def action_model(model_type, model, board, player): """ :param model_type: model type :param model: policy model or value model, or else :param board: a numpy array with size (15 x 15) :param player: a player :return: """ if player == "black": player = RenjuGame.PLAYER_BLACK else: player = RenjuGame.PLAYER_WHITE position = RenjuGame(board=board, player=player) if model_type == "policy_dl" or model_type == "policy_rl": state = position.get_states() action = model.predict([state])[0] elif model_type == "policy_rollout": # state = position.get_patterns() state = position.get_states(flatten=True) action = model.predict([state])[0] elif model_type == "value_net": state = position.get_states(player_plane=True) action = model.predict([state])[0] else: logger.error("not support model type=%s" % model_type) action = None return action
def simulate(model_type, model, board, player, random_prob=0.95): if player == "black": player = RenjuGame.PLAYER_BLACK else: player = RenjuGame.PLAYER_WHITE game = RenjuGame(board=board, player=player) while True: # loop game if model_type == "policy_dl" or model_type == "policy_rl": state = game.get_states() predict_vals = model.predict([state])[0] elif model_type == "policy_rollout": state = game.get_states(flatten=True) predict_vals = model.predict([state])[0] elif model_type == "value_net": state = game.get_states(player_plane=True) predict_vals = model.predict([state])[0] if random.random() < random_prob: action = game.choose_action(predict_vals) else: # choose second best action = game.weighted_choose_action(predict_vals) if action is None: return 0 _, reward_n, terminal_n = game.step_games(action) if terminal_n: return reward_n
def single_import_renju_pattern(index): renju_db = DBWrapper(db_path="./data/renju.db") pattern_db = DBWrapper(db_path="./data/patterns.db") row = renju_db.query("select * from renju limit 1 offset ?", index)[0] position = RenjuGame(board=stream_to_board(row["board"]), player=row["player"]) pattern = ','.join(map(str, position.get_patterns())) action = row["action"] while True: try: pattern_db.execute("insert INTO pattern(pattern, player, action) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", pattern, row["player"], action) break except: logger.warn("fail to insert into pattern_db, try again")
def acquire_thread(self, player): for _, _thread in self.threads.items(): if _thread.signal is SIGNAL_FREE: print "ai player:", player _thread.root = Node(RenjuGame(board=None, player=player)) _thread.root.position.board[7][7] = RenjuGame.STONE_BLACK if player == "black": _thread.root.position.player = RenjuGame.PLAYER_WHITE self.simulate( return return None
def predict_model(): with tf.device("/cpu:0"): with tf.name_scope('%s_%d' % (TOWER_NAME, 0)) as scope: states = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, board_size, board_size, planes]) logits = inference(states) saver = tf.train.Saver() init = tf.initialize_all_variables() sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto( allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) ) restore_model(sess, train_dir, saver) import pdb pdb.set_trace() board, player = None, None position = RenjuGame(board=board, player=player) state = np.array([position.get_states()], dtype=np.float32) action =[logits], feed_dict={states: state})
def import_RenjuNet(self, file_path): if not os.path.exists(file_path): logger.error("not found file: %s" % file_path, to_exit=True) # read xml file bs_tree = BeautifulSoup(open(file_path, 'r').read()) games = bs_tree.find_all("game") # insert moves game_num = len(games) move_count = 0 step = 0 for game in games: step += 1 gid = int(game.attrs["id"]) moves = game.move.text.strip().replace("%20", " ").split(" ") if len(self.db.query("select id from renju WHERE gid=?", gid)) > 0: # when gid exists continue renju_game = RenjuGame() for mid, move in enumerate(moves): move = move.strip() if move == "": continue board_stream = board_to_stream(renju_game.board) player = renju_game.player row = ord(move[0]) - ord('a') col = int(move[1:]) - 1 action = renju_game.transform_action((row, col)) # insert self.db.execute("insert INTO renju (gid, mid, board, player, action) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", gid, mid, board_stream, player, action) # do move renju_game.do_move((row, col)) move_count += len(moves) if step % 100 == 0: print "load games= %d / %d" % (step, game_num)"newly insert games=%d, moves=%d" % (game_num, move_count)) print "finish import moves"
