Ejemplo n.º 1
    def copyToZ(self, z):
        "makes a copy of this slice, transformed to the specified z height"
        theCopy = Slice()
        theCopy.zLevel = z
        theCopy.zHeight = self.zHeight
        theCopy.sliceHeight = self.sliceHeight
        theCopy.fillWidth = self.fillWidth
        theCopy.hatchDir = self.hatchDir
        theCopy.checkSum = self.checkSum

        # make transformation
        p1 = gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0)
        p2 = gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, z)
        xform = gp.gp_Trsf()
        xform.SetTranslation(p1, p2)
        bt = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(xform)

        # copy all of the faces
        for f in hSeqIterator(self.faces):
            bt.Perform(f, True)

            # copy all of the fillWires
        for w in hSeqIterator(self.fillWires):
            bt.Perform(w, True)
            # TestDisplay.display.showShape(bt.Shape() );

            # copy all of the fillEdges
        for e in hSeqIterator(self.fillEdges):
            bt.Perform(e, True)
            # TestDisplay.display.showShape(bt.Shape() );

        return theCopy
Ejemplo n.º 2
def testSplitWire2():
	"intersections on different edges. one edge completely inside"
	e1 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(2,0,0));
	e2 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(2,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(5,0,0));
	e3 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(5,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(6,0,0));
	#trick here. after building a wire, the edges change identity.
	#evidently, BRepBuilder_MakeWire makes copies of the underliying edges.
	w = Wrappers.wireFromEdges([e1,e2,e3]);
	ee = Wrappers.Wire(w).edgesAsList();
	print "Original Edges: %d %d %d " % ( hashE(ee[0]),hashE(ee[1]),hashE(ee[2]));
	p1 = PointOnAnEdge(ee[0],1.0,gp.gp_Pnt(1.0,0,0));
	p2 = PointOnAnEdge(ee[2],0.5,gp.gp_Pnt(5.0,0,0));
	ee = splitWire(w,[p2,p1]);
	assert len(ee) == 3;
	length = 0;
	for e in ee:
		ew = Wrappers.Edge(e);
		length += ew.distanceBetweenEnds();
	print "length=%0.3f" % length;
	assert length == 4.5;
Ejemplo n.º 3
def testSplitWire1():
		Test split wire function. there are two main cases:
		wires with intersection on different edges,
		and a wire with a single edge split in many places
	#case 1: a single edge with lots of intersections along its length
	e  = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints( gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(5,0,0));
	w = Wrappers.wireFromEdges([e]);
	#out of order on purpose
	p1 = PointOnAnEdge(e,1.0,gp.gp_Pnt(1.0,0,0));
	p3 = PointOnAnEdge(e,3.0,gp.gp_Pnt(3.0,0,0));
	p2 = PointOnAnEdge(e,2.0,gp.gp_Pnt(2.0,0,0));	
	p4 = PointOnAnEdge(e,4.0,gp.gp_Pnt(4.0,0,0));
	ee = splitWire(w,[p1,p3,p2,p4] );

	assert len(ee) ==  2;
	length = 0;
	for e in ee:
		ew = Wrappers.Edge(e);
		length += ew.distanceBetweenEnds();

	assert length == 2.0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
def makeHeartWire():
	"make a heart wire"
	e1 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0), gp.gp_Pnt(4.0,4.0,0));
	circle = gp.gp_Circ(gp.gp_Ax2(gp.gp_Pnt(2,4,0),gp.gp().DZ()),2);
	e2 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle, gp.gp_Pnt(4,4,0),gp.gp_Pnt(0,4,0)).Edge();
	circle = gp.gp_Circ(gp.gp_Ax2(gp.gp_Pnt(-2,4,0),gp.gp().DZ()),2);
	e3 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle, gp.gp_Pnt(0,4,0),gp.gp_Pnt(-4,4,0)).Edge();
	e4 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(-4,4,0), gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0));
	return Wrappers.wireFromEdges([e1,e2,e3,e4]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
def scanlinesFromBoundingBox(boundingBox,interval):
	(xMin,yMin,zMin,xMax,yMax,zMax) = boundingBox;
	print boundingBox;
	edges = [];
	for y in Wrappers.frange6(yMin,yMax,interval):
		e = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(xMin,y,0),gp.gp_Pnt(xMax,y,0));
	return edges;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def addWire(self, wire, type):
        "add all the edges of a wire. They will be connected together."
        "each edge is added at its full length"

        #for finding an edge node
        wr = Wrappers.Wire(wire)
        eS = wr.edgesAsSequence()

        for i in range(1, eS.Length() + 1):
            e = Wrappers.cast(eS.Value(i))
            self.addEdge(e, type)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def squareWire(centerPt, w):
    "makes a square wire with center at the desired point"
    w2 = w / 2.0
    p1 = gp.gp_Pnt(centerPt.X() - w2, centerPt.Y() - w2, centerPt.Z())
    p2 = gp.gp_Pnt(centerPt.X() - w2, centerPt.Y() + w2, centerPt.Z())
    p3 = gp.gp_Pnt(centerPt.X() + w2, centerPt.Y() + w2, centerPt.Z())
    p4 = gp.gp_Pnt(centerPt.X() + w2, centerPt.Y() - w2, centerPt.Z())
    e1 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(p1, p4)
    e2 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(p4, p3)
    e3 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(p3, p2)
    e4 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(p2, p1)
    return Wrappers.wireFromEdges([e1, e2, e3, e4])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def makeEdgeIndicator(edge):
    "makes an indicator showing which way the edge goes"
    ew = Wrappers.Edge(edge)
    fp = ew.firstParameter
    lp = ew.lastParameter

