def create_application(self, name=None, voiceUrl=None, messagingUrl=None, platform=None, partition=None, request_format=None):
     Create a new Application
     @param name            The name of the application
     @param voiceUrl        The name of the application
     @param messagingUrl    The name of the application
     @param platform        The name of the application
     @param partition       The name of the application
     @return: String application       The ID of the new application created if request-type is JSON. Full response with application url otherwise.
     # if(name is None and voiceUrl is None and messagingUrl is None and platform is None and partition is None):
     #    return "Create Application failed as none of the field is set"
     if(request_format is not None):
         self.requestType = request_format
     resource = self.url + "applications" 
     if self.requestType == data_format.JSON:
         postBody = {"name": name, "voiceUrl": voiceUrl, "messagingUrl": messagingUrl, "platform": platform, "partition": partition}
         response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
     elif self.requestType == data_format.XML:
         postBody = "<application><name>%s</name><voiceurl>%s</voiceurl><messagingurl>%s</messagingurl><platform>%s</platform><partition>%s</partition></application>" % (name, voiceUrl, messagingUrl, platform, partition)
         response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
     elif self.requestType == data_format.FORM_ENCODED:
         postBody = "name=%s&voiceURL=%s&messagingURL=%s&platform=%s&partition=%s" % (name, voiceUrl, messagingUrl, platform, partition)
         response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
         return "Create Application failed."
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseCode = %s" % response[u'responseCode'])
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseValue = %s" % response[u'responseValue'])   
     if (response[u'responseCode'] == 200):
         if(self.requestType == data_format.JSON):
             result = response[u'responseValue'][u'href'].rpartition('/')[2]
             result = response[u'responseValue']
         return result
         return "Create Application failed with the following reason: (Error Code = %s) (Error msg = %s)" % (response[u'responseCode'], response[u'responseValue'])
 def get_all_available_prefixes_for_account(self, prefix, request_format=None):
     Get all the available prefixes for the account
     @return: string response         The response from the REST API call
     if(prefix is None):
         return "Prefix is not set. Please set it and try again!"
     if(request_format is not None):
         self.requestType = request_format
     resource = self.url + "addresses?available&prefix=" + prefix
     response = TropoConnect.doGET(self.userName, self.password, resource, self.requestType)
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseCode = %s" % response[u'responseCode'])
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseValue = %s" % response[u'responseValue'])   
     if (response[u'responseCode'] == 200):
         if(self.requestType == data_format.JSON):
             result = response[u'responseValue']
             return result               # returns a list
             result = response[u'responseValue']
         return result
         return "Getting All Available Prefixes failed with the following reason: (Error Code = %s) (Error msg = %s)" % (response[u'responseCode'], response[u'responseValue'])
 def get_all_available_exchanges_for_account(self, request_format=None):
     Get all the exchanges associated with the account
     @return: List response         The list of all the exchanges
     if(request_format is not None):
         self.requestType = request_format
     resource = self.url + "exchanges"
     response = TropoConnect.doGET(self.userName, self.password, resource, self.requestType)
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseCode = %s" % response[u'responseCode'])
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseValue = %s" % response[u'responseValue'])   
     if (response[u'responseCode'] == 200):
         if(self.requestType == data_format.JSON):
             result = response[u'responseValue']
             return result               # returns a list
             result = response[u'responseValue']
         return result
         return "Getting All Available Exchanges failed with the following reason: (Error Code = %s) (Error msg = %s)" % (response[u'responseCode'], response[u'responseValue'])
 def get_application_addresses(self, applicationId, request_format=None):
     Get all the Application's addresses associated with it
     @param applicationId           The ID of the application 
     @return: List response         The list of all the addresses associated with an application
     if(request_format is not None):
         self.requestType = request_format
     resource = self.url + "applications/" + applicationId + "/addresses"
     response = TropoConnect.doGET(self.userName, self.password, resource, self.requestType)
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseCode = %s" % response[u'responseCode'])
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseValue = %s" % response[u'responseValue'])   
     if (response[u'responseCode'] == 200):
         if(self.requestType == data_format.JSON):
             result = response[u'responseValue']
             return result               # returns a list
             result = response[u'responseValue']
         return result
         return "Getting Application Addresses failed with the following reason: (Error Code = %s) (Error msg = %s)" % (response[u'responseCode'], response[u'responseValue'])
 def delete_address(self, applicationID, addressType, addressValue, request_format=None):
     Delete an address from the Application
     @param applicationId       The ID of the application from which the address has to be deleted
     @param addressType         The type of the address to be deleted
     @param addressValue        The value of the address to be deleted
     @return: response         The response message
     if(request_format is not None):
         self.requestType = request_format
     resource = self.url + "applications/" + applicationID + "/addresses/" + addressType + "/" + addressValue
     response = TropoConnect.doDELETE(self.userName, self.password, resource, self.requestType)
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseCode = %s" % response[u'responseCode'])
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseValue = %s" % response[u'responseValue'])   
     if (response[u'responseCode'] == 200):
         if(self.requestType == data_format.JSON):
             result = response[u'responseValue'][u'message']
             result = response[u'responseValue']
         return result
         return "Delete Address failed with the following reason: (Error Code = %s) (Error msg = %s)" % (response[u'responseCode'], response[u'responseValue'])
 def update_application(self, applicationId, name=None, platform=None, partition=None, request_format=None):
     Update the Application
     @param applicationId        The ID of the application which has to be updated
     @param name                 The name of the application
     @param platform             The platform of the application
     @param partition            The partition of the application
     @return: response         The applicationID if headers is JSON. Full response body otherwise.
