Ejemplo n.º 1
def run_egammaMVACalibMulti(outputfile, inputTree, inputPath, useTMVA, method, 
      particleType, calibrationType, nEvents, branchName,
      copyBranches='input', shift=0, fudge=False,
      debug=False, etaBinDef = '', energyBinDef = '', particleTypeVar='',
      filePattern='', ignoreSpectators=True, interact=False, friend = False, defs=None):
  """run_egammaMVACalibMulti(outputfile, inputTree, inputPath, useTMVA, method, 
      particleType, calibrationType, nEvents, branchName,
      copyBranches='input', shift=0, fudge=False,
      debug=False, etaBinDef = '', energyBinDef = '', particleTypeVar='',
      filePattern='', ignoreSpectators=True, interact=False, friend = False, defs=None)"""
  print "Running egammaMVACalibMulti"
  # Convert all the inputs to lists and make sure all the lists have the same size
  # (lists that have size 1 are multiplied by N, the maximum size)
  iter_options = map(make_list, (inputPath, useTMVA, method, calibrationType, shift, defs))
  N = max(len(i) for i in iter_options)
  if any(len(i) not in (1, N) for i in iter_options):
    raise ValueError("Invalid input: %s" % iter_options)
  iter_options = (make_list(i[0], N) if len(i) == 1 else i for i in iter_options)
  loop = zip(*iter_options)
  #  print loop
  if len(loop) != len(branchName):
    raise ValueError("Multiple options passed, branchName must have %s values, got %s" % \
      (len(loop), len(branchName)) )
  if len(set(branchName)) != len(branchName):
    raise ValueError("Repeated values for branchName: %s" % branchName)
  import ROOT
  M = ROOT.egammaMVACalibMulti(particleType, inputTree, copyBranches)
  for i,j in enumerate(loop):
    inputPath, useTMVA, method, calibrationType, shift, defs = j
    if fudge is None:
      print ROOT.gSystem.WorkingDirectory()
    params = particleType, not useTMVA, inputPath, method, calibrationType, debug, \
      etaBinDef, energyBinDef, particleTypeVar, filePattern, ignoreSpectators
    if fudge is None:
      m = ROOT.egammaMVACalib(*params)
      m = ROOT.egammaMVACalibFudge(fudge, *params)
    setDefinitions(m, defs)
    M.Add(m, branchName[i])
    if shift is not None and shift >= 0:
  if interact:
  fout = ROOT.TFile(outputfile, 'update')
  mvaTree = M.Run(nEvents)
  if friend:
  mvaTree.Write('', ROOT.TObject.kOverwrite)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run_egammaMVACalib(outputfile, inputTree, 
  inputPath='egammaMVACalib/offline/v3', useTMVA='', particleType=0,
  method='BDTG', calibrationType=1, nEvents=-1, 
  debug=False, printBranches=False, branchName="", copyBranches="input", shift=0,
  fudge=None, etaBinDef='', energyBinDef='', particleTypeVar= '',
  filePattern="", ignoreSpectators = True,
  interact=False, first_event=0, friend=False, defs=None):
  """run_egammaMVACalib(outputfile, inputTree, 
  inputPath='egammaMVACalib/offline/v3', useTMVA='', particleType=0,
  method='BDTG', calibrationType=1, nEvents=-1, 
  debug=False, printBranches=False, branchName="", copyBranches="input", shift=0,
  fudge=None, etaBinDef='', energyBinDef='', particleTypeVar= '',
  filePattern="", ignoreSpectators = True,
  interact=False, first_event=0, friend=False, defs=None)"""

  iter_options = inputPath, useTMVA, method, calibrationType, shift, branchName, defs
  if any(isinstance(i, (list,tuple)) and len(i) > 1 for i in iter_options):
    inputPath, useTMVA, method, calibrationType, shift, branchName, defs = iter_options
    return run_egammaMVACalibMulti(outputfile, inputTree, inputPath, useTMVA, method, 
      particleType, calibrationType, nEvents, 
      branchName, copyBranches, shift, fudge,
      debug, etaBinDef, energyBinDef, particleTypeVar, filePattern, 
      ignoreSpectators, first_event, friend, defs) # FIXME
  else: # Make sure we do not have lists
    inputPath, useTMVA, method, calibrationType, shift, branchName, defs = \
      (i[0] if isinstance(i, (list,tuple)) else i for i in iter_options)
  import ROOT

  params = particleType, not useTMVA, inputPath, method, calibrationType, debug, \
    etaBinDef, energyBinDef, particleTypeVar, filePattern, ignoreSpectators
  if fudge is None:
    m = ROOT.egammaMVACalib(*params)
    m = ROOT.egammaMVACalibFudge(fudge, *params)
  if shift is not None and shift >= 0:
  setDefinitions(m, defs)
  if printBranches:
    for i in m.getListOfBranches(): print i.GetName()
  elif interact:
  fout = ROOT.TFile(outputfile, 'update')
  mvaTree = m.getMVAResponseTree(inputTree, nEvents, branchName, copyBranches, first_event)
  if friend:
  mvaTree.Write('', ROOT.TObject.kOverwrite)