Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, dbName):
        self.dbName = dbName
        self.resultSet = ResultSet()
        self.conn = sqlite3.connect(dbName + '.sqlite')

        self.path = "./buffchar-output/"  # path to the folder where stuff should be saved
        if not os.path.exists(self.path):
        self.totalRtt = 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def ReadFromXml(self,Filename):
		""" This method reads a render result xml file and processes all data"""
			tree = ET.parse(Filename)
			root = tree.getroot()
			root = root.find("results")
			# Get all Blender versions
			for blender in root.findall('blender'):
				resultset = ResultSet.ResultSetClass()
				resultset.BuildInformation['builddate'] = blender.get('builddate')
				resultset.BuildInformation['commitdate'] = blender.get('commitdate')
				resultset.BuildInformation['committime'] = blender.get('committime')
				resultset.BuildInformation['release'] = blender.get('release')
				resultset.BuildInformation['hash'] = blender.get('hash')
				resultset.BuildInformation['platform'] = blender.get('platform')
				# Get all test results that have been rendered with this release
				for result in blender.findall("resultset"):
					entries = {}
					for entry in result:
						entries[entry.tag] = entry.text
					# print(entries)
					# Add them to the Resultset
			return True
			return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, dbHost,dbUser,dbPass,dbName):
        self.dbName = dbName
        self.resultSet = ResultSet()
        self.conn = MySQLdb.connect( 

        self.path = "./buffchar-output/" # path to the folder where stuff should be saved
        if not os.path.exists(self.path):
        self.totalRtt = 0
    def Render(self):
        # Loop trough all blender versions
        for (index, executable) in enumerate(self._executables):

            #Create a result container and create a new result set
            resultSet = ResultSet.ResultSetClass()

            # and get the build information

            # then render all files, one after another
            for renderTask in self._renderTasks:

                print(">> Rendering " + renderTask[0] +
                      " with Blender version " +

                # --engine CYCLES BLENDER_RENDER
                md5 = hashlib.md5(open(renderTask[0], 'rb').read()).hexdigest()
                imageoutput = "../images/results/" + md5 + "_" + resultSet.BuildInformation[
                    "hash"] + "_"

                for line in BlenderUtils.RunCommand(executable + " -b " +
                                                    renderTask[0] +
                                                    #" -o " + imageoutput +
                                                    " -F PNG  -x 1 -f " +


                    # And look if the result is available already
                    # btw. this is pretty weak - if "Saved:" is not recognized, the complete test result will vanish :(
                    if line.decode("utf-8").find('Saved: ') > -1:
                        consoleLine = line.decode("utf-8").split()
                            consoleLine[5].replace('(', '').replace(')', ''),

Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    import getopt
    import sys
    import time

    global verboseFlag
    global prober
    global resultset

    plotCharts = False
    dbIsConnected = False
    plotting = False
    dbName = ""

    resultset = ResultSet()
    prober = Prober(resultset)

    c = 0  # getopt
    # Parse command-line arguments using getopt
    optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:h:H:pR:t:v:V")

    for c, optarg in optlist:
        # connecting to a specific DB
        if c == "-d":
            dbName = optarg
        # Check for the different command-line flags we accept
        # Targethost
        elif c == "-h":
            if not optarg:
                print "error: you have to specify the hostname or ip address"
                prober.targetHost = optarg
        # H: Maximum hops
        elif c == "-H":
            prober.maxHops = int(optarg)
            if prober.maxHops > 255:
                print "Warning: Maximum hops " + prober.hops + " too large, resetting to 30"
                prober.maxHops = 30
        # p: create plots and results
        elif c == "-p":
            plotting = True
        # R: Repetitions per hop
        elif c == "-R":
            prober.maxHopReps = int(optarg)
        # t: ICMP timeout
        elif c == "-t":
            prober.timeout = int(optarg)
            if prober.timeout < 1:
                print "Warning: timeout value %d too small, resetting to 1"
                prober.timeout = 1
        # v: verbose
        elif c == "-v":
            resultset.verboseLevel = int(optarg)
            prober.verboseLevel = int(optarg)
        # V: version information
        elif c == "-V":
            print c + ": " + optarg
            print "Received unknown flag. Might also be that we have accidentially removed or chosen not to implement what you want. sorry"

    if dbName:
        resultset.dbConnect("bufferbloat_" + gethostname())

