Ejemplo n.º 1
 def OnFileOpen(self, event):
     """ File Open Button Press """
    # File Filter definition
     fileTypesString = _("Text files (*.txt)|*.txt")
     # If no config file is defined (ie using default colors) ...
     if self.configFile == '':
         # ... use the video path and no filename
         lastPath = TransanaGlobal.configData.videoPath
         filename = ''
     # if a config file is defined ...
         # ... split it into path and filename
         (lastPath, filename) = os.path.split(self.configFile)
     # Create a File Open dialog.
     fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, _('Select Color Definition file'), lastPath, filename, fileTypesString,
                          wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST)
     # Show the dialog and get user response.  If OK ...
     if fdlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
         # Remember the file name locally (not globally yet)
         self.configFile = fdlg.GetPath()
         # Load the colors from the file
         self.colors = TransanaGlobal.getColorDefs(self.configFile)
         # If the File Load failed, the file name will have been cleared.  Check this!
         if TransanaGlobal.configData.colorConfigFilename == '':
             self.configFile = ''
         # Update the file name label on screen
         # Populate the dialog's color list
     # Destroy the File Dialog
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def OnFileOpen(self, event):
     """ File Open Button Press """
    # File Filter definition
     fileTypesString = _("Text files (*.txt)|*.txt")
     # If no config file is defined (ie using default colors) ...
     if self.configFile == '':
         # ... use the video path and no filename
         lastPath = TransanaGlobal.configData.videoPath
         filename = ''
     # if a config file is defined ...
         # ... split it into path and filename
         (lastPath, filename) = os.path.split(self.configFile)
     # Create a File Open dialog.
     fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, _('Select Color Definition file'), lastPath, filename, fileTypesString,
                          wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST)
     # Show the dialog and get user response.  If OK ...
     if fdlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
         # Remember the file name locally (not globally yet)
         self.configFile = fdlg.GetPath()
         # Load the colors from the file
         self.colors = TransanaGlobal.getColorDefs(self.configFile)
         # If the File Load failed, the file name will have been cleared.  Check this!
         if TransanaGlobal.configData.colorConfigFilename == '':
             self.configFile = ''
         # Update the file name label on screen
         # Populate the dialog's color list
     # Destroy the File Dialog
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,parent,id,title):


        self.presLan_en = gettext.translation('Transana', 'locale', languages=['en'])
        lang = wx.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH
        self.locale = wx.Locale(lang)
        # Define the Configuration Data
        TransanaGlobal.configData = ConfigData.ConfigData()
        # Create the global transana graphics colors, once the ConfigData object exists.
        TransanaGlobal.transana_graphicsColorList = TransanaGlobal.getColorDefs(TransanaGlobal.configData.colorConfigFilename)
        # Set essential global color manipulation data structures once the ConfigData object exists.
        (TransanaGlobal.transana_colorNameList, TransanaGlobal.transana_colorLookup, TransanaGlobal.keywordMapColourSet) = TransanaGlobal.SetColorVariables()
        TransanaGlobal.configData.videoPath = 'C:\\Users\\DavidWoods\\Videos'

        TransanaGlobal.menuWindow = MenuWindow.MenuWindow(None, -1, title)

        self.ControlObject = ControlObjectClass.ControlObject()
        self.ControlObject.Register(Menu = TransanaGlobal.menuWindow)
        TransanaGlobal.menuWindow.Register(ControlObject = self.ControlObject)

        wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,-1, title, size = (800,600), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)
        self.testsRun = 0
        self.testsSuccessful = 0
        self.testsFailed = 0

        mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

        self.txtCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "Unit Test:  SSL\n\n", style=wx.TE_LEFT | wx.TE_MULTILINE)
        self.txtCtrl.AppendText("Transana Version:  %s\nsingleUserVersion:  %s\n" % (TransanaConstants.versionNumber, TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion))

        mainSizer.Add(self.txtCtrl, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5)

        # Status Bar
            print sys.exc_info()[0]
            print sys.exc_info()[1]

        if TransanaConstants.DBInstalled in ['MySQLdb-embedded']:
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def OnInit(self):
        """ Initialize the application """
        # If we have a Workshop Version, see if the version is still valid, report to the user and exit if not.
        # NOTE:  This code just provides a user message and clean exit.  Transana will still be disabled if this
        # code is removed.  (This code is user-accessible on OS X!)
        if TransanaConstants.workshopVersion:
            import datetime
            t1 = TransanaConstants.startdate
            t2 = TransanaConstants.expirationdate
            t3 = time.localtime()
            t4 = datetime.datetime(t3[0], t3[1], t3[2], t3[3], t3[4])
            if (t1 > t4) or (t2 < t4):
                dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(
                    None, "This copy of Transana is no longer valid.")
                return False
        # In wxPython, you used to be able to initialize the ConfigData object in the TransanaGlobal module, even though the
        # wx.App() hadn't been initialized yet.  Moving from wxPython 2.8.1 to wxPython 2.8.9, this stopped being true
        # at least on the Mac.  Therefore, we moved creation of the ConfigData object to here in the code.
        # However, there are MANY references to ConfigData being in the TransanaGlobal module, so that's where we'll keep it.
        TransanaGlobal.configData = ConfigData.ConfigData()
        # If we are running from a BUILD instead of source code ...
        if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):  #  or ('wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo):
            # See if the Default Profile Path exists.  If not ...
            if not os.path.exists(
                # ... then create it (recursively).
            # Build the path for the error log
            path = os.path.join(
            # redirect output to the error log
            # Put a startup indicator in the Error Log
            print "Transana started:", time.asctime()

        # If no Language is defined ...
        if TransanaGlobal.configData.language == '':
            # ... then we know this is the first startup for this user profile.  Remember that!
            firstStartup = True
        # If language is known ...
            # ... then it's NOT first time startup.
            firstStartup = False

        # Now that we've loaded the Configuration Data, we can see if we need to alter the default encoding
        # If we're on Windows, single-user, using Russian, use KOI8r encoding instead of Latin-1,
        # Chinese uses big5, Japanese uses cp932, and Korean uses cp949

##        if ('wxMSW' in wx.PlatformInfo) and (TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion):
##            if (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'ru'):
##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = 'koi8_r'
##            elif (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'zh'):
##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = TransanaConstants.chineseEncoding
##            elif (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'el'):
##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = 'iso8859_7'
##            elif (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'ja'):
##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = 'cp932'
##            elif (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'ko'):
##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = 'cp949'

# Use UTF-8 Encoding throughout Transana to allow maximum internationalization
        if ('unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo) and (wx.VERSION_STRING >= '2.6'):

        # On OS/X, change the working directory to the directory the script is
        # running from, this is necessary for running from a bundle.
        if "__WXMAC__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
            if TransanaGlobal.programDir != '':

        import MenuWindow  # import Menu Window Object

        sys.excepthook = transana_excepthook  # Define the system exception handler

        # First, determine the program name that should be displayed, single or multi-user
        if TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            if TransanaConstants.proVersion:
                programTitle = _("Transana - Professional")
                programTitle = _("Transana - Standard")
            programTitle = _("Transana - Multiuser")
        # Ammend the program title for the Demo version if appropriate
        if TransanaConstants.demoVersion:
            programTitle += _(" - Demonstration")
        # Create the Menu Window
        TransanaGlobal.menuWindow = MenuWindow.MenuWindow(
            None, -1, programTitle)

        # Create the global transana graphics colors, once the ConfigData object exists.
        TransanaGlobal.transana_graphicsColorList = TransanaGlobal.getColorDefs(
        # Set essential global color manipulation data structures once the ConfigData object exists.
         ) = TransanaGlobal.SetColorVariables()

        # Add the RTF modules to the Python module search path.  This allows
        # us to import from a directory other than the standard search paths
        # and the current directory/subdirectories.

