Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(dashboardID):
	# Getting all dashboard data in dictionary format
	dashboardInfo = readDashboard.read(dashboardID)

	#calibration information from firebase files
	calibration = dashboardInfo["calibration"]

	pixelX = calibration["pixelX_vals"]
	pixelY = calibration["pixelY_vals"]
	#getting pixel coordinates from pixelX and pixelY
	pixel_array = [[pixelX[i], pixelY[i]] for i in range(len(pixelX))]

	lat = calibration["lat_vals"]
	lon = calibration["lon_vals"]
	#getting longitude and latitude coordinates from lat and lon
	lonlat_array = [[lat[i], lon[i]] for i in range(len(lat))]
	# Obtaining pixelMapper object from calibration information
	pm = PixelMapper.PixelMapper(pixel_array, lonlat_array, calibration["lonlat_origin"])

	# Obtaining streamLink (statically or dynamically) from calibration
	# either "streamLink" or "streamWebpage" should be present in calibration

	streamLinkStatic = calibration["static"]
	streamLink = None
	#getting streamlink from calibration json file
	#sets the value of streamLinkStatic
	if ("streamLink" in calibration.keys()):
		streamLink = calibration["streamLink"]
		streamLinkStatic = True
	if (not streamLinkStatic):
		assert "streamWebpage" in calibration.keys()

	# For debug purposes
	static = True
	streamLink = "../sampleVideos/TimesSquare.mp4"

	# Opening the videoCApture object
	cap = cv2.VideoCapture()

	frame_index = 0

	while True:
		print("FRAME", frame_index, "##############")
		# TODO: Refreshing every second may not be the best approach
		# if the streamLink is not static, then it's necessary to continuously refresh
		if (streamLinkStatic and frame_index == 0):
		if (not streamLinkStatic):
			streamLink = obtainStreamLink.get(calibration["streamWebpage"])

		read, image = cap.read()
		if (not read):

		# generating prediction from image
		output = pred.predict(image)

		#generates the realtime and aggregate analytics displayed on spaspect dashboard
		realData = RealTime.genRealData(pm, output, os.path.join(fbFilesDir, "realtime") + os.path.sep + dashboardID + ".json")
		aggData = Aggregate.genAggData(realData, os.path.join(fbFilesDir, "aggregate") + os.path.sep + dashboardID+ ".json")

		frame_index += 1

	return 0