    # Starting to probe if a targetHost is given
    if prober.targetHost:
        print "not probing, no host given"

    if plotting:
        print "Creating output for", dbName
        p = Plotter(dbName)
        p.rttHistogram(p.numberOfHops, p.totalRtt, filename=dbName)
        commands.getstatusoutput('gnuplot ./buffchar-output/rttHistogram.gnu')

Ejemplo n.º 6
class Plotter:
    def __init__(self, dbName):
        self.dbName = dbName
        self.resultSet = ResultSet()
        self.conn = sqlite3.connect(dbName + '.sqlite')

        self.path = "./buffchar-output/"  # path to the folder where stuff should be saved
        if not os.path.exists(self.path):
        self.totalRtt = 0

    def timestamps(self):
        c.execute("SELECT DISTINCT timestamp FROM data ORDER by timestamp")

        for timestamp in c.fetchall():
            toTime = float(timestamp[0])
            ts = ctime(toTime)

            print ts

    def bufferbloatScore(self):
        c = self.conn.cursor()
        good = 0.025

            "SELECT hop, MIN(rtt) FROM data GROUP BY hop ORDER BY hop DESC LIMIT 1"
        a = c.fetchone()
        lastHop = a[0]
        minRTT = a[1]

            "SELECT time, COUNT(*) FROM data where hop=? GROUP BY time ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 40",
            (lastHop, ))

        times = c.fetchall()
        totalTimes = len(times)
        grade = 0.0
        for time in times:
            k = math.floor((time[1] - 1) / 2)

                "SELECT rtt FROM data WHERE hop=? AND time=? ORDER BY rtt LIMIT ?,1",
                (lastHop, time[0], k))

            median = c.fetchone()[0] - minRTT
            grade += (1 / float(totalTimes)) * ((median / good) * 1.75)

        if grade > 10:
            #grade = "10+"
            grade = "{0:.2f}".format(grade)
        print "Bufferbloat score:", grade

    def queueData(self, numIntervals=False):
        """Generates data and gnuplot files for the line diagram with queue delays"""
        print "queueData..."
        c = self.conn.cursor()
        datafile = open(self.path + "queuedelay.data", "w")

        # this list will contain:
        # times [timestamps] [hops] [datapoints in the hop]
        times = {}

        # Fetching the minimum RTTs
        minRTTs = []
        c.execute("SELECT hop, MIN(rtt) FROM data GROUP BY hop ORDER BY hop")
        hop = 0
        for h in c.fetchall():
            while hop + 1 < h[0]:
                hop += 1
            hop += 1

        totalRtt = minRTTs[-1]
        self.totalRtt = totalRtt

        numberOfHops = len(minRTTs)
        self.numberOfHops = numberOfHops

        # writing header line to the datafile
        datafile.write("minute timestamp \"Min path\" ")
        for i in range(numberOfHops):
            datafile.write("\"Link " + str(i + 1) + "\" ")

        timestamps = []
        c.execute("SELECT MIN(time), MAX(time) FROM data")
        minimum, maximum = c.fetchone()
        minimum = int(float(minimum)) - 1
        maximum = int(float(maximum)) + 1

        # fetching every timestamp
            "SELECT time, COUNT(*) FROM data GROUP BY time ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 40"
        for t in c.fetchall():
            timestamps.insert(0, t[0])

        previousTime = 0
        for timestamp in timestamps:

            # for each timestamp, getting every datapoint
                "SELECT hop, rtt, packetsize FROM data WHERE time BETWEEN ? AND ?",
                (previousTime, timestamp))

            if not times.has_key(timestamp):
                times[timestamp] = {}

            # for each datapoint, calculate queue delay and save in a list
            for hop in c.fetchall():
                hopNr = hop[0]  # first hop = 1
                rtt = hop[1]
                packetsize = hop[2]
                queueDelay = rtt - minRTTs[hopNr - 1]

                if queueDelay >= 0:  #filter out negative values
                    if not times[timestamp].has_key(hopNr):
                        times[timestamp][hopNr] = [queueDelay]
            previousTime = timestamp