        # Load the Splash Screen graphic
        bitmap = TransanaImages.splash.GetBitmap()

        # We need to draw the Version Number onto the Splash Screen Graphic.
        # First, create a Memory DC
        memoryDC = wx.MemoryDC()
        # Select the bitmap into the Memory DC
        # Build the Version label
        if TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            if TransanaConstants.labVersion:
                versionLbl = _("Computer Lab Version")
            elif TransanaConstants.demoVersion:
                versionLbl = _("Demonstration Version")
            elif TransanaConstants.workshopVersion:
                versionLbl = _("Workshop Version")
                if TransanaConstants.proVersion:
                    versionLbl = _("Professional Version")
                    versionLbl = _("Standard Version")
            versionLbl = _("Multi-user Version")
        versionLbl += " %s"
        # Determine the size of the version text
        (verWidth, verHeight) = memoryDC.GetTextExtent(
            versionLbl % TransanaConstants.versionNumber)
        # Add the Version Number text to the Memory DC (and therefore the bitmap)
        memoryDC.DrawText(versionLbl % TransanaConstants.versionNumber,
                          370 - verWidth, 156)
        # Clear the bitmap from the Memory DC, thus freeing it to be displayed!
        memoryDC.SelectObject(wx.EmptyBitmap(10, 10))
        # If the Splash Screen Graphic exists, display the Splash Screen for 4 seconds.
        # If not, raise an exception.
        if bitmap:
            # Mac requires a different style, as "STAY_ON_TOP" adds a header to the Splash Screen
            if "__WXMAC__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
                splashStyle = wx.SIMPLE_BORDER
                splashStyle = wx.SIMPLE_BORDER | wx.STAY_ON_TOP
            # If we have a Right-To-Left language ...
            if TransanaGlobal.configData.LayoutDirection == wx.Layout_RightToLeft:
                # ... we need to reverse the image direcion
                bitmap = bitmap.ConvertToImage().Mirror().ConvertToBitmap()

            splashPosition = wx.DefaultPosition

            ## This doesn't work.  I have not been able to put the Splash Screen anywhere but on the Center of
            ## Monitor 0 (with wx.SPASH_CENTER_ON_SCREEN) or the upper left corner of Monitor 0 (without it).  Bummer.

            ##            # Get the Size and Position for the PRIMARY screen
            ##            (x1, y1, w1, h1) = wx.Display(TransanaGlobal.configData.primaryScreen).GetClientArea()
            ##            (x2, y2) = bitmap.GetSize()
            ##            splashPosition = (int(float(w1) / 2.0) + x1 - int(float(x2) / 2.0),
            ##                              int(float(h1) / 2.0) + y1 - int(float(y2) / 2.0))
            ##            print "Splash Screen Position:"
            ##            print TransanaGlobal.configData.primaryScreen
            ##            print x1, y1, w1, h1
            ##            print x2, y2
            ##            print splashPosition
            ##            print

            # Create the SplashScreen object
            splash = wx.SplashScreen(
                bitmap, wx.SPLASH_CENTER_ON_SCREEN | wx.SPLASH_TIMEOUT, 4000,
                None, -1, splashPosition, wx.DefaultSize, splashStyle)
            raise ImageLoadError, \
                    _("Unable to load Transana's splash screen image.  Installation error?")


        if DEBUG:
            print "Number of Monitors:", wx.Display.GetCount()
            for x in range(wx.Display.GetCount()):
                print "  ", x, wx.Display(x).IsPrimary(), wx.Display(
                    x).GetGeometry(), wx.Display(x).GetClientArea()

        import DataWindow  # import Data Window Object
        import VideoWindow  # import Video Window Object
        # import Transcript Window Object
        if TransanaConstants.USESRTC:
            import TranscriptionUI_RTC as TranscriptionUI
            import TranscriptionUI
        import VisualizationWindow  # import Visualization Window Object
        import exceptions  # import exception handler (Python)
        # if we're running the multi-user version of Transana ...
        if not TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            # ... import the Transana ChatWindow module
            import ChatWindow

        # Initialize all main application Window Objects

        # If we're running the Lab version OR we're on the Mac ...
        if TransanaConstants.labVersion or ('wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo):
            # ... then pausing for 4 seconds delays the appearance of the Lab initial configuration dialog
            # or the Mac version login / database dialog until the Splash screen closes.
        # If we are running the Lab version ...
        if TransanaConstants.labVersion:
            # ... we want an initial configuration screen.  Start by importing Transana's Option Settings dialog
            import OptionsSettings
            # Initialize all paths to BLANK for the lab version
            TransanaGlobal.configData.videoPath = ''
            TransanaGlobal.configData.visualizationPath = ''
            TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir = ''
            # Create the config dialog for the Lab initial configuration
            options = OptionsSettings.OptionsSettings(
                TransanaGlobal.menuWindow, lab=True)
            # If the databaseDir is blank, user pressed CANCEL ...
            if (TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir == ''):
                # ... and we should quit immediately, signalling failure
                return False

        # initialze a variable indicating database connection to False (assume the worst.)
        connectionEstablished = False

        # Let's trap the situation where the database folder is not available.
            # Start MySQL if using the embedded version
            if TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            # If we get here, we've been successful!  (NOTE that MU merely changes our default from False to True!)
            connectionEstablished = True
            if DEBUG:
                import traceback
                print sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]

            msg = _(
                'Transana is unable to access any Database at "%s".\nPlease check to see if this path is available.'
            if not TransanaConstants.labVersion:
                msg += '\n' + _(
                    'Would you like to restore the default Database path?')
            if ('unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo) and isinstance(msg, str):
                msg = unicode(msg, 'utf8')
            msg = msg % TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir
            if TransanaConstants.labVersion:
                dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(None, msg)
                return False

        # If we're on the Single-user version for Windows ...
        if TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            # ... determine the file name for the data conversion information pickle file
            fs = os.path.join(TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir,
            # If there is data in mid-conversion ...
            if os.path.exists(fs):
                # ... get the conversion data from the Pickle File
                f = file(fs, 'r')
                # exportedDBs is a dictionary containing the Transana-XML file name and the encoding of each DB to be imported
                self.exportedDBs = pickle.load(f)
                # Close the pickle file

                # Prompt the user about importing the converted data
                prompt = unicode(
                    _("Transana has detected one or more databases ready for conversion.\nDo you want to convert those databases now?"
                      ), 'utf8')
                tmpDlg = Dialogs.QuestionDialog(TransanaGlobal.menuWindow,
                                                _("Database Conversion"))
                result = tmpDlg.LocalShowModal()

                # If the user wants to do the conversion now ...
                if result == wx.ID_YES:
                    # ... import Transana's XML Import code
                    import XMLImport
                    # Before we go further, let's make sure none of the conversion files have ALREADY been imported!
                    # The 2.42 to 2.50 Data Conversion Utility shouldn't allow this, but it doesn't hurt to check.
                    # Iterate through the conversion data
                    for key in self.exportedDBs:
                        # Determine the file path for the converted database
                        newDBPath = os.path.join(
                            TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir, key + '.db')
                        # If the converted database ALREADY EXISTS ...
                        if os.path.exists(newDBPath):
                            # ... create an error message
                            prompt = unicode(
                                _('Database "%s" already exists.\nDatabase "%s" cannot be converted at this time.'
                                  ), 'utf8')
                            # ... display an error message
                            tmpDlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(
                                None, prompt % (key, key))
                        # If the converted database does NOT exist ...
                            if 'wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                                prompt = _(
                                    'Converting "%s"\nThis process may take a long time, depending on how much data this database contains.\nWe cannot provide progress feedback on OS X.  Please be patient.'
                                progWarn = Dialogs.PopupDialog(
                                    None, _("Converting Databases"),
                                    prompt % key)
                            # Create the Import Database, passing the database name so the user won't be prompted for one.

