Ejemplo n.º 1
def EndDeviceC(doc, mRID, id1, id2, i):
    _href = sp.Path4(append_path('Server'), 'dr', id1, 'edc', id2)[1]
    _replyTo = sp.Path4(append_path('Server'), 'rsps', id1, 'rsp', id2)[1]
    ReplyTo = doc['EndDeviceControl']['@replyTo']
    _responseRequired = doc['EndDeviceControl']['@responseRequired']
    _mRID = mRID
    _description =  'GREAT-DR round# ' + str(i)
    _version = 0
    _subscribable = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['@subscribable'])
    _currentStatus = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['EventStatus']['currentStatus']) # 0 = Scheduled, 1 = Active, 2 = Cancelled, 3 = Cancelled with Randomization, 4 = Superseded
    _dateTime = int(time.mktime(datetime.now().timetuple()))
    if doc['EndDeviceControl']['EventStatus']['potentiallySuperseded'] == 'false':
        _potentiallySuperseded = 0
        _potentiallySuperseded = 1
    _potentiallySupersededTime = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['EventStatus']['potentiallySupersededTime'])
    _reason = doc['EndDeviceControl']['EventStatus']['reason']
    _creationTime = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['creationTime'])
    _duration =  int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['interval']['duration'])
    _start = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['interval']['start'])
    _randomizeDuration = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['randomizeDuration'])
    _randomizeStart =  int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['randomizeStart'])
    _ApplianceLoadReductionType =  int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['ApplianceLoadReduction']['type'])
    _DeviceCategoryType = '\x00\x00\x00\x00'
    if doc['EndDeviceControl']['drProgramMandatory'] == 'false':
        _drProgramMandatory = 0
        _drProgramMandatory = 1
    _DutyCycleValue = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['DutyCycle']['normalValue'])
    if doc['EndDeviceControl']['loadShiftForward']== 'false':
        _loadShiftForward = 0
        _loadShiftForward = 1
    _coolingOffset = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['Offset']['coolingOffset'])
    _heatingOffset = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['Offset']['heatingOffset'])
    _loadAdjustmentPercentageOffset = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['Offset']['loadAdjustmentPercentageOffset'])
    _overrideDuration = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['overrideDuration'])
    _coolingSetpoint = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['SetPoint']['coolingSetpoint'])
    _heatingSetpoint = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['SetPoint']['heatingSetpoint'])
    _ReductionType = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['TargetReduction']['type'])
    _ReductionValue = int(doc['EndDeviceControl']['TargetReduction']['value'])

    EndDeviceControl = sf.EndDeviceControl_FUNC(_href, _replyTo, _responseRequired, _mRID, _description, _version, _subscribable, _currentStatus, _dateTime, _potentiallySuperseded, _potentiallySupersededTime,\
                                             _reason, _creationTime, _duration, _start, _randomizeDuration, _randomizeStart, _ApplianceLoadReductionType, _DeviceCategoryType, _drProgramMandatory, _DutyCycleValue, _loadShiftForward,\
                                             _coolingOffset, _heatingOffset, _loadAdjustmentPercentageOffset, _overrideDuration, _coolingSetpoint, _heatingSetpoint, _ReductionType, _ReductionValue)
    #print (EndDeviceControl.toxml(element_name='EndDeviceControl'))
    with open(pjoin(sp.Path4(append_path('Server'), 'dr', id1, 'edc', id2)[0], 'EndDeviceControl.xml'), 'w') as f:
        f.write(EndDeviceControl.toDOM(parent=None, element_name='EndDeviceControl').toprettyxml())

    JAVApath = 'java' #'/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_171/bin/java'
    Enginepathe = pjoin(append_path('Server'),'ExiProcessor\ExiProcessor.jar')
    XMLpath = pjoin(sp.Path4(append_path('Server'), 'dr', id1, 'edc', id2)[0], 'EndDeviceControl.xml')
    EXIpath = pjoin(sp.Path4(append_path('Server'), 'dr', id1, 'edc', id2)[0], 'EndDeviceControl.exi')
    XSDpath = pjoin(append_path('Server'), 'sep.xsd')
    #XML2EXI(JAVApath, Enginepathe, XMLpath, EXIpath, XSDpath)
    return _href, _replyTo, ReplyTo
Ejemplo n.º 2
def EndDeviceControl_Func(dr, edr, mRID, StartTime, DRduration, ReductionValue,
                          _Mandatory, itr):
        id1 = dr
        id2 = edr
        _href = sp.Path4(cwd, 'dr', id1, 'edc', id2)[1]
        _replyTo = sp.Path4(cwd, 'rsps', id1, 'rsp', id2)[1]
        _responseRequired = '01'
        _mRID = mRID
        _description = 'Great-DR'
        _version = itr
        _subscribable = 0
        _currentStatus = 1
        _dateTime = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple()))
        _potentiallySuperseded = 0
        _potentiallySupersededTime = 0
        _reason = 'This is a test for EndDeviceControl'
        _creationTime = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple()))
        _duration = DRduration
        _start = StartTime
        _randomizeDuration = randint(0, 100)
        _randomizeStart = randint(0, 60)
        _ApplianceLoadReductionType = 1
        _DeviceCategoryType = '\x00\x04\x00\x00'  # bit 19 - Energy Management
        _drProgramMandatory = _Mandatory  #boolean
        _DutyCycleValue = 50
        _loadShiftForward = 1  # Boolean.
