Ejemplo n.º 1
def calc_stellar_dens(Stars, haloX, haloY, haloZ, theRvir, rvirFac, boxsize):
    dists = SF.calcdist2(haloX, haloY, haloZ, Stars['p'][:, 0],
                         Stars['p'][:, 1], Stars['p'][:, 2], boxsize)
    cut = dists < theRvir * rvirFac
    StellarMass = np.sum(Stars['m'][cut])
    StellarDens = StellarMass / ((4.0 / 3.0) * 3.14159 *
                                 (theRvir * rvirFac)**3.0)
    return StellarDens
Ejemplo n.º 2
Mgas = halostats[12]
Vmax = halostats[9]

print Rvir, Vsig, M, 'before'
Rvir, Vsig, M = SF.check_Rvir_growth(halo_to_do, a, Rvir, Vsig, M, therod=use_fixed_halos)
print Rvir, Vsig, M, 'after'

if (use_OuterBoundary):
	Rvir = OuterBoundary_physical * h / a

#setting the locations of each spherical shell, as a fraction of Rvir
R_bin_array_min = np.array([0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9])
R_bin_array_max = R_bin_array_min+0.1

Gclose = OR.prepare_X_close(G, Rvir, haloX, haloY, haloZ)	
Gdists = SF.calcdist2(haloX, haloY, haloZ, G['p'][:,0][Gclose], G['p'][:,1][Gclose], G['p'][:,2][Gclose], boxsize)
Ghalo = Gdists < Rvir

#Hubble = hubble_param(a, omega_matter, h)

GprelX = G['p'][:,0][Gclose][Ghalo] - haloX
GprelY = G['p'][:,1][Gclose][Ghalo] - haloY
GprelZ = G['p'][:,2][Gclose][Ghalo] - haloZ	
GvrelX = G['v'][:,0][Gclose][Ghalo] * np.sqrt(a) - haloVX + GprelX*a*Hubble/(h*1000)
GvrelY = G['v'][:,1][Gclose][Ghalo] * np.sqrt(a) - haloVY + GprelY*a*Hubble/(h*1000)
GvrelZ = G['v'][:,2][Gclose][Ghalo] * np.sqrt(a) - haloVZ +  GprelZ*a*Hubble/(h*1000)
#rescale positions so that magnitude = 1 (unit vectors)
GprelX_RS = GprelX / Gdists[Ghalo]
GprelY_RS = GprelY / Gdists[Ghalo]
def calculate_escape_velocity(halo_pos, particle_pos, G, S, D, rmax):
	newtonG = 6.67384e-8
	pc = 3.08567758e18
	kpc = pc * 1e3
	a = G['header'][2]
	h = G['header'][12]
	boxsize = G['header'][9]
	UnitMass_in_g=1.989e43 / h
	do_plots = False

	Gdists = SF.calcdist2(halo_pos[0], halo_pos[1], halo_pos[2], G['p'][:,0], G['p'][:,1], G['p'][:,2], boxsize)
	Sdists =  SF.calcdist2(halo_pos[0], halo_pos[1], halo_pos[2], S['p'][:,0], S['p'][:,1], S['p'][:,2], boxsize)
	Ddists =  SF.calcdist2(halo_pos[0], halo_pos[1], halo_pos[2], D['p'][:,0], D['p'][:,1], D['p'][:,2], boxsize)
	particle_dists = SF.calcdist2(halo_pos[0], halo_pos[1], halo_pos[2], particle_pos[0], particle_pos[1], particle_pos[2], boxsize)
	#print 'particle dist ',particle_dist

	Gcut = Gdists < rmax
	Scut = Sdists < rmax
	Dcut = Ddists < rmax
	Gdist_ord = np.argsort(Gdists[Gcut])
	Ddist_ord = np.argsort(Ddists[Dcut])
	Sdist_ord = np.argsort(Sdists[Scut])
	#print Gdists[Gcut][Gdist_ord]
	GMenc_vsr =  np.cumsum(G['m'][Gcut][Gdist_ord]) 
	SMenc_vsr =  np.cumsum(S['m'][Scut][Sdist_ord]) 
	DMenc_vsr =  np.cumsum(D['m'][Dcut][Ddist_ord]) 