                            # Import the database.
                            # First, create an Import Database dialog, but don't SHOW it.
                            temp = XMLImport.XMLImport(
                                _('Transana XML Import'),
                            # ... Import the requested data!
                            # Close the Import Database dialog

                            if 'wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                                progWarn = None

                            # Close the database that was just imported
                            # Clear the current database name from the Config data
                            TransanaGlobal.configData.database = ''
                            # If we do NOT have a localhost key (which Lab version does not!) ...
                            if not TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseList.has_key(
                                # ... let's create one so we can pass the converted database name!
                                    'localhost'] = {}
                                    'localhost']['dbList'] = []
                            # Update the database name
                            TransanaGlobal.configData.database = key
                            # Add the new (converted) database name to the database list
                            # Start exception handling
                                # If we're NOT in the lab version of Transana ...
                                if not TransanaConstants.labVersion:

                                    # This is harder than it should be because of a combination of encoding and case-changing issues.
                                    # Let's iterate through the Version 2.5 "paths by database" config data
                                    for key2 in TransanaGlobal.configData.pathsByDB2.keys(
                                        # If we have a LOCAL database with a matching key to the database being imported ...
                                        if (key2[0] == '') and (
                                                key2[1] == 'localhost'
                                        ) and (key2[2].decode('utf8').lower()
                                               == key):
                                            # Add the unconverted database's PATH values to the CONVERTED database's configuration!
                                            TransanaGlobal.configData.pathsByDB[('', 'localhost', key.encode('utf8'))] = \
                                                {'visualizationPath' : TransanaGlobal.configData.pathsByDB2[key2]['visualizationPath'],
                                                 'videoPath' : TransanaGlobal.configData.pathsByDB2[key2]['videoPath']}
                                            # ... and we can stop looking

                                # Save the altered configuration data
                            # The Computer Lab version sometimes throws a KeyError
                            except exceptions.KeyError:
                                # If this comes up, we can ignore it.

                # Delete the Import File Information

                if DEBUG:
                    print "Done importing Files"

        # We can only continue if we initialized the database OR are running MU.
        if connectionEstablished:
            # If a new database login fails three times, we need to close the program.
            # Initialize a counter to track that.
            logonCount = 1
            # Flag if Logon succeeds
            loggedOn = False
            # Keep trying for three tries or until successful
            while (logonCount <= 3) and (not loggedOn):
                logonCount += 1
                # Confirm the existence of the DB Tables, creating them if needed.
                # This method also calls the Username and Password Dialog if needed.
                # NOTE:  The Menu Window must be created first to server as a parent for the Username and Password Dialog
                #        called up by DBInterface.
                if DBInterface.establish_db_exists():

                    if DEBUG:
                        print "Creating Data Window",

                    # Create the Data Window
                    # Data Window creation causes Username and Password Dialog to be displayed,
                    # so it should be created before the Video Window
                    self.dataWindow = DataWindow.DataWindow(

                    if DEBUG:
                        print self.dataWindow.GetSize()
                        print "Creating Video Window",

                    # Create the Video Window
                    self.videoWindow = VideoWindow.VideoWindow(
                    # Create the Transcript Window.  If on the Mac, include the Close button.

                    if DEBUG:
                        print self.videoWindow.GetSize()
                        print "Creating Transcript Window",

                    self.transcriptWindow = TranscriptionUI.TranscriptionUI(
                        includeClose=('wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo))
                    if DEBUG:
                        print self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetSize()
                        print "Creating Visualization Window",

                    # Create the Visualization Window
                    self.visualizationWindow = VisualizationWindow.VisualizationWindow(

                    if DEBUG:
                        print self.visualizationWindow.GetSize()
                        print "Creating Control Object"

                    # Create the Control Object and register all objects to be controlled with it
                    self.ControlObject = ControlObject()
                    # Set the active transcript
                    self.ControlObject.activeTranscript = 0

                    # Register the ControlObject with all other objects to be controlled

                    # Set the Application Top Window to the Menu Window (wxPython)

                    TransanaGlobal.resizingAll = True

                    if DEBUG:
                        print "Before Showing Windows:"
                        print "  menu:\t\t", TransanaGlobal.menuWindow.GetRect(
                        print "  visual:\t", self.visualizationWindow.GetRect()
                        print "  video:\t", self.videoWindow.GetRect()
                        print "  trans:\t", self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()
                        print "  data:\t\t", self.dataWindow.GetRect()

                        print 'Heights:', self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect(
                        )[1] + self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect(
                        )[3], self.dataWindow.GetRect(
                        )[1] + self.dataWindow.GetRect()[3]
                        if self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect(
                        )[1] + self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect(
                        )[3] > self.dataWindow.GetRect(
                        )[1] + self.dataWindow.GetRect()[3]:
                                                     self.dataWindow.GetRect()[3] + \
                                                       (self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()[1] + self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()[3] - (self.dataWindow.GetRect()[1] + self.dataWindow.GetRect()[3]))))
                            print "DataWindow Height Adjusted!"
                            print "  data:\t\t", self.dataWindow.GetRect()

                    # Show all Windows.

                    if DEBUG:
                        print "Showing Windows:"
                        print "  menu:", TransanaGlobal.menuWindow.GetRect()


                    if DEBUG:
                        print "  visualization:", self.visualizationWindow.GetRect(


                    if DEBUG:
                        print "  video:", self.videoWindow.GetRect(
                        ), self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()


                    if DEBUG:
                        print "  transcript:", self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect(
                        ), self.dataWindow.GetRect()


                    if DEBUG:
                        print "  data:", self.dataWindow.GetRect(
                        ), self.visualizationWindow.GetRect()

                    # Get the size and position of the Visualization Window
                    (x, y, w, h) = self.visualizationWindow.GetRect()

                    if DEBUG:
                        print "Call 3", 'Visualization', w + x

                    # Adjust the positions of all other windows to match the Visualization Window's initial position
                                                             w + x + 1,
                                                             YUpper=h + y + 1)

                    TransanaGlobal.resizingAll = False

                    loggedOn = True
                # If logon fails, inform user and offer to try again twice.
                elif logonCount <= 3:
                    # Check to see if we have an SSL failure caused by insufficient data
                    if (not TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion) and TransanaGlobal.configData.ssl and \
                       (TransanaGlobal.configData.sslClientCert == '' or TransanaGlobal.configData.sslClientKey == ''):
                        # If so, inform the user
                        prompt = _(
                            "The information on the SSL tab is required to establish an SSL connection to the database.\nWould you like to try again?"
                    # Otherwise ...
                        # ... give a generic message about logon failure.
                        prompt = _(
                            'Transana was unable to connect to the database.\nWould you like to try again?'
                    dlg = Dialogs.QuestionDialog(
                        TransanaGlobal.menuWindow, prompt,
                        _('Transana Database Connection'))
                    # If the user does not want to try again, set the counter to 4, which will cause the program to exit
                    if dlg.LocalShowModal() == wx.ID_NO:
                        logonCount = 4
                    # Clean up the Dialog Box

            # If we successfully logged in ...
            if loggedOn:
                # ... save the configuration data that got us in

            # if we're running the multi-user version of Transana and successfully connected to a database ...
            if not TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion and loggedOn:

                if DEBUG:
                    print "Need to connect to MessageServer"

                # ... connect to the Message Server Here
                TransanaGlobal.socketConnection = ChatWindow.ConnectToMessageServer(
                # If the connections fails ...
                if TransanaGlobal.socketConnection == None:
                    # ... signal that Transana should NOT start up!
                    loggedOn = False
                    # If Transana MU sits idle too long (30 - 60 minutes), people would sometimes get a
                    # "Connection to Database Lost" error message even though MySQL was set to maintain the
                    # connection for 8 hours.  To try to address this, we will set up a Timer that will run
                    # a simple query every 10 minutes to maintain the connection to the database.

