Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        stats = SystemStats.get_system_stats()

        parts = []
        if stats.cpu.speed:

        if stats.cpu.num:
            if int(stats.cpu.num) > 1:
                parts.append(_("%s Logical Processors") % (stats.cpu.num))
            elif int(stats.cpu.num) == 1:
                parts.append(_("%s Logical Processor") % (stats.cpu.num))

        if stats.cpu.cores:
            if int(stats.cpu.cores) > 1:
                parts.append(_("%s Cores") % (stats.cpu.cores))
            elif int(stats.cpu.cores) == 1:
                parts.append(_("%s Core") % (stats.cpu.cores))

        if parts:
            txt = ', '.join(parts)
            txt = _('Unknown Processor')

        CTK.RawHTML.__init__(self, txt)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__ (self):
        stats = SystemStats.get_system_stats()

        parts = []
        if stats.cpu.speed:
            parts.append (stats.cpu.speed)

        if stats.cpu.num:
            if int(stats.cpu.num) > 1:
                parts.append (_("%s Logical Processors") %(stats.cpu.num))
            elif int(stats.cpu.num) == 1:
                parts.append (_("%s Logical Processor") %(stats.cpu.num))

        if stats.cpu.cores:
            if int(stats.cpu.cores) > 1:
                parts.append (_("%s Cores") %(stats.cpu.cores))
            elif int(stats.cpu.cores) == 1:
                parts.append (_("%s Core") %(stats.cpu.cores))

        if parts:
            txt = ', '.join(parts)
            txt = _('Unknown Processor')

        CTK.RawHTML.__init__ (self, txt)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__ (self):
        CTK.Box.__init__ (self, {'id': 'server-section', 'class': 'infosection'})

        infotable = CTK.Table({'class': 'info-table'})
        infotable.set_header (column=True, num=1)

        is_alive = Cherokee.server.is_alive()
        entry = lambda title, string: [CTK.RawHTML (title), CTK.RawHTML(str(string))]

        if is_alive:
            button = CTK.Button(_('Stop Server'), {'id': 'launch-button', 'class': 'button-stop'})
            button.bind ('click', CTK.JS.GotoURL('/stop'))
            infotable += [CTK.RawHTML(_(RUNNING_NOTICE)), button]
            button = CTK.Button(_('Start Server'), {'id': 'launch-button', 'class': 'button-start'})
            button.bind ('click', CTK.JS.GotoURL('/launch'))
            infotable += [CTK.RawHTML(_(STOPPED_NOTICE)), button]

        sys_stats = SystemStats.get_system_stats()
        infotable += entry(_('Hostname'), sys_stats.hostname)
        if CTK.cfg.file:
            cfg_file = '<span title="%s: %s">%s</span>' % (_('Modified'), self._get_cfg_ctime(), CTK.cfg.file)
            cfg_file = _('Not found')
        infotable += entry(_("Config File"), cfg_file)

        box = CTK.Box()
        box += infotable

        table = CTK.Table()
        table.set_header (column=True, num=1)
        table += [CTK.RawHTML (_('Server Information')), box]
        self += table
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__ (self):
        CTK.Box.__init__ (self, {'id': 'server-section', 'class': 'infosection'})

        infotable = CTK.Table({'class': 'info-table'})
        infotable.set_header (column=True, num=1)

        is_alive = Cherokee.server.is_alive()
        entry = lambda title, string: [CTK.RawHTML (title), CTK.RawHTML(str(string))]

        if is_alive:
            button = CTK.Button(_('Stop Server'), {'id': 'launch-button', 'class': 'button-stop'})
            button.bind ('click', CTK.JS.GotoURL('/stop'))
            infotable += [CTK.RawHTML(_(RUNNING_NOTICE)), button]
            button = CTK.Button(_('Start Server'), {'id': 'launch-button', 'class': 'button-start'})
            button.bind ('click', CTK.JS.GotoURL('/launch'))
            infotable += [CTK.RawHTML(_(STOPPED_NOTICE)), button]

        sys_stats = SystemStats.get_system_stats()
        infotable += entry(_('Hostname'), sys_stats.hostname)
        if CTK.cfg.file:
            cfg_file = '<span title="%s: %s">%s</span>' % (_('Modified'), self._get_cfg_ctime(), CTK.cfg.file)
            cfg_file = _('Not found')
        infotable += entry(_("Config File"), cfg_file)