     if(request_format is not None):
         self.requestType = request_format
     if(name is None and platform is None and partition is None):
         return "At least one of the parameter (name, platform, partition) needs to be set."
     resource = self.url + "applications/" + applicationId 
     if self.requestType == data_format.JSON:
         postBody = {"name": name, "platform": platform, "partition": partition}
         response = TropoConnect.doPUT(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
     elif self.requestType == data_format.XML:
         postBody = "<application><name>%s</name><platform>%s</platform><partition>%s</partition></application>" % (name, platform, partition)
         response = TropoConnect.doPUT(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
     elif self.requestType == data_format.FORM_ENCODED:
         postBody = "name=%s&platform=%s&partition=%s" % (name, platform, partition) 
         response = TropoConnect.doPUT(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
         return "Bad request type."
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseCode = %s" % response[u'responseCode'])
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseValue = %s" % response[u'responseValue'])   
     if (response[u'responseCode'] == 200):
         if(self.requestType == data_format.JSON):
             result = response[u'responseValue'][u'href'].rpartition('/')[2]
             result = response[u'responseValue']
         return result
         return "Update Application failed with the following reason: (Error Code = %s) (Error msg = %s)" % (response[u'responseCode'], response[u'responseValue'])
 def add_IM_account(self, applicationId, accountType, username, password, request_format=None):
     Add an IM account (Gmail / AIM / Yahoo etc) to the Application
     @param applicationId       The ID of the application to which the IM account has to be added
     @param accountType         The type of the IM account that needs to be added
     @param username            The username of that IM account
     @param password            The password to that IM account
     @return: response          The URL of the IM account added
     if(request_format is not None):
         self.requestType = request_format
     resource = self.url + "applications/" + applicationId + "/addresses"
     if self.requestType == data_format.JSON:
         postBody = {"type":accountType, "username":username, "password":password}
         response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
     elif self.requestType == data_format.XML:
         postBody = "<address><type>%s</type><username>%s</username><password>%s</password></address>" % (accountType, username, password)
         response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
     elif self.requestType == data_format.FORM_ENCODED:
         postBody = "type=%s&username=%s&password=%s" % (accountType, username, password) 
         response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
         return "Bad request type."
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseCode = %s" % response[u'responseCode'])
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseValue = %s" % response[u'responseValue'])   
     if (response[u'responseCode'] == 200):
         if(self.requestType == data_format.JSON):
             result = response[u'responseValue'][u'href']
             result = response[u'responseValue']
         return result
         return "Add IM Account failed with the following reason: (Error Code = %s) (Error msg = %s)" % (response[u'responseCode'], response[u'responseValue'])
 def add_voice_token(self, applicationId, field_type, field_channel, request_format=None):
     Add a voice token to the Application
     @param applicationId         The ID of the application to which the voice token has to be added
     @param field_type            The type 
     @param field_channel         The channel 
     @return: response            The token for that channel if headers is JSON. Full URL for that voice token otherwise.
     if(request_format is not None):
         self.requestType = request_format
     resource = self.url + "applications/" + applicationId + "/addresses"
     if self.requestType == data_format.JSON:
         postBody = {"type":field_type, "channel":field_channel}
         response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
     elif self.requestType == data_format.XML:
         postBody = "<address><type>%s</type><channel>%s</channel></address>" % (field_type, field_channel)
         response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
     elif self.requestType == data_format.FORM_ENCODED:
         postBody = "type=%s&channel=%s" % (field_type, field_channel) 
         response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
         return "Bad request type."
