Ejemplo n.º 1
def least_squares(X, Y, order):
    """Least squares polynomial regression or arbitrary order
	The equation y = a_0 + a_1*x + a_2*x^2 + ... is fitted to a series of
	data points using the Vandermonde matrix and QR decomposition.
	This function takes 3 arguments:
	  X      the x values of the points to fit
	  Y      the y values of the points to fit;
	  order  the order of the polynomial to fit;
	and returns
	  a      the solution vector [a_0, a_1, ...]."""

    nb_points = len(X)

    # Build the Vandermonde matrix.
    V = [[1.0] * nb_points for i in range(order + 1)]
    for i_point in range(nb_points):
        for i_order in range(order):
            V[i_order + 1][i_point] = V[i_order][i_point] * X[i_point]

    # Create vectors to store elements of the QR factorization.
    diag = [0.0] * (order + 1)
    perm = [0.0] * (order + 1)

    # Solve by QR factorization.
    QR.QR(V, diag, perm)
    a = QR.QR_solve(V, diag, perm, Y)

    return a
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def iterate(self):
        """Do one iteration of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
		This method takes no arguments. It returns a single argument giving
		the status of the solution. Possible values are:
		  IMPROVING                 the solution is improving;
			MINIMUM_FOUND             the gradient is null (or close enough);
		  CHI_2_IS_OK               the value of chi square is acceptable;
		  CHI_2_CHANGE_TOO_SMALL    the change in chi square is small;
		  ALL_PARAMETERS_ARE_STUCK  all the parameters are stuck at their
		When this method returns, MINIMUM_FOUND, CHI_2_IS_OK 
		function should stop the fit."""

        self.iteration += 1

        # Keep a copy of the old parameter values in case we need to revert
        # to them.
        for par in range(self.nb_par):
            self.previous_a[par] = self.a[par]

        # Build b.
        for i in range(self.nb_points):
            self.b[i] = (self.Yi[i] - self.Y[i]) / self.sigma[i]

        # Determine which points are used considering the inequalities.
        for i in range(self.nb_points):
            if self.inequalities[i] == SMALLER and self.b[i] > 0.0:
                self.use_point[i] = False
            elif self.inequalities[i] == LARGER and self.b[i] < 0.0:
                self.use_point[i] = False
                self.use_point[i] = True

        # Get the derivative at this point.
        self.dY = self.df(self.a, *self.f_par)
        self.nb_df_eval += 1

        # Calculate the gradient.
        for par in range(self.nb_par):
            self.beta[par] = 0.0
            for i in range(self.nb_points):
                if self.use_point[i]:
                    self.beta[par] += (self.Yi[i] - self.Y[i]) / (
                        self.sigma[i] * self.sigma[i]) * self.dY[par][i]

        # If a parameter is stuck at one of its limits, remove it from the
        # fit.
        self.nb_free_par = self.nb_par
        for par in range(self.nb_par):
            if self.a[par] == self.a_min[par] and self.beta[par] < 0.0:
                self.use_par[par] = False
                self.beta[par] = 0.0
                self.nb_free_par -= 1
            elif self.a[par] == self.a_max[par] and self.beta[par] > 0.0:
                self.use_par[par] = False
                self.beta[par] = 0.0
                self.nb_free_par -= 1
                self.use_par[par] = True

        if self.nb_free_par == 0:
            return ALL_PARAMETERS_ARE_STUCK

        # Calculate the norm of the gradient.
        self.norm_gradient = 0.0
        for par in range(self.nb_par):
            self.norm_gradient += self.beta[par] * self.beta[par]
        self.norm_gradient = sqrt(self.norm_gradient)

        # Check if the minimum is reached (norm of the gradient is 0).
        if self.norm_gradient < self.min_gradient:
            return MINIMUM_FOUND

        # Build the jacobian matrix.
        for par in range(self.nb_par):
            if self.use_par[par]:
                for i in range(self.nb_points):
                    if self.use_point[i]:
                        self.A[par][i] = self.dY[par][i] / self.sigma[i]
                        self.A[par][i] = 0.0
                for i in range(self.nb_points, self.nb_par):
                    self.A[par][i] = 0.0
                for i in range(self.nb_rows):
                    self.A[par][i] = 0.0

