("author")

        self.template = ProjectTemplate.ProjectTemplate()
        self.template_checkbox = self.res.get_widget("template_checkbox")
        self.templatehbox = self.res.get_widget("template_hbox")
        self.templatecombo = self.res.get_widget("template_combo")

        self.templatemodel = gtk.ListStore(str)
        for files in self.template.LoadDictionaryOfInstrumentsFromTemplateFile(
            self.templatemodel.append((files, ))

        text = gtk.CellRendererText()
        self.templatecombo.add_attribute(text, "text", 0)


        # Default author to name of currently logged in user

        self.okbutton = self.res.get_widget("okButton")

        self.folder = gtk.FileChooserButton(_("Select A Folder"))
        self.res.get_widget("table5").attach(self.folder, 1, 2, 1, 2)

        # Set the default folder of 'folder' (a FileChooserButton)
        if os.path.exists(Globals.settings.general["projectfolder"]):

        self.dlg.resize(350, 300)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, instrument, file=None, id=None, filelabel=None):
		Creates a new instance of Event.
			instrument -- Instrument associated with this Event.
			file -- the file this Event should play.
			id -- unique ID for this Event. If it's taken, a new one will be generated.
			filelabel -- label to print in error messages.
						It can be different	from the file parameter.

        self.id = instrument.project.GenerateUniqueID(
            id)  #check is id is already taken, then set it.
        self.start = 0.0  # Time in seconds at which the event begins
        self.duration = 0.0  # Duration in seconds of the event
        # The file this event should play (without escaped characters)
        # If you need characters escaped, please do self.file.replace(" ", "\ ")
        # but **do not** assign it to this variable.
        self.file = file
        if self.file and os.path.isabs(self.file) and \
              PlatformUtils.samefile(instrument.project.audio_path, os.path.dirname(self.file)):
            # If the file is in the audio dir, just include the filename, not the absolute path
            Globals.debug("Event() given absolute file, should be relative:",
            self.file = os.path.basename(self.file)

        # levels_file is a filename only, no directory information for levels here.
        basename = os.path.basename(self.file or "Unknown")
        self.levels_file = "%s_%d%s" % (basename, self.id,

        # the label is the filename to print in error messages
        # if it differs from the real filename (i.e its been copied into the project)
        if filelabel != None:
            self.filelabel = filelabel
            self.filelabel = file

        self.isSelected = False  # True if the event is currently selected
        self.name = "New Event"  # Name of this event

        self.selection = [
            0, 0
        ]  # List start and end of selection (for fades, etc) measured in seconds
        self.levels_list = LevelsList.LevelsList(
        )  # LevelsList class containing array of audio levels to be drawn for this event

        self.instrument = instrument  # The parent instrument
        self.gnlsrc = None  # The gstreamer gnlsource object.
        self.single_decode_bin = None  # The gstreamer file decoder element.

        self.offset = 0.0  # Offset through the file in seconds
        self.isLoading = False  # True if the event is currently loading level data
        self.isDownloading = False  # True if the event is currently loading from a remote source.
        self.isRecording = False  # True if the event is currently loading level data from a live recording
        self.loadingLength = 0  # The length of the file in seconds as its being rendered
        self.lastEnd = 0  # The last length of the loading file - used to minimise redraws
        self.loadingPipeline = None  # The Gstreamer pipeline used to load the waveform
        self.bus = None  # The bus to monitor messages on the loadingPipeline


        # a private dictionary containing the audio fade point times as keys
        # and the volume for that point between 0 and 1 as the values.
        # this is private, so if someone else wants a list of audio fade points
        # they must use the sorted list below.
        self.__fadePointsDict = {}
        # A list of control points for the audio fades
        # where each tuple is (<time in seconds>, <volume between 0 and 1>)
        # The list *must* be ordered by time-in-seconds, so when you update it from
        # the dictionary using dict.items(), be sure to sort it again.
        self.audioFadePoints = []
        #Just like self.levels_list except with all the levels scaled according to the
        #points in self.audioFadePoints.
        self.fadeLevels = LevelsList.LevelsList()
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, instrument, file=None, id=None, filelabel=None):
		Creates a new instance of Event.
			instrument -- Instrument associated with this Event.
			file -- the file this Event should play.
			id -- unique ID for this Event. If it's taken, a new one will be generated.
			filelabel -- label to print in error messages.
						It can be different	from the file parameter.