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseCode = %s" % response[u'responseCode'])
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseValue = %s" % response[u'responseValue'])   
     if (response[u'responseCode'] == 200):
         if(self.requestType == data_format.JSON):
             result = response[u'responseValue'][u'href'].rpartition('/')[2]
             result = response[u'responseValue']
         return result
         return "Adding Voice Token failed with the following reason: (Error Code = %s) (Error msg = %s)" % (response[u'responseCode'], response[u'responseValue'])
 def add_international_number_from_pool(self, applicationId, prefix, request_format=None):
     Add an international number to the Application
     @param applicationId       The ID of the application to which the number has to be added
     @param prefix              The country code prefix where the number will be added
     @return: response         The international number added to the application if Headers is JSON. Full response body otherwise.
     if(request_format is not None):
         self.requestType = request_format
     resource = self.url + "applications/" + applicationId + "/addresses"
     if self.requestType == data_format.JSON:
         postBody = {"type":"number", "prefix":prefix}
         response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
     elif self.requestType == data_format.XML:
         postBody = "<address><type>number</type><prefix>%s</prefix></address>" % (prefix)
         response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
     elif self.requestType == data_format.FORM_ENCODED:
         postBody = "type=number&prefix=%s" % (prefix) 
         response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
         return "Bad request type."
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseCode = %s" % response[u'responseCode'])
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseValue = %s" % response[u'responseValue'])   
     if (response[u'responseCode'] == 200):
         if(self.requestType == data_format.JSON):
             result = response[u'responseValue'][u'href'].rpartition('/')[2]
             result = response[u'responseValue']
         return result
         return "Adding International Number failed with the following reason: (Error Code = %s) (Error msg = %s)" % (response[u'responseCode'], response[u'responseValue'])
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def add_voice_messaging_url(self, applicationId, voiceUrl=None, messagingUrl=None, request_format=None):
     Add a voice and message URL to the Application
     @param applicationId        The ID of the application to which the voice & message url has to be added
     @param voiceUrl             The Voice URL for that application
     @param messagingUrl         The Messaging URL for that application
     @return: string response         The applicationID is headers is JSON. Full response body otherwise.
     if(request_format is not None):
         self.requestType = request_format
     if(voiceUrl is None and messagingUrl is None):
         return "Adding Voice & Messaging URLs failed as there is nothing to add"
     resource = self.url + "applications/" + applicationId 
     if self.requestType == data_format.JSON:
         if(voiceUrl is not None and messagingUrl is not None):
             postBody = {"voiceUrl":voiceUrl, "messagingUrl":messagingUrl}
         elif(voiceUrl is not None):
             postBody = {"voiceUrl":voiceUrl}
         elif(messagingUrl is not None):        
             postBody = {"messagingUrl":messagingUrl}
         response = TropoConnect.doPUT(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
     elif self.requestType == data_format.XML:
         if(voiceUrl is not None and messagingUrl is not None):
             postBody = "<application><voiceurl>%s</voiceurl><messagingurl>%s</messagingurl></application>" % (voiceUrl, messagingUrl)
         elif(voiceUrl is not None):
             postBody = "<application><voiceurl>%s</voiceurl></application>" % (voiceUrl)
         elif(messagingUrl is not None):        
             postBody = "<application><messagingurl>%s</messagingurl></application>" % (messagingUrl)
         response = TropoConnect.doPUT(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
     elif self.requestType == data_format.FORM_ENCODED:
         if(voiceUrl is not None and messagingUrl is not None):
             postBody = "voiceURL=%s&messagingURL=%s" % (voiceUrl, messagingUrl)
         elif(voiceUrl is not None):
             postBody = "voiceURL=%s" % (voiceUrl)
         elif(messagingUrl is not None):        
             postBody = "messagingURL=%s" % (messagingUrl)
         response = TropoConnect.doPUT(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
         return "Bad request type."