                    # Create the Connection Timer
                    TransanaGlobal.connectionTimer = wx.Timer(self)
                    # Bind the timer to its event
                    self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer)
                    # Tell the timer to fire every 10 minutes.
                    # NOTE:  If changing this value, it also needs to be changed in the ControlObjectClass.GetNewDatabase() method.

                if DEBUG:
                    print "MessageServer connected!"

                # Check if the Database and Message Server are both using SSL and select the appropriate graphic
                                                and TransanaGlobal.chatIsSSL)

            # if this is the first time this user profile has used Transana ...
            if firstStartup and loggedOn:
                # ... create a prompt about looking at the Tutorial
                prompt = _(
                    'If this is your first time using Transana, the Transana Tutorial can help you learn how to use the program.'
                prompt += '\n\n' + _(
                    'Would you like to see the Transana Tutorial now?')
                # Display the Tutorial prompt in a Yes / No dialog
                tmpDlg = Dialogs.QuestionDialog(TransanaGlobal.menuWindow,
                # If the user says Yes ...
                if tmpDlg.LocalShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
                    # ... start the Tutorial
                    self.ControlObject.Help('Welcome to the Transana Tutorial')

            if DEBUG:
                print "Final Windows:"
                print "  menu:\t\t", TransanaGlobal.menuWindow.GetRect()
                print "  visual:\t", self.visualizationWindow.GetRect()
                print "  video:\t", self.videoWindow.GetRect()
                print "  trans:\t", self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()
                print "  data:\t\t", self.dataWindow.GetRect()

            loggedOn = False
            dlg = Dialogs.QuestionDialog(TransanaGlobal.menuWindow, msg,
                                         _('Transana Database Connection'))
            if dlg.LocalShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
                TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir = os.path.join(
            # Clean up the Dialog Box
        return loggedOn
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, title, data, dataLabels, size=(800, 700)):
        """ Create a BarChart.
               title        Title for the BarChart
               data         List of data values for the BarChart
               dataLabels   Matching list of data labels for the BarChart
            This module sizes the bitmap for a printed page by default. """
        def barXPos(x):
            """ Calculate the horizontal center for each bar in pixels """
            # numBars, barChartLeft, and barChartWidth are constants in the calling routine
            # Calculate the width of each bar
            barWidth = barChartWidth / numBars
            # Calculate the position of each bar
            barXPos = (float(x) /
                       numBars) * barChartWidth + barWidth / 2 + barChartLeft
            # Return the bar center position
            return barXPos

        def barHeight(x):
            """ Calculate the height of each bar in pixels """
            # data and barChartHeight are constants in the calling routine
            # Determine the size of the largest bar
            barMax = max(data)
            # Calculate the height of the bar value passed in
            barHeight = float(x) / barMax * barChartHeight
            # We return 95% of the height value to give the bar chart some white space at the top.
            return int(barHeight * 0.95)

        def verticalAxisValues(maxVal):
            """ Given the maximum value of the axis, determine what values should appear as axis labels.
                This method implements the 2-5-10 rule. """
            # Initialize a list of values to return
            values = []

            # Let's normalize the data as part of assigning axis labels
            # Initilaize the increment between axis label values
            increment = 1
            # Initialize the conversion factor for axis labels, used in handling large values
            convertFactor = 1
            # While our maxValue is over 100 ...
            while maxVal > 100:
                # ... reduce the maximum value by a factor of 10 ...
                maxVal /= 10
                # ... and increase our conversion factor by a factor of 10.
                convertFactor *= 10
            # If our normalized max value is over 50 ...
            if maxVal > 50:
                # ... increments of 10 will give us between 5 and 10 labels
                increment = 10
            # If our normalized max value is between 20 and 50 ...
            elif maxVal > 20:
                # ... increments of 5 will give us between 4 and 10 labels
                increment = 5
            # If our normalized max value is between 8 and 20 ...
            elif maxVal > 8:
                # ... increments of 2 will give us between 4 and 10 labels
                increment = 2
            # If our normalized max value is 8 or less ...
                # ... increments of 1 will five us between 1 and 8 labels.
                increment = 1

            # for values between 0 and our max value (plus 1 to include the mac value if a multiple of 10) space by increment ...
            for x in range(0, maxVal + 1, increment):
                # ... add the incremental value multiplied by the conversion factor to our list of axis labels
                values.append(x * convertFactor)
            # Return the list of axis labels
            return values

        # Get the Graphic Dimensions
        (imgWidth, imgHeight) = size

        # Create an empty bitmap
        self.bitmap = wx.EmptyBitmap(imgWidth, imgHeight)
        # Get the Device Context for that bitmap
        self.dc = wx.BufferedDC(None, self.bitmap)

        # The length of data is the number of bars we need
        numBars = len(data)

        # Determine the longest bar label
        # Define the label font size
        axisLabelFontSize = 11
        # Define a Font for axis labels
        font = wx.Font(axisLabelFontSize, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL,
                       wx.NORMAL, False)
        # Set the Font for the DC
        # Initize the max width variable
        maxWidth = 0
        # For each bar label ...
        for x in range(numBars):
            # ... determine the size of the label
            (txtWidth, txtHeight) = self.dc.GetTextExtent(dataLabels[x])
            # See if it's bigger than previous labels
            maxWidth = max(txtWidth, maxWidth)

        # Give a left margin of 70 pixels for the vertical axis labels
        barChartLeft = 70
        # The width of the bar chart will be the image width less the left margin and 25 pixels for right margin
        barChartWidth = imgWidth - barChartLeft - 25
        # Give a top margin of 50 pixels to have room for the chart title
        if title != '':
            barChartTop = 50
        # or 20 pixels if there is no title
            barChartTop = 20
        # Reserve almost HALF the image for bar labels.  (Transana uses LONG labels!)
        barChartHeight = max(imgHeight / 2,
                             imgHeight - maxWidth - barChartTop - 30)

        # Initialize a colorIndex to track what color to assign each bar
        colorIndx = 0
        # Define the colors to be used in the BarChart
        # If we're running stand-alone ...
        if __name__ == '__main__':
            # ... use generic colors
            colors = [
                '#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF', '#666600', '#FF00FF',
                '#00FFFF', '#440000', '#004400', '#000044'
            # There are no defined Colors for Keywords when running stand-alone
            colorsForKeywords = {}
        # If we're running inside Transana ...
            # ... import Transana's Global Values ...
            import TransanaGlobal
            # ... and use Transana's defined color scheme
            colorList = TransanaGlobal.getColorDefs(
            # Initialize the Colors list
            colors = []
            # Populate the colors list from Transana's defined colors
            for colorName, colorDef in colorList:
            # Get the color definitions for all keywords in Transana with defined colors
            colorsForKeywords = DBInterface.dict_of_keyword_colors()

