Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_model():
    pars = {'g': 9.8}  #, 'pi': np.pi}

    ode_def = {
        'x': 'vx',
        'y': 'vy',
        'vx': '-(pi**2)*x',
        'vy': '-g',
        'tt': '1.0',
    event_bounce = dst.makeZeroCrossEvent(
        1, {
            'name': 'bounce',
            'eventtol': 1e-3,
            'term': True,
            'active': True,
            'eventinterval': 1,
            'eventdelay': 1e-2,
            'starttime': 0,
            'precise': True
        varnames=['x', 'y'],
        targetlang='python')  # targetlang is redundant (defaults to python)

    DSargs = dst.args(name='bball_sin')  # struct-like data
    DSargs.events = [event_bounce]
    #DSargs.pars = pars
    #DSargs.tdata = [0, 10]
    #DSargs.algparams = {'max_pts': 3000, 'stiff': False}
    DSargs.algparams = {'stiff': False, 'init_step': 0.01}
    DSargs.varspecs = ode_def
    DSargs.pars = pars
    #DSargs.xdomain = {'y': [0, 100]}

    DS_fall = dst.embed(dst.Generator.Vode_ODEsystem(DSargs))
    DS_fall_MI = dst.intModelInterface(DS_fall)

    # Reset
    ev_map = dst.EvMapping({
        'y': 'x+0.001',
        'vy': '0.9*(vx-vy)'
    #ev_map = dst.EvMapping({'y': '10', 'x': '20'}, model=DS_fall)

    DS_BBall = dst.makeModelInfoEntry(DS_fall_MI, ['bball_sin'],
                                      [('bounce', ('bball_sin', ev_map))])

    modelInfoDict = dst.makeModelInfo([DS_BBall])
    bball_sin_model = dst.Model.HybridModel({
        'name': 'Bouncing_Ball_Sinusiodal',
        'modelInfo': modelInfoDict
    return bball_sin_model
Ejemplo n.º 2
def event1(params):

    event_args = {'name': 'event_melt_begin',
                  'eventtol': params.RelTol,
                  'active': True,
                  'term': True}

    event_melt_begin = PyDSTool.makeZeroCrossEvent('Tmelt - Tp', 0, event_args, varnames=['Tp'], parnames=['Tmelt'])

    return event_melt_begin
Ejemplo n.º 3
def event2(params):

    event_args = {'name': 'event_melt_end',
                  'eventtol': params.RelTol,
                  'active': True,
                  'term': True}

    event_melt_end = PyDSTool.makeZeroCrossEvent('Qp / (Hf * Mp) - 1', 0, event_args, varnames=['Qp'], parnames=['Hf', 'Mp'])

    return event_melt_end
Ejemplo n.º 4
def create_model():
    pars = {'g': 9.8}#, 'pi': np.pi}

    ode_def = {
           'x': 'vx',
           'y': 'vy',
           'vx': '-(pi**2)*x',
           'vy': '-g',
           'tt': '1.0',
    event_bounce = dst.makeZeroCrossEvent(
            'x-y', 1,
            {'name': 'bounce',
             'eventtol': 1e-3,
             'term': True,
             'active': True,
             'eventinterval': 1,
             'eventdelay': 1e-2,
             'starttime': 0,
             'precise': True
            varnames=['x', 'y'],
            targetlang='python')  # targetlang is redundant (defaults to python)

    DSargs = dst.args(name='bball_sin')  # struct-like data
    DSargs.events = [event_bounce]
    #DSargs.pars = pars
    #DSargs.tdata = [0, 10]
    #DSargs.algparams = {'max_pts': 3000, 'stiff': False}
    DSargs.algparams = {'stiff': False, 'init_step': 0.01}
    DSargs.varspecs = ode_def
    DSargs.pars = pars
    #DSargs.xdomain = {'y': [0, 100]}

    DS_fall = dst.embed(dst.Generator.Vode_ODEsystem(DSargs))
    DS_fall_MI = dst.intModelInterface(DS_fall)

    # Reset
    ev_map = dst.EvMapping({'y': 'x+0.001', 'vy': '0.9*(vx-vy)'}, model=DS_fall)
    #ev_map = dst.EvMapping({'y': '10', 'x': '20'}, model=DS_fall)

    DS_BBall = dst.makeModelInfoEntry(DS_fall_MI, ['bball_sin'],
                                      [('bounce', ('bball_sin', ev_map))])

    modelInfoDict = dst.makeModelInfo([DS_BBall])
    bball_sin_model = dst.Model.HybridModel(
            {'name': 'Bouncing_Ball_Sinusiodal', 'modelInfo': modelInfoDict})
    return bball_sin_model
Ejemplo n.º 5
def create_model():
    pars = {'g': 1}
    icdict = {'y': 5, 'vy': 0}

    y_str = 'vy'
    vy_str = '-g'

    event_bounce = dst.makeZeroCrossEvent(
        0, {
            'name': 'bounce',
            'eventtol': 1e-3,
            'term': True,
            'active': True
        targetlang='python')  # targetlang is redundant (defaults to python)

