Ejemplo n.º 1
    def initialize(self):
        """Populates the instance of the Spatial Statistics Data 
        Object (SSDataObject) and resolves a default distance threshold
        if none given.

        #### Shorthand Attributes ####
        ssdo = self.ssdo
        varName = self.varName
        concept = self.concept
        threshold = self.threshold
        exponent = self.exponent
        wType = self.wType
        rowStandard = self.rowStandard
        weightsFile = self.weightsFile
        swmFileBool = self.swmFileBool
        masterField = ssdo.masterField

        field = ssdo.fields[varName]
        self.y = field.returnDouble()
        self.numObs = ssdo.numObs
        maxSet = False

        #### Distance Threshold ####
        if wType in [0, 1, 7]:
            if threshold == None:
                threshold, avgDist = WU.createThresholdDist(ssdo,

            #### Assures that the Threshold is Appropriate ####
            gaExtent = UTILS.get92Extent(ssdo.extent)
            fixed = (wType == 1)
            threshold, maxSet = WU.checkDistanceThreshold(ssdo,

            #### If the Threshold is Set to the Max ####
            #### Set to Zero for Script Logic ####
            if maxSet:
                #### All Locations are Related ####
                if self.numObs > 500:
                    ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Warning", 717)
            self.thresholdStr = ssdo.distanceInfo.printDistance(threshold)
            self.thresholdStr = "None"

        #### Set Attributes ####
        self.maxSet = maxSet
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.master2Order = ssdo.master2Order
        self.swmFileBool = swmFileBool
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def initialize(self):
        """Populates the instance of the Spatial Statistics Data 
        Object (SSDataObject) and resolves a default distance threshold
        if none given.

        #### Shorthand Attributes ####
        ssdo = self.ssdo
        varName = self.varName
        concept = self.concept
        threshold = self.threshold
        exponent = self.exponent
        wType = self.wType
        rowStandard = self.rowStandard
        weightsFile = self.weightsFile
        swmFileBool = self.swmFileBool
        masterField = ssdo.masterField

        field = ssdo.fields[varName]
        self.y = field.returnDouble()
        self.numObs = ssdo.numObs
        maxSet = False

        #### Distance Threshold ####
        if wType in [0, 1, 7]:
            if threshold == None:
                threshold, avgDist = WU.createThresholdDist(ssdo, 
                                                concept = concept)

            #### Assures that the Threshold is Appropriate ####
            gaExtent = UTILS.get92Extent(ssdo.extent)
            fixed = (wType == 1)
            threshold, maxSet = WU.checkDistanceThreshold(ssdo, threshold,
                                                          weightType = wType)

            #### If the Threshold is Set to the Max ####
            #### Set to Zero for Script Logic ####
            if maxSet:
                #### All Locations are Related ####
                if self.numObs > 500:
                    ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Warning", 717)
            self.thresholdStr = ssdo.distanceInfo.printDistance(threshold)
            self.thresholdStr = "None"

        #### Set Attributes ####
        self.maxSet = maxSet
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.master2Order = ssdo.master2Order
        self.swmFileBool = swmFileBool
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def initialize(self):
        """Populates the instance of the Spatial Statistics Data
        Object (SSDataObject) and resolves a default distance threshold
        if none given.

        #### Shorthand Attributes ####
        ssdo = self.ssdo
        varName = self.varName
        concept = self.concept
        threshold = self.threshold
        exponent = self.exponent
        wType = self.wType
        weightsFile = self.weightsFile
        swmFileBool = self.swmFileBool
        masterField = ssdo.masterField
        potentialField = self.potentialField

        #### Get Data Array ####
        field = ssdo.fields[varName]
        self.y = field.returnDouble()
        self.numObs = ssdo.numObs
        maxSet = False
        self.fieldNames = [varName]

        #### Distance Threshold ####
        if wType in [0, 1, 7]:
            if threshold == None:
                threshold, avgDist = WU.createThresholdDist(ssdo,

            #### Assures that the Threshold is Appropriate ####
            gaExtent = UTILS.get92Extent(ssdo.extent)
            fixed = (wType == 1)
            threshold, maxSet = WU.checkDistanceThreshold(ssdo,

            #### If the Threshold is Set to the Max ####
            #### Set to Zero for Script Logic ####
            if maxSet:
                #### All Locations are Related ####
                if self.numObs > 500:
                    ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 717)

        #### Resolve Self Potential Field (Default to 1.0) ####
        if potentialField:
            potField = ssdo.fields[potentialField]
            self.potVals = potField.returnDouble()

            #### Warn if Negative Self Weights ####
            sumNeg = NUM.sum(self.potVals < 0.0)
            if sumNeg:
                ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 940)
                #### Set Negative Weights to Zero ####
                self.potVals = NUM.where(self.potVals < 0.0, 0.0, self.potVals)

            if weightsFile and not swmFileBool:
                self.potVals = None
                self.potVals = NUM.ones(self.numObs)