        # Looping the list and making sense of it
        keylist = times.keys()
        numberOfTimes = len(keylist)
        hopsOnTimestamp = 0
        firstTime = float(keylist[0])
        counter = 0
        xticCounter = 0
        for time in keylist:

            # The counter is an integer which represents the number of
            # minutes since the start.
            # We find the number of minutes from the start to this
            # datapoint by substracting the first timestamp from the
            # current timestamp, where we add one second to compensate
            # for the lack of floating  point number accuracy.
            counter = int(math.floor((float(time) + 1 - firstTime) / 60))

            # This is a hack since gnuplot cannot simply plot time as
            # x tics in a histogram. so we write the xtic labels we want
            # to the file manually
            if counter % 10 == 0:
                toTime = float(time)
                ts = ctime(toTime).split()

                # printing only month, day, hh:mm
                ts = "{0} {1} {2}".format(ts[1], ts[2], ts[3].rsplit(":",

                #ts = counter
                ts = " "

            # first value is the timestamp
            medianOut = "\"" + str(ts) + "\" " + str(time) + " " + str(
                totalRtt * 1000)

            previousMedian = 0
            previousHop = 0
            # median for every hop
            for hop in times[time]:
                while previousHop + 1 < hop:
                    previousHop += 1
                    medianOut = medianOut + " 0"

                previousHop += 1

                median = self.resultSet.percentile(times[time][hop], 0.5)

                # this is actually average
                median = float(sum(times[time][hop])) / len(times[time][hop])

                medianDiff = (median - previousMedian) * 1000
                if medianDiff <= 0:
                    medianDiff = 0

                medianOut = medianOut + " " + str(medianDiff)
                previousMedian = median

            while previousHop + 1 <= numberOfHops:
                previousHop += 1
                medianOut = medianOut + " 0"

            if medianOut != "":
                xticCounter += 1

            # appending line break afer each line
            datafile.write(medianOut + "\n")

    def rttHistogram(self, numberOfHops, totalRtt, filename="rttHistogram"):

        gnufile = open(self.path + "rttHistogram.gnu", "w")

        gnufile.write('set terminal postscript enhanced color\n')
        gnufile.write('set output "' + self.path + filename + '.ps"\n')
            'set title "Queue delay on top of minimum path RTT - {0}"\n'.
            format(self.dbName.replace("_", "-")))
        gnufile.write('set xlabel "Time"\n')
        #gnufile.write ('set xtics rotate by -45 nomirror\n')
        gnufile.write('set ylabel "Added Queue delay(ms)"\n')
        gnufile.write('set grid ytics lw 3\n')
        gnufile.write('set key below samplen 1 spacing 1\n')
        gnufile.write('set style histogram rowstacked\n')
        gnufile.write('set style data histograms\n')
        gnufile.write('set style fill solid 1.00 border -1\n')
            "plot '" + self.path +
            "queuedelay.data' using 3:xticlabel(1)  title columnhead, for [i=4:{0}] '' using i title columnhead\n"
            .format(numberOfHops + 3))
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Plotter:
    def __init__(self, dbHost,dbUser,dbPass,dbName):
        self.dbName = dbName
        self.resultSet = ResultSet()
        self.conn = MySQLdb.connect( 

        self.path = "./buffchar-output/" # path to the folder where stuff should be saved
        if not os.path.exists(self.path):
        self.totalRtt = 0

    def timestamps (self):
        c.execute ("SELECT DISTINCT timestamp FROM data ORDER by timestamp")

        for timestamp in c.fetchall():
            toTime = float (timestamp[0])
            ts = ctime(toTime)

            print ts
    def bufferbloatScore (self):
        c = self.conn.cursor()
        good = 0.025
        c.execute ("SELECT hop, MIN(rtt) FROM data GROUP BY hop ORDER BY hop DESC LIMIT 1")
        a = c.fetchone()
        lastHop = a[0]
        minRTT = a[1]