    DSargs = dst.args(name='bball')  # struct-like data
    DSargs.events = [event_bounce]
    #DSargs.pars = pars
    #DSargs.tdata = [0, 10]
    #DSargs.algparams = {'max_pts': 3000, 'stiff': False}
    DSargs.algparams = {'stiff': False}
    DSargs.varspecs = {'y': y_str, 'vy': vy_str}
    DSargs.pars = pars
    #DSargs.xdomain = {'y': [0, 100], 'vy': [-100, 100]}

    DSargs.ics = icdict

    DS_fall = dst.embed(dst.Generator.Vode_ODEsystem(DSargs))
    DS_fall_MI = dst.intModelInterface(DS_fall)

    ev_map = dst.EvMapping({'y': 0, 'vy': '-0.75*vy'}, model=DS_fall)

    DS_BBall = dst.makeModelInfoEntry(DS_fall_MI, ['bball'],
                                      [('bounce', ('bball', ev_map))])

    modelInfoDict = dst.makeModelInfo([DS_BBall])
    bball_model = dst.Model.HybridModel({
        'name': 'Bouncing_Ball',
        'modelInfo': modelInfoDict
    return bball_model
Ejemplo n.º 6
def create_model():
    pars = {'g': 1}
    icdict = {'y': 5, 'vy': 0}

    y_str = 'vy'
    vy_str = '-g'

    event_bounce = dst.makeZeroCrossEvent('y', 0,
                                {'name': 'bounce',
                                 'eventtol': 1e-3,
                                 'term': True,
                                 'active': True},
                        targetlang='python')  # targetlang is redundant (defaults to python)

    DSargs = dst.args(name='bball')  # struct-like data
    DSargs.events = [event_bounce]
    #DSargs.pars = pars
    #DSargs.tdata = [0, 10]
    #DSargs.algparams = {'max_pts': 3000, 'stiff': False}
    DSargs.algparams = {'stiff': False}
    DSargs.varspecs = {'y': y_str, 'vy': vy_str}
    DSargs.pars = pars
    #DSargs.xdomain = {'y': [0, 100], 'vy': [-100, 100]}

    DSargs.ics = icdict

    DS_fall = dst.embed(dst.Generator.Vode_ODEsystem(DSargs))
    DS_fall_MI = dst.intModelInterface(DS_fall)

    ev_map = dst.EvMapping({'y': 0, 'vy': '-0.75*vy'}, model=DS_fall)

    DS_BBall = dst.makeModelInfoEntry(DS_fall_MI, ['bball'],
                                      [('bounce', ('bball', ev_map))])

    modelInfoDict = dst.makeModelInfo([DS_BBall])
    bball_model = dst.Model.HybridModel({'name': 'Bouncing_Ball', 'modelInfo': modelInfoDict})
    return bball_model
Ejemplo n.º 7
import PyDSTool as dst
from PyDSTool import args
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

pars = {'eps': 1e-2, 'a': 0.5}
icdict = {'x': pars['a'],
          'y': pars['a'] - pars['a']**3/3}
xstr = '(y - (x*x*x/3 - x))/eps'
ystr = 'a - x'

event_x_a = dst.makeZeroCrossEvent('x-a', 0,
                            {'name': 'event_x_a',
                             'eventtol': 1e-6,
                             'term': False,
                             'active': True},
                    varnames=['x'], parnames=['a'],
                    targetlang='python')  # targetlang is redundant (defaults to python)

DSargs = args(name='vanderpol')  # struct-like data
DSargs.events = [event_x_a]
DSargs.pars = pars
DSargs.tdata = [0, 3]
DSargs.algparams = {'max_pts': 3000, 'init_step': 0.02, 'stiff': True}
DSargs.varspecs = {'x': xstr, 'y': ystr}
DSargs.xdomain = {'x': [-2.2, 2.5], 'y': [-2, 2]}
DSargs.fnspecs = {'Jacobian': (['t','x','y'],
                                """[[(1-x*x)/eps, 1/eps ],
                                    [ -1,  0 ]]""")}
DSargs.ics = icdict
import PyDSTool as dst
from PyDSTool import args
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

pars = {"eps": 1e-2, "a": 0.5}
icdict = {"x": pars["a"], "y": pars["a"] - pars["a"] ** 3 / 3}
xstr = "(y - (x*x*x/3 - x))/eps"
ystr = "a - x"

event_x_a = dst.makeZeroCrossEvent(
    {"name": "event_x_a", "eventtol": 1e-6, "term": False, "active": True},
)  # targetlang is redundant (defaults to python)

DSargs = args(name="vanderpol")  # struct-like data
DSargs.events = [event_x_a]
DSargs.pars = pars
DSargs.tdata = [0, 3]
DSargs.algparams = {"max_pts": 3000, "init_step": 0.02, "stiff": True}
DSargs.varspecs = {"x": xstr, "y": ystr}
DSargs.xdomain = {"x": [-2.2, 2.5], "y": [-2, 2]}
DSargs.fnspecs = {
    "Jacobian": (
        ["t", "x", "y"],
        """[[(1-x*x)/eps, 1/eps ],