        # Define a white brush as the DC Background
        self.dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush((255, 255, 255)))
        # Clear the Image (uses the Brush)

        # Draw a border around the whole bitmap
        # Set the DC Pen
        self.dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((0, 0, 0), 2, wx.SOLID))
        # Draw an outline around the whole graphic
        self.dc.DrawRectangle(1, 1, imgWidth - 1, imgHeight - 1)

        # Place the Title on the DC
        # Define a Font
        font = wx.Font(18, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False)
        # Set the Font for the DC
        # Set the Text Foreground Color to Black
        self.dc.SetTextForeground(wx.Colour(0, 0, 0))
        # Determine the size of the title text
        (titleWidth, titleHeight) = self.dc.GetTextExtent(title)
        # Add the Title to the Memory DC (and therefore the bitmap)
        self.dc.DrawText(title, imgWidth / 2 - titleWidth / 2, 10)

        # Define a Font for axis labels
        font = wx.Font(axisLabelFontSize, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL,
                       wx.NORMAL, False)
        # Set the Font for the DC

        # Draw Axes
        # Draw an outline around the Bar Chart area with just a little extra width so it looks better
        self.dc.DrawRectangle(barChartLeft - 3, barChartTop, barChartWidth + 6,
        # Get the values that should be used for the vertical axis labels
        axisValues = verticalAxisValues(max(data))
        # For each axis label ...
        for x in axisValues:
            # ... draw a pip at the value
            self.dc.DrawLine(barChartLeft - 8,
                             barChartTop + barChartHeight - barHeight(x) - 1,
                             barChartLeft - 3,
                             barChartTop + barChartHeight - barHeight(x) - 1)
            # Convert the axis value to right-justified text
            axisLbl = "%10d" % x
            # Determine the size of the axis label
            (txtWidth, txtHeight) = self.dc.GetTextExtent(axisLbl)
            # Add the text to the drawing at just the right position
                axisLbl, barChartLeft - txtWidth - 13,
                barChartTop + barChartHeight - barHeight(x) - txtHeight / 2)

        # For each bar in the bar chart ...
        for x in range(numBars):
            # ... draw the pips for the bar labels
            self.dc.DrawLine(barXPos(x), barChartTop + barChartHeight,
                             barXPos(x), barChartTop + barChartHeight + 3)

            # If there's a color defined for the Keyword ...
            if dataLabels[x] in colorsForKeywords.keys():
                # ... use that color
                color = colorsForKeywords[dataLabels[x]]['colorDef']
            # If there's no color defined ...
                # ... use the next color from the color list
                color = colors[colorIndx]
                # Increment or reset the color index
                if colorIndx >= len(colors) - 1:
                    colorIndx = 0
                    colorIndx += 1

            # Label the bars
            # Set the Text Foreground Color
            # Get the size of the bar label
            (txtWidth, txtHeight) = self.dc.GetTextExtent(dataLabels[x])
            # Add the bar label to the bar chart
                                    barXPos(x) + (txtHeight / 2),
                                    barChartTop + barChartHeight + 10, 270)
            # Calculate bar width as 80% of the width a bar would be with no whitespace between bars
            barWidth = float(barChartWidth) / numBars * 0.8
            # Set the Brush color to the color to be used for the bar
            # Draw the actual bar.  3 extra points compensates for the line thickness.
                barXPos(x) - barWidth / 2 + 1,
                barChartTop + barChartHeight - barHeight(data[x]) - 3,
                barHeight(data[x]) + 3)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def OnInit(self):
        """ Initialize the application """
        # If we have a Workshop Version, see if the version is still valid, report to the user and exit if not.
        # NOTE:  This code just provides a user message and clean exit.  Transana will still be disabled if this
        # code is removed.  (This code is user-accessible on OS X!)
        if TransanaConstants.workshopVersion:
            import datetime

            t1 = TransanaConstants.startdate
            t2 = TransanaConstants.expirationdate
            t3 = time.localtime()
            t4 = datetime.datetime(t3[0], t3[1], t3[2], t3[3], t3[4])
            if (t1 > t4) or (t2 < t4):
                dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(None, "This copy of Transana is no longer valid.")
                return False
        # In wxPython, you used to be able to initialize the ConfigData object in the TransanaGlobal module, even though the
        # wx.App() hadn't been initialized yet.  Moving from wxPython 2.8.1 to wxPython 2.8.9, this stopped being true
        # at least on the Mac.  Therefore, we moved creation of the ConfigData object to here in the code.
        # However, there are MANY references to ConfigData being in the TransanaGlobal module, so that's where we'll keep it.
        TransanaGlobal.configData = ConfigData.ConfigData()
        # If we are running from a BUILD instead of source code ...
        if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):  #  or ('wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo):
            # See if the Default Profile Path exists.  If not ...
            if not os.path.exists(TransanaGlobal.configData.GetDefaultProfilePath()):
                # ... then create it (recursively).
            # Build the path for the error log
            path = os.path.join(TransanaGlobal.configData.GetDefaultProfilePath(), "Transana_Error.log")
            # redirect output to the error log
            # Put a startup indicator in the Error Log
            print "Transana started:", time.asctime()

        # If no Language is defined ...
        if TransanaGlobal.configData.language == "":
            # ... then we know this is the first startup for this user profile.  Remember that!
            firstStartup = True
        # If language is known ...
            # ... then it's NOT first time startup.
            firstStartup = False

        # Now that we've loaded the Configuration Data, we can see if we need to alter the default encoding
        # If we're on Windows, single-user, using Russian, use KOI8r encoding instead of Latin-1,
        # Chinese uses big5, Japanese uses cp932, and Korean uses cp949
        ##        if ('wxMSW' in wx.PlatformInfo) and (TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion):
        ##            if (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'ru'):
        ##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = 'koi8_r'
        ##            elif (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'zh'):
        ##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = TransanaConstants.chineseEncoding
        ##            elif (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'el'):
        ##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = 'iso8859_7'
        ##            elif (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'ja'):
        ##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = 'cp932'
        ##            elif (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'ko'):
        ##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = 'cp949'

        # Use UTF-8 Encoding throughout Transana to allow maximum internationalization
        if ("unicode" in wx.PlatformInfo) and (wx.VERSION_STRING >= "2.6"):

        # On OS/X, change the working directory to the directory the script is
        # running from, this is necessary for running from a bundle.
        if "__WXMAC__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
            if TransanaGlobal.programDir != "":

        import MenuWindow  # import Menu Window Object

        sys.excepthook = transana_excepthook  # Define the system exception handler

        # First, determine the program name that should be displayed, single or multi-user
        if TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            if TransanaConstants.proVersion:
                programTitle = _("Transana - Professional")
                programTitle = _("Transana - Standard")
            programTitle = _("Transana - Multiuser")
        # Ammend the program title for the Demo version if appropriate
        if TransanaConstants.demoVersion:
            programTitle += _(" - Demonstration")
        # Create the Menu Window
        TransanaGlobal.menuWindow = MenuWindow.MenuWindow(None, -1, programTitle)

        # Create the global transana graphics colors, once the ConfigData object exists.
        TransanaGlobal.transana_graphicsColorList = TransanaGlobal.getColorDefs(
        # Set essential global color manipulation data structures once the ConfigData object exists.
        ) = TransanaGlobal.SetColorVariables()

        # Add the RTF modules to the Python module search path.  This allows
        # us to import from a directory other than the standard search paths
        # and the current directory/subdirectories.