        box = CTK.Box()
        box += infotable

        table = CTK.Table()
        table.set_header (column=True, num=1)
        table += [CTK.RawHTML (_('Server Information')), box]
        self += table
Ejemplo n.º 5
def SystemStats_JSON():
    stats = SystemStats.get_system_stats()
    return {
        'mem': {
            'used': stats.mem.used,
            'total': stats.mem.total
        'cpu': {
            'usage': stats.cpu.usage,
            'idle': stats.cpu.idle
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self):
        CTK.Box.__init__(self, {'class': 'ram-text'})

        stats = SystemStats.get_system_stats()

        if stats.mem.total:
            if stats.mem.total < (1024**2):
                total = "%dMB" % (stats.mem.total / 1024)
                total = "%.1fGB" % (stats.mem.total / (1024.0**2))
            total = _('Unknown RAM')

        self += CTK.RawHTML(total)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__ (self):
        CTK.Box.__init__ (self, {'class': 'ram-text'})

        stats = SystemStats.get_system_stats()

        if stats.mem.total:
            if stats.mem.total < (1024**2):
                total = "%dMB" %(stats.mem.total / 1024)
                total = "%.1fGB" %(stats.mem.total / (1024.0 ** 2))
            total = _('Unknown RAM')

        self += CTK.RawHTML (total)
Ejemplo n.º 8
            if not os.path.isdir (CHEROKEE_OWS_ROOT):
                try: os.makedirs (CHEROKEE_OWS_ROOT, 0755)
                except OSError: pass

        CTK.unpublish (r'')

    # Add the OWS plug-in directory
    CTK.add_plugin_dir (CHEROKEE_OWS_DIR)

    # Set up the error page
    import PageException
    CTK.error.page = PageException.Page

    # Launch the SystemStats ASAP
    import SystemStats

    # Import the Pages
    import PageIndex
    import PageGeneral
    import PageVServers
    import PageVServer
    import PageRule
    import PageEntry
    import PageSources
    import PageSource
    import PageAdvanced
    import PageNewConfig
    import PageHelp
    import PageStatus
    import market
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __safe_call__(self):
        root = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!root')
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_name')
        cfg_changes = CTK.cfg.get_val(

        # Finished
        finished_file = os.path.join(root, "finished")
        Install_Log.log("Creating %s" % (finished_file))
        f = open(finished_file, 'w+')

        # Normalize CTK.cfg

        # Save configuration
        box = CTK.Box()

        if not int(cfg_changes):
            Install_Log.log("Configuration saved.")

            Install_Log.log("Server gracefully restarted.")
            box += CTK.RawHTML(js=SaveButton.ButtonSave__JS_to_deactive())


        # Thank user for the install
        box += CTK.RawHTML('<h2>%s %s</h2>' %
                           (app_name, _("has been installed successfully")))
        box += CTK.RawHTML("<p>%s</p>" % (_(NOTE_THANKS_P1)))

        # Save / Visit
        if int(cfg_changes):
            box += CTK.Notice('information', CTK.RawHTML(_(NOTE_SAVE_RESTART)))

        elif Cherokee.server.is_alive():
            install_type = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!target')
            nick = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!target!vserver')
            vserver_n = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!target!vserver_n')
            directory = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!target!directory')

            # Host
            if vserver_n and not nick:
                nick = CTK.cfg.get_val("vserver!%s!nick" % (vserver_n))

            if not nick or nick.lower() == "default":
                sys_stats = SystemStats.get_system_stats()
                nick = sys_stats.hostname

            # Ports
            ports = []
            for b in CTK.cfg['server!bind'] or []:
                port = CTK.cfg.get_val('server!bind!%s!port' % (b))
                if port:

            nick_port = nick
            if ports and not '80' in ports:
                nick_port = '%s:%s' % (nick, ports[0])

            # URL
            url = ''
            if install_type == 'vserver' and nick:
                url = 'http://%s/' % (nick_port)
            elif install_type == 'directory' and vserver_n and directory:
                nick = CTK.cfg.get_val('vserver!%s!nick' % (vserver_n))
                url = 'http://%s%s/' % (nick_port, directory)

            if url:
                box += CTK.RawHTML('<p>%s ' % (_("You can now visit")))
                box += CTK.LinkWindow(url,
                                      CTK.RawHTML(_('your new application')))
                box += CTK.RawHTML(' on a new window.</p>')

        box += CTK.RawHTML("<h1>%s</h1>" % (_(NOTE_THANKS_P2)))

        buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
        buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_('Close'))
        box += buttons