    if ew.reversed:
        p = fp + ((lp - fp) * 1 / 5)
        p = fp + ((lp - fp) * 4 / 5)
    midPnt = ew.curve.Value(p)
    return Wrappers.make_vertex(midPnt)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def squareWire(centerPt,w ):
	"makes a square wire with center at the desired point"
	w2 = w/2.0;
	p1 = gp.gp_Pnt(centerPt.X() - w2,centerPt.Y() -w2 , centerPt.Z() )
	p2 = gp.gp_Pnt(centerPt.X() - w2,centerPt.Y() +w2, centerPt.Z() )
	p3 = gp.gp_Pnt(centerPt.X() + w2,centerPt.Y() +w2, centerPt.Z() )
	p4 = gp.gp_Pnt(centerPt.X() + w2,centerPt.Y() -w2, centerPt.Z() )
	e1 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(p1,p4);
	e2 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(p4,p3);
	e3 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(p3,p2);
	e4 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(p2,p1);
	return Wrappers.wireFromEdges([e1,e2,e3,e4] );
Ejemplo n.º 10
def makeHeartWire():
    "make a heart wire"
    e1 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(4.0, 4.0, 0))
    circle = gp.gp_Circ(gp.gp_Ax2(gp.gp_Pnt(2, 4, 0),
                                  gp.gp().DZ()), 2)
    e2 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle, gp.gp_Pnt(4, 4, 0),
                                                gp.gp_Pnt(0, 4, 0)).Edge()
    circle = gp.gp_Circ(gp.gp_Ax2(gp.gp_Pnt(-2, 4, 0),
                                  gp.gp().DZ()), 2)
    e3 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle, gp.gp_Pnt(0, 4, 0),
                                                gp.gp_Pnt(-4, 4, 0)).Edge()
    e4 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(-4, 4, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0))
    return Wrappers.wireFromEdges([e1, e2, e3, e4])
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _makeHatchLines(self):
     "make straight hatch lines."
     xMin = self.bounds[0] - (self.HATCH_PADDING)
     yMin = self.bounds[1] - (self.HATCH_PADDING)
     xMax = self.bounds[2] + (self.HATCH_PADDING)
     yMax = self.bounds[3] + (self.HATCH_PADDING)
     wires = []
     for y in Wrappers.frange6(yMin, yMax, 0.02):
         e = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(xMin, y, self.zLevel),
                                        gp.gp_Pnt(xMax, y, self.zLevel))
     return wires
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def makeHexArray(self, bottomLeftCenter, countX, countY):
			makes an array of hexagons
			bottomLeftCenter is the center of the top left hex, as a three-element tuple
			countX is the number of hexes in the x direction
			countY is the number of hexes in the y direction
			returns a list of wires representing a hexagon fill pattern
        pattern = self.makePeriodic(bottomLeftCenter)
        wireBuilder = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(pattern)

        #make horizontal array
        tsf = gp.gp_Trsf()
        pDist = 2.0 * self.cartesianSpacing()[0]
        tsf.SetTranslation(gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(pDist, 0, 0))
        tx = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(tsf)
        currentShape = pattern
        for i in range(1, int((countX / 2) + 1)):
            tx.Perform(currentShape, False)
            currentShape = tx.Shape()

        #create an array by alternately offsetting one cell right and
        #moving down
        topHalf = wireBuilder.Wire()
        #topHalf= approximatedWire(topHalf);

        wires = []
        dY = self.cartesianSpacing()[1] / 2.0
        dX = self.cartesianSpacing()[0]

        ####TODO// performance note.  This method takes about 31ms to compute 1000x1000 hex.
        # pretty good, except that nearly 50% of the time is spent in makeTransform!!!
        # a much better method would be to use the same transform object somehow
        for i in range(1, int(countY * 2)):
            if i % 2 == 0:
                t = makeTransform(0, dY * i, 0)
                t = makeTransform(dX, dY * i, 0)
            t.Perform(topHalf, False)
            w = Wrappers.cast(t.Shape())

            #approximate the wire
            #wires.append ( approximatedWire(w));

        return wires
Ejemplo n.º 13
	def makeHexArray(self,bottomLeftCenter, countX, countY ):
			makes an array of hexagons
			bottomLeftCenter is the center of the top left hex, as a three-element tuple
			countX is the number of hexes in the x direction
			countY is the number of hexes in the y direction
			returns a list of wires representing a hexagon fill pattern
		pattern = self.makePeriodic(bottomLeftCenter);
		wireBuilder = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(pattern);

		#make horizontal array
		tsf = gp.gp_Trsf();
		pDist = 2.0 * self.cartesianSpacing()[0];
		tsf.SetTranslation(gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(pDist ,0,0));
		tx = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(tsf);
		currentShape = pattern;
		for i in range(1,int((countX/2)+1)):
			currentShape = tx.Shape();