        # Load the Splash Screen graphic
        bitmap = TransanaImages.splash.GetBitmap()

        # We need to draw the Version Number onto the Splash Screen Graphic.
        # First, create a Memory DC
        memoryDC = wx.MemoryDC()
        # Select the bitmap into the Memory DC
        # Build the Version label
        if TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            if TransanaConstants.labVersion:
                versionLbl = _("Computer Lab Version")
            elif TransanaConstants.demoVersion:
                versionLbl = _("Demonstration Version")
            elif TransanaConstants.workshopVersion:
                versionLbl = _("Workshop Version")
                if TransanaConstants.proVersion:
                    versionLbl = _("Professional Version")
                    versionLbl = _("Standard Version")
            versionLbl = _("Multi-user Version")
        versionLbl += " %s"
        # Determine the size of the version text
        (verWidth, verHeight) = memoryDC.GetTextExtent(versionLbl % TransanaConstants.versionNumber)
        # Add the Version Number text to the Memory DC (and therefore the bitmap)
        memoryDC.DrawText(versionLbl % TransanaConstants.versionNumber, 370 - verWidth, 156)
        # Clear the bitmap from the Memory DC, thus freeing it to be displayed!
        memoryDC.SelectObject(wx.EmptyBitmap(10, 10))
        # If the Splash Screen Graphic exists, display the Splash Screen for 4 seconds.
        # If not, raise an exception.
        if bitmap:
            # Mac requires a different style, as "STAY_ON_TOP" adds a header to the Splash Screen
            if "__WXMAC__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
                splashStyle = wx.SIMPLE_BORDER
                splashStyle = wx.SIMPLE_BORDER | wx.STAY_ON_TOP
            # If we have a Right-To-Left language ...
            if TransanaGlobal.configData.LayoutDirection == wx.Layout_RightToLeft:
                # ... we need to reverse the image direcion
                bitmap = bitmap.ConvertToImage().Mirror().ConvertToBitmap()

            splashPosition = wx.DefaultPosition

            ## This doesn't work.  I have not been able to put the Splash Screen anywhere but on the Center of
            ## Monitor 0 (with wx.SPASH_CENTER_ON_SCREEN) or the upper left corner of Monitor 0 (without it).  Bummer.

            ##            # Get the Size and Position for the PRIMARY screen
            ##            (x1, y1, w1, h1) = wx.Display(TransanaGlobal.configData.primaryScreen).GetClientArea()
            ##            (x2, y2) = bitmap.GetSize()
            ##            splashPosition = (int(float(w1) / 2.0) + x1 - int(float(x2) / 2.0),
            ##                              int(float(h1) / 2.0) + y1 - int(float(y2) / 2.0))
            ##            print "Splash Screen Position:"
            ##            print TransanaGlobal.configData.primaryScreen
            ##            print x1, y1, w1, h1
            ##            print x2, y2
            ##            print splashPosition
            ##            print

            # Create the SplashScreen object
            splash = wx.SplashScreen(
            raise ImageLoadError, _("Unable to load Transana's splash screen image.  Installation error?")


        if DEBUG:
            print "Number of Monitors:", wx.Display.GetCount()
            for x in range(wx.Display.GetCount()):
                print "  ", x, wx.Display(x).IsPrimary(), wx.Display(x).GetGeometry(), wx.Display(x).GetClientArea()

        import DataWindow  # import Data Window Object
        import VideoWindow  # import Video Window Object

        # import Transcript Window Object
        if TransanaConstants.USESRTC:
            import TranscriptionUI_RTC as TranscriptionUI
            import TranscriptionUI
        import VisualizationWindow  # import Visualization Window Object
        import exceptions  # import exception handler (Python)

        # if we're running the multi-user version of Transana ...
        if not TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            # ... import the Transana ChatWindow module
            import ChatWindow

        # Initialize all main application Window Objects

        # If we're running the Lab version OR we're on the Mac ...
        if TransanaConstants.labVersion or ("wxMac" in wx.PlatformInfo):
            # ... then pausing for 4 seconds delays the appearance of the Lab initial configuration dialog
            # or the Mac version login / database dialog until the Splash screen closes.
        # If we are running the Lab version ...
        if TransanaConstants.labVersion:
            # ... we want an initial configuration screen.  Start by importing Transana's Option Settings dialog
            import OptionsSettings

            # Initialize all paths to BLANK for the lab version
            TransanaGlobal.configData.videoPath = ""
            TransanaGlobal.configData.visualizationPath = ""
            TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir = ""
            # Create the config dialog for the Lab initial configuration
            options = OptionsSettings.OptionsSettings(TransanaGlobal.menuWindow, lab=True)
            # If the databaseDir is blank, user pressed CANCEL ...
            if TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir == "":
                # ... and we should quit immediately, signalling failure
                return False

        # initialze a variable indicating database connection to False (assume the worst.)
        connectionEstablished = False

        # Let's trap the situation where the database folder is not available.
            # Start MySQL if using the embedded version
            if TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            # If we get here, we've been successful!  (NOTE that MU merely changes our default from False to True!)
            connectionEstablished = True
            if DEBUG:
                import traceback

                print sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]

            msg = _(
                'Transana is unable to access any Database at "%s".\nPlease check to see if this path is available.'
            if not TransanaConstants.labVersion:
                msg += "\n" + _("Would you like to restore the default Database path?")
            if ("unicode" in wx.PlatformInfo) and isinstance(msg, str):
                msg = unicode(msg, "utf8")
            msg = msg % TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir
            if TransanaConstants.labVersion:
                dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(None, msg)
                return False

        # If we're on the Single-user version for Windows ...
        if TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            # ... determine the file name for the data conversion information pickle file
            fs = os.path.join(TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir, "260_300_Convert.pkl")
            # If there is data in mid-conversion ...
            if os.path.exists(fs):
                # ... get the conversion data from the Pickle File
                f = file(fs, "r")
                # exportedDBs is a dictionary containing the Transana-XML file name and the encoding of each DB to be imported
                self.exportedDBs = pickle.load(f)
                # Close the pickle file

                # Prompt the user about importing the converted data
                prompt = unicode(
                        "Transana has detected one or more databases ready for conversion.\nDo you want to convert those databases now?"
                tmpDlg = Dialogs.QuestionDialog(TransanaGlobal.menuWindow, prompt, _("Database Conversion"))
                result = tmpDlg.LocalShowModal()

                # If the user wants to do the conversion now ...
                if result == wx.ID_YES:
                    # ... import Transana's XML Import code
                    import XMLImport

                    # Before we go further, let's make sure none of the conversion files have ALREADY been imported!
                    # The 2.42 to 2.50 Data Conversion Utility shouldn't allow this, but it doesn't hurt to check.
                    # Iterate through the conversion data
                    for key in self.exportedDBs:
                        # Determine the file path for the converted database
                        newDBPath = os.path.join(TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir, key + ".db")
                        # If the converted database ALREADY EXISTS ...
                        if os.path.exists(newDBPath):
                            # ... create an error message
                            prompt = unicode(
                                _('Database "%s" already exists.\nDatabase "%s" cannot be converted at this time.'),
                            # ... display an error message
                            tmpDlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(None, prompt % (key, key))
                        # If the converted database does NOT exist ...
                            if "wxMac" in wx.PlatformInfo:
                                prompt = _(
                                    'Converting "%s"\nThis process may take a long time, depending on how much data this database contains.\nWe cannot provide progress feedback on OS X.  Please be patient.'
                                progWarn = Dialogs.PopupDialog(None, _("Converting Databases"), prompt % key)
                            # Create the Import Database, passing the database name so the user won't be prompted for one.
                            DBInterface.establish_db_exists(dbToOpen=key, usePrompt=False)