        _coolingOffset = 2
        _heatingOffset = 2
        _loadAdjustmentPercentageOffset = 1  #UInt8; Unsigned integer, max inclusive 255 (2^8-1)
        _overrideDuration = 60
        _coolingSetpoint = 22
        _heatingSetpoint = 20
        _ReductionType = 1
        _ReductionValue = int(ReductionValue)
        EndDeviceControl = sf.EndDeviceControl_FUNC(_href, _replyTo, _responseRequired, _mRID, _description, _version, _subscribable, _currentStatus, _dateTime, _potentiallySuperseded, _potentiallySupersededTime,\
                                                 _reason, _creationTime, _duration, _start, _randomizeDuration, _randomizeStart, _ApplianceLoadReductionType, _DeviceCategoryType, _drProgramMandatory, _DutyCycleValue, _loadShiftForward,\
                                                 _coolingOffset, _heatingOffset, _loadAdjustmentPercentageOffset, _overrideDuration, _coolingSetpoint, _heatingSetpoint, _ReductionType, _ReductionValue)
        with open(
                    sp.Path4(cwd, 'dr', id1, 'edc', id2)[0],
                    'EndDeviceControl.xml'), 'w') as f:
            logger.info('New EndDeviceControl is generated for ' +
        return EndDeviceControl
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ActiveEndDeviceControlList(dr, EndDeviceControl):
        id1 = dr
        _href = sp.Path3(cwd, 'dr', id1, 'actedc')[1]
        _subscribable = 0  #The subscribable values. 0 - Resource does not support subscriptions, 1 - Resource supports non-conditional subscriptions, 2 - Resource supports conditional subscriptions
        _all = len(
        )  #The number specifying "all" of the items in the list. Required on GET, ignored otherwise.
        _results = len(
        )  #Indicates the number of items in this page of results.
        _EndDeviceControl = EndDeviceControl
        ActiveEndDeviceControlList = sf.EndDeviceControlList_FUNC(
            _href, _subscribable, _all, _results, _EndDeviceControl)
        with open(
                    sp.Path3(cwd, 'dr', id1, 'actedc')[0],
                    'ActiveEndDeviceControlList.xml'), 'w') as f:
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 4
def DemandResponseP(doc, mRID, id1, id2, i):
    _href_Dr = sp.Path2(append_path('Server'), 'dr', id1)[1]
    _mRID = mRID
    _description =  'GREAT-DR round# ' + str(i)
    _version = int(doc['DemandResponseProgram']['version'])
    _ActiveEndDeviceControlListLink = ActiveEndDeviceLink(id1, id2)
    _availabilityUpdatePercentChangeThreshold = int(doc['DemandResponseProgram']['availabilityUpdatePercentChangeThreshold'])
    _multiplier = int(doc['DemandResponseProgram']['availabilityUpdatePowerChangeThreshold']['multiplier'])
    _value = int(doc['DemandResponseProgram']['availabilityUpdatePowerChangeThreshold']['value'])
    _availabilityUpdatePowerChangeThreshold = 1 # TODO: wipe
    _EndDeviceControlListLink = EndDeviceControlLL(id1, id2)
    _primacy = int(doc['DemandResponseProgram']['primacy'])
    DemandResponseProgram = sf.DemandResponseProgram_FUNC(_href_Dr, _mRID, _description, _version, _ActiveEndDeviceControlListLink, _availabilityUpdatePercentChangeThreshold, _multiplier, _value, _availabilityUpdatePowerChangeThreshold, _EndDeviceControlListLink, _primacy)
    #print (DemandResponseProgram.toxml(element_name='DemandResponseProgram'))
    with open(pjoin(sp.Path2(append_path('Server'), 'dr', id1)[0], 'DemandResponseProgram.xml'), 'w') as f:

    JAVApath = 'java' #'/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_171/bin/java'
    Enginepathe = pjoin(append_path('Server'), 'ExiProcessor\ExiProcessor.jar')
    XMLpath = pjoin(sp.Path2(append_path('Server'), 'dr', id1)[0], 'DemandResponseProgram.xml')
    EXIpath = pjoin(sp.Path2(append_path('Server'), 'dr', id1)[0], 'DemandResponseProgram.exi')
    XSDpath = pjoin(append_path('Server'), 'sep.xsd')
    #XML2EXI(JAVApath, Enginepathe, XMLpath, EXIpath, XSDpath)
    return DemandResponseProgram
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run(ID, mRID, LFDI):
    # ReadingType Function set#
    id1 = ID
    _href = None
    _Behaviour = 12  #0 = Not Applicable 3 = Cumulative. The sum of the previous billing period values. 4 = DeltaData (The difference between the value at the end of the prescribed interval and the beginning of the interval.)
