Ejemplo n.º 1
    computes the  vector whose i^th entry is k(SVM_X[i],x)
    def k(y):
        #return np.dot(x,y) # returns the identity kernel
        #return (1+np.dot(x,y)) # returns the linear basis kernel
        gamma = 2
        sqr_diff = np.linalg.norm(x-y)**2
        sqr_diff *= -1.0*gamma 
        return np.exp(sqr_diff)
    return np.apply_along_axis(k, 1, SVM_X ).reshape(-1,1)

# Carry out training, primal and/or dual
a, SVM_alpha, SVM_X, SVM_Y, support = p2.dual_SVM(X, Y, C, K)

def get_prediction_constants():
    ay = SVM_alpha*SVM_Y
    # get gram matrix for only support X values
    SVM_K = K[support]
    SVM_K = SVM_K.T[support]
    SVM_K = SVM_K.T

    # compute bias
    bias = np.nansum([SVM_Y[i] - np.dot(ay.T, SVM_K[i]) for i in range(len(SVM_Y))]) / len(SVM_Y)

    return ay, bias

# Define the predictSVM(x) function, which uses trained parameters
# Define the predict_gaussianSVM(x) function, which uses trained parameters, alpha
def wrapper_linear(name, C):
    print '======Training======'
    # load data from csv files
    train = loadtxt('data/data' + name + '_train.csv')
    # use deep copy here to make cvxopt happy
    X = train[:, 0:2].copy()
    Y = train[:, 2:3].copy()

    # Define parameters

    K = p2.linear_gram(X)

    def column_kernel(SVM_X, x):
        Given an array of X values and a new x to predict, 
        computes the  vector whose i^th entry is k(SVM_X[i],x)
        def k(y):
            #return np.dot(x,y) # returns the identity kernel

            return (1 + np.dot(x, y))  # returns the linear basis kernel

        return np.apply_along_axis(k, 1, SVM_X).reshape(-1, 1)

    # Carry out training, primal and/or dual
    a, SVM_alpha, SVM_X, SVM_Y, support = p2.dual_SVM(X, Y, C, K)

    def get_prediction_constants():
        ay = SVM_alpha * SVM_Y
        # get gram matrix for only support X values
        SVM_K = K[support]
        SVM_K = SVM_K.T[support]
        SVM_K = SVM_K.T

        # compute bias
        bias = np.nansum(
            [SVM_Y[i] - np.dot(ay.T, SVM_K[i])
             for i in range(len(SVM_Y))]) / len(SVM_Y)

        return ay, bias

    # Define the predictSVM(x) function, which uses trained parameters
    # Define the predict_gaussianSVM(x) function, which uses trained parameters, alpha

    ay, bias = get_prediction_constants()

    def predictSVM(x):
        The predicted value is given by h(x) = sign( sum_{support vectors} alpha_i y_i k(x_i,x) )
        debug = False

        x = x.reshape(1, -1)
        if debug: print 'Classify x: ', x

        # predict new Y output
        kernel = column_kernel(SVM_X, x)
        y = np.dot(ay.T, kernel)
        if debug:
            print 'New y ', y
        return y + bias

    def classification_error(X_train, Y_train):
        ''' Computes the error of the classifier on some training set'''
        n, d = X_train.shape
        incorrect = 0.0
        for i in range(n):
            if predictSVM(X_train[i]) * Y_train[i] < 0:
                incorrect += 1
        return incorrect / n

    train_err = classification_error(X, Y)
    # plot training results
                         predictSVM, [-1, 0, 1],
                         title='SVM Train on dataset ' + str(name) +
                         ' with C = ' + str(C))
    pl.savefig('prob2linear_kernelSVMtrain_' + str(name) + '_with C=' +
               str(C) + '.png')

    print '======Validation======'
    # load data from csv files
    validate = loadtxt('data/data' + name + '_validate.csv')
    X = validate[:, 0:2]
    Y = validate[:, 2:3]

    validation_err = classification_error(X, Y)

    # plot validation results
                         predictSVM, [-1, 0, 1],
                         title='SVM Validate on dataset ' + str(name) +
                         ' with C = ' + str(C))
    pl.savefig('prob2linear_kernelSVMvalidate_' + str(name) + '_with C=' +
               str(C) + '.png')

    f = open(
        'errors for linear kernel dataset ' + str(name) + ' with C = ' +
        str(C) + '.txt', 'w')
    f.write('Train err: ')
    f.write('Validate err: ')
    f.write('Number of SVMs: ')

    print 'Done plotting...'