		#create an array by alternately offsetting one cell right and 
		#moving down
		topHalf = wireBuilder.Wire();		
		#topHalf= approximatedWire(topHalf);
		dY = self.cartesianSpacing()[1]/2.0;
		dX = self.cartesianSpacing()[0];
		####TODO// performance note.  This method takes about 31ms to compute 1000x1000 hex.
		# pretty good, except that nearly 50% of the time is spent in makeTransform!!!
		# a much better method would be to use the same transform object somehow
		for i in range(1,int(countY*2)):
			if i % 2 == 0:
				t = makeTransform(0,dY*i,0);
				t = makeTransform(dX,dY*i,0);
			w = Wrappers.cast(t.Shape());
			#approximate the wire
			#wires.append ( approximatedWire(w));
			wires.append( w);
		return wires;
Ejemplo n.º 14
def makeHexEdges(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, zLevel):
    #this can be faster by avoiding 3d wires in the first place, for for now it is ok
    hex = hexagonlib.Hexagon(0.35, 0.01)

    wires = hex.makeHexForBoundingBox((xMin, yMin, zLevel),
                                      (xMax, yMax, zLevel))
    tt = []
    for w in wires:
        ww = Wrappers.Wire(w)
        for e in ww.edges2():
            ew = Wrappers.Edge(e)
            tt.append((tP(ew.firstPoint), tP(ew.lastPoint)))

    print "Made %d hex edges" % len(tt)
    return tt
Ejemplo n.º 15
def findIntersectionsUsingCurvesNoSorting(wire, lines):
		find all of the intersections points between the wire and the lines, 
		no fancy sorting
    points = []
    count = 0
    w = Wrappers.Wire(wire)
    for boundaryEdge in w.edges2():
        #use this code if the supplied wire is a 3d wire
        #get the curve from the 2d edge
        #hCurve = get2dCurveFrom3dEdge(boundaryEdge)
        #lp = curve.FirstParameter();
        #up = curve.LastParameter();

        #use this code if the supplied wire is a wire of 2d edges
        r = brt.Curve(boundaryEdge)
        hCurve = r[0]
        lp = r[1]
        up = r[2]
        print hCurve

        for l in lines:
            #the line is already a geom-curve
            count += 1
            isector = Geom2dAPI.Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve(hCurve, l)
            if isector.NbPoints() > 0:
                for k in range(1, isector.NbPoints() + 1):
                    #make sure the point is actually within the parameter boundaries on the curve.
                    (a, b) = projectPointOnCurve2d(hCurve, isector.Point(k),
                    if a >= lp and a <= up:
    return (count, points)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def testWirePixmap2(face):
		tests drawing a wire while adjusting sharp borders
	PIXEL = 0.01 ;

	#get bounding box
	(xMin,yMin,zMin,xMax,yMax,zMax) = boundingBox([face]);
	g = nx.Graph();
	#adjust boundaries a bit
	#make pixmap
	pixmap = pixmaptest.pixmap((xMin-BUFFER,yMin-BUFFER),(xMax+BUFFER,yMax+BUFFER),PIXEL);

	ow = brt.OuterWire(face);
	boundary = tuplesFromWire(ow,DEFLECTION);
	for et in Wrappers.pairwise(boundary):
		p1 = et[0];
		p2 = et[1];

		i1 = pixmap.index(p1);
		i2 = pixmap.index(p2);
		#print i1,i2,p1,p2
Ejemplo n.º 17
def testSplitWire1():
		Test split wire function. there are two main cases:
		wires with intersection on different edges,
		and a wire with a single edge split in many places
	#case 1: a single edge with lots of intersections along its length
	e  = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints( gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(5,0,0));
	w = OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([e]);
	#out of order on purpose
	p1 = PointOnAnEdge(e,1.0,gp.gp_Pnt(1.0,0,0));
	p3 = PointOnAnEdge(e,3.0,gp.gp_Pnt(3.0,0,0));
	p2 = PointOnAnEdge(e,2.0,gp.gp_Pnt(2.0,0,0));	
	p4 = PointOnAnEdge(e,4.0,gp.gp_Pnt(4.0,0,0));
	ee = splitWire(w,[p1,p3,p2,p4] );

	assert len(ee) ==  2;
	length = 0;
	for e in ee:
		ew = Wrappers.Edge(e[0]);
		length += ew.distanceBetweenEnds();

	assert length == 2.0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
def displayPixelGrid(pixelGrid):
	"show all the points in a pixel grid"
	l = [];
	for k in pixelGrid.keys():
Ejemplo n.º 19
def findIntersectionsUsingCurvesWithBoundingBoxes(wire, lines):
		find all of the intersections points between the wire and the lines, 
		no fancy sorting
    points = []
    count = 0
    rejected = 0
    w = Wrappers.Wire(wire)
    for boundaryEdge in w.edges2():
        #get the curve from the 2d edge
        curve = get2dCurveFrom3dEdge(boundaryEdge)
        #make bounding box for the test curve
        box = boundingBoxForCurve(curve)

        for l in lines:
            #the line is already a geom-curve--
            count += 1