#	GM_for_r = interp1d(Gdists[Gcut][Gdist_ord], GMenc_vsr, kind='linear', bounds_error=False)
#	SM_for_r = interp1d(Sdists[Scut][Sdist_ord], SMenc_vsr, kind='linear', bounds_error=False)
#	DM_for_r = interp1d(Ddists[Dcut][Ddist_ord], DMenc_vsr, kind='linear', bounds_error=False)

	rspace = np.linspace(min(particle_dists)/200.0, rmax, num=1000000)
	GM_for_r = np.interp(rspace, Gdists[Gcut][Gdist_ord], GMenc_vsr)
	SM_for_r = np.interp(rspace, Sdists[Scut][Sdist_ord], SMenc_vsr)
	DM_for_r = np.interp(rspace, Ddists[Dcut][Ddist_ord], DMenc_vsr)

	#print 'rspace ',rspace
	#print 'Ddists[Dcut][Ddist_ord] ',Ddists[Dcut][Ddist_ord]

	rspace_physical = rspace*a / h
	theM = GM_for_r + SM_for_r + DM_for_r
	initpot = (newtonG * theM[0])/rspace_physical[0]
	dpot_array = newtonG * theM / rspace_physical**2.0

	if (do_plots):	
		fig1 =  plt.figure(figsize=(10,9))
		plt.plot(rspace, theM, ':r')
		fig2 =  plt.figure(figsize=(10,9))
		plt.plot(rspace, dpot_array, ':k')
	dr = (rspace_physical[-1] - rspace_physical[0])/1000000.0
	#thepot_ar = scipy.integrate.
	thepot_ar = scipy.integrate.cumtrapz(dpot_array, x=rspace_physical, dx=dr, initial=initpot)  #this is 0 to r 
	thepot_cge_ar = thepot_ar * UnitMass_in_g / kpc
	mypot = thepot_cge_ar[-1] - np.interp(particle_dists, rspace, thepot_cge_ar)
	testpot = np.interp(1.0, rspace, thepot_cge_ar)
	print 'test pot alpha ',testpot
	vesc_cge = np.sqrt(mypot) / 1e5 #convert to km/s
	return  vesc_cge
Ejemplo n.º 4
M = halostats[8]
Mstar = halostats[13]
Mgas = halostats[12]
Vmax = halostats[9]

print Rvir, Vsig, M, 'before'
Rvir, Vsig, M = SF.check_Rvir_growth(halo_to_do,
print Rvir, Vsig, M, 'after'

Gclose = OR.prepare_X_close(G, Rvir, haloX, haloY, haloZ)
Gdists = SF.calcdist2(haloX, haloY, haloZ, G['p'][:, 0][Gclose],
                      G['p'][:, 1][Gclose], G['p'][:, 2][Gclose], boxsize)
Ghalo = Gdists < Rvir

TempCutISM = PhysTemp[Gclose][Ghalo] < TempBound1
TempCutCGMCool = PhysTemp[Gclose][Ghalo] < TempBound2
TempCutCGMWarm = (PhysTemp[Gclose][Ghalo] >=
                  TempBound2) * (PhysTemp[Gclose][Ghalo] < TempBound3)
TempCutCGMHot = PhysTemp[Gclose][Ghalo] >= TempBound3

ISMDensCut = PhysRho[Gclose][Ghalo] > 0.1

MISM1 = np.sum(G['m'][Gclose][Ghalo][ISMDensCut]) * 1e10 / h
MISM2 = np.sum(G['m'][Gclose][Ghalo][ISMDensCut * TempCutISM]) * 1e10 / h

MCGM1 = np.sum(
    G['m'][Gclose][Ghalo][TempCutCGMCool * np.invert(ISMDensCut)]) * 1e10 / h
Ejemplo n.º 5
    thetime = S['header'][2]
    redshift = S['header'][3]
    boxsize = S['header'][9]
    omega_matter = S['header'][10]
    omega_L = S['header'][11]
    h = S['header'][12]
    AHF_haloX = x[count]
    AHF_haloY = y[count]
    AHF_haloZ = z[count]
    AHF_Rvir = Rvir[count]
    AHF_a = 1.0 / (1.0 + Zs[count])