        c.execute ("SELECT time, COUNT(*) FROM data where hop=%s GROUP BY time ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 40",(lastHop,))
        times = c.fetchall()
        totalTimes = len(times)
        grade = 0.0
        for time in times:
            k = math.floor((time[1]-1)/2)
            c.execute ("SELECT rtt FROM data WHERE hop=%s AND time=%s ORDER BY rtt LIMIT %s,1",(lastHop,time[0],k))

            median = c.fetchone()[0]-minRTT
            grade += (1/float(totalTimes)) * ((median/good) *1.75)
        if grade > 10:
            #grade = "10+"
            grade = "{0:.2f}".format(grade)
        print "Bufferbloat score:",grade

    def queueData(self, numIntervals=False):
        """Generates data and gnuplot files for the line diagram with queue delays"""
        print "queueData..."
        c = self.conn.cursor ()
        datafile = open (self.path+"queuedelay.data", "w")

        # this list will contain:
        # times [timestamps] [hops] [datapoints in the hop]
        times = {}

        # Fetching the minimum RTTs
        minRTTs = []
        c.execute ("SELECT hop, MIN(rtt) FROM data GROUP BY hop ORDER BY hop")
        hop = 0
        for h in c.fetchall():
            while hop+1 < h[0]:
                minRTTs.append (0)
                hop +=1
            minRTTs.append (h[1])
            hop +=1
        totalRtt = minRTTs[-1]
        self.totalRtt = totalRtt
        numberOfHops = len(minRTTs)
        self.numberOfHops = numberOfHops 
        # writing header line to the datafile
        datafile.write("minute timestamp \"Min path\" ")
        for i in range (numberOfHops):
            datafile.write ("\"Link "+ str (i+1)+"\" ")
        datafile.write ("\n")

        timestamps = []
        c.execute ("SELECT MIN(time), MAX(time) FROM data")
        minimum, maximum = c.fetchone()
        minimum = int ( float (minimum)) -1 
        maximum = int (float (maximum)) +1

        # fetching every timestamp
        c.execute("SELECT time, COUNT(*) FROM data GROUP BY time ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 40")
        for t in c.fetchall():
            timestamps.insert (0,t[0])

        previousTime = 0
        for timestamp in timestamps:

            # for each timestamp, getting every datapoint
            c.execute ("SELECT hop, rtt, packetsize FROM data WHERE time BETWEEN %s AND %s", (previousTime,timestamp))

            if not times.has_key(timestamp):
                times[timestamp] = {}

            # for each datapoint, calculate queue delay and save in a list
            for hop in c.fetchall():
                hopNr = hop[0] # first hop = 1
                rtt = hop[1]
                packetsize = hop[2]
                queueDelay = rtt - minRTTs[hopNr-1]

                if queueDelay >= 0: #filter out negative values
                    if not times[timestamp].has_key(hopNr):
                        times[timestamp][hopNr] = [queueDelay]
            previousTime = timestamp

        # Looping the list and making sense of it
        keylist = times.keys()
        numberOfTimes = len (keylist)
        hopsOnTimestamp = 0
        firstTime = float (keylist[0])
        counter = 0
        xticCounter = 0
        for time in keylist:

            # The counter is an integer which represents the number of 
            # minutes since the start. 
            # We find the number of minutes from the start to this 
            # datapoint by substracting the first timestamp from the 
            # current timestamp, where we add one second to compensate 
            # for the lack of floating  point number accuracy.
            counter = int (math.floor ((float (time)+1 - firstTime) / 60))

            # This is a hack since gnuplot cannot simply plot time as
            # x tics in a histogram. so we write the xtic labels we want
            # to the file manually
            if counter % 10 == 0:
                toTime = float (time)
                ts = ctime(toTime).split()

                # printing only month, day, hh:mm
                ts = "{0} {1} {2}".format (ts[1], ts[2], ts[3].rsplit(":",1)[0])

                #ts = counter
                ts = " "

            # first value is the timestamp
            medianOut = "\"" + str (ts) + "\" " +str (time)+" "+str (totalRtt*1000)

            previousMedian = 0
            previousHop = 0
            # median for every hop
            for hop in times[time]:
                while previousHop+1 < hop:
                    previousHop +=1
                    medianOut = medianOut + " 0"

                previousHop +=1

                median = self.resultSet.percentile (times[time][hop], 0.5) 

                # this is actually average
                median = float (sum (times[time][hop]))/ len (times[time][hop])

                medianDiff = (median - previousMedian) * 1000
                if medianDiff <= 0:
                    medianDiff = 0

                medianOut = medianOut + " " + str (medianDiff)
                previousMedian = median

            while previousHop+1 <= numberOfHops:
                previousHop +=1
                medianOut = medianOut + " 0"

            if medianOut != "":
                xticCounter += 1

            # appending line break afer each line
            datafile.write (medianOut + "\n")

    def rttHistogram (self, numberOfHops, totalRtt, filename="rttHistogram"):

        gnufile = open (self.path+"rttHistogram.gnu", "w")
        gnufile.write ('set terminal postscript enhanced color\n')
        gnufile.write ('set output "'+self.path+filename+'.ps"\n')
        gnufile.write ('set title "Queue delay on top of minimum path RTT - {0}"\n'.format (self.dbName.replace("_","-")))
        gnufile.write ('set xlabel "Time"\n')
        #gnufile.write ('set xtics rotate by -45 nomirror\n')
        gnufile.write ('set ylabel "Added Queue delay(ms)"\n')
        gnufile.write ('set grid ytics lw 3\n')
        gnufile.write ('set key below samplen 1 spacing 1\n')
        gnufile.write('set style histogram rowstacked\n')
        gnufile.write('set style data histograms\n')
        gnufile.write('set style fill solid 1.00 border -1\n')
        gnufile.write("plot '"+self.path+"queuedelay.data' using 3:xticlabel(1)  title columnhead, for [i=4:{0}] '' using i title columnhead\n".format(numberOfHops+3) )
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    import getopt
    import sys
    import time
    global verboseFlag
    global prober
    global resultset
    plotCharts = False
    dbIsConnected = False
    plotting = False
    dbName = ""

    resultset = ResultSet()
    prober = Prober(resultset)

    c = 0           # getopt
    # Parse command-line arguments using getopt
    optlist,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:h:H:pR:t:v:V")

    for c, optarg in optlist:
        # connecting to a specific DB
        if c == "-d":
            dbName = optarg
        # Check for the different command-line flags we accept
        # Targethost
        elif c == "-h":
            if not optarg:
                print "error: you have to specify the hostname or ip address"
                prober.targetHost = optarg
        # H: Maximum hops
        elif c == "-H": 
            prober.maxHops = int (optarg)
            if prober.maxHops > 255: 
                print "Warning: Maximum hops " + prober.hops + " too large, resetting to 30"
                prober.maxHops = 30
        # p: create plots and results
        elif c == "-p":
            plotting = True
        # R: Repetitions per hop
        elif c == "-R": 
            prober.maxHopReps = int(optarg)
        # t: ICMP timeout
        elif c == "-t": 
            prober.timeout = int(optarg)
            if prober.timeout < 1:
                print "Warning: timeout value %d too small, resetting to 1"
                prober.timeout = 1
        # v: verbose
        elif c == "-v": 
            resultset.verboseLevel = int (optarg)
            prober.verboseLevel = int(optarg)
        # V: version information
        elif c == "-V": 
            print c + ": "+optarg
            print "Received unknown flag. Might also be that we have accidentially removed or chosen not to implement what you want. sorry"
    if dbName:
        resultset.dbConnect (dbHost,dbUser,dbPass,dbName )
        resultset.dbConnect (dbHost,dbUser,dbPass,"bufferbloat_" + gethostname())

    # Starting to probe if a targetHost is given
    if prober.targetHost:
        print "not probing, no host given"

    if plotting:
        print "Creating output for", dbName
        p = Plotter(dbHost,dbUser,dbPass,dbName)
        p.rttHistogram (p.numberOfHops, p.totalRtt, filename=dbName)
        commands.getstatusoutput('gnuplot ./buffchar-output/rttHistogram.gnu')