Ejemplo n.º 1
def set_form(request, clean=True):
    Coverts request input to usable form input:
    Deals with unicode issues
    and autofill options for identifiers
    NOTE: variables should always be a list (also when clean = False)
    If Clean == True,
    We also clean up some form fields for submission:
        date fields, convert to yyyymmdd
        window fields, convert to mmdd
        name strings are converted to ids
        Combine elemenst weith degree days
        req_method = request.method
        if isinstance(request,dict):
            req_method = 'dict'
        else:req_method = None
    form= {}
    form['req_method'] = req_method
    #Convert request object to python dictionary
    if req_method == 'dict':
        form = copy.deepcopy(request)
        #Special case variables, always needs to be list
        if 'variable' in request.keys() and not 'variables' in request.keys():
            form['variables'] = [form['variable']]
        if 'variables' in request.keys():
            form['variables'] = WRCCUtils.convert_variables_to_list(request['variables'])
    elif req_method == 'POST':
        for key, val in request.POST.items():
            form[str(key)]= val
        #form = dict((str(x),str(y)) for x,y in request.POST.items())
        #Special case variables, always needs to be list
        if 'variable' in request.POST.keys() and not 'variables' in request.POST.keys():
            form['variables'] = [str(request.POST['variable'])]
        if 'variables' in request.POST.keys():
            #form['variables'] = WRCCUtils.convert_variables_to_list(request.POST['variables'])
            els = request.POST.getlist('variables',request.POST.get('variables','').split(','))
            form['variables'] = [str(el) for el in els]
        if 'metadata_keys' in request.POST.keys():
            form['metadata_keys'] = request.POST.getlist('metadata_keys',request.POST.get('metadata_keys','').split(','))
    elif req_method == 'GET':
        #form = dict((str(x),str(y)) for x,y in request.GET.items())
        for key, val in request.GET.items():
            form[str(key)]= val
        #Special case variables, always needs to be list
        if 'variable' in request.GET.keys() and not 'variables' in request.GET.keys():
            form['variables'] = [str(request.GET['variable'])]
        if 'variables' in request.GET.keys():
            #form['variables'] = WRCCUtils.convert_variables_to_list(request.GET['variables'])
            form['variables'] = request.GET.get('variables','').split(',')
        if 'metadata_keys' in request.GET.keys():
            form['metadata_keys'] = request.GET.getlist('metadata_keys',request.GET.get('metadata_keys','').split(','))
        form = {}

    #set data type for single apps
    if 'data_type' not in form.keys():
        if 'station_id' in form.keys():
            form['data_type'] = 'station'
        if 'location' in form.keys():
            form['data_type'] = 'grid'
        if 'app_name' in form.keys() and form['app_name'] in ['temporal_summary','monthly_spatial_summary']:
            form['data_type'] = 'grid'
    #Convert unicode to string
    if 'variables' in form.keys():
        form['variables'] = [str(el) for el in form['variables']]
    if 'csrfmiddlewaretoken' in form.keys():
        del form['csrfmiddlewaretoken']
    if 'formData' in form.keys():
        del form['formData']
    if 'form_options' in form.keys():
        del form['form_options']

    if not clean:
        return form
    #Clean up form for submission

    #Get element list for vd
    el_list = None
    if 'variable' in form.keys() and not 'variables' in form.keys():
        el_list = [form['variable']]
    if 'variables' in form.keys() and not 'variable' in form.keys():
        if isinstance(form['variables'],basestring):
            el_list = form['variables'].replace(', ',',').split(',')
            el_list = form['variables']

    #Get valid daterange
    vd = ['9999-99-99', '9999-99-99']
    #Clean Dates and windows
    for key in ['start_date', 'end_date', 'start_year', 'end_year','start_window','end_window']:
        if key not in form.keys():
        if form[key].lower() == 'por':
            if str(key) in ['start_date']:
                k=key; idx = 0;sd = 'por'; ed = form['end_date']
            if str(key) in ['end_date']:
                k=key; idx = 1;ed = 'por'; sd = form['start_date']
            if str(key) in ['start_year']:
                k='start_date'; idx = 0;sd = 'por'
                if form['end_year'].lower() == 'por':ed = 'por'
                else:ed = str(int(form['end_year']) -1) + '-12-31'
            if str(key) in ['end_year']:
                k='end_date'; idx = 1;ed = 'por'
                if form['start_year'].lower() == 'por':sd = 'por'
                else:sd = form['start_year'] + '-01-01'

            if 'station_id' in form.keys():
                stn_id, stn_name = WRCCUtils.find_id_and_name(str(form['station_id']),settings.MEDIA_DIR +'json/US_station_id.json')
                vd, no_vd_els = WRCCUtils.find_valid_daterange(stn_id, start_date=sd, end_date=ed, el_list=el_list, max_or_min='max')
                form[k] = vd[idx]
                if key == 'start_year' and form['start_year'].lower() == 'por':
                    if vd[0] != '9999-99-99':form['start_year'] = vd[0][0:4]
                if key == 'end_year' and form['end_year'].lower() == 'por':
                    if vd[1] != '9999-99-99':form['end_year'] = vd[1][0:4]
                form[str(key)] = str(form[key]).replace('-','').replace(':','').replace('/','').replace(' ','')
            form[str(key)] = str(form[key]).replace('-','').replace(':','').replace('/','').replace(' ','')

    #Convert user input of area names to ids
    for key in ['station_id','county', 'basin', 'county_warning_area', 'climate_division']:
        if not key in form.keys():
        ID,name = WRCCUtils.find_id_and_name(form[key],settings.MEDIA_DIR +'json/US_' + key + '.json')
        form[key] = ID
        form['user_area_id'] = str(name) + ', ' + str(ID)
    if not 'user_area_id' in form.keys():
            form['user_area_id'] = form[form['area_type']]
                form['user_area_id'] =  form[form['data_type']]
    #station_ids is special case
    if 'station_ids' in form.keys():
        stn_ids = ''
        stn_list = form['station_ids'].rstrip(',').split(',')
        #Remove leading spaces from list items
        stn_list = [v.lstrip(' ').rstrip(' ') for v in stn_list]
        stn_ids, stn_names = WRCCUtils.find_ids_and_names(stn_list,settings.MEDIA_DIR +'json/US_' + 'station_id' + '.json')
        form['station_ids'] = stn_ids
        uai = ''
        stn_names_list = stn_names.split(',')
        for idx, stn_id in enumerate(stn_ids.split(',')):
            uai+=str(stn_names[idx]) + ', ' + str(stn_id) + ';'
        form['user_area_id'] = uai
    #set data summary if needed
    if 'data_summary' not in form.keys():
        if 'temporal_summary' in form.keys():
            form['data_summary'] = 'temporal_summary'
        if 'spatial_summary' in form.keys():
            form['data_summary'] = 'spatial_summary'
    #Combine variables
    if 'add_degree_days' in form.keys() and form['add_degree_days'] == 'T':
        for dd in form['degree_days'].replace(' ','').split(','):
            if form['units'] == 'metric':
                el_strip, base_temp = WRCCUtils.get_el_and_base_temp(dd)
                form['variables'].append(el_strip + str(WRCCUtils.convert_to_english('base_temp',base_temp)))
    return form