Ejemplo n.º 1
    def translate(self, label=False):
        # begin translate
        self.pageProperties = Sla2pdfUtils.pageProFunc(self.slaDocumentTag())
        self.canvas = Canvas(filename = self.slafile + '.pdf', pagesize=(self.pageProperties[0][8],self.pageProperties[0][7]))
        # Page's table
        reiter = False
        self.pdfPage = 0
        tablepropertys = self.findTablesProperties()
        iteratable = self.getIteratableGroups(tablepropertys)
        for self.pdfPage in xrange(0, self.numPages):
            print("PAGINA", self.pdfPage, "DI", self.numPages)
            if label:
                group = tablepropertys[self.pdfPage].keys()[0]
                tabpro = tablepropertys[self.pdfPage][group]
                reiter = True
                # Closing pages (elements of the same page must be near)
                if "noGroup" in group and tabpro["pfile"] != "":
                    self.drawImage(group=group, tabpro=tabpro)  # IMMAGINE
                elif "noGroup" in group and tabpro["pfile"] == "":
                    self.drawTable(group=group, monocell=True,
                                   tabpro=tabpro)  # MONOCELLA
                    self.drawTable(group=group, reiter=reiter,
                                   tabpro=tabpro)  # TABELLA
                for tableproperty in tablepropertys:
                    for group in tableproperty.keys():
                        if self.pbar:
                            pbar(self.pbar,pulse=True,text="GEN STAMPA ATTENDERE 2 di 2")
                        tabpro = tableproperty[group]
                            group= group.strip().split('%%%')[0]
                            group= group.strip()
                        if group in iteratable:
                            colu = int(tabpro['columns'])
        #                    tabpro['iterproper'] = tabpro['parasobj'][colu:(colu*2)]
                            reiter = True
                        n_cells = int(tabpro['n_cells'])
                        # Closing pages (elements of the same page must be near)
                        if "noGroup" in group and tabpro["pfile"] != "" :
                            self.drawImage(group=group, tabpro=tabpro) # IMMAGINE
                        elif "noGroup" in group  and tabpro["pfile"] == "":
                            self.drawTable(group =group, monocell=True, tabpro=tabpro)# MONOCELLA
                            self.drawTable(group =group, reiter = reiter, tabpro = tabpro) # TABELLA
        # temporary pdf file is removed immediately
        filename = self.slafile + '.pdf'

        f = file(filename, 'rb')
        result = f.read()
#        os.remove(filename)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def duplicateElementLabel(self):
        Funzione base per la gestione delle frontaline:
        La gestione frontaline ha problematiche differenti rispetto ai report ed
        alle stampe singole. Il template contiene una frontalina di base che deve essere
        replicata enne volte quante dovuto uguale a se stessa per poi gestirne i tag
        rendendoli "iteranti". La parte meno complessa è quella della traduzione in
        pdf in quanto lo sla finito non rappresenta complessità particolari
        numPages = self.slaPage()
        document = self.slaDocumentTag()
        self.pageProperties = Sla2pdfUtils.pageProFunc(document)
        group = self.tablesProperties[0].keys()[0]
        self.tablesPropertie = self.tablesProperties[0][group]

        widths = [float(x.get("WIDTH")) for x in self.tablesPropertie['cells']]
        heights = [float(x.get("HEIGHT")) for x in self.tablesPropertie['cells']]
        cells = int(self.tablesPropertie['n_cells'])
        columns = int(self.tablesPropertie['columns'])
        rows = int(self.tablesPropertie['rows'])

        sumRows = reduce(operator.add, heights[:rows])
        sumColumns = reduce(operator.add, widths[:columns])
        otherColumn = sumColumns + (int(setconf("Label", "sistemacolonnafrontaline") or 0))
        otherRows = sumRows + (int(setconf("Label", "sistemarigafrontaline") or 0 ))

        pageYpos = float(numPages[0].get('PAGEYPOS'))
        pageXpos = float(numPages[0].get('PAGEXPOS'))
        pageHeight = float(numPages[0].get('PAGEHEIGHT'))
        borderTop = float(numPages[0].get('BORDERTOP'))
        borderBottom = float(numPages[0].get('BORDERBOTTOM'))
        borderLeft = float(numPages[0].get('BORDERLEFT'))
        borderRight = float(numPages[0].get('BORDERRIGHT'))
        pageWidth = float(numPages[0].get('PAGEWIDTH'))

        realHeightPage = pageHeight - (borderTop + borderBottom)
        realWidthPage = pageWidth - (borderLeft + borderRight)
        NumMaxRowLabelForPage = int(realHeightPage/otherRows)
        NumMaxColumnLabelForPage = int(realWidthPage /otherColumn)
        NumMaxLabelForPageTotal = NumMaxRowLabelForPage*NumMaxColumnLabelForPage
        NumLabelInDao = len(self.objects)
        pagesNumber = int((NumLabelInDao/NumMaxLabelForPageTotal)) +1

        labelObj = self.slaPageObjects()
        for j in range(1, NumLabelInDao):
            for pageObject in labelObj:
                ## Creating dictionary attributes pageobject
                attributes = pageObject.items()
                dictionary = {}
                for k in range(0, len(attributes)):
                    dictionary[attributes[k][0]] = attributes[k][1]
                ## Applying attributes
                app = pageObject.makeelement('PAGEOBJECT', dictionary)
                ## Creating dictionary attributes itext of the pageobject
                itexts = pageObject.findall('ITEXT')
                for itext in itexts:
                    attributes = itext.items()
                    dictionary = {}
                    for kk in range(0, len(attributes)):
                        dictionary[attributes[kk][0]] = attributes[kk][1]
                    ## Applying attributes
                    ElementTree.SubElement(app, 'ITEXT', dictionary)

                trails = pageObject.findall('trail')
                for trai in trails:
                    attributes = trai.items()
                    dictTrai = {}
                    for attrrr in attributes:
                        dictTrai[attrrr[0]] = attrrr[1]
                    ElementTree.SubElement(app, 'trail', dictTrai)

                paras = pageObject.findall('para')
                for para in paras:
                    attributes = para.items()
                    dictPara = {}
                    for kkk in range(0, len(attributes)):
                        dictPara[attributes[kkk][0]] = attributes[kkk][1]
                    ## Applying attributes
                    ElementTree.SubElement(app, 'para', dictPara)
                pageItemAttributes = pageObject.findall('pageItemAttributes')
                ElementTree.SubElement(app, 'pageItemAttributes')
                ## Number page
                inigroup = str(pageObject.get('GROUPS')).strip()
                x = str(j+int(inigroup))+ " "
                app.set('GROUPS', x)
                app.set('OwnPage', str(j))
                ## Coordinates
                ypos = pageObject.get('YPOS')
                height = pageObject.get('HEIGHT')
                xpos = pageObject.get('XPOS')
                if (j/NumMaxLabelForPageTotal) >= 1:
                    page = int(j/NumMaxLabelForPageTotal)
                    page = 0
                colonna = NumMaxColumnLabelForPage- ((NumMaxLabelForPageTotal*(page+1) - (j+1)) / NumMaxRowLabelForPage)-1
                riga = j- (NumMaxRowLabelForPage * (j/NumMaxRowLabelForPage))
                if not j%NumMaxRowLabelForPage:
                    app.set('YPOS',str(float(ypos)+((float(pageHeight)+float(borderTop))*page)+ (otherRows* riga)))
                app.set('XPOS',str(float(xpos) + otherColumn* (colonna)))
                app = {}
#        self.doc.write(self.pdfFolder+"_tempppPrima.sla")