def random_fetch_rows(self, fetch_size): """ :param fetch_size: :return: a list of tuples (instance of RenjuGame, action of int) """ ids = random.sample(self.ids, fetch_size) # rows = self.db.query("SELECT board,player,action FROM renju ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT ?", fetch_size) rows = self.db.query("SELECT board,player,action FROM renju where id IN (%s)" % ",".join(map(str, ids))) samples = [] for row in rows: board = stream_to_board(row["board"]) player = row["player"] action = row["action"] samples.append((RenjuGame(board=board, player=player), action)) return samples
def iterator_fetch_rows(self, batch_size): """ :param batch_size: :return: """ for offset in range(0, len(self.ids), batch_size): limit_no = min(len(self.ids), offset + batch_size) batch_ids = ','.join(map(str, self.ids[offset: limit_no])) rows = self.db.query("SELECT board,player,action FROM renju WHERE id in (%s)" % batch_ids) samples = [] for row in rows: board = stream_to_board(row["board"]) player = row["player"] action = row["action"] samples.append((RenjuGame(board=board, player=player), action)) while len(samples) < batch_size: samples.append(random.choice(samples)) yield samples
def play_games(args): player = args.player board_stream = args.board if board_stream != "": if not is_legal_stream(board_stream): logger.error("not legal board stream:[%s]" % board_stream, to_exit=True) board = stream_to_board(board_stream) else: board = None root = RenjuGame(board=board, player=player) rpc = ModelRPC(args) mcst = MCTS(rpc, visit_threshold=args.mcts_visit_threshold, virtual_loss=args.mcts_virtual_loss, explore_rate=args.mcts_explore_rate, mix_lambda=args.mcts_mix_lambda) root = mcst.simulation(root) node, action = mcst.decision(root) print board print "action: %d", action
def next_fetch_rows(self, batch_size): """ :param batch_size: :return: """ start_idx = self.fetch_index end_idx = min(self.fetch_index + batch_size, len(self.ids)) if start_idx >= end_idx: self.fetch_index = 0 self.shuffle_datas() start_idx, end_idx = 0, batch_size batch_ids = ','.join(map(str, self.ids[start_idx: end_idx])) rows = self.db.query("SELECT board,player,action FROM renju WHERE id in (%s)" % batch_ids) samples = [] for row in rows: board = stream_to_board(row["board"]) player = row["player"] action = row["action"] samples.append((RenjuGame(board=board, player=player), action)) self.fetch_index = end_idx return samples
def sampling_for_value_network(rpc, sample_num, sample_file, max_time_steps=225): """ :param max_steps: max time steps in games :return: """ sample_games = [] if os.path.exists(sample_file): sample_games = cPickle.load(open(sample_file, 'rb'))"load sample file: %s, samples=%d" % (sample_file, len(sample_games))) sample_sets = set() # used to check unique sample game = RenjuGame() record_policy_dl_boards = [] # move step by policy dl game.reset_game() record_policy_dl_boards.append(game.replicate_game()) while True: action = game.choose_action( rpc.policy_dl_rpc(board_to_stream(game.board), game.get_player_name())) if action is None: break state, _, terminal = game.step_games(action) if terminal: break record_policy_dl_boards.append(game.replicate_game()) max_time_steps = min(max_time_steps, len(record_policy_dl_boards)) - 1 # sample game while len(sample_games) < sample_num: sampled_game = None while True: # loop to find legal sample flag_time_step = random.randint(1, max_time_steps) recorded_game = record_policy_dl_boards[flag_time_step - 1].replicate_game() random_action = recorded_game.random_action() if random_action is None: break random_state, _, terminal = recorded_game.step_games(random_action) if not terminal and not str(random_state) in sample_sets: sample_sets.add(str(random_state)) break if random_action is None: # invalid loop continue # move step by policy rl time_step = flag_time_step while True: # simulate game by policy rl actions = rpc.policy_rl_rpc(board_to_stream(recorded_game.board), recorded_game.get_player_name()) action = recorded_game.choose_action(actions) if action is None: # game drawn sampled_reward = 0 break state, reward, terminal = recorded_game.step_games(action) time_step += 1 if time_step == (flag_time_step + 1): # record board sampled_game = recorded_game.replicate_game() if terminal: # record value sampled_reward = reward break if sampled_game is not None: sample_games.append((sampled_game, sampled_reward))"sample simulate, sample_step=%d, time_step=%d" % (len(sample_games), time_step)) if len(sample_games) % 100 == 0: cPickle.dump(sample_games, open(sample_file, "wb"), protocol=2)"create value network sample, step=%d" % len(sample_games)) return sample_games