    #6 = Indicating (As if a needle is swung out on the meter face to a value to indicate the current value)9 = Summation (A form of accumulation which is selective with respect to time.
    #12 = Instantaneous (Typically measured over the fastest period of time allowed by the definition of the metric (usually milliseconds or tens of milliseconds.))
    #The amount of heat generated when a given mass of fuel is completely burned.
    _calorificMltiplier = 0  #-9 = nano=x10^-9, -6 = micro=x10^-6, -3 = milli=x10^-3, 0 = none=x1 (default, if not specified), 1 = deca=x10, 2 = hecto=x100, 3 = kilo=x1000, 6 = Mega=x10^6, 9 = Giga=x10^9
    _calorificUnit = 38  #0 = Not Applicable (default, if not specified)5 = A (Current in Amperes (RMS)), 6 = Kelvin (Temperature), 23 = Degrees Celsius (Relative temperature), 29 = Voltage31 = J (Energy joule), 33 = Hz (Frequency)
    #38 =W (Real power in Watts), 42 = m3 (Cubic Meter), 61 = VA (Apparent power), 63 = var (Reactive power), 65 = CosTheta (Displacement Power Factor), 67 = V² (Volts squared), 69 = A² (Amp squared), 71 = VAh (Apparent energy)
    #72 = Wh (Real energy in Watt-hours), 73 = varh (Reactive energy), 106 = Ah (Ampere-hours / Available Charge), 119 = ft3 (Cubic Feet), 122 = ft3/h (Cubic Feet per Hour), 125 = m3/h (Cubic Meter per Hour), 128 = US gl (US Gallons)
    #129 = US gl/h (US Gallons per Hour), 130 = IMP gl (Imperial Gallons), 131 = IMP gl/h (Imperial Gallons per Hour), 132 = BTU, 133 = BTU/h, 134 = Liter, 137 = L/h (Liters per Hour), 140 = PA(gauge), 155 = PA(absolute), 169 = Therm
    _calorificValue = 0
    _commodity = 1  #0 = Not Applicable, 1 = Electricity secondary metered value (a premises meter is typically a secondary meter), 2 = Electricity primary metered value, 4 = Air, 7 = NaturalGas, 8 = Propane
    #9 = PotableWater,10 = Steam, 11 = WasteWater, 12 = HeatingFluid, 13 = CoolingFluid,
    #Accounts for changes in the volume of gas based on temperature and pressure.