            box2 = boundingBoxForCurve(l)
            if box2.IsOut(box):
                rejected += 1
            isector = Geom2dAPI.Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve(curve, l)
            if isector.NbPoints() > 0:
                for k in range(1, isector.NbPoints() + 1):
    print "Rejected %d intersections." % rejected
    return (count, points)
Ejemplo n.º 20
	def divideEdge(self,edge,param):
			split the edge at the provided parameter,
			creating two new edge nodes.
			update internal structures accordingly.
		original = self.findEdge(edge,param);
		if original == None:
			raise ValueError,"Could not find edge having parameter %0.3f" % (param);
		#param must be between the bounds on the original edge
		assert param >= original.p1 and param <= original.p2;
		#compute nodes on either end.
		n1 = tP(original.firstPoint);
		n2 = tP(original.lastPoint);
		#add new node and edges
		n3 = tP( Wrappers.pointAtParameter(edge,param));
		newNode1 = EdgeSegment(edge,original.p1,param,original.type);
		newNode2 = EdgeSegment(edge,param,original.p2, original.type );

		#delete the original
		return [newNode1,newNode2];
Ejemplo n.º 21
	def addEdge(self,edge,type):
		"adds an edgeto the structure, using the endpoints of the edge as the nodes"
		"this is equivalent to adding an edgesegment that spans the full edge"
		ew = Wrappers.Edge(edge);
		newEdge = EdgeSegment(ew,ew.firstParameter,ew.lastParameter,type);
Ejemplo n.º 22
def intersectWiresUsingDistShapeShape(wire, edges):
    "intersect a wire with a series of edges. naive algorithm without bounding box sorting "
    ipoints = []
    w = Wrappers.Wire(wire)

    circle = gp.gp_Circ2d(gp.gp_Ax2d(tP(2, 4),
                                     gp.gp().DX2d()), 2)
    e2 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge2d(circle, tP(4, 4),
                                                  tP(0, 4)).Edge()
    e4 = edgeFromTwoPoints((-4, 4), (0, 0))
    brp = BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape(e2, e4)
    print "runing"
    print "done"
    if brp.Value() < 0.001:
        print "intersection found!"
        #TODO need to handle the somewhat unusual cases that the intersection is
        #on a vertex
        for k in range(1, brp.NbSolution() + 1):
            p1 = brp.PointOnShape1(k)
            ipoints.append(p1.X(), p1.Y())

    return (count, ipoints)
Ejemplo n.º 23
	def addWire(self,wire,type):
		"add all the edges of a wire. They will be connected together."
		"type is the node type for each edge"
		#for finding an edge node
		wr = Wrappers.Wire(wire);
		self.edgeSeq = wr.edgesAsSequence();
		firstNode = None;
		lastNode = None;
		last = None;
		for i in range(1,self.edgeSeq.Length()+1):

			edge = Wrappers.cast(self.edgeSeq.Value(i));
			te = Wrappers.Edge(edge);			
			newnode = EdgeNode(te,type);
			if last:
				self.linkPrev( newnode,last);
				self.linkNext(last,newnode );
			last = newnode;

			if i == 1:
				firstNode = newnode;
			if i == self.edgeSeq.Length():
				lastNode = newnode;

		#link last and first edge if the wire is closed
		if wire.Closed():
			self.linkPrev( firstNode,lastNode);
			self.linkNext( lastNode,firstNode);			
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, shape, options):

        self.solid = Wrappers.Solid(shape)
        self.slices = []
        #a list of slices
        self.sliceMap = {}
        #distinct slices. different because some slices are re-used instead of calculated again
        self.options = options


        self.extruder = Extruder(options)

        #note: make sure to fix the shape before translating!
        if options.fixShape:

        if options.translateToPositiveCenter:
            self.solid = self.solid.translateToPositiveCenter(
                options.tableCenterX, options.tableCenterY)

        #now apply slicing limits, if the user specified them
        #warning, it is confusing if the user specifies these, and specifies translate=true, how do they know where zMin and zMax will be?
        if options.zMin == None:
            options.zMin = self.solid.zMin

        if options.zMax == None:
            options.zMax = self.solid.zMax
Ejemplo n.º 25
def displayPixelGrid(pixelGrid):
    "show all the points in a pixel grid"
    l = []
    for k in pixelGrid.keys():
        l.append(Wrappers.make_vertex(gp.gp_Pnt(k[0], k[1], 0.00)))

Ejemplo n.º 26
def testWirePixmap2(face):
		tests drawing a wire while adjusting sharp borders
    PIXEL = 0.01

    #get bounding box
    (xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax) = boundingBox([face])
    g = nx.Graph()
    #adjust boundaries a bit
    BUFFER = PIXEL * 5
    #make pixmap
    pixmap = pixmaptest.pixmap((xMin - BUFFER, yMin - BUFFER),
                               (xMax + BUFFER, yMax + BUFFER), PIXEL)

    ow = brt.OuterWire(face)
    boundary = tuplesFromWire(ow, DEFLECTION)

    for et in Wrappers.pairwise(boundary):
        p1 = et[0]
        p2 = et[1]
        g.add_edge(p1, p2)

        i1 = pixmap.index(p1)
        i2 = pixmap.index(p2)
        #print i1,i2,p1,p2
        pixmap.drawLine(p1, p2, 1, 2)

Ejemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self, edge, p1, p2, type):
     "edge is a ref to an edge, with the beginning and ending parameters"
     "for the underlying curve"
     self.edge = edge
     self.ew = Wrappers.Edge(edge)
     self.p1 = p1
     self.p2 = p2
     self.type = type
Ejemplo n.º 28
	def addBoundaryWire(self,wire):
		#for finding an edge node
		wr = Wrappers.Wire(wire);
		eS = wr.edgesAsSequence();

		for i in range(1,eS.Length()+1):
			e = OCCUtil.cast(eS.Value(i));
Ejemplo n.º 29
	def buildGraph(self):
		g = self.graph;
		#add fill edge nodes first
		for e in self.fillEdges:
			g.add_edge(e[0], e[1], {"type":'FILL', "edgeList":e[2]});
		#add boundary nodes. 
		for (edge, pointList ) in self.boundaryEdges.iteritems():
			#sort the points by parameter
			sortedPoints = sorted(pointList,key = lambda p: p.param );
			for (poe1,poe2) in Wrappers.pairwise(sortedPoints):
				#dont add if there is already an edge
				if not g.has_edge(poe1.node,poe2.node):
					#here we need to trim each edge to limit it to the desired parameters
					g.add_edge(poe1.node,poe2.node,{"type":"BOUND", "edge": Wrappers.trimmedEdge(edge,poe1.param,poe2.param)});
Ejemplo n.º 30
	def addBoundaryWire(self,wire):
		#for finding an edge node
		wr = Wrappers.Wire(wire);
		eS = wr.edgesAsSequence();

		for i in range(1,eS.Length()+1):
			e = Wrappers.cast(eS.Value(i));
Ejemplo n.º 31
def makeFillEdges2d(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, spacing):
    "make straight hatch lines."
    edges = []
    for y in Wrappers.frange6(yMin, yMax, spacing):
        e = edgeFromTwoPoints((xMin, y), (xMax, y))
        # TestDisplay.display.showShape(e);
    return edges
Ejemplo n.º 32
def makeFillEdges2d(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, spacing):
    "make straight hatch lines."
    edges = []
    for y in Wrappers.frange6(yMin, yMax, spacing):
        e = edgeFromTwoPoints((xMin, y), (xMax, y))
    return edges
Ejemplo n.º 33
def loopWire(w):
	topexp = TopExp.TopExp_Explorer();
	edges = [];
	while topexp.More():
		currentEdge = Wrappers.cast(topexp.Current());
	return edges;
Ejemplo n.º 34
def loopWire(w):
    topexp = TopExp.TopExp_Explorer()
    topexp.Init(w, TopAbs.TopAbs_EDGE)
    edges = []
    while topexp.More():
        currentEdge = Wrappers.cast(topexp.Current())
    return edges
Ejemplo n.º 35
def displayGraph(graph):
	"display an networkx graph"
	"this is just a hack-- the tuples are in integer coordinates, and this will be terribly slow"
	for e in graph.edges_iter():
Ejemplo n.º 36
def makeFillCurves2d(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, spacing):
		makes a set of lines that are curves not edges
		probably the minimal possible construction
    lines = []
    for y in Wrappers.frange6(yMin, yMax, spacing):
        l = GCE2d.GCE2d_MakeSegment(tP(xMin, y), tP(xMax, y)).Value()
    return lines
Ejemplo n.º 37
def displayGraph(graph):
    "display an networkx graph"
    "this is just a hack-- the tuples are in integer coordinates, and this will be terribly slow"

    for e in graph.edges_iter():
                Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(pnt(e[0]), pnt(e[1])))
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def computeLayerPath(self, slice):
        "computes paths for a single layer"

        pe = PathExport.ShapeDraw(True, 0.001)
        path = []

        allShapes = TopTools.TopTools_HSequenceOfShape()
        Wrappers.extendhSeq(allShapes, slice.fillWires)
        Wrappers.extendhSeq(allShapes, slice.fillEdges)
        for move in pe.follow(allShapes):
            moveType = move.__class__.__name__
            if moveType == "LinearMove":
            elif moveType == "ArcMove":
                raise ValueError, "Unknown Move Type!"

        return "\n".join(path)
Ejemplo n.º 39
def makeFillCurves2d(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, spacing):
		makes a set of lines that are curves not edges
		probably the minimal possible construction
    lines = []
    for y in Wrappers.frange6(yMin, yMax, spacing):
        l = GCE2d.GCE2d_MakeSegment(tP(xMin, y), tP(xMax, y)).Value()
    return lines
Ejemplo n.º 40
	def __init__(self,edge,p1,p2,type):
		"edge is a ref to an edge, with the beginning and ending parameters"
		"for the underlying curve"
		self.edge = edge;
		self.p1 = p1;
		self.p2 = p2;
		self.type =type;
		#todo, this can be optimized, the underlying curve is computed twice here.
		[self.firstPoint, self.lastPoint] = Wrappers.pointAtParameterList(edge, [self.p1,self.p2] );
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def __init__(self, edge, p1, p2, type):
        "edge is a ref to an edge, with the beginning and ending parameters"
        "for the underlying curve"
        self.edge = edge
        self.p1 = p1
        self.p2 = p2
        self.type = type

