Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():

    #take 3 command line arguments for random seed number, number of dimensions, and number of gaussians
    seed = int(sys.argv[1])
    dims = int(sys.argv[2])
    ncenters = int(sys.argv[3])
    max_val = 0


    sog = SG.SumofGaussians(dims, ncenters)

    epsilon = 1e-8

    # Data
    #Get Random Location
    current_location = np.random.ranf(dims) * 10
    next_location = 0
    final_location = 0
    final_val = 0
    uniform = np.random.uniform(-0.01, 0.01, dims)
    T = 10000000
    Tmin = 0.000000000000000001

    #max_val = sog.Eval(current_location)
    print(" ".join(["%.8f" % (x) for x in current_location], ), end=" ")
    print("%.8f" % max_val)

    counter = 0

    while T > Tmin or counter < 2000:

        next_location = current_location + np.random.uniform(-0.01, 0.01, dims)

        if (sog.Eval(next_location) > sog.Eval(current_location)):
            current_location = next_location
            max_val = sog.Eval(current_location)
            if (sog.Eval(current_location) > sog.Eval(final_location)):
                final_location = next_location
                final_val = sog.Eval(current_location)
            print(" ".join(["%.8f" % (x) for x in current_location], ),
                  end=" ")
            print("%.8f" % max_val)

        elif (math.exp(
            (sog.Eval(next_location) - sog.Eval(current_location)) / T) >
            current_location = next_location

            max_val = sog.Eval(current_location)
            print(" ".join(["%.8f" % (x) for x in current_location], ),
                  end=" ")
            print("%.8f" % max_val)

        if (T > Tmin):
            T = T - (T * 0.09)
        counter += 1

    print(" ".join(["%.8f" % (x) for x in final_location], ), end=" ")
    print("%.8f" % final_val)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():

    #take 3 command line arguments for random seed number, number of dimensions, and number of gaussians
    seed = int(sys.argv[1])
    dims = int(sys.argv[2])
    ncenters = int(sys.argv[3])
    max_val = 0
    step_size = 0.0
    inc = True


    sog = SG.SumofGaussians(dims, ncenters)

    epsilon = 1e-8

    # Data
    #data_input = np.loadtxt(sys.stdin)

    current_location = np.random.ranf(dims)
    current_location = current_location * 10
    max_val = 0
    temp_val = 0
    step_size = 0
    inc = True
    location = 0
    counter = 0
    temp_loc = current_location

    step_size = 0.01 * sog.Deriv(current_location)
    x_left = temp_loc - step_size
    x_right = temp_loc + step_size

    right_val = sog.Eval(x_right)
    left_val = sog.Eval(x_left)

    if (right_val > left_val):
        current_location = x_right

        while inc == True and counter < 10000:
            current_location = current_location + step_size
            temp_val = sog.Eval(current_location)

            if "%.8f" % temp_val > "%.8f" % max_val:
                max_val = temp_val

                step_size = 0.01 * sog.Deriv(current_location)
                print(" ".join(["%.8f" % (x) for x in current_location], ),
                      end=" ")
                print("%.8f" % max_val)

                counter += 1

                print(" ".join(["%.8f" % (x) for x in current_location], ),
                      end=" ")
                print("%.8f" % max_val)
                inc = False
            #x_right += step_size

        current_location = x_left

        while inc == True and counter < 10000:
            current_location = current_location - step_size
            temp_val = sog.Eval(current_location)

            if "%.8f" % temp_val > "%.8f" % max_val:
                max_val = temp_val

                step_size = 0.01 * sog.Deriv(current_location)
                print(" ".join(["%.8f" % (x) for x in current_location], ),
                      end=" ")
                print("%.8f" % max_val)

                counter += 1

                print(" ".join(["%.8f" % (x) for x in current_location], ),
                      end=" ")
                print("%.8f" % max_val)
                inc = False
Ejemplo n.º 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import SumofGaussians as SG
import numpy as np, sys
import math

seed = int(sys.argv[1])
dims = int(sys.argv[2])
ncenters = int(sys.argv[3])

sog = SG.SumofGaussians(dims, ncenters)

# Initialize the sog function with random position
x1 = np.random.ranf(dims) * 10
y1 = sog.Eval(x1)
x2 = np.empty(dims)

print(" ".join(["%.8f" % (x) for x in x1]), end=' ')
print("%.8f" % y1)

# Terminate at maximum of 100000 iterations
for i in range(100000):
    random_val = (np.random.ranf(dims) * 0.1) - 0.05
    for i in range(dims):
        if 0 <= x1[i] + random_val[i] <= 10:
            x2[i] = x1[i] + random_val[i]
            x2[i] = x1[i] - random_val[i]
    y2 = sog.Eval(x2)
Ejemplo n.º 4
# This program usses Simulated Annealing to find the closest maximum to
# the starting location of the sum of gaussian function given generated based
# on the random seed number, number of dimensions, and number of centers (hills)

import SumofGaussians as SG
import numpy as np, sys

np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': lambda x: "{0:0.8f}".format(x)
                               })  # set printing format

seed = int(sys.argv[1])  #random number seed
dims = int(sys.argv[2])  #number of dimensions
ncenters = int(sys.argv[3])  #number of hills

np.random.seed(seed)  #seed the numpy random number generator
sog = SG.SumofGaussians(dims, ncenters)  #create the sum of gaussian function

iterations = 1  # starting iteration
temperature = 1.0  # starting temperature
alpha = 0.9999  # alpha used for decreasing the temperature

start = 10.0 * np.random.ranf(dims)  #starting point
# perform simulated annealing
current = start

# while the tempearture is above the minimum tolerance and the
# iterations are less than the maximum number of iterations
# keep searching
while iterations <= 100000:
    #print the current location and the value of its point
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, dims, ncenters):
     self.sog = SG.SumofGaussians(dims, ncenters)
     self.dims = dims
     self.loc = r.ranf(dims) * 10
     self.eval = self.sog.Eval(self.loc)
     self.delta = 1