        self.id = instrument.project.GenerateUniqueID(id)  # check is id is already taken, then set it.
        self.start = 0.0  # Time in seconds at which the event begins
        self.duration = 0.0  # Duration in seconds of the event
        # The file this event should play (without escaped characters)
        # If you need characters escaped, please do self.file.replace(" ", "\ ")
        # but **do not** assign it to this variable.
        self.file = file
        if (
            and os.path.isabs(self.file)
            and PlatformUtils.samefile(instrument.project.audio_path, os.path.dirname(self.file))
            # If the file is in the audio dir, just include the filename, not the absolute path
            Globals.debug("Event() given absolute file, should be relative:", self.file)
            self.file = os.path.basename(self.file)

            # levels_file is a filename only, no directory information for levels here.
        basename = os.path.basename(self.file or "Unknown")
        self.levels_file = "%s_%d%s" % (basename, self.id, self.LEVELS_FILE_EXTENSION)

        # the label is the filename to print in error messages
        # if it differs from the real filename (i.e its been copied into the project)
        if filelabel != None:
            self.filelabel = filelabel
            self.filelabel = file

        self.isSelected = False  # True if the event is currently selected
        self.name = "New Event"  # Name of this event

        self.selection = [0, 0]  # List start and end of selection (for fades, etc) measured in seconds
        self.levels_list = (
        )  # LevelsList class containing array of audio levels to be drawn for this event

        self.instrument = instrument  # The parent instrument
        self.gnlsrc = None  # The gstreamer gnlsource object.
        self.single_decode_bin = None  # The gstreamer file decoder element.

        self.offset = 0.0  # Offset through the file in seconds
        self.isLoading = False  # True if the event is currently loading level data
        self.isDownloading = False  # True if the event is currently loading from a remote source.
        self.isRecording = False  # True if the event is currently loading level data from a live recording
        self.loadingLength = 0  # The length of the file in seconds as its being rendered
        self.lastEnd = 0  # The last length of the loading file - used to minimise redraws
        self.loadingPipeline = None  # The Gstreamer pipeline used to load the waveform
        self.bus = None  # The bus to monitor messages on the loadingPipeline


        # a private dictionary containing the audio fade point times as keys
        # and the volume for that point between 0 and 1 as the values.
        # this is private, so if someone else wants a list of audio fade points
        # they must use the sorted list below.
        self.__fadePointsDict = {}
        # A list of control points for the audio fades
        # where each tuple is (<time in seconds>, <volume between 0 and 1>)
        # The list *must* be ordered by time-in-seconds, so when you update it from
        # the dictionary using dict.items(), be sure to sort it again.
        self.audioFadePoints = []
        # Just like self.levels_list except with all the levels scaled according to the
        # points in self.audioFadePoints.
        self.fadeLevels = LevelsList.LevelsList()
Ejemplo n.º 18
class Settings:
	Handles loading/saving settings from/to a file on disk.

    # the different settings in each config block
    general = {
        # increment each time there is an incompatible change with the config file
        "version": "1",
        "recentprojects": "",  #deprecated
        "startupaction": "value",
        "projectfolder": "",
        "windowheight": 550,
        "windowwidth": 900,
        "addinstrumentwindowheight": 350,
        "addinstrumentwindowwidth": 300,
        "instrumenteffectwindowheight": 450,
        "instrumenteffectwindowwidth": 650,

    recording = {
        "fileformat": "vorbisenc bitrate=%(bitrate)d ! oggmux",
        "file_extension": "ogg",
        "0",  # zero means, autodetect sample rate (ie use any available)
        "bitrate": "131072",
        "audiosrc": "gconfaudiosrc",
        "device": "default"
    # Overwrite with platform specific settings

    playback = {
        "devicename": "default",
        "device": "default",
        "audiosink": "autoaudiosink"
    # Overwrite with platform specific settings

    extensions = {"extensions_blacklist": ""}

    recentprojects = {
        #FIXME: replace with some kind of proper database since
        # we now plan to store all the projects created ever
        # (not just the last 8 used)
        "paths": "",
        "names": "",
        "create_times": "",
        "last_used_times": "",

    sections = {
        "General": general,
        "Recording": recording,
        "Playback": playback,
        "Extensions": extensions,
        "RecentProjects": recentprojects,


    def __init__(self):
        self.filename = os.path.join(JOKOSHER_CONFIG_HOME, "config")
        # Use RawConfigParser so that parameters in pipelines don't get processed
        self.config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()


    def read(self):
		Reads configuration settings from the config file and loads
		then into the Settings dictionaries.

        for section in self.sections:
            if not self.config.has_section(section):

        for section, section_dict in self.sections.iteritems():
            for key, value in self.config.items(section):
                if value == "None":
                    value = None
                section_dict[key] = value


    def write(self):
		Writes configuration settings to the Settings config file.

        for section, section_dict in self.sections.iteritems():
            for key, value in section_dict.iteritems():
                self.config.set(section, key, value)

        file = open(self.filename, 'w')
Ejemplo n.º 19
	def __init__(self, parent):
		Creates a new instance of NewProjectDialog.
		The dialog is used to create a new Project based on the user's input.
			parent -- reference to the MainApp Jokosher window.
		self.parent = parent
		self.res = gtk.glade.XML(Globals.GLADE_PATH, "NewProjectDialog")

		self.signals = {
			"on_OK_clicked" : self.OnOK,
			"on_Cancel_clicked" : self.OnCancel,
			"on_editbutton_clicked" : self.OnEdit,
			"on_Template_toggled" : self.TemplateCheckboxToggled
		self.dlg = self.res.get_widget("NewProjectDialog")

		self.sideimage = self.res.get_widget("sideimage")
		self.sideimage.set_from_file(os.path.join(Globals.IMAGE_PATH, "newproject.png"))
		self.name = self.res.get_widget("name")
		self.author = self.res.get_widget("author")
		self.template = ProjectTemplate.ProjectTemplate()
		self.template_checkbox = self.res.get_widget("template_checkbox")
		self.templatehbox = self.res.get_widget("template_hbox")
		self.templatecombo = self.res.get_widget("template_combo")
		self.templatemodel = gtk.ListStore(str)
		for files in self.template.LoadDictionaryOfInstrumentsFromTemplateFile().iterkeys():
		text = gtk.CellRendererText()
		self.templatecombo.add_attribute(text, "text", 0)

		# Default author to name of currently logged in user
		self.okbutton = self.res.get_widget("okButton")
		self.folder = gtk.FileChooserButton(_("Select A Folder"))
		self.res.get_widget("table5").attach(self.folder, 1, 2, 1, 2)
		# Set the default folder of 'folder' (a FileChooserButton)
		if os.path.exists(Globals.settings.general["projectfolder"]):

		self.dlg.resize(350, 300)
Ejemplo n.º 20
	except OSError, e:
		Globals.debug("Cannot remove project. Have the permissions been changed, or other directories created inside the project folder?:\n\t%s" % main_dir)


def ImportProject(project_uri):
		old_project = LoadProjectFile(project_uri)
	except OpenProjectError, e:
	all_files = old_project.GetAudioAndLevelsFilenames(include_deleted=True)
	abs_audio_files, rel_audio_files, levels_files = all_files
		new_project = InitProjectLocation(PlatformUtils.pathname2url(Globals.PROJECTS_PATH))
	except CreateProjectError, e:
		return None
	delete_on_fail_list = []
		for audio_filename in rel_audio_files:
			src = gio.File(path=old_project.audio_path).get_child(audio_filename)
			dst = gio.File(path=new_project.audio_path).get_child(audio_filename)
			Globals.debug("Copy:\n\t" + src.get_uri() + "\n\t" + dst.get_uri())