        #todo, this can be optimized, the underlying curve is computed twice here.
        [self.firstPoint, self.lastPoint
         ] = Wrappers.pointAtParameterList(edge, [self.p1, self.p2])
Ejemplo n.º 42
	def addWire(self,wire,type):
		"add all the edges of a wire. They will be connected together."
		"each edge is added at its full length"
		#for finding an edge node
		wr = Wrappers.Wire(wire);
		eS = wr.edgesAsSequence();

		for i in range(1,eS.Length()+1):
			e = Wrappers.cast(eS.Value(i));
Ejemplo n.º 43
def displayAllEdgesAndVertices(g):
    i = 0
    for en in g.edges_iter(data=True):
        i += 1
    print "%d edges total" % i
    i = 0
    for n in g.nodes_iter():
        i += 1
        p = gp.gp_Pnt(n[0], n[1], 0)
        display.DisplayShape(Wrappers.make_vertex(p), update=False)
    print "%d nodes total" % i
Ejemplo n.º 44
def makeEdgeIndicator(edge):
	"makes an indicator showing which way the edge goes"
	ew = Wrappers.Edge(edge);
	fp = ew.firstParameter;
	lp = ew.lastParameter;
	if ew.reversed:
		p = fp + (( lp - fp ) * 1 / 5 );
		p = fp + ((lp - fp) * 4 /5 );
	midPnt = ew.curve.Value(p);
	return Wrappers.make_vertex(midPnt);
Ejemplo n.º 45
def makeHeartWire2d():
    "make a heart wire in 2d"
    e1 = edgeFromTwoPoints((0, 0), (4.0, 4.0))

    circle = gp.gp_Circ2d(gp.gp_Ax2d(tP(2, 4), gp.gp().DX2d()), 2)
    e2 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge2d(circle, tP(4, 4), tP(0, 4)).Edge()

    circle = gp.gp_Circ2d(gp.gp_Ax2d(tP(-2, 4), gp.gp().DX2d()), 2)
    e3 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge2d(circle, tP(0, 4), tP(-4, 4)).Edge()

    e4 = edgeFromTwoPoints((-4, 4), (0, 0))
    return Wrappers.wireFromEdges([e1, e2, e3, e4])
Ejemplo n.º 46
def testSplitWire2():
	"intersections on different edges. one edge completely inside"
	e1 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(2,0,0));
	e2 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(2,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(5,0,0));
	e3 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(5,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(6,0,0));
	#trick here. after building a wire, the edges change identity.
	#evidently, BRepBuilder_MakeWire makes copies of the underliying edges.
	w = Wrappers.wireFromEdges([e1,e2,e3]);
	ee = Wrappers.Wire(w).edgesAsList();
	#print "Original Edges: %d %d %d " % ( ee[0].__hash__(),ee[1].__hash__(),ee[2].__hash__());
	p1 = PointOnAnEdge(ee[0],1.0,gp.gp_Pnt(1.0,0,0));
	p2 = PointOnAnEdge(ee[2],0.5,gp.gp_Pnt(5.0,0,0));
	ee = splitWire(w,[p2,p1]);
	assert len(ee) == 1;
	length = 0;
	for e in ee[0]:
		ew = Wrappers.Edge(e);
		length += ew.distanceBetweenEnds();
	#print "length=%0.3f" % length;
	assert length == 4.5;
Ejemplo n.º 47
def splitPerfTest():
	"make a long wire of lots of edges"
		performance of the wire split routine is surprisingly bad!
	edges = [];

	#trick here. after building a wire, the edges change identity.
	#evidently, BRepBuilder_MakeWire makes copies of the underliying edges.
	h = hexagonlib.Hexagon(2.0,0 );
	wirelist = h.makeHexForBoundingBox((0,0,0), (100,100,0));
	w = wirelist[0];
	ee = Wrappers.Wire(w).edgesAsList();
	#compute two intersections
	e1 = Wrappers.Edge(ee[5]);
	e2 = Wrappers.Edge(ee[60]);
	e1p = (e1.lastParameter - e1.firstParameter )/ 2;
	e2p = (e2.lastParameter - e2.firstParameter )/ 2;
	p1 = PointOnAnEdge(e1.edge,e1p ,e1.pointAtParameter(e1p));
	p2 = PointOnAnEdge(e2.edge,e2p ,e2.pointAtParameter(e2p));
	TestDisplay.display.showShape( Wrappers.make_vertex(p1.point));
	TestDisplay.display.showShape( Wrappers.make_vertex(p2.point));
	cProfile.runctx('for i in range(1,2): ee=splitWire(w,[p2,p1])', globals(), locals(), filename="slicer.prof")
	p = pstats.Stats('slicer.prof')

	t = Wrappers.Timer();
	ee = None;
	for i in range(1,2):
		ee = splitWire(w,[p2,p1]);
	print "Elapsed for 100splits:",t.finishedString();
Ejemplo n.º 48
def boundarypixmapFromFace(face):
		creates a pixel map containing only the boundaries of the object.
		the shape is approximated with straight lines, and vertices are marked
		with different values to help re-construct the lines later on.	
		Some c++ optimizaion woudl really speed this up.
    PIXEL = 0.02