        # Factorize the system using QR factorization and calculate inv(Q)*b.
        rank = QR.QR(self.A, self.diag, self.perm, self.column_norms)
        QR.QTb(self.A, self.diag, self.perm, self.b)

        # On the first iteration, initialize D and the trust region to a
        # fraction of the scaled length of a. And calculate the norm of a
        # for a first time.
        if self.iteration == 1:
            for par in range(self.nb_par):
                self.D[par] = self.column_norms[par]
                if self.D[par] == 0.0:
                    self.D[par] = 1.0

            norm = 0.0
            for par in range(self.nb_par):
                temp = self.D[par] * self.a[par]
                norm += temp * temp
            norm = sqrt(norm)
            self.Delta = self.factor * norm
            if self.Delta == 0.0:
                self.Delta = self.factor

            # Calculate the norm of the scaled a. This is used to check if
            # Delta gets too small.
            self.norm_scaled_a = 0.0
            for par in range(self.nb_par):
                temp = self.D[par] * self.a[par]
                self.norm_scaled_a += temp * temp
            self.norm_scaled_a = sqrt(self.norm_scaled_a)

        # Update D if the norm of the columns has increased.
        for par in range(self.nb_par):
            self.D[par] = max(self.D[par], self.column_norms[par])

        # Iterate until a an improving step is found.
        while True:

            # Compute the Gauss-Newton iteration. Here, and in the rest of
            # the method, the matrix will be considerer to have full rank
            # if the rank is equal to the number of free parameters. This
            # works because the QR method ignores rows with null norms.
            if rank == self.nb_free_par:
                QR.R_solve(self.A, self.diag, self.perm, self.b, self.da)
                QR.rank_deficient_R_solve(self.A, self.diag, self.perm, self.b,

            # Calculate the norm of the scaled Gauss-Newton step.
            norm_scaled_da = 0.0
            for par in range(self.nb_par):
                self.scaled_da[par] = self.D[par] * self.da[par]
                norm_scaled_da += self.scaled_da[par] * self.scaled_da[par]
            norm_scaled_da = sqrt(norm_scaled_da)

            # If the Gauss-Newton step is accepted, set the Levenberg-
            # Marquardt parameter to 0.
            phi = norm_scaled_da - self.Delta
            if phi <= 0.1 * self.Delta:
                self.alpha = 0.0

            # Otherwise, search the Levenberg-Marquardt parameter for which
            # phi = 0.

                # Set the lower bound of alpha to -phi(0)/phi'(0). If the
                # matrix is rank deficient, set the lower bound to 0.
                if rank == self.nb_free_par:
                    for par in range(self.nb_par):
                        self.temp_array[par] = self.D[self.perm[par]] * (
                            self.scaled_da[self.perm[par]] / norm_scaled_da)

                    norm_square = 0.0
                    for par in range(self.nb_par):
                        if self.use_par[self.perm[par]]:
                            sum = 0.0
                            for i in range(par):
                                sum += self.temp_array[i] * self.A[par][i]
                            self.temp_array[par] = (self.temp_array[par] -
                                                    sum) / self.diag[par]
                            norm_square += self.temp_array[
                                par] * self.temp_array[par]

                    l = (phi / self.Delta) / norm_square

                    l = 0.0

                # Choose an upper bound. The upper bound is norm([J inv(D)]'b)
                # = norm(inv(D) R' Q'b). We already have Q'b, so let's use it.
                norm = 0.0
                for par in range(self.nb_par):
                    if self.use_par[self.perm[par]]:
                        temp = self.diag[par] * self.b[par]
                        for i in range(par):
                            temp += self.A[par][i] * self.b[i]
                        temp /= self.D[self.perm[par]]
                        norm += temp * temp
                norm = sqrt(norm)
                u = norm / self.Delta

                # If alpha is outside bounds, set it to the closest bound.
                self.alpha = max(self.alpha, l)
                self.alpha = min(self.alpha, u)

                # Guess an appropriate starting value for alpha.
                if self.alpha == 0.0:
                    self.alpha = norm / norm_scaled_da

