Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_ideal_lens(cls):
        self = ShadowOpticalElement(oe=Shadow.IdealLensOE())

        return self
Ejemplo n.º 2
def make_python_script_from_list(element_list, script_file=""):
    program to build automatically a python script to run shadow3
    the system is read from a list of instances of Shadow.Source and Shadow.OE
    :argument list of optical_elements A python list with intances of Shadow.Source and Shadow.OE objects
    :param script_file: a string with the name of the output file (default="", no output file)
    :return: template with the script

    template = """import Shadow
import numpy as np
from optlnls.hybrid import run_hybrid

from orangecontrib.shadow.util.shadow_objects import ShadowBeam, ShadowOpticalElement, ShadowSource

beam = ShadowBeam()

    n_elements = len(element_list)
    params = []
    for i, element in enumerate(element_list):
        if isinstance(element[1], Shadow.Source):
            template += "oe0 = Shadow.Source()\n"
        elif isinstance(element[1], Shadow.OE):
            template += "oe%d = Shadow.OE()\n" % (i)
        elif isinstance(element[1], Shadow.IdealLensOE):
            template += "oe%d = Shadow.IdealLensOE()\n" % (i)
            raise Exception("Error: Element not known")

        with element[0].hybrid_dialog.param as elem:
                '''beam, diff_plane={0}, calcType={1}, dist_to_img_calc={2},
                          distance={3}, focal_length_calc={4},
                          focallength={5}, nf={6}, nbins_x={7}, nbins_z={8}, npeak={9},
                          fftnpts={10}, write_file={11}, automatic={12},
                    elem.diff_plane, elem.calcType, elem.dist_to_img_calc,
                    elem.distance, elem.focallength_calc,
                    elem.focallength_value, elem.nfc, elem.nbins_x,
                    elem.nbins_z, elem.npeaks, elem.fft, elem.write_file,
                    elem.automatic, elem.send_original_beam))

    template += "\n#\n# Define variables. See meaning of variables in: \n" \
                "#  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/srio/shadow3/master/docs/source.nml \n" \
                "#  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/srio/shadow3/master/docs/oe.nml\n#\n"

    for ioe, oe1B in enumerate(element_list):
        template += "\n"
        if isinstance(oe1B[1], Shadow.Source):
            oe1 = Shadow.Source()
        elif isinstance(oe1B[1], Shadow.OE):
            oe1 = Shadow.OE()
        elif isinstance(oe1B[1], Shadow.IdealLensOE):
            oe1 = Shadow.IdealLensOE()
            raise Exception("Error: Element not known")

        if isinstance(oe1B[1], Shadow.IdealLensOE):
            template += "oe" + str(ioe) + ".T_SOURCE = " + str(
                oe1B[1].T_SOURCE).strip() + "\n"
            template += "oe" + str(ioe) + ".T_IMAGE = " + str(
                oe1B[1].T_IMAGE).strip() + "\n"
            template += "oe" + str(ioe) + ".focal_x = " + str(
                oe1B[1].focal_x).strip() + "\n"
            template += "oe" + str(ioe) + ".focal_z = " + str(
                oe1B[1].focal_z).strip() + "\n"
            memB = inspect.getmembers(oe1B[1])
            mem = inspect.getmembers(oe1)
            for i, var in enumerate(memB):
                ivar = mem[i]
                ivarB = memB[i]
                if ivar[0].isupper():
                    if isinstance(ivar[1], numpy.ndarray):
                        if not ((ivar[1] == ivarB[1]).all()):
                            line = "oe" + str(
                                ioe) + "." + ivar[0] + " = np.array(" + str(
                                    ivarB[1].tolist()) + ")\n"
                            template += line
                        if ivar[1] != ivarB[1]:
                            if isinstance(ivar[1], (str, bytes)):
                                line = "oe" + str(
                                    ioe) + "." + ivar[0] + " = " + str(
                                        ivarB[1]).strip() + "\n"
                                #line = re.sub('\s{2,}', ' ',line)
                                if "SPECIFIED" in line:
                                    template += line
                                line = "oe" + str(
                                    ioe) + "." + ivar[0] + " = " + str(
                                        ivarB[1]) + "\n"
                                template += line

    template += """\n##########################\n
# Run SHADOW to create the source
src = ShadowSource(oe0)
beam = ShadowBeam().traceFromSource(src)"""

    template_oeA = """\n
# Run optical element {0}
print("    Running optical element: %d"%({0}))
oe_{0} = ShadowOpticalElement(oe{0})"""

    for i in range(1, n_elements):
        template += template_oeA.format(i, "%02d" % (i))
        if isinstance(element_list[i][1], Shadow.OE):
            template += "\nbeam = beam.traceFromOE(beam, oe_{0}, widget_class_name='{1}')".format(
                i, element_list[i][0].hybrid_dialog.name)
            if element_list[i][0].use_hybrid:
                template += '\nbeam = run_hybrid(' + params[i] + ')'
        elif isinstance(element_list[i][1], Shadow.IdealLensOE):
            template += "\nbeam = beam.traceIdealLensOE(beam, oe_{0}, widget_class_name='{1}')".format(
                i, element_list[i][0].hybrid_dialog.name)
            if element_list[i][0].use_hybrid:
                template += '\nbeam = run_hybrid(' + params[i] + ')'

    template += """\n

# Shadow.ShadowTools.plotxy(beam._beam,1,3,nbins=101,nolost=1,title="Real space")
# Shadow.ShadowTools.plotxy(beam._beam,1,4,nbins=101,nolost=1,title="Phase space X")
# Shadow.ShadowTools.plotxy(beam._beam,3,6,nbins=101,nolost=1,title="Phase space Z")"""

    if script_file != "":
        open(script_file, "wt").write(template)
        print("File written to disk: %s" % (script_file))

    return template