                            # Import the database.
                            # First, create an Import Database dialog, but don't SHOW it.
                            temp = XMLImport.XMLImport(
                                _("Transana XML Import"),
                            # ... Import the requested data!
                            # Close the Import Database dialog

                            if "wxMac" in wx.PlatformInfo:
                                progWarn = None

                            # Close the database that was just imported
                            # Clear the current database name from the Config data
                            TransanaGlobal.configData.database = ""
                            # If we do NOT have a localhost key (which Lab version does not!) ...
                            if not TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseList.has_key("localhost"):
                                # ... let's create one so we can pass the converted database name!
                                TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseList["localhost"] = {}
                                TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseList["localhost"]["dbList"] = []
                            # Update the database name
                            TransanaGlobal.configData.database = key
                            # Add the new (converted) database name to the database list
                            # Start exception handling
                                # If we're NOT in the lab version of Transana ...
                                if not TransanaConstants.labVersion:

                                    # This is harder than it should be because of a combination of encoding and case-changing issues.
                                    # Let's iterate through the Version 2.5 "paths by database" config data
                                    for key2 in TransanaGlobal.configData.pathsByDB2.keys():
                                        # If we have a LOCAL database with a matching key to the database being imported ...
                                        if (
                                            (key2[0] == "")
                                            and (key2[1] == "localhost")
                                            and (key2[2].decode("utf8").lower() == key)
                                            # Add the unconverted database's PATH values to the CONVERTED database's configuration!
                                                ("", "localhost", key.encode("utf8"))
                                            ] = {
                                                "visualizationPath": TransanaGlobal.configData.pathsByDB2[key2][
                                                "videoPath": TransanaGlobal.configData.pathsByDB2[key2]["videoPath"],
                                            # ... and we can stop looking

                                # Save the altered configuration data
                            # The Computer Lab version sometimes throws a KeyError
                            except exceptions.KeyError:
                                # If this comes up, we can ignore it.

                # Delete the Import File Information

                if DEBUG:
                    print "Done importing Files"

        # We can only continue if we initialized the database OR are running MU.
        if connectionEstablished:
            # If a new database login fails three times, we need to close the program.
            # Initialize a counter to track that.
            logonCount = 1
            # Flag if Logon succeeds
            loggedOn = False
            # Keep trying for three tries or until successful
            while (logonCount <= 3) and (not loggedOn):
                logonCount += 1
                # Confirm the existence of the DB Tables, creating them if needed.
                # This method also calls the Username and Password Dialog if needed.
                # NOTE:  The Menu Window must be created first to server as a parent for the Username and Password Dialog
                #        called up by DBInterface.
                if DBInterface.establish_db_exists():

                    if DEBUG:
                        print "Creating Data Window",

                    # Create the Data Window
                    # Data Window creation causes Username and Password Dialog to be displayed,
                    # so it should be created before the Video Window
                    self.dataWindow = DataWindow.DataWindow(TransanaGlobal.menuWindow)

                    if DEBUG:
                        print self.dataWindow.GetSize()
                        print "Creating Video Window",

                    # Create the Video Window
                    self.videoWindow = VideoWindow.VideoWindow(TransanaGlobal.menuWindow)
                    # Create the Transcript Window.  If on the Mac, include the Close button.

                    if DEBUG:
                        print self.videoWindow.GetSize()
                        print "Creating Transcript Window",

                    self.transcriptWindow = TranscriptionUI.TranscriptionUI(
                        TransanaGlobal.menuWindow, includeClose=("wxMac" in wx.PlatformInfo)
                    if DEBUG:
                        print self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetSize()
                        print "Creating Visualization Window",

                    # Create the Visualization Window
                    self.visualizationWindow = VisualizationWindow.VisualizationWindow(TransanaGlobal.menuWindow)

                    if DEBUG:
                        print self.visualizationWindow.GetSize()
                        print "Creating Control Object"

                    # Create the Control Object and register all objects to be controlled with it
                    self.ControlObject = ControlObject()
                    # Set the active transcript
                    self.ControlObject.activeTranscript = 0

                    # Register the ControlObject with all other objects to be controlled

                    # Set the Application Top Window to the Menu Window (wxPython)

                    TransanaGlobal.resizingAll = True

                    if DEBUG:
                        print "Before Showing Windows:"
                        print "  menu:\t\t", TransanaGlobal.menuWindow.GetRect()
                        print "  visual:\t", self.visualizationWindow.GetRect()
                        print "  video:\t", self.videoWindow.GetRect()
                        print "  trans:\t", self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()
                        print "  data:\t\t", self.dataWindow.GetRect()

                        print "Heights:", self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()[1] + self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()[
                        ], self.dataWindow.GetRect()[1] + self.dataWindow.GetRect()[3]
                        if (
                            self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()[1] + self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()[3]
                            > self.dataWindow.GetRect()[1] + self.dataWindow.GetRect()[3]
                                    + (
                                        + self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()[3]
                                        - (self.dataWindow.GetRect()[1] + self.dataWindow.GetRect()[3])
                            print "DataWindow Height Adjusted!"
                            print "  data:\t\t", self.dataWindow.GetRect()

                    # Show all Windows.

                    if DEBUG:
                        print "Showing Windows:"
                        print "  menu:", TransanaGlobal.menuWindow.GetRect()


                    if DEBUG:
                        print "  visualization:", self.visualizationWindow.GetRect()


                    if DEBUG:
                        print "  video:", self.videoWindow.GetRect(), self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()


                    if DEBUG:
                        print "  transcript:", self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect(), self.dataWindow.GetRect()


                    if DEBUG:
                        print "  data:", self.dataWindow.GetRect(), self.visualizationWindow.GetRect()

                    # Get the size and position of the Visualization Window
                    (x, y, w, h) = self.visualizationWindow.GetRect()

                    if DEBUG:
                        print "Call 3", "Visualization", w + x

                    # Adjust the positions of all other windows to match the Visualization Window's initial position
                    self.ControlObject.UpdateWindowPositions("Visualization", w + x, YUpper=h + y)

                    TransanaGlobal.resizingAll = False

                    loggedOn = True
                # If logon fails, inform user and offer to try again twice.
                elif logonCount <= 3:
                    # Check to see if we have an SSL failure caused by insufficient data
                    if (
                        (not TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion)
                        and TransanaGlobal.configData.ssl
                        and (
                            TransanaGlobal.configData.sslClientCert == ""
                            or TransanaGlobal.configData.sslClientKey == ""
                        # If so, inform the user
                        prompt = _(
                            "The information on the SSL tab is required to establish an SSL connection to the database.\nWould you like to try again?"
                    # Otherwise ...
                        # ... give a generic message about logon failure.
                        prompt = _("Transana was unable to connect to the database.\nWould you like to try again?")
                    dlg = Dialogs.QuestionDialog(TransanaGlobal.menuWindow, prompt, _("Transana Database Connection"))
                    # If the user does not want to try again, set the counter to 4, which will cause the program to exit
                    if dlg.LocalShowModal() == wx.ID_NO:
                        logonCount = 4
                    # Clean up the Dialog Box

            # If we successfully logged in ...
            if loggedOn:
                # ... save the configuration data that got us in

            # if we're running the multi-user version of Transana and successfully connected to a database ...
            if not TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion and loggedOn:

                if DEBUG:
                    print "Need to connect to MessageServer"

                # ... connect to the Message Server Here
                TransanaGlobal.socketConnection = ChatWindow.ConnectToMessageServer()
                # If the connections fails ...
                if TransanaGlobal.socketConnection == None:
                    # ... signal that Transana should NOT start up!
                    loggedOn = False
                    # If Transana MU sits idle too long (30 - 60 minutes), people would sometimes get a
                    # "Connection to Database Lost" error message even though MySQL was set to maintain the
                    # connection for 8 hours.  To try to address this, we will set up a Timer that will run
                    # a simple query every 10 minutes to maintain the connection to the database.