                # Search for a maximum of 10 iterations.
                for internal_iteration in range(10):

                    # Protect ourselves against very small values of alpha (in
                    # particular 0).
                    if self.alpha == 0.0:
                        self.alpha = 0.001 * u

                    # Compute the step for the current value of alpha.
                    for par in range(self.nb_par):
                        if self.use_par[par]:
                            self.alpha_D[par] = sqrt(self.alpha) * self.D[par]
                            self.alpha_D[par] = 0.0

                    QR.R_solve_with_update(self.A, self.diag, self.perm,
                                           self.b, self.alpha_D, self.da)

                    # Calculate the norm of the scaled step.
                    norm_scaled_da = 0.0
                    for par in range(self.nb_par):
                        self.scaled_da[par] = self.D[par] * self.da[par]
                        norm_scaled_da += self.scaled_da[par] * self.scaled_da[
                    norm_scaled_da = sqrt(norm_scaled_da)
                    phi = norm_scaled_da - self.Delta

                    # If phi is small enough, accept the step.
                    if abs(phi) <= 0.1 * self.Delta:

                    for par in range(self.nb_par):
                        if self.use_par[par]:
                            self.temp_array[par] = self.D[self.perm[par]] * (
                                self.scaled_da[self.perm[par]] /

                    # Calculate the correction.
                    norm_square = 0.0
                    for par in range(self.nb_par):
                        if self.use_par[self.perm[par]]:
                            sum = 0.0
                            for i in range(par):
                                sum += self.temp_array[i] * self.A[i][par]
                            self.temp_array[par] = (self.temp_array[par] -
                                                    sum) / self.A[par][par]
                            norm_square += self.temp_array[
                                par] * self.temp_array[par]

                    correction = (phi / self.Delta) / norm_square

                    # Change the bounds according to the sign of phi.
                    if phi > 0.0:
                        l = max(l, self.alpha)
                        u = min(u, self.alpha)

                    self.alpha = max(self.alpha + correction, l)

            # Change the parameters a by the amount suggested by da.
            for par in range(self.nb_par):
                self.a[par] += self.da[par]

            # Check if parameters fell outside of acceptable range. Change
            # both da and a since we want to be able to compare expected and
            # predicted results.
            bounded = False
            for par in range(self.nb_par):
                if self.a[par] < self.a_min[par]:
                    self.da[par] += self.a_min[par] - self.a[par]
                    self.a[par] = self.a_min[par]
                    bounded = True
                elif self.a[par] > self.a_max[par]:
                    self.da[par] += self.a_max[par] - self.a[par]
                    self.a[par] = self.a_max[par]
                    bounded = True

            # If one of the parameter was bounded during this iteration,
            # recalculate the scaled norm of da.
            if bounded:
                norm_scaled_da = 0.0
                for par in range(self.nb_par):
                    self.scaled_da[par] = self.D[par] * self.da[par]
                    norm_scaled_da += self.scaled_da[par] * self.scaled_da[par]
                norm_scaled_da = sqrt(norm_scaled_da)

            # Evaluation the function at the new point.
            self.Y = self.f(self.a, *self.f_par)
            self.nb_f_eval += 1

            # Calculate chi_2.
            new_chi_2 = 0.0
            for i in range(self.nb_points):
                if self.inequalities[i] == SMALLER and self.Y[i] < self.Yi[i]:
                elif self.inequalities[i] == LARGER and self.Y[i] > self.Yi[i]:
                temp = (self.Yi[i] - self.Y[i]) / self.sigma[i]
                new_chi_2 += temp * temp

            # Calculate the normalized actual reduction.
            actual_reduction = 1.0 - (new_chi_2 / self.chi_2)

            # Calculate the normalized predicted reduction of chi square and
            # gamma.
            part1 = 0.0
            for i in range(self.nb_points):
                if self.use_point[i]:
                    temp = 0.0
                    for par in range(self.nb_par):
                        if self.use_par[par]:
                            temp += self.dY[par][i] * self.da[
                                par] / self.sigma[i]
                    part1 += temp * temp
            part1 /= self.chi_2

            part2 = self.alpha * norm_scaled_da * norm_scaled_da / self.chi_2

            predicted_reduction = part1 + 2.0 * part2
            gamma = -(part1 + part2)

