Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, name):
        """  Create Obit task object
        Creates task object and calls server function to parse TDF
        file to obtain task specific parametrs and documentation.
        Following is a list of class members:
        _default_dict   = Dictionary with default values of parameters
        _input_list     = List of input parameters in order
        _output_list    = List of output parameters in order
        _min_dict       = Parameter minimum values as a List
        _max_dict       = Parameter maximum values as a List
        _hlp_dict       = Parameter descriptions (list of strings)
                          as a dictionary
        _strlen_dict    = String parameter lengths as dictionary
        _help_string    = Task Help documentation as list of strings
        _explain_string = Task Explain documentation as list of strings
        _short_help     = One line description of task
        _message_list   = list of execution messages
        retCode         = Task return code, 0=Finished OK
        debug           = If true save task parameter file
        logFile         = if given, the name of the file in which to
                          write messages
        doWait          = True if synchronous  operation wished
        Current parameter values are given as class members.
        self._task_type = 'OBIT'
        AIPSTask.__init__(self, name)
        self._remainder = ""  # Partial message buffer
        if self.userno == 0:
            self.userno = 1

        # Set disk directory names
        #print "DEBUG ObitTask._init__ before ",FITS.disks
        dirs = []
        for x in FITS.disks:
            if x != None:
                #print "DEBUG ObitTask._init__ ",x.dirname
        #print "DEBUG ObitTask._init__ before ",FITS.disks
        self.__dict__["FITSdirs"] = dirs
        #print "DEBUG ObitTask._init__ after ",self.__dict__["FITSdirs"]
        dirs = []
        for x in AIPS.disks:
            if x != None:
                #print "DEBUG ObitTask._init__ ",x.dirname
        self.__dict__["AIPSdirs"] = dirs
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, name, **kwds):
     obAIPSTask.__init__(self, name, **kwds)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, name):
     AIPSTask.__init__(self, name)