    #get bounding box
    (xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax) = boundingBox([face])

    #make pixmap
    pixmap = pixmaptest.pixmap((xMin, yMin), (xMax, yMax), PIXEL)

    #approximate each wire with a set of segments
    bb = TopExp.TopExp_Explorer()
    bb.Init(face, TopAbs.TopAbs_WIRE)
    while bb.More():
        #print "plotting wire"
        w = Wrappers.Wire(Wrappers.cast(bb.Current()))

        #divide the edge into discrete segments
        lastPnt = None
        for e in w.edges2():
            #for each edge, set vertices, and compute points on the edge
            ew = Wrappers.Edge(e)
            lastPnt = None
            for pnt in ew.discretePoints(DEFLECTION):
                pixmap.set(tP(pnt), 2)

                #plot the line
                if lastPnt != None: pixmap.drawLine(tP(lastPnt), tP(pnt))
                lastPnt = pnt

    return pixmap
Ejemplo n.º 49
def splitPerfTest():
	"make a long wire of lots of edges"
		performance of the wire split routine is surprisingly bad!
	edges = [];
	for i in range(1,50):
		e = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(i*WIDTH,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt((i+1)*WIDTH,0,0))
	#trick here. after building a wire, the edges change identity.
	#evidently, BRepBuilder_MakeWire makes copies of the underliying edges.
	w = Wrappers.wireFromEdges(edges);
	ee = Wrappers.Wire(w).edgesAsList();
	#compute two intersections
	e1 = Wrappers.Edge(ee[5]);
	e2 = Wrappers.Edge(ee[30]);
	e1p = (e1.lastParameter - e1.firstParameter )/ 2;
	e2p = (e2.lastParameter - e2.firstParameter )/ 2;
	p1 = PointOnAnEdge(e1.edge,e1p ,e1.pointAtParameter(e1p));
	p2 = PointOnAnEdge(e2.edge,e2p ,e2.pointAtParameter(e2p));
	#cProfile.runctx('for i in range(1,100): ee=splitWire(w,[p2,p1])', globals(), locals(), filename="slicer.prof")
	#p = pstats.Stats('slicer.prof')

	t = Wrappers.Timer();
	for i in range(1,100):
		ee = splitWire(w,[p2,p1]);
	print "Elapsed for 100 splits:",t.finishedString();
Ejemplo n.º 50
	def follow(self,shapeList, finish=True):
		"a generator that returns a list of moves that navigates the list of shapes"
		"if finish is true, any pending move will be finished. If false,"
		"pending linear moves are left in case next moves duplicate them"
		log.debug("Following Shape");
		for s in Wrappers.hSeqIterator(shapeList):
			for m in self.followShape(s):
				yield m;
		#flush any last remaining move
		if finish:
			t= self._fetchPendingMove();
			if t:
				yield t;
Ejemplo n.º 51
	def __init__(self,edge,p1,p2,type):
		"edge is a ref to an edge, with the beginning and ending parameters"
		"for the underlying curve"
		self.edge = edge;
		self.p1 = p1;
		self.p2 = p2;
		self.type =type;
		self.hash = self.edge.__hash__();
		#precompute to save time
		self.myKey = ( self.hash,self.p1, self.p2);
		#todo, this can be optimized, the underlying curve is computed twice here.
		[self.firstPoint, self.lastPoint] = Wrappers.pointAtParameterList(edge, [self.p1,self.p2] );
Ejemplo n.º 52
def testProjectingPointInaccurately():
		test projecting a point onto a curve
    h = makeHeartWire()

    # convert to twod curves
    curves = []
    for e in Wrappers.Wire(h).edges2():

        # project a point onto the wire. we want to see if slight inaccurcies will project.
        # this simulates trying to find points on a curve that were put there via pixels
    DISTANCE = 0.004
    p = gp.gp_Pnt2d(2.0 + DISTANCE, 2.0 - DISTANCE)
    display.DisplayShape(Wrappers.make_vertex(gp.gp_Pnt(p.X(), p.Y(), 0)))
    for c in curves:
        r = projectPointOnCurve2d(c, p, 0.005)
        if r is not None:
            (param, pnt) = r
            print "found point: parmater-%0.3f, point-(%0.3f,%0.3f)" % (param, pnt.X(), pnt.Y())
            display.DisplayShape(Wrappers.make_vertex(gp.gp_Pnt(pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), 0)))
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def __init__(self, edge, p1, p2, type):
        "edge is a ref to an edge, with the beginning and ending parameters"
        "for the underlying curve"
        self.edge = edge
        self.p1 = p1
        self.p2 = p2
        self.type = type

        self.hash = self.edge.__hash__()
        # precompute to save time
        self.myKey = (self.hash, self.p1, self.p2)

        # todo, this can be optimized, the underlying curve is computed twice here.
        [self.firstPoint, self.lastPoint] = Wrappers.pointAtParameterList(edge, [self.p1, self.p2])
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def __init__(self, edge, p1, p2, type):
        "edge is a ref to an edge, with the beginning and ending parameters"
        "for the underlying curve"
        self.edge = edge
        self.ew = Wrappers.Edge(edge)
        self.p1 = p1
        self.p2 = p2
        self.type = type