    _conversionMultiplier = 0  #-9 = nano=x10^-9, -6 = micro=x10^-6, -3 = milli=x10^-3, 0 = none=x1 (default, if not specified), 1 = deca=x10, 2 = hecto=x100, 3 = kilo=x1000, 6 = Mega=x10^6, 9 = Giga=x10^9
    _conversionUnit = 38  #0 = Not Applicable (default, if not specified)5 = A (Current in Amperes (RMS)), 6 = Kelvin (Temperature), 23 = Degrees Celsius (Relative temperature), 29 = Voltage31 = J (Energy joule), 33 = Hz (Frequency)
    #38 =W (Real power in Watts), 42 = m3 (Cubic Meter), 61 = VA (Apparent power), 63 = var (Reactive power), 65 = CosTheta (Displacement Power Factor), 67 = V² (Volts squared), 69 = A² (Amp squared), 71 = VAh (Apparent energy)
    #72 = Wh (Real energy in Watt-hours), 73 = varh (Reactive energy), 106 = Ah (Ampere-hours / Available Charge), 119 = ft3 (Cubic Feet), 122 = ft3/h (Cubic Feet per Hour), 125 = m3/h (Cubic Meter per Hour), 128 = US gl (US Gallons)
    #129 = US gl/h (US Gallons per Hour), 130 = IMP gl (Imperial Gallons), 131 = IMP gl/h (Imperial Gallons per Hour), 132 = BTU, 133 = BTU/h, 134 = Liter, 137 = L/h (Liters per Hour), 140 = PA(gauge), 155 = PA(absolute), 169 = Therm
    _conversionValue = 0
    _dataQualifier = 2  # 0 = Not Applicable, 2 = Average, 8 = Maximum, 9 = Minimum, 12 = Normal
    _flowDirection = 19  #0 = Not Applicable (default, if not specified), 1 = Forward (delivered to customer), 19 = Reverse (received from customer)
    _intervalLength = 60  # Default interval length specified in seconds.
    _kind = 37  # 0 = Not Applicable, 3 = Currency, 8 = Demand, 12 = Energy, 37 = Power
    _maxNumberOfIntervals = 1  #To be populated for mirrors of interval data to set the expected number of intervals per ReadingSet. Servers may discard intervals received that exceed this number.
    _Blocks = 0  #Number of consumption blocks. 0 means not applicable, and is the default if not specified. The value needs to be at least 1 if any actual prices are provided.
    _Tiers = 1  #The number of TOU tiers that can be used by any resource configured by this ReadingType.
    _phase = 132  # 0 = Not Applicable (default, if not specified), 32 = Phase C (and S2), 33 = Phase CN (and S2N),40 = Phase CA, 64 = Phase B, 65 = Phase BN, 66 = Phase BC
    #128 = Phase A (and S1), 129 = Phase AN (and S1N), 132 = Phase AB, 224 = Phase ABC
    _Multiplier = 0  # -9 = nano=x10^-9, -6 = micro=x10^-6, ,3 = milli=x10^-3, 0 = none=x1 (default, if not specified), 1 = deca=x10, 2 = hecto=x100, 3 = kilo=x1000, 6 = Mega=x10^6, 9 = Giga=x10^9
    _IntervalLength = 1  # Default sub-interval length specified in seconds for Readings of ReadingType. Some demand calculations are done over a number of smaller intervals.
    _supplyLimit = 281474976710655  # Reflects the supply limit set in the meter. This value can be compared to the Reading value to understand if limits are being approached or exceeded.
    _tiered = "false"  #Specifies whether or not the consumption blocks are differentiated by TOUTier or not. Default is false, if not specified.
    _uom = 38  # 0 = Not Applicable (default, if not specified), 5 = A (Current in Amperes (RMS)), 6 = Kelvin (Temperature), 23 = Degrees Celsius (Relative temperature)
    #29 = Voltage, 31 = J (Energy joule), 33 = Hz (Frequency), 38 =W (Real power in Watts), 42 = m3 (Cubic Meter), 61 = VA (Apparent power), 63 = var (Reactive power), 65 = CosTheta (Displacement Power Factor)
    #67 = V² (Volts squared), 69 = A² (Amp squared), 71 = VAh (Apparent energy), 72 = Wh (Real energy in Watt-hours), 73 = varh (Reactive energy), 106 = Ah (Ampere-hours / Available Charge), 119 = ft3 (Cubic Feet)
    #122 = ft3/h (Cubic Feet per Hour), 125 = m3/h (Cubic Meter per Hour), 128 = US gl (US Gallons), 129 = US gl/h (US Gallons per Hour), 130 = IMP gl (Imperial Gallons), 131 = IMP gl/h (Imperial Gallons per Hour)
    #132 = BTU, 133 = BTU/h, 134 = Liter, 137 = L/h (Liters per Hour), 140 = PA(gauge), 155 = PA(absolute), 169 = Therm
    ReadingType = sf.ReadingType_FUNC(_href, _Behaviour, _calorificMltiplier, _calorificUnit, _calorificValue, _commodity, _conversionMultiplier, _conversionUnit, _conversionValue, _dataQualifier, _flowDirection, _intervalLength,\
                     _kind, _maxNumberOfIntervals, _Blocks, _Tiers, _phase, _Multiplier, _IntervalLength, _supplyLimit, _tiered, _uom)
    #print (ReadingType.toxml(element_name='ReadingType'))
    # End of ReadingType Function set

    # Reading Function set
    _href = None
    _subscribable = 0  #The subscribable values. 0 - Resource does not support subscriptions, 1 - Resource supports non-conditional subscriptions, 2 - Resource supports conditional subscriptions
    #3 - Resource supports both conditional and non-conditional subscriptions
    _localID = "\x00\x01"  #A 16-bit field encoded as a hex string (4 hex characters max).