def train_rl_network(batch_games=128, save_step=10000, max_model_pools=5, init_epsilon=0.5, final_epsilon=0.01, explore=1000000, action_repeat=32, mini_batch_size=64): """ data set from self-play :return: """ args = parser_argument().parse_args() rpc = ModelRPC(args) game = RenjuGame() batch_states, batch_actions, batch_rewards = deque(), deque(), deque() mini_batch_states, mini_batch_actions, mini_batch_rewards = [ 0 ] * mini_batch_size, [0] * mini_batch_size, [0] * mini_batch_size model_pools = [] param_file = "%s/param.json" % train_dir params = param_unserierlize(param_file, init_params={ "global_step": 0, "epsilon": init_epsilon }) global_step_val, epsilon = params["global_step"], params["epsilon"] # load model sess, saver, summary_writer, train_op, loss, accuracy, global_step, lr, tower_feeds, tower_logits = network( ) train_step = 0 while True: start_time = time.time() # choose policy network for opponent player from model pools if train_step % 10 == 0: if len(model_pools) > 0: model_file = random.choice(model_pools) else: model_file = None rpc.switch_model("policy_rl", model_file=model_file) while len(batch_states) < batch_games: # opponent_policy = self.load_history_policy_model(model_file) black_opponent = random.choice([True, False]) # reset game game.reset_game() # simulate game by current parameter states, actions, rewards = [], [], [] state = game.step_games(None) while True: # loop current game # self-play, current model V.S. history model if (black_opponent and game.player == RenjuGame.PLAYER_BLACK) \ or (not black_opponent and game.player == RenjuGame.PLAYER_WHITE): predict_probs = rpc.policy_rl_rpc( board_to_stream(game.board), game.get_player_name()) else: # current player predict_probs = [tower_logits[0]], feed_dict={tower_feeds[0][0]: [state]})[0][0] if random.random() < epsilon: # random choose action action = game.weighted_choose_action(predict_probs) else: action = game.choose_action(predict_probs) if action is None: final_reward = 0 break # step game state_n, reward_n, terminal_n = game.step_games(action) # store (state, action) states.append(state) actions.append(action) # set new states state = state_n if terminal_n: final_reward = reward_n break # check whether game drawn if game.random_action( ) is None: # game drawn, equal end, reward=0 final_reward = 0"game drawn, so amazing...") break # store (reward) for step in xrange(len(states)): if step % 2 == 0: rewards.append(final_reward) else: rewards.append(-final_reward) # store states of ith game batch_states.append(states) batch_actions.append(actions) batch_rewards.append(rewards) # fit model by mini batch avg_loss, avg_acc = 0.0, 0.0 for _ in xrange(action_repeat / gpu_num): train_step += 1 feeds = {} for gpu_id in xrange(gpu_num): for idx in xrange(mini_batch_size): game_idx = random.randint(0, len(batch_states) - 1) game_time_step_idx = random.randint( 0, len(batch_states[game_idx]) - 1) mini_batch_states[idx] = batch_states[game_idx][ game_time_step_idx] mini_batch_actions[idx] = batch_actions[game_idx][ game_time_step_idx] mini_batch_rewards[idx] = batch_rewards[game_idx][ game_time_step_idx] feeds[tower_feeds[gpu_id][0]] = mini_batch_states feeds[tower_feeds[gpu_id][1]] = mini_batch_actions feeds[tower_feeds[gpu_id][2]] = mini_batch_rewards _, global_step_val, loss_val, acc_val = [train_op, global_step, loss, accuracy], feed_dict=feeds) avg_loss += loss_val avg_acc += acc_val # update epsilon if epsilon > final_epsilon: epsilon -= (init_epsilon - final_epsilon) / explore avg_loss /= action_repeat avg_acc /= action_repeat batch_states.popleft() batch_actions.popleft() batch_rewards.popleft() global_step_val = int(global_step_val) elapsed_time = int(time.time() - start_time) "train policy rl network, step=%d, epsilon=%.5f, loss=%.6f, acc=%.6f, time=%d(sec)" % (train_step, epsilon, avg_loss, avg_acc, elapsed_time)) # save model if train_step % save_step == 0: params["global_step"], params["epsilon"] = global_step_val, epsilon param_serierlize(param_file, params) model_file = save_model(sess, train_dir, saver, "policy_rl_step_%d" % train_step, global_step=global_step_val)"save policy rl model, file=%s" % model_file) model_file = model_file[len(train_dir):] # add history model to pool model_pools.append(model_file) if len(model_pools ) > max_model_pools: # pop head when model pools exceed model_pools.pop(0)"model pools has files: [%s]" % (", ".join(model_pools)))
