def calcMaxDensity (allPaths, limit, field):
	global MAXTAZ
	max = -1
	# If there isn't a TAZ, we should just skip it gracefully.
	for start in LIM.getStudyArea():
		paths = allPaths[start]
		if len(paths[start]) > 0:
			(num, avg, sd) = TAZ.calculateDestinationData(paths, field)
			if avg > max:
				max = avg
	return max
def generateResultsTable (dbName, limit):
	global MAXTAZ
	print "Precalculating all paths in the transporation zone."
	counter = 0 
	allPaths = {}
	for start in LIM.getStudyArea():
		paths = TAZ.getPossibleDestinations(start, limit)
		allPaths[start] = paths
		print '.',
		counter += 1
		if counter % 10 == 0:
		if counter % 100 == 0:
	# 	Max avg. job density:  45242.506294
	#	Max avg. food density: 2.137048
	# First, generate all the destinations within the time limit.
	destinationPaths = outputDestinationsWithinLimit(allPaths, limit)
	# Calculate maximums
	maxAverageJobDensity = calcMaxDensity(allPaths, limit, 'emp_dens')
	maxAverageFoodDensity = calcMaxDensity(allPaths, limit, 'food_store_dens')
	# Calculate the ranges for the rating system.
	# Why divide by six? It worked well for separating out the data.
	# Also, ArcGIS does not do well with more than 5 or 6 colors in terms
	# of visualizing data, so we limited our categorization to six.
	jobRatingDiv = maxAverageJobDensity / 6
	foodRatingDiv = maxAverageFoodDensity / 6
	print "Max avg. job density:  %s" % maxAverageJobDensity
	print "Max avg. food density: %s" % maxAverageFoodDensity
	# This file holds the CSV output of our calculations. 
	final = open ('final-%s.csv' % limit, 'w')

	# Write a header to the CSV file.
	final.write("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n" % \
	('SrcTAZ', 'AccessRate', \
	'MedIncSrcTAZ', 'SumTotPopSrcTAZ', 'PopDensSrcTAZ', \
	'NumDest', \
	'JobNum',  'AvgJobDensAtDests', 'JobDensRating', 'SDJobDens', \
	'FoodNum', 'AvgFoodDensAtDest', 'FoodDensRating', 'SDFoodDens' \
	# If there isn't a TAZ, we should just skip it gracefully.
	for start in LIM.getStudyArea():

		paths = allPaths[start]
		if len(paths[start]) > 0:

			(jobNum, jobAvg, jobSD) = TAZ.calculateDestinationData(paths, 'emp_dens')
			(foodNum, foodAvg, foodSD) = TAZ.calculateDestinationData(paths, 'food_store_dens')
			(income, income_quart) = TAZ.getIncome(start)
			(sum_totpop, pop_dens) = TAZ.getPopDens(start)
			# We want a rating that is an integer value. So, we use //, which means
			# "do integer division". This means that 10 // 3 = 3.
			# However, because // does a "floor" operation (meaning, it rounds down)
			jobRating  = int(jobAvg // jobRatingDiv) + 1
			foodRating = int(foodAvg // foodRatingDiv) + 1
			accessRating = jobRating + foodRating
			if LIM.isGoodRating(accessRating) and LIM.isIncomeLimit(income):
				final.write("%i,%i,%i,%i,%.2f,%i,%i,%.2f,%i,%.2f,%i,%.2f,%i,%.2f\n" % \
					(start, accessRating, \
					income, sum_totpop, pop_dens, \
					len(paths[start]), \
					jobNum, jobAvg, jobRating, jobSD, \
					foodNum, foodAvg, foodRating, foodSD))
	# Cleanup nicely.