    if (adaptive_Rstar):
        Rstars = Inner_SF_thresh * Rvir[count]
        RstarsPhys = Rstars * AHF_a / h
    Sdists = SF.calcdist2(AHF_haloX, AHF_haloY, AHF_haloZ, S['p'][:, 0],
                          S['p'][:, 1], S['p'][:, 2], boxsize)
    Sinner = Sdists < Rstars
    S_COM = SF.gaussian_KDE_center(S['p'][:, 0][Sinner],
                                   S['p'][:, 1][Sinner],
                                   S['p'][:, 2][Sinner],
    Shalo = Sdists < AHF_Rvir
    S_COM_grand = SF.gaussian_KDE_center(S['p'][:, 0][Shalo],
                                         S['p'][:, 1][Shalo],
                                         S['p'][:, 2][Shalo],

def calc_stellar_dens(Stars, haloX, haloY, haloZ, theRvir, rvirFac, boxsize):
	dists = SF.calcdist2(haloX, haloY, haloZ, Stars['p'][:,0], Stars['p'][:,1], Stars['p'][:,2], boxsize)
	cut = dists < theRvir * rvirFac
	StellarMass = np.sum(Stars['m'][cut])
	StellarDens = StellarMass / ((4.0/3.0) * 3.14159 * (theRvir*  rvirFac)**3.0)
	return StellarDens
	redshift = S['header'][3]
	boxsize = S['header'][9]
	omega_matter = S['header'][10]
	omega_L = S['header'][11]
	h = S['header'][12]
	AHF_haloX = x[count]
	AHF_haloY = y[count] 
	AHF_haloZ = z[count]
	AHF_Rvir = Rvir[count]
	AHF_a = 1.0 / (1.0 + Zs[count])
	if (adaptive_Rstar):
		Rstars = Inner_SF_thresh*Rvir[count]
		RstarsPhys = Rstars * AHF_a / h
	Sdists = SF.calcdist2(AHF_haloX, AHF_haloY, AHF_haloZ, S['p'][:,0], S['p'][:,1], S['p'][:,2], boxsize)
	Sinner = Sdists<Rstars
	S_COM = SF.gaussian_KDE_center(S['p'][:,0][Sinner], S['p'][:,1][Sinner], S['p'][:,2][Sinner], downsample=True)	
	Shalo = Sdists < AHF_Rvir
	S_COM_grand = SF.gaussian_KDE_center(S['p'][:,0][Shalo], S['p'][:,1][Shalo], S['p'][:,2][Shalo], downsample=True)	

	D = readsnap(the_snapdir, Nsnapstring, 1, snapshot_name=the_prefix, extension=the_suffix)
	Ddists = SF.calcdist2(AHF_haloX, AHF_haloY, AHF_haloZ, D['p'][:,0], D['p'][:,1], D['p'][:,2], boxsize)
	Dinner = Ddists < Rstars	
def calculate_escape_velocity(halo_pos, particle_pos, G, S, D, rmax):
    newtonG = 6.67384e-8
    pc = 3.08567758e18
    kpc = pc * 1e3
    a = G['header'][2]
    h = G['header'][12]
    boxsize = G['header'][9]
    UnitMass_in_g = 1.989e43 / h
    do_plots = False

    Gdists = SF.calcdist2(halo_pos[0], halo_pos[1], halo_pos[2], G['p'][:, 0],
                          G['p'][:, 1], G['p'][:, 2], boxsize)
    Sdists = SF.calcdist2(halo_pos[0], halo_pos[1], halo_pos[2], S['p'][:, 0],
                          S['p'][:, 1], S['p'][:, 2], boxsize)
    Ddists = SF.calcdist2(halo_pos[0], halo_pos[1], halo_pos[2], D['p'][:, 0],
                          D['p'][:, 1], D['p'][:, 2], boxsize)

    particle_dists = SF.calcdist2(halo_pos[0], halo_pos[1], halo_pos[2],
                                  particle_pos[0], particle_pos[1],
                                  particle_pos[2], boxsize)

    #print 'particle dist ',particle_dist

    Gcut = Gdists < rmax
    Scut = Sdists < rmax
    Dcut = Ddists < rmax

    Gdist_ord = np.argsort(Gdists[Gcut])
    Ddist_ord = np.argsort(Ddists[Dcut])
    Sdist_ord = np.argsort(Sdists[Scut])

    #print Gdists[Gcut][Gdist_ord]