        # Clean up CTK.cfg
        for k in CTK.cfg.keys('tmp!market!install'):
            if k != 'app':
                del (CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install!%s' % (k)])

        return box.Render().toStr()
Ejemplo n.º 10
def SystemStats_JSON():
    stats = SystemStats.get_system_stats()
    return {'mem': {'used':  stats.mem.used,
                    'total': stats.mem.total},
            'cpu': {'usage': stats.cpu.usage,
                    'idle':  stats.cpu.idle}}
Ejemplo n.º 11
            if not os.path.isdir (CHEROKEE_OWS_ROOT):
                try: os.makedirs (CHEROKEE_OWS_ROOT, 0755)
                except OSError: pass

        CTK.unpublish (r'')

    # Add the OWS plug-in directory
    CTK.add_plugin_dir (CHEROKEE_OWS_DIR)

    # Set up the error page
    import PageException
    CTK.error.page = PageException.Page

    # Launch the SystemStats ASAP
    import SystemStats

    # Import the Pages
    import PageIndex
    import PageGeneral
    import PageVServers
    import PageVServer
    import PageRule
    import PageEntry
    import PageSources
    import PageSource
    import PageAdvanced
    import PageNewConfig
    import PageHelp
    import PageStatus
    import market
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __safe_call__(self):
        root = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!root")
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!app!application_name")
        cfg_changes = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!cfg_previous_changes")

        # Finished
        finished_file = os.path.join(root, "finished")
        Install_Log.log("Creating %s" % (finished_file))
        f = open(finished_file, "w+")

        # Normalize CTK.cfg

        # Save configuration
        box = CTK.Box()

        if not int(cfg_changes):
            Install_Log.log("Configuration saved.")

            Install_Log.log("Server gracefully restarted.")
            box += CTK.RawHTML(js=SaveButton.ButtonSave__JS_to_deactive())


        # Thank user for the install
        box += CTK.RawHTML("<h2>%s %s</h2>" % (app_name, _("has been installed successfully")))
        box += CTK.RawHTML("<p>%s</p>" % (_(NOTE_THANKS_P1)))

        # Save / Visit
        if int(cfg_changes):
            box += CTK.Notice("information", CTK.RawHTML(_(NOTE_SAVE_RESTART)))

        elif Cherokee.server.is_alive():
            install_type = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!target")
            nick = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!target!vserver")
            vserver_n = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!target!vserver_n")
            directory = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!target!directory")

            # Host
            if vserver_n and not nick:
                nick = CTK.cfg.get_val("vserver!%s!nick" % (vserver_n))

            if not nick or nick.lower() == "default":
                sys_stats = SystemStats.get_system_stats()
                nick = sys_stats.hostname

            # Ports
            ports = []
            for b in CTK.cfg["server!bind"] or []:
                port = CTK.cfg.get_val("server!bind!%s!port" % (b))
                if port:

            nick_port = nick
            if ports and not "80" in ports:
                nick_port = "%s:%s" % (nick, ports[0])

            # URL
            url = ""
            if install_type == "vserver" and nick:
                url = "http://%s/" % (nick_port)
            elif install_type == "directory" and vserver_n and directory:
                nick = CTK.cfg.get_val("vserver!%s!nick" % (vserver_n))
                url = "http://%s%s/" % (nick_port, directory)

            if url:
                box += CTK.RawHTML("<p>%s " % (_("You can now visit")))
                box += CTK.LinkWindow(url, CTK.RawHTML(_("your new application")))
                box += CTK.RawHTML(" on a new window.</p>")

        box += CTK.RawHTML("<h1>%s</h1>" % (_(NOTE_THANKS_P2)))

        buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
        buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_("Close"))
        box += buttons

        # Clean up CTK.cfg
        for k in CTK.cfg.keys("tmp!market!install"):
            if k != "app":
                del (CTK.cfg["tmp!market!install!%s" % (k)])

        return box.Render().toStr()