                    # Create the Connection Timer
                    TransanaGlobal.connectionTimer = wx.Timer(self)
                    # Bind the timer to its event
                    self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer)
                    # Tell the timer to fire every 10 minutes.
                    # NOTE:  If changing this value, it also needs to be changed in the ControlObjectClass.GetNewDatabase() method.

                if DEBUG:
                    print "MessageServer connected!"

                # Check if the Database and Message Server are both using SSL and select the appropriate graphic
                self.dataWindow.UpdateSSLStatus(TransanaGlobal.configData.ssl and TransanaGlobal.chatIsSSL)

            # if this is the first time this user profile has used Transana ...
            if firstStartup and loggedOn:
                # ... create a prompt about looking at the Tutorial
                prompt = _(
                    "If this is your first time using Transana, the Transana Tutorial can help you learn how to use the program."
                prompt += "\n\n" + _("Would you like to see the Transana Tutorial now?")
                # Display the Tutorial prompt in a Yes / No dialog
                tmpDlg = Dialogs.QuestionDialog(TransanaGlobal.menuWindow, prompt)
                # If the user says Yes ...
                if tmpDlg.LocalShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
                    # ... start the Tutorial
                    self.ControlObject.Help("Welcome to the Transana Tutorial")

            if DEBUG:
                print "Final Windows:"
                print "  menu:\t\t", TransanaGlobal.menuWindow.GetRect()
                print "  visual:\t", self.visualizationWindow.GetRect()
                print "  video:\t", self.videoWindow.GetRect()
                print "  trans:\t", self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()
                print "  data:\t\t", self.dataWindow.GetRect()

            loggedOn = False
            dlg = Dialogs.QuestionDialog(TransanaGlobal.menuWindow, msg, _("Transana Database Connection"))
            if dlg.LocalShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
                TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir = os.path.join(
                    TransanaGlobal.configData.GetDefaultProfilePath(), "databases"
            # Clean up the Dialog Box
        return loggedOn
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def plot(self, title, data, dataLabels):
        """ Create a BarChart.
               title        Title for the BarChart
               data         List of data values for the BarChart
               dataLabels   Matching list of data labels for the BarChart
            This module limits the BarChart to 15 bars max. """
        # Clear the Figure (in case we use the same BarChartGraphic to create multiple BarCharts)
        # The length of data is the number of bars we need
        numBars = len(data)
        # Define the colors to be used in the BarChart
        # If we're running stand-alone ...
        if __name__ == '__main__':
            # ... use generic colors
            colors = [
                '#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF', '#666600', '#FF00FF',
                '#00FFFF', '#440000', '#004400', '#000044'
            #            colors = [(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0.5, 0.5, 0), (1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1)]
            # There are no Colors for Keywords when running stand-alone
            colorsForKeywords = {}
        # If we're running inside Transana ...
            # ... import Transana's Global Values ...
            import TransanaGlobal
            # ... and use Transana's defined color scheme
            colorList = TransanaGlobal.getColorDefs(
            # Initialize the Colors list
            colors = []
            # Populate the colors list.
            for colorName, colorDef in colorList:
                # MatPlotLib uses a 0 .. 1 scale rather than a 0 .. 255 scale for RGB colors!
                colors.append((colorDef[0] / 255.0, colorDef[1] / 255.0,
                               colorDef[2] / 255.0))
            # Get the color definitions for all keywords in Transana
            colorsForKeywords = DBInterface.dict_of_keyword_colors()

        # If we have more data points that will fit, we should truncate the number of bars
        maxBars = 30
        if numBars > maxBars:
            # Reduce data to the first 15 points
            data = data[:maxBars]
            # Reduce the data labels to the first 15 labels
            dataLabels = dataLabels[:maxBars]
            # Reduce the number of bars to be displayed to maxBars
            numBars = maxBars
        # X values for the bars are simple integers for bar number
        xValues = range(numBars)
        # Set the bar width to allow space between bars
        width = .85

        # Create a MatPlotLib SubPlot
        ax = self.figure.add_subplot(111)
        # Define the BarChart Bars in the figure
        rects1 = ax.bar(xValues, data, width)

        # Add the Chart Title
        # If we're running stand-alone ...
        if __name__ == '__main__':
            # Add the Y axis label
            # Add the Y axis label
        # Set X axis tick marks for each bar
        # Add the bar labels
        lbls = ax.set_xticklabels(dataLabels, rotation=90)  # 35  65

        # Initialize the color list position indicator
        colorIndx = 0
        # For each bar ...
        for x in range(numBars):
            # If there's a color defined for the Keyword ...
            if dataLabels[x] in colorsForKeywords.keys():
                # ... use that color
                color = colorsForKeywords[dataLabels[x]]['colorDef']
            # If there's no color defined ...
                # ... use the next color from the color list
                color = colors[colorIndx]
                # Increment or reset the color index
                if colorIndx >= len(colors) - 1:
                    colorIndx = 0
                    colorIndx += 1
            # ... define the bar color
            # ... make the label color match the bar color
        # Give the graph small inside margins
        # Adjust the bottom margin to make room for bar labels
        plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.5)  # 0.2  0.4
        # Draw the BarChart
        # Copy the BarChart to the Clipboard
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, parent, id, title):


        self.presLan_en = gettext.translation("Transana", "locale", languages=["en"])
        lang = wx.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH
        self.locale = wx.Locale(lang)

        # Define the Configuration Data
        TransanaGlobal.configData = ConfigData.ConfigData()
        # Create the global transana graphics colors, once the ConfigData object exists.
        TransanaGlobal.transana_graphicsColorList = TransanaGlobal.getColorDefs(
        # Set essential global color manipulation data structures once the ConfigData object exists.
        ) = TransanaGlobal.SetColorVariables()
        TransanaGlobal.configData.videoPath = "C:\\Users\\DavidWoods\\Videos"

        TransanaGlobal.menuWindow = MenuWindow.MenuWindow(None, -1, title)

        self.ControlObject = ControlObjectClass.ControlObject()

            self, parent, -1, title, size=(800, 600), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE
        self.testsRun = 0
        self.testsSuccessful = 0
        self.testsFailed = 0

        mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

        self.txtCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "Unit Test:  SSL\n\n", style=wx.TE_LEFT | wx.TE_MULTILINE)
            "Transana Version:  %s\nsingleUserVersion:  %s\n"
            % (TransanaConstants.versionNumber, TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion)

        mainSizer.Add(self.txtCtrl, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5)

        # Status Bar
            print sys.exc_info()[0]
            print sys.exc_info()[1]

        if TransanaConstants.DBInstalled in ["MySQLdb-embedded"]:
