def runCoexistence(self, N, r, d, K, b1, b2):
     timeUntilDeath = 0 
     survivor = 0
     population = Population(0, mutationON=False)
     population.addIndividual(r, d, N, b1, K, resident=True)
     population.addIndividual(r, d, N, b2, K, resident=False)
     while population.residentinvaderPresent():
         timeUntilDeath += 1
     if population.residentPresent(): survivor = 1
     if population.invaderPresent(): survivor = 2
     return ma.log10(timeUntilDeath), survivor
 def runInvasion(self, repetitions, delay, dataTime, N1, N2, r, d, K, b1, b2):
 #: Function for running the invasion 
 #: @param repetitions: repetitions
 #: @return: returns the fraction of runs  in which  the invader was successful
     invasion = 0
     for rep in range(0,repetitions):
         population = Population(0, mutationON=False)
         population.addIndividual(r, d, N1, b1, K, resident=True)
         population.addIndividual(r, d, N2, b2, K, resident=False)
         if population.invaderPresent(): invasion += 1.0
     return invasion / repetitions