Ejemplo n.º 1
def run(email_list, url, source_email, sleeptime_set=None):
    current_hash, current_file = get_hash(url) # Get the current hash, which is what the website is now
    if sleeptime_set is not None:
        sleeptime = sleeptime_set
    while 1: # Run forever
        added_name_list = []
        removed_name_list = []
        new_hash, new_file = get_hash(url)
        if new_hash == current_hash: # If nothing has changed
            print("nothing changed")

        else: # If something has changed

            current_hash = new_hash
            added_pup_text = ""
            removed_pup_text = ""
            for line in difflib.unified_diff(str(current_file), str(new_file)):
                if not re.match(r'-', line):
                    added_pup_text += str(line.strip('+-!'))
                    removed_pup_text += str(line.strip('+-!'))

            added_name_list = HTMLParser.parse_html(added_pup_text)
            removed_name_list = HTMLParser.parse_html(removed_pup_text)
            if len(added_name_list) > 0:
                for email in email_list:
                    SendEmail.authorize_and_send_message(str(added_name_list), email, source_email)

                print("Changed with added pups, email sent.")

            if len(removed_name_list) > 0:
                print("--Pups removed: " + str(removed_name_list))

            if len(removed_name_list) <= 0 and len(added_name_list) <= 0:
                print("Changed but no pups added or removed.")
Ejemplo n.º 2
import difflib
import SendEmail
import re
import HTMLParser

current_file = open("Adoptable Animals.html", "r")
new_file = open("Adoptable Animals Mod.html", "r")

email = ""
for line in difflib.unified_diff(str(current_file.readlines()), str(new_file.readlines())):
     if not re.match(r'-', line):
          email += str(line.strip('+-!'))

name_list = HTMLParser.parse_html(email)