        #next is edges reachable from the end of the edge
        self.next = {}

        #prev is the edges reachable from the beginning of the edge
        self.prev = {}
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def addEdgeListAsSingleEdge(self, edgeList, etype):
			adds a list of edges in the graph as a single edge.
			The list of edges becomes a 'pseudo-edge' with a single start and endpoint.
			The edge cannot be divided, and its vertices are not stored in the edge graph

        # TODO: adding this method has broken the EdgeSegment intervace.
        # what is needed is an object that exposes first and last point, and a container for the underlying object
        # an edgesegment ( a portion of an edge between two parameters ), a full edge ( requring no trimming ),
        # and a gropu of edges combined are all special subcases.

        firstEdge = edgeList[0]
        lastEdge = edgeList[-1]
        (f, l) = brepTool.Range(firstEdge)
        (n, m) = brepTool.Range(lastEdge)

        # todo, this can be optimized, the underlying curve is computed twice here.
        # something very odd is happening here. whey does using the last parameter and first paraterm
        # work ? initially i had them backewards, which should have worked, but opposites worked.
        # wierd. do i need to account for the sense?
        # maybe i should just use wrappers.edge here
        if firstEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs.TopAbs_FORWARD:
            p1 = tP(Wrappers.pointAtParameter(firstEdge, f))
            p1 = tP(Wrappers.pointAtParameter(firstEdge, l))

        if lastEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs.TopAbs_FORWARD:
            p2 = tP(Wrappers.pointAtParameter(lastEdge, m))
            p2 = tP(Wrappers.pointAtParameter(lastEdge, n))

            # todo, i dont think we care about this key do we, as long as it is unique?
        self.g.add_edge(p1, p2, {"edgeList": edgeList, "type": etype})
        if etype == "FILL":
            self.fillEdges.append((p1, p2))
Ejemplo n.º 56
def approximatedWire(wire):
	"returns a bezier approximation of the specified wire as an edge"
	#make a parameterized approximation of the wire
	adaptor = BRepAdaptor.BRepAdaptor_CompCurve (wire);
	curve = BRepAdaptor.BRepAdaptor_HCompCurve(adaptor);
	curveHandle = curve.GetHandle();
	#approximate the curve using a tolerance
	approx = Approx.Approx_Curve3d(curveHandle,0.01,GeomAbs.GeomAbs_C2,1000,8);
	if approx.IsDone() and  approx.HasResult():
		# have the result

		builder =  BRepLib.BRepLib_MakeEdge(anApproximatedCurve);
		e = builder.Edge();
		return Wrappers.wireFromEdges([e]);
Ejemplo n.º 57
def testHugePixmap(face):
		tests drawing a wire while adjusting sharp borders
	PIXEL = 0.005 ;

	#get bounding box
	(xMin,yMin,zMin,xMax,yMax,zMax) = boundingBox([face]);
	g = nx.Graph();
	#adjust boundaries a bit
	#make pixmap
	pixmap = pixmaptest.pixmap((xMin-BUFFER,yMin-BUFFER),(xMax+BUFFER,yMax+BUFFER),PIXEL);

	ow = brt.OuterWire(face);
	boundary = tuplesFromWire(ow,DEFLECTION);
	for et in Wrappers.pairwise(boundary):
		p1 = et[0];
		p2 = et[1];

		i1 = pixmap.index(p1);
		i2 = pixmap.index(p2);
		#print i1,i2,p1,p2
	#now, lets see how long it takes to find the intersection of a line by painting on the pixmap
	q = time.clock();
	p1 = ( -4.0,2.0 )
	p2 = ( 4.0, 2.0 )
	results = pixmap.drawLine2(p1,p2 )
	print results
	print "Found Intersections in %0.3f seconds" % ( time.clock() - q );
	#how fast is it to determine if a point is on the face?
	q = time.clock()
	p1 = ( -0.5,2.0)
	for i in range(1,1000):
	print "Tested 1000 points in %0.3f seconds" % ( time.clock() - q );
	pixmap.saveImage( "c:\\temp\scanline.jpg" );
Ejemplo n.º 58
def boundarypixmapFromFace(face):
		creates a pixel map containing only the boundaries of the object.
		the shape is approximated with straight lines, and vertices are marked
		with different values to help re-construct the lines later on.	
		Some c++ optimizaion woudl really speed this up.
	PIXEL = 0.02;

	#get bounding box
	(xMin,yMin,zMin,xMax,yMax,zMax) = boundingBox([face]);
	#make pixmap
	pixmap = pixmaptest.pixmap((xMin,yMin),(xMax,yMax),PIXEL);

	#approximate each wire with a set of segments
	bb = TopExp.TopExp_Explorer();
	while bb.More():
		#print "plotting wire"
		w = Wrappers.Wire(Wrappers.cast(bb.Current()));
		#divide the edge into discrete segments
		lastPnt = None;
		for e in w.edges2():
			#for each edge, set vertices, and compute points on the edge
			ew = Wrappers.Edge(e);
			lastPnt = None;
			for pnt in ew.discretePoints(DEFLECTION):				
				#plot the line
				if lastPnt != None: pixmap.drawLine(tP(lastPnt),tP(pnt) );				
				lastPnt = pnt;
	return pixmap;