        #### Set Attributes ####
        self.maxSet = maxSet
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.master2Order = ssdo.master2Order
        self.swmFileBool = swmFileBool
Ejemplo n.º 4
def distance2SWM(inputFC, swmFile, masterField, fixed = 0, 
                 concept = "EUCLIDEAN", exponent = 1.0, threshold = None, 
                 kNeighs = 1, rowStandard = True):
    """Creates a sparse spatial weights matrix (SWM) based on k-nearest

    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    swmFile (str): path to the SWM file.
    masterField (str): field in table that serves as the mapping.
    fixed (boolean): fixed (1) or inverse (0) distance? 
    concept: {str, EUCLIDEAN}: EUCLIDEAN or MANHATTAN 
    exponent {float, 1.0}: distance decay
    threshold {float, None}: distance threshold
    kNeighs (int): number of neighbors to return
    rowStandard {bool, True}: row standardize weights?

    #### Create SSDataObject ####
    ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = inputFC,
                             useChordal = True)

    #### Validation of Master Field ####
    verifyMaster = ERROR.checkField(ssdo.allFields, masterField, types = [0,1])

    #### Read Data ####
    ssdo.obtainDataGA(masterField, minNumObs = 2)
    N = ssdo.numObs
    gaTable = ssdo.gaTable
    if fixed:
        wType = 1
        wType = 0

    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Set the Distance Threshold ####
    concept, gaConcept = WU.validateDistanceMethod(concept, ssdo.spatialRef)
    if threshold == None:
        threshold, avgDist = WU.createThresholdDist(ssdo, 
                                        concept = concept)

    #### Assures that the Threshold is Appropriate ####
    gaExtent = UTILS.get92Extent(ssdo.extent)
    threshold, maxSet = WU.checkDistanceThreshold(ssdo, threshold,
                                                  weightType = wType)

    #### If the Threshold is Set to the Max ####
    #### Set to Zero for Script Logic ####
    if maxSet:
        #### All Locations are Related ####
        threshold = SYS.maxint
        if N > 500:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Warning", 717)

    #### Assure k-Nearest is Less Than Number of Features ####
    if kNeighs >= N and fixed:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 975)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Create Distance/k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(threshold, kNeighs, gaConcept)
    neighWeights = ARC._ss.NeighborWeights(gaTable, gaSearch, 
                                           weight_type = wType,
                                           exponent = exponent,
                                           row_standard = False)

    #### Set Progressor for Weights Writing ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84127), 0, N, 1)

    #### Initialize Spatial Weights Matrix File ####
    swmWriter = WU.SWMWriter(swmFile, masterField, ssdo.spatialRefName, 
                             N, rowStandard, inputFC = inputFC,
                             wType = wType, distanceMethod = concept,
                             exponent = exponent, threshold = threshold)

    #### Unique Master ID Dictionary ####
    masterDict = {}

    #### Unique Master ID Dictionary ####
    masterSet = set([])

    for row in xrange(N):
        masterID = int(gaTable[row][2])
        if masterID in masterSet:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 644, masterField)
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 643)
            raise SystemExit()

        neighs, weights = neighWeights[row]
        neighs = [ gaTable[nh][2] for nh in neighs ]

        #### Add Spatial Weights Matrix Entry ####
        swmWriter.swm.writeEntry(masterID, neighs, weights) 

        #### Set Progress ####

    del gaTable

    #### Report Warning/Max Neighbors ####

    #### Add Linear/Angular Unit (Distance Based Only) ####
    distanceOut = ssdo.distanceInfo.outputString
    distanceOut = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84344).format(distanceOut)]

    #### Report Spatial Weights Summary ####
    swmWriter.report(additionalInfo = distanceOut)

    #### Report SWM File is Large ####
Ejemplo n.º 5
def distance2SWM(inputFC, swmFile, masterField, fixed = 0, 
                 concept = "EUCLIDEAN", exponent = 1.0, threshold = None, 
                 kNeighs = 1, rowStandard = True):
    """Creates a sparse spatial weights matrix (SWM) based on k-nearest

    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    swmFile (str): path to the SWM file.
    masterField (str): field in table that serves as the mapping.
    fixed (boolean): fixed (1) or inverse (0) distance? 
    concept: {str, EUCLIDEAN}: EUCLIDEAN or MANHATTAN 
    exponent {float, 1.0}: distance decay
    threshold {float, None}: distance threshold
    kNeighs (int): number of neighbors to return
    rowStandard {bool, True}: row standardize weights?

