def findBestRegularization(s, x_sub, y_sub):
    regs = np.linspace(0, 10, 20)
    reg_acc_cv = []
    reg_acc_train = []
    max_acc = 0
    best_reg = 0

    for r in regs:
        th1, th2 = Train.trainSciPy2(s, x_sub, y_sub, r)

        acc_cv = accuracy_score(y_cv, [SimpleNN2.predictClass(s, th1, th2, w) for w in x_cv])
        acc_train = accuracy_score(y_sub, [SimpleNN2.predictClass(s, th1, th2, w) for w in x_sub])

        if max_acc < acc_cv:
            max_acc = acc_cv
            best_reg = r

        print("Validating regularization parameter [{0}]; Train accuracy: [{1}] CV accuracy: [{2}]"
              .format(r, acc_train, acc_cv))

    print("Best reg param: {0} with accuracy on CV dataset: {1}".format(best_reg, max_acc))

    plt.plot(regs, reg_acc_cv);plt.plot(regs, reg_acc_train)

    return best_reg
def makeTestPerdictions():
    x, _ = DataModel.loadData("..\\test.csv")
    s, th1, th2 = SimpleNN2.loadNetwork("..\\NeuralNetwork.bin")
    y = [SimpleNN2.predictClass(s, th1, th2, w) for w in x]
    with open("results.csv", "w") as f:
        imageId = 1
        for i in y:
            f.write("{0},{1}\n".format(imageId, i))
            imageId = imageId + 1
def test3():
    (x, y) = DataModel.loadData("..\\train.csv")

    (x_train, x_cv, y_train, y_cv) = DataModel.splitData(x, y)

    x_sub = x_train[:20000,:]
    y_sub = y_train[:20000]

    s = SimpleNN2.NeuralNetConfig(784, 70, 10)

    regLambda = 6.84
    #s = Train.trainGradientDescent(s, x_sub, y_sub, 5)
    th1, th2 = Train.trainSciPy2(s, x_sub, y_sub, regLambda)
    #th1, th2 = Train.trainGradientDescent2(s, x_sub, y_sub, 5)

    acc_cv = accuracy_score(y_cv, [SimpleNN2.predictClass(s, th1, th2, w) for w in x_cv])
    print("Accuracy on CV set: {0}".format(acc_cv))
def trainFullAndSave():
    (x, y) = DataModel.loadData("..\\train.csv")

    (x_train, x_cv, y_train, y_cv) = DataModel.splitData(x, y)

    s = SimpleNN2.NeuralNetConfig(784, 70, 10)

    regLambda = 6.84
    print("Training neural network on full dataset")
    #s = Train.trainGradientDescent(s, x_sub, y_sub, 5)
    th1, th2 = Train.trainSciPy2(s, x_train, y_train, regLambda)
    #th1, th2 = Train.trainGradientDescent2(s, x_sub, y_sub, 5)

    print("Training complete, checking accuracy on CV data")

    acc_cv = accuracy_score(y_cv, [SimpleNN2.predictClass(s, th1, th2, w) for w in x_cv])
    print("Accuracy on CV set: {0}".format(acc_cv))

    SimpleNN2.saveNetwork(s, th1, th2, "..\\NeuralNetwork.bin")