Ejemplo n.º 1
def fluxTrans(intens, flx, lambdas, cosTheta, radius, iFirstTheta,
              numTransThetas, rPlanet):
    #print("iFirstTheta ", iFirstTheta, " numTransThetas ", numTransThetas,\
    #      " rPlanet ", rPlanet)

    #//console.log("Entering flux3");

    logTiny = -49.0
    tiny = math.exp(logTiny)

    logPi = math.log(math.pi)

    numLams = len(lambdas)
    numThetas = len(cosTheta[0])
    fluxTransSpec = [[[numpy.double(0.0) for i in range(numTransThetas)]
                      for k in range(numLams)] for j in range(2)]
    #Earth-radii to solar radii:
    rPlanet = numpy.double(rPlanet)
    rPlanet = rPlanet * Useful.rEarth() / Useful.rSun()

    #dPlanet = 2.0 * rPlanet
    #print("dPlanet ", dPlanet)

    #subtract off flux eclipsed by transiting planet:
    #thisImpct = rPlanet  #Default
    ##Can it really be this simple??:
    logOmega = math.log(math.pi) + (numpy.double(2.0) *
                                    (math.log(rPlanet) - math.log(radius)))
    #omega = math.exp(logOmega)
    #print("omega ", omega)
    helper = 0.0
    logHelper = 0.0

    for it in range(iFirstTheta, numThetas):

        for il in range(numLams):

            #Subtracting the very small from the very large - let's be sophisticated about it:
            logHelper = logPi + math.log(
                intens[il][it]) + logOmega - flx[1][il]
            helper = numpy.double(1.0) - math.exp(logHelper)
            #if (fluxTransSpec[0][il][it-iFirstTheta] > tiny):
            fluxTransSpec[1][il][it -
                                 iFirstTheta] = flx[1][il] + math.log(helper)
            #if (il == 150):
            #    print("logHelper ", logHelper, " helper ", helper, " logFluxTransSpec ", logFluxTransSpec)
            fluxTransSpec[0][il][it - iFirstTheta] = math.exp(
                fluxTransSpec[1][il][it - iFirstTheta])
            #if (il == 150):
            #    print("fluxTransSpec 2 ", fluxTransSpec[0][il][it-iFirstTheta])

        #plt.plot(cosTheta[1][iFirstTheta: iFirstTheta+numTransThetas],\
        #         )

    return fluxTransSpec
Ejemplo n.º 2
def TransLight2(radius, cosTheta, vTrans, iFirstTheta, numTransThetas, impct):

    #Safety first:

    tiny = numpy.double(1.0e-49)
    logTiny = math.log(tiny)

    if (impct >= radius):
        #There is no eclipse (transit)
    #thetaMinRad is also the minimum theta of the eclipse path chord, in RAD
    thetaMinRad = math.asin(impct / radius)
    #cos(theta) *decreases* with increasing theta in Quadrant I:
    cosThetaMax = math.cos(thetaMinRad)

    #Compute array of distances traveled, r, along semi-chord from position of
    #minimum impact parameter
    #12D array of length number-of-eclipse-thetas
    transit = [0.0 for i in range(numTransThetas)]
    #test = [0.0 for i in range(numThetas)]

    thisImpct = numpy.double(0.0)

    for i in range(numTransThetas):
        #print("i ", i)
        thisTheta = math.acos(cosTheta[1][i + iFirstTheta])
        thisImpct = radius * math.sin(thisTheta)
        #test[i+iFirstTheta] = math.exp(logRatio)
        # impact parameter corresponding to this theta:
        thisB = radius * math.sin(thisTheta)
        # linear distance travelled along transit semi-path in solar radii
        transit[i] = math.sqrt(thisB**2 - impct**2)
        transit[i] = transit[i] * Useful.rSun()  #RSun to cm
        #row 1 is Times at which successive annuli are eclipsed, in s:
        #Ephemeris zero point at transit mid-point
        transit[i] = transit[i] / vTrans
        #print("i ", i, " i+iFirstTheta ", i+iFirstTheta, " transit[1] ", transit[1][i+iFirstTheta])

    return transit