def train_policy_network(self, rpc, batch_games=128, save_step=50000, max_model_pools=5, init_epsilon=0.5, final_epsilon=0.05, explore=1000000, action_repeat=20, mini_batch_size=128): """ data set from self-play :return: """ game = RenjuGame() batch_states, batch_actions, batch_rewards = deque(), deque(), deque() mini_batch_states, mini_batch_actions, mini_batch_rewards = [ 0 ] * mini_batch_size, [0] * mini_batch_size, [0] * mini_batch_size model_pools = [] params = self.param_unserierlize(init_params={ "global_step": 0, "epsilon": init_epsilon }) global_step_val, epsilon = params["global_step"], params["epsilon"] train_step = 0 while True: start_time = time.time() # choose policy network for opponent player from model pools if train_step % 10 == 0: if len(model_pools) > 0: model_file = random.choice(model_pools) else: model_file = None rpc.switch_model("policy_rl", model_file=model_file) while len(batch_states) < batch_games: # opponent_policy = self.load_history_policy_model(model_file) black_opponent = random.choice([True, False]) # reset game game.reset_game() # simulate game by current parameter states, actions, rewards = [], [], [] state = game.step_games(None) while True: # loop current game # self-play, current model V.S. history model if random.random() < epsilon: # random choose action action = game.random_action() else: if (black_opponent and game.player == RenjuGame.PLAYER_BLACK) \ or (not black_opponent and game.player == RenjuGame.PLAYER_WHITE): action = game.choose_action( rpc.policy_rl_rpc(board_to_stream(game.board), game.get_player_name())) else: # current player action = game.choose_action( self.predict([state])[0]) # step game state_n, reward_n, terminal_n = game.step_games(action) # print "game=", batch_step, ", move=", transform_action(action) # store (state, action) states.append(state) one_hot_act = one_hot_action(action) actions.append(one_hot_act) # set new states state = state_n if terminal_n: final_reward = reward_n #"winner=%s" % ("black" if reward_n > 0 else "white")) break # check whether game drawn if game.random_action( ) is None: # game drawn, equal end, reward=0 final_reward = 0"game drawn, so amazing...") break # store (reward) for step in xrange(len(states)): if step % 2 == 0: rewards.append(final_reward) else: rewards.append(-final_reward) # store states of ith game batch_states.append(states) batch_actions.append(actions) batch_rewards.append(rewards) # fit model by mini batch avg_loss, avg_acc = 0.0, 0.0 for _ in xrange(action_repeat): train_step += 1 for idx in xrange(mini_batch_size): game_idx = random.randint(0, len(batch_states) - 1) game_time_step_idx = random.randint( 0, len(batch_states[game_idx]) - 1) mini_batch_states[idx] = batch_states[game_idx][ game_time_step_idx] mini_batch_actions[idx] = batch_actions[game_idx][ game_time_step_idx] mini_batch_rewards[idx] = batch_rewards[game_idx][ game_time_step_idx] _, global_step_val, loss, acc =, mini_batch_actions, mini_batch_rewards, fetch_info=True) avg_loss += loss avg_acc += acc # update epsilon if epsilon > final_epsilon: epsilon -= (init_epsilon - final_epsilon) / explore avg_loss /= action_repeat avg_acc /= action_repeat batch_states.popleft() batch_actions.popleft() batch_rewards.popleft() global_step_val = int(global_step_val) elapsed_time = int(time.time() - start_time) "train policy rl network, step=%d, epsilon=%.5f, loss=%.6f, acc=%.6f, time=%d(sec)" % (global_step_val, epsilon, avg_loss, avg_acc, elapsed_time)) # save model if train_step % save_step == 0: params["global_step"], params[ "epsilon"] = global_step_val, epsilon self.param_serierlize(params) model_file = self.save_model("policy_rl", global_step=global_step_val)"save policy dl model, file=%s" % model_file) model_file = model_file[len(self.model_dir):] # add history model to pool model_pools.append(model_file) if len(model_pools ) > max_model_pools: # pop head when model pools exceed model_pools.pop(0)"model pools has files: [%s]" % (", ".join(model_pools)))