    GMenc_vsr = np.cumsum(G['m'][Gcut][Gdist_ord])
    SMenc_vsr = np.cumsum(S['m'][Scut][Sdist_ord])
    DMenc_vsr = np.cumsum(D['m'][Dcut][Ddist_ord])

    #	GM_for_r = interp1d(Gdists[Gcut][Gdist_ord], GMenc_vsr, kind='linear', bounds_error=False)
    #	SM_for_r = interp1d(Sdists[Scut][Sdist_ord], SMenc_vsr, kind='linear', bounds_error=False)
    #	DM_for_r = interp1d(Ddists[Dcut][Ddist_ord], DMenc_vsr, kind='linear', bounds_error=False)

    rspace = np.linspace(min(particle_dists) / 200.0, rmax, num=1000000)
    GM_for_r = np.interp(rspace, Gdists[Gcut][Gdist_ord], GMenc_vsr)
    SM_for_r = np.interp(rspace, Sdists[Scut][Sdist_ord], SMenc_vsr)
    DM_for_r = np.interp(rspace, Ddists[Dcut][Ddist_ord], DMenc_vsr)

    #print 'rspace ',rspace
    #print 'Ddists[Dcut][Ddist_ord] ',Ddists[Dcut][Ddist_ord]

    rspace_physical = rspace * a / h
    theM = GM_for_r + SM_for_r + DM_for_r

    initpot = (newtonG * theM[0]) / rspace_physical[0]

    dpot_array = newtonG * theM / rspace_physical**2.0

    if (do_plots):
        fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 9))
        plt.plot(rspace, theM, ':r')

        fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 9))
        plt.plot(rspace, dpot_array, ':k')

    dr = (rspace_physical[-1] - rspace_physical[0]) / 1000000.0

    #thepot_ar = scipy.integrate.

    thepot_ar = scipy.integrate.cumtrapz(dpot_array,
                                         initial=initpot)  #this is 0 to r

    thepot_cge_ar = thepot_ar * UnitMass_in_g / kpc

    mypot = thepot_cge_ar[-1] - np.interp(particle_dists, rspace,

    testpot = np.interp(1.0, rspace, thepot_cge_ar)
    print 'test pot alpha ', testpot

    vesc_cge = np.sqrt(mypot) / 1e5  #convert to km/s
    return vesc_cge
Ejemplo n.º 9
	haloZ = halostats[4]
	Mstar = halostats[13]
	Vsig = halostats[10]
	Mgas = halostats[12]
	M = halostats[4]

	Rvir, Vsig, M = SF.check_Rvir_growth(halo_to_do[workcount], a, Rvir, Vsig, M, therod=use_fixed_halos)

	if (adaptive_Rstar):
		Rstars = Inner_SF_thresh*Rvir
		RstarsPhys = Rstars * a / h

	Sdists = SF.calcdist2(haloX, haloY, haloZ, S['p'][:,0], S['p'][:,1], S['p'][:,2], boxsize)
	Sinner_young =  Sdists[Syoung] < Rstars

	if (use_KDE_cent):
		Sinner = Sdists<Rstars
		S_COM = SF.gaussian_KDE_center(S['p'][:,0][Sinner], S['p'][:,1][Sinner], S['p'][:,2][Sinner], downsample=True)
		[haloX, haloY, haloZ] = [S_COM[0], S_COM[1], S_COM[2]]
		Sdists = SF.calcdist2(haloX, haloY, haloZ, S['p'][:,0], S['p'][:,1], S['p'][:,2], boxsize)
		Sinner_young =  Sdists[Syoung] < Rstars		
	elif (use_darkKDE_cent):
		#dark matter fun
		Ddists = SF.calcdist2(haloX, haloY, haloZ, D['p'][:,0], D['p'][:,1], D['p'][:,2], boxsize)	
		Dinner = Ddists<Rstars
		D_COM = SF.gaussian_KDE_center(D['p'][:,0][Dinner], D['p'][:,1][Dinner], D['p'][:,2][Dinner], downsample=True)
		[haloX, haloY, haloZ] = [D_COM[0], D_COM[1], D_COM[2]]
		Sdists = SF.calcdist2(haloX, haloY, haloZ, S['p'][:,0], S['p'][:,1], S['p'][:,2], boxsize)