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseCode = %s" % response[u'responseCode'])
     self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseValue = %s" % response[u'responseValue'])   
     if (response[u'responseCode'] == 200):
         if(self.requestType == data_format.JSON):
             result = response[u'responseValue'][u'href'].rpartition('/')[2]
             result = response[u'responseValue']
         return result
         return "Adding Voice & Messaging URLs failed with the following reason: (Error Code = %s) (Error msg = %s)" % (response[u'responseCode'], response[u'responseValue'])
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def start_session_webApi(self, method, token=None, request_format=None):
     Create a new WebApi Session
     @param token        The body of the request
     @return: Dict response      The response from the REST API call as a dict containing token
     if(token is None):
         return "Token is not set."
     if(request_format is not None):
         self.requestType = request_format
     resource = ""
     # resource = ""
     if (method == "POST"):
         if self.requestType == data_format.JSON:
             postBody = {"token": token}
             response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
         elif self.requestType == data_format.XML:
             postBody = "<session><token>%s</token></session>" % (token)
             response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
         elif self.requestType == data_format.FORM_ENCODED:
             postBody = "token=%s" % (token) 
             response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
             return "Bad request type."
         self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseCode = %s" % response[u'responseCode'])
         self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseValue = %s" % response[u'responseValue'])   
         if (response[u'responseCode'] == 200):
             if(self.requestType == data_format.JSON):
                 result = response[u'responseValue']
                 return result               # returns a list
                 result = response[u'responseValue']
             return result
             return "Starting Session-WebApi failed with the following reason: (Error Code = %s) (Error msg = %s)" % (response[u'responseCode'], response[u'responseValue'])
     if (method == "GET"):
         resource = resource + "?action=create&token=" + token
         response = TropoConnect.doGET(self.userName, self.password, resource, self.requestType)
         self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseCode = %s" % response[u'responseCode'])
         self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseValue = %s" % response[u'responseValue'])   
         if (response[u'responseCode'] == 200):
             if(self.requestType == data_format.JSON):
                 result = response[u'responseValue']
                 return result               # returns a list
                 result = response[u'responseValue']
             return result
             return "Starting Session-WebApi failed with the following reason: (Error Code = %s) (Error msg = %s)" % (response[u'responseCode'], response[u'responseValue'])
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def start_session(self, method, token=None, customerName=None, numberToDial=None, msg=None, request_format=None):
     Create a new Application
     @param token               The token for the session
     @param customerName        The name of the customer
     @param numberToDial        The number to dial
     @param msg                 The message body
     @return: Dict response      The response from the REST API call as a dict containing token
     if(token is None):
         return "Token is not set."
     if(request_format is not None):
         self.requestType = request_format
     postBody = ""
     resource = ""
     if (method == "POST"):
         if self.requestType == data_format.JSON:
             postBody = {"token": token, "customerName": customerName, "numberToDial": numberToDial, "msg": msg}
             response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
         elif self.requestType == data_format.XML:
             postBody = "<session><token>%s</token><var name=\"customerName\" value=\"%s\"></var><var name=\"numberToDial\" value=\"%s\"></var><var name=\"msg\" value=\"%s\"></var></session>" % (token, customerName, numberToDial, msg)
             response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
         elif self.requestType == data_format.FORM_ENCODED:
             postBody = "token=%s&customerName=%s&numberToDial=%s&msg=%s" % (token, customerName, numberToDial, msg) 
             response = TropoConnect.doPOST(self.userName, self.password, resource, postBody, self.requestType)
             return "Bad request type."
         self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseCode = %s" % response[u'responseCode'])
         self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseValue = %s" % response[u'responseValue'])   
         if (response[u'responseCode'] == 200):
             if(self.requestType == data_format.JSON):
                 result = response[u'responseValue']
                 return result               # returns a list
                 result = response[u'responseValue']
             return result
             return "Starting Session failed with the following reason: (Error Code = %s) (Error msg = %s)" % (response[u'responseCode'], response[u'responseValue'])
     if (method == "GET"):
         params = urllib.urlencode({"token": token, "customerName": customerName, "numberToDial": numberToDial, "msg": msg})
         resource = resource + "?action=create&%s" % (params)
         response = TropoConnect.doGET(self.userName, self.password, resource, self.requestType)
         self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseCode = %s" % response[u'responseCode'])
         self.tropo_logger_inst.logger(DEBUG, "ResponseValue = %s" % response[u'responseValue'])   
         if (response[u'responseCode'] == 200):
             if(self.requestType == data_format.JSON):
                 result = response[u'responseValue']
                 return result               # returns a list
                 result = response[u'responseValue']
             return result
             return "Starting Session failed with the following reason: (Error Code = %s) (Error msg = %s)" % (response[u'responseCode'], response[u'responseValue'])