    _BlockType = 0  # 0 = Not Applicable (default, if not specified), 1 = Block 1, 2 = Block 2, 3 = Block 3, 4 = Block 4, 5 = Block 5, 6 = Block 6, 7 = Block 7, ..., 16 = Block 16
    _qualityFlags = "\x00\x00"  #ist of codes indicating the quality of the reading, using specification:
    #Bit 0 - valid: data that has gone through all required validation checks and either passed them all or has been verified
    #Bit 1 - manually edited: Replaced or approved by a human
    #Bit 2 - estimated using reference day: data value was replaced by a machine computed value based on analysis of historical data using the same type of measurement.
    #Bit 3 - estimated using linear interpolation: data value was computed using linear interpolation based on the readings before and after it
    #Bit 4 - questionable: data that has failed one or more checks
    #Bit 5 - derived: data that has been calculated (using logic or mathematical operations), not necessarily measured directly
    #Bit 6 - projected (forecast): data that has been calculated as a projection or forecast of future readings
    _duration = 1  # Duration of the interval, in seconds.
    _start = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())
                 )  # Date and time of the start of the interval.
    _TOUType = 0  # 0 = Not Applicable (default, if not specified), 1 = TOU A, 2 = TOU B, 3 = TOU C, 4 = TOU D, 5 = TOU E, 6 = TOU F, 7 = TOU G, 8 = TOU H, 9 = TOU I, 10 = TOU J, 11 = TOU K, 12 = TOU L, 13 = TOU M, 14 = TOU N, 15 = TOU O,
    _value = meter.run()[0]
    Reading = sf.Reading_FUNC(_href, _subscribable, _localID, _BlockType,
                              _qualityFlags, _duration, _start, _TOUType,
    #print (Reading.toxml(element_name='Reading ', root_only=True))

    # End of Reading Function set

    # MirrorReadingSet Function set
    _href = None  #'/mup/1' # IdentifiedObject -> Resource. This is a root class to provide common naming attributes for all classes needing naming attributes
    _mRID = mRID  #A master resource identifier. The IANA PEN [PEN] provider ID SHALL be specified in bits 0-31, the least-significant bits, and objects created by that provider SHALL be assigned unique IDs with the remaining 96 bits.
    #0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF[XXXXXXXX], where [XXXXXXXX] is the PEN, is reserved for a object that is being created (e.g., a ReadingSet for the current time that is still accumulating). A 128-bit field encoded as a hex string (32 hex characters max).
    _description = "Test for DemandResponseProgram"  #The description is a human readable text describing or naming the object.
    _version = 0  #Version SHALL indicate a distinct identifier for each revision of an IdentifiedObject. If not specified, a default version of "0" (initial version) SHALL be assumed.
    _duration = _duration  # Duration of the interval, in seconds.
    _start = _start  # Date and time of the start of the interval.
    _Reading = [Reading]
    MirrorReadingSet = sf.MirrorReadingSet_FUNC(
        _href, _mRID, _description, _version, _duration, _start,
        _Reading)  #_Reading must be plural
    #print (MirrorReadingSet.toxml(element_name='MirrorReadingSet ', root_only=True))
    # End of MirrorReadingSet Function set

    # MirrorMeterReading Function set
    _href = None  #'/mup/1' # IdentifiedObject -> Resource. This is a root class to provide common naming attributes for all classes needing naming attributes
    _mRID = mRID  #A master resource identifier. The IANA PEN [PEN] provider ID SHALL be specified in bits 0-31, the least-significant bits, and objects created by that provider SHALL be assigned unique IDs with the remaining 96 bits.
    #0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF[XXXXXXXX], where [XXXXXXXX] is the PEN, is reserved for a object that is being created (e.g., a ReadingSet for the current time that is still accumulating). A 128-bit field encoded as a hex string (32 hex characters max).
    _description = "Test for DemandResponseProgram"  #The description is a human readable text describing or naming the object.