def train_rl_network(batch_games=128, save_step=10000, max_model_pools=5, init_epsilon=0.5, final_epsilon=0.01, explore=1000000, action_repeat=32, mini_batch_size=64): """ data set from self-play :return: """ args = parser_argument().parse_args() rpc = ModelRPC(args) game = RenjuGame() batch_states, batch_actions, batch_rewards = deque(), deque(), deque() mini_batch_states, mini_batch_actions, mini_batch_rewards = [0] * mini_batch_size, [0] * mini_batch_size, [ 0] * mini_batch_size model_pools = [] param_file = "%s/param.json" % train_dir params = param_unserierlize(param_file, init_params={"global_step": 0, "epsilon": init_epsilon}) global_step_val, epsilon = params["global_step"], params["epsilon"] # load model sess, saver, summary_writer, train_op, loss, accuracy, global_step, lr, tower_feeds, tower_logits = network() train_step = 0 while True: start_time = time.time() # choose policy network for opponent player from model pools if train_step % 10 == 0: if len(model_pools) > 0: model_file = random.choice(model_pools) else: model_file = None rpc.switch_model("policy_rl", model_file=model_file) while len(batch_states) < batch_games: # opponent_policy = self.load_history_policy_model(model_file) black_opponent = random.choice([True, False]) # reset game game.reset_game() # simulate game by current parameter states, actions, rewards = [], [], [] state = game.step_games(None) while True: # loop current game # self-play, current model V.S. history model if (black_opponent and game.player == RenjuGame.PLAYER_BLACK) \ or (not black_opponent and game.player == RenjuGame.PLAYER_WHITE): predict_probs = rpc.policy_rl_rpc(board_to_stream(game.board), game.get_player_name()) else: # current player predict_probs =[tower_logits[0]], feed_dict={tower_feeds[0][0]: [state]})[0][0] if random.random() < epsilon: # random choose action action = game.weighted_choose_action(predict_probs) else: action = game.choose_action(predict_probs) if action is None: final_reward = 0 break # step game state_n, reward_n, terminal_n = game.step_games(action) # store (state, action) states.append(state) actions.append(action) # set new states state = state_n if terminal_n: final_reward = reward_n break # check whether game drawn if game.random_action() is None: # game drawn, equal end, reward=0 final_reward = 0"game drawn, so amazing...") break # store (reward) for step in xrange(len(states)): if step % 2 == 0: rewards.append(final_reward) else: rewards.append(-final_reward) # store states of ith game batch_states.append(states) batch_actions.append(actions) batch_rewards.append(rewards) # fit model by mini batch avg_loss, avg_acc = 0.0, 0.0 for _ in xrange(action_repeat / gpu_num): train_step += 1 feeds = {} for gpu_id in xrange(gpu_num): for idx in xrange(mini_batch_size): game_idx = random.randint(0, len(batch_states) - 1) game_time_step_idx = random.randint(0, len(batch_states[game_idx]) - 1) mini_batch_states[idx] = batch_states[game_idx][game_time_step_idx] mini_batch_actions[idx] = batch_actions[game_idx][game_time_step_idx] mini_batch_rewards[idx] = batch_rewards[game_idx][game_time_step_idx] feeds[tower_feeds[gpu_id][0]] = mini_batch_states feeds[tower_feeds[gpu_id][1]] = mini_batch_actions feeds[tower_feeds[gpu_id][2]] = mini_batch_rewards _, global_step_val, loss_val, acc_val =[train_op, global_step, loss, accuracy], feed_dict=feeds) avg_loss += loss_val avg_acc += acc_val # update epsilon if epsilon > final_epsilon: epsilon -= (init_epsilon - final_epsilon) / explore avg_loss /= action_repeat avg_acc /= action_repeat batch_states.popleft() batch_actions.popleft() batch_rewards.popleft() global_step_val = int(global_step_val) elapsed_time = int(time.time() - start_time) "train policy rl network, step=%d, epsilon=%.5f, loss=%.6f, acc=%.6f, time=%d(sec)" % (train_step, epsilon, avg_loss, avg_acc, elapsed_time)) # save model if train_step % save_step == 0: params["global_step"], params["epsilon"] = global_step_val, epsilon param_serierlize(param_file, params) model_file = save_model(sess, train_dir, saver, "policy_rl_step_%d" % train_step, global_step=global_step_val)"save policy rl model, file=%s" % model_file) model_file = model_file[len(train_dir):] # add history model to pool model_pools.append(model_file) if len(model_pools) > max_model_pools: # pop head when model pools exceed model_pools.pop(0)"model pools has files: [%s]" % (", ".join(model_pools)))