            # Compare the actual and the predicted reduction.
            rho = actual_reduction / predicted_reduction

            # If the ratio is low (or negative), reduce the trust region.
            if rho <= 0.25:

                if actual_reduction >= 0.0:
                    mu = 0.5 * gamma / (gamma + 0.5 * actual_reduction)
                    mu = 0.5

                if (0.1 * new_chi_2 >= self.chi_2 or mu < 0.1):
                    mu = 0.1

                self.Delta = mu * min(self.Delta, 10.0 * norm_scaled_da)
                self.alpha /= mu

            # If the ratio is high, augment the trust region.
            elif rho >= 0.75 or self.alpha == 0.0:
                self.Delta = 2.0 * norm_scaled_da
                self.alpha *= 0.5

            # If there has been improvement, accept the solution and verify if
            # one of the stopping criteria is met.
            if new_chi_2 < self.chi_2:
                self.chi_2 = new_chi_2

                # Calculate the norm of the scaled a. This is used to check if
                # Delta gets too small.
                self.norm_scaled_a = 0.0
                for par in range(self.nb_par):
                    if self.use_par[par]:
                        temp = self.D[par] * self.a[par]
                        self.norm_scaled_a += temp * temp
                self.norm_scaled_a = sqrt(self.norm_scaled_a)

                # Verify if step criteria are met.
                if self.chi_2 <= self.acceptable_chi_2:
                    return CHI_2_IS_OK
                elif actual_reduction < self.min_chi_2_change and predicted_reduction < self.min_chi_2_change:
                    return CHI_2_CHANGE_TOO_SMALL

                return IMPROVING

            # Otherwise revert to the previous solution and try again.
                for par in range(self.nb_par):
                    self.a[par] = self.previous_a[par]

                # If Delta is smaller than the machine precision, we cannot do
                # any better!
                if self.norm_scaled_a == 0.0:
                    if self.Delta < epsilon:
                        return DELTA_IS_TOO_SMALL
                    if self.Delta / self.norm_scaled_a < epsilon:
                        return DELTA_IS_TOO_SMALL
Ejemplo n.º 3
import Hess
import QR
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy import linalg

# A = [[2.,-1.,0.,0.],[-1.,2.,-1.,0.],[0.,-1.,2.,-1.],[0.,0.,-1.,2.]]
A = np.random.rand(50, 5)
# b = [0.,5.,5.,5.]
# test = Hess.hess(A)
# np.set_printoptions(precision=15)
# for row in test:
#     for elem in row:
#         print('{:.12e}'.format(elem))
# print('\n')

Q, R, err = QR.QR(A)
# print(Q)
print('Error in QR factorization = ' + str(err))

# x = QR.QRsolve(A,b)
# print(x)
Ejemplo n.º 4
import numpy as np
import Jacobi
import QR


    A = np.loadtxt("matrix.txt")
except (Exception):
    print("Could not find file or invalid matrix")
print("Our matrix:")
# try:
#     L, X = Jacobi.Jacobi(A)
# except Exception as e:
#     print(e)
#     exit(-1)
# print("Eigenvalues:\n", np.array2string(L))
# print("Eigenvectors:\n", np.array2string(X))
# print("Q * Qt =\n", np.array2string(X @ X.T))
# print("Q * L * Qt =\n", np.array2string(X @ L @ X.T))
# A = np.random.random(16).reshape(4, 4)

R = QR.QR(A)
print("Result matrix:\n" + np.array2string(R))
print("Answer via numpy: " + np.array2string(np.linalg.eigvals(A)))
Ejemplo n.º 5
from QR import *
a = QR('HELLO WORLD', True)
a.modo_correcao = Q
a.versao = 1
# 00100000 01011011 00001011 01111000 11010001 01110010 11011100 01001101 01000011 01000000 11101100 00010001 11101100
# 00100000 01011011 00001011 01111000 11010001 01110010 11011100 01001101 01000011 01000000 11101100 00010001
# 00100000 01011011 00001011 01111000 11010001 01110010 11011100 01001101 01000011 01000000 11101100 00010001 11101100