    #### Create SSDataObject ####
    ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = inputFC,
                             useChordal = True)

    #### Validation of Master Field ####
    verifyMaster = ERROR.checkField(ssdo.allFields, masterField, types = [0,1])

    #### Read Data ####
    ssdo.obtainDataGA(masterField, minNumObs = 2)
    N = ssdo.numObs
    gaTable = ssdo.gaTable
    if fixed:
        wType = 1
        wType = 0

    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Set the Distance Threshold ####
    concept, gaConcept = WU.validateDistanceMethod(concept, ssdo.spatialRef)
    if threshold == None:
        threshold, avgDist = WU.createThresholdDist(ssdo, 
                                        concept = concept)

    #### Assures that the Threshold is Appropriate ####
    gaExtent = UTILS.get92Extent(ssdo.extent)
    threshold, maxSet = WU.checkDistanceThreshold(ssdo, threshold,
                                                  weightType = wType)

    #### If the Threshold is Set to the Max ####
    #### Set to Zero for Script Logic ####
    if maxSet:
        #### All Locations are Related ####
        threshold = SYS.maxint
        if N > 500:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Warning", 717)

    #### Assure k-Nearest is Less Than Number of Features ####
    if kNeighs >= N and fixed:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 975)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Create Distance/k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(threshold, kNeighs, gaConcept)
    neighWeights = ARC._ss.NeighborWeights(gaTable, gaSearch, 
                                           weight_type = wType,
                                           exponent = exponent,
                                           row_standard = False)

    #### Set Progressor for Weights Writing ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84127), 0, N, 1)

    #### Initialize Spatial Weights Matrix File ####
    swmWriter = WU.SWMWriter(swmFile, masterField, ssdo.spatialRefName, 
                             N, rowStandard, inputFC = inputFC,
                             wType = wType, distanceMethod = concept,
                             exponent = exponent, threshold = threshold)

    #### Unique Master ID Dictionary ####
    masterDict = {}

    #### Unique Master ID Dictionary ####
    masterSet = set([])

    for row in xrange(N):
        masterID = int(gaTable[row][2])
        if masterID in masterSet:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 644, masterField)
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 643)
            raise SystemExit()

        neighs, weights = neighWeights[row]
        neighs = [ gaTable[nh][2] for nh in neighs ]

        #### Add Spatial Weights Matrix Entry ####
        swmWriter.swm.writeEntry(masterID, neighs, weights) 

        #### Set Progress ####

    del gaTable

    #### Report Warning/Max Neighbors ####

    #### Add Linear/Angular Unit (Distance Based Only) ####
    distanceOut = ssdo.distanceInfo.outputString
    distanceOut = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84344).format(distanceOut)]

    #### Report Spatial Weights Summary ####
    swmWriter.report(additionalInfo = distanceOut)

    #### Report SWM File is Large ####
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def initialize(self):
        """Populates the instance of the Spatial Statistics Data
        Object (SSDataObject) and resolves a default distance threshold
        if none given.

        #### Shorthand Attributes ####
        ssdo = self.ssdo
        varName = self.varName
        concept = self.concept
        threshold = self.threshold
        exponent = self.exponent
        wType = self.wType
        weightsFile = self.weightsFile
        swmFileBool = self.swmFileBool
        masterField = ssdo.masterField
        potentialField = self.potentialField

        #### Get Data Array ####
        field = ssdo.fields[varName]
        self.y = field.returnDouble()
        self.numObs = ssdo.numObs
        maxSet = False
        self.fieldNames = [varName]

        #### Distance Threshold ####
        if wType in [0, 1, 7]:
            if threshold == None:
                threshold, avgDist = WU.createThresholdDist(ssdo, concept=concept)

            #### Assures that the Threshold is Appropriate ####
            gaExtent = UTILS.get92Extent(ssdo.extent)
            fixed = wType == 1
            threshold, maxSet = WU.checkDistanceThreshold(ssdo, threshold, weightType=wType)

            #### If the Threshold is Set to the Max ####
            #### Set to Zero for Script Logic ####
            if maxSet:
                #### All Locations are Related ####
                if self.numObs > 500:
                    ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 717)

        #### Resolve Self Potential Field (Default to 1.0) ####
        if potentialField:
            potField = ssdo.fields[potentialField]
            self.potVals = potField.returnDouble()

            #### Warn if Negative Self Weights ####
            sumNeg = NUM.sum(self.potVals < 0.0)
            if sumNeg:
                ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 940)
                #### Set Negative Weights to Zero ####
                self.potVals = NUM.where(self.potVals < 0.0, 0.0, self.potVals)

            if weightsFile and not swmFileBool:
                self.potVals = None
                self.potVals = NUM.ones(self.numObs)

        #### Set Attributes ####
        self.maxSet = maxSet
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.master2Order = ssdo.master2Order
        self.swmFileBool = swmFileBool