    _version = 0  #Version SHALL indicate a distinct identifier for each revision of an IdentifiedObject. If not specified, a default version of "0" (initial version) SHALL be assumed.
    _duration = _duration  # Duration of the interval, in seconds.
    _nextUpdateTime = 60000  # Time is a signed 64 bit value representing the number of seconds since 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, on the 1st of January, 1970, in UTC, not counting leap seconds.
    _lastUpdateTime = _start  # Time is a signed 64 bit value representing the number of seconds since 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, on the 1st of January, 1970, in UTC, not counting leap seconds.
    _MirrorReadingSet = [MirrorReadingSet]
    _Reading = Reading
    _ReadingType = ReadingType
    MirrorMeterReading = sf.MirrorMeterReading_FUNC(
        _href, _mRID, _description, _version, _MirrorReadingSet,
        _nextUpdateTime, _lastUpdateTime, _Reading, _ReadingType)
    # End of MirrorMeterReading Function set

    # MirrorUsagePoint Function set
    _href = sp.Path2(
        cwd, "mup", id1
    )[1]  #'/mup/1' # IdentifiedObject -> Resource. This is a root class to provide common naming attributes for all classes needing naming attributes
    _mRID = mRID  #A master resource identifier. The IANA PEN [PEN] provider ID SHALL be specified in bits 0-31, the least-significant bits, and objects created by that provider SHALL be assigned unique IDs with the remaining 96 bits.
    #0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF[XXXXXXXX], where [XXXXXXXX] is the PEN, is reserved for a object that is being created (e.g., a ReadingSet for the current time that is still accumulating). A 128-bit field encoded as a hex string (32 hex characters max).
    _description = "Test for DemandResponseProgram"  #The description is a human readable text describing or naming the object.
    _version = 0  #Version SHALL indicate a distinct identifier for each revision of an IdentifiedObject. If not specified, a default version of "0" (initial version) SHALL be assumed.
    _roleFlags = "\x00\x00"  # Specifies the roles that apply to a usage point.
    #Bit 0 - isMirror - SHALL be set if the server is not the measurement device
    #Bit 1 - isPremisesAggregationPoint - SHALL be set if the UsagePoint is the point of delivery for a premises
    #Bit 2 - isPEV - SHALL be set if the usage applies to an electric vehicle
    #Bit 3 - isDER - SHALL be set if the usage applies to a distributed energy resource, capable of delivering power to the grid.
    #Bit 4 - isRevenueQuality - SHALL be set if usage was measured by a device certified as revenue quality
    #Bit 5 - isDC - SHALL be set if the usage point measures direct current
    #Bit 6 - isSubmeter - SHALL be set if the usage point is not a premises aggregation point
    _ServiceKind = 0  # Service kind: 0 - electricity 1 - gas 2 - water 3 - time 4 - pressure 5 - heat 6 - cooling
    _status = 1  # Specifies the current status of the service at this usage point.0 = off 1 = on
    _LFDI = LFDI  #Contains the Long Form Device Identifier (LFDI) of the device providing the response.
    _MirrorMeterReading = [MirrorMeterReading]
    MirrorUsagePoint = sf.MirrorUsagePoint_FUNC(_href, _mRID, _description,
                                                _version, _roleFlags,
                                                _ServiceKind, _status, _LFDI,
    MirrorUsagePoint = MirrorUsagePoint.toxml(element_name="MirrorUsagePoint",

    #with open(pjoin(sp.Path2(cwd, "mup", id1)[0], 'MirrorUsagePoint.xml'), 'w') as f:
    #f.write(MirrorUsagePoint.toDOM(parent=None, element_name='MirrorUsagePoint').toprettyxml())

    requests.put("https://" + ip + ":" + port + "/mup/"+ str(id1), verify = certificate("TAserver"), \
                  cert = (ClientCert("CA")[0],ClientCert("CA")[1]), auth=("username", "password"), timeout = 5, data = MirrorUsagePoint)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def EndDeviceControlLL(id1, id2):
    _href = sp.Path3(append_path('Server'), 'dr', id1, 'edc')[1]
    _all = 1 
    EndDeviceControlListLink = sf.EndDeviceControlListLink_FUNC(_href, _all)
    return EndDeviceControlListLink
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ActiveEndDeviceLink(id1, id2):
    _href = sp.Path3(append_path('Server'), 'dr', id1, 'actedc')[1]
    _all = 1
    ActiveEndDeviceControlListLink = sf.ActiveEndDeviceControlListLink_FUNC(_href, _all)
    return ActiveEndDeviceControlListLink