Ejemplo n.º 1
	def run(self):
		repeat = False
		speed_signal = 1360
		turn_signal = 1200

		map_width = 120*12*2.54		# cm
		map_height = 220*12*2.54	# cm

		vehicle_width = 35*2.54		# Width of agent (cm)

		buffer_distance = 12*2.54	# Space to keep between agent and obstacles (cm)
		buff_width = vehicle_width + buffer_distance

		MAX_R = int(10*12*2.54)		# Maximum distance to ever consider (cm)
		R = MAX_R					# Maximum distance to consider for a iteration
		move_scale = 0.25			# Percentage of R to actually move

		# Create initial map of environment
		map = AStar(map_width, map_height, vehicle_width)

		# GPS calculations
		phi 	latitude	longitude
		0		110.574		111.32
		15		110.649		107.55
		30		110.852		96.486
		45		111.132		78.847
		60		111.412		55.8
		75		111.618		28.902
		90		111.694		0
		# Linear interpolation using known values
		deg_lat = (110.852 - 111.132)/(30 - 45)*(self.initial_position[0] - 45) + 111.132
		deg_long = (96.486 - 78.847)/(30 - 45)*(self.initial_position[0] - 45) + 78.847
		deg_lat *= 1000*100		# 1 degree latitude = deg_lat cm
		deg_long *= 1000*100	# 1 degree longitude = deg_long cm

		angle_to_00 = self.initial_direction - math.atan2(self.normal_location[1], self.normal_location[0])
		distance_to_00 = math.sqrt(self.normal_location[0]**2 + self.normal_location[1]**2)
		zero_zero = (
			initial_position[0] - distance_to_00*math.cos(angle_to_00)*deg_lat,
			initial_position[1] - distance_to_00*math.sin(angle_to_00)*deg_long
		xscale = (zero_zero[0]-self.initial_position[0])/(0-self.normal_location[0])	# Slope
		yscale = (zero_zero[1]-self.initial_position[1])/(0-self.normal_location[1])	# Slope
		xshift = -xscale*self.normal_location[0] + self.initial_position[0]				# "y" intercept
		yshift = -yscale*self.normal_location[1] + self.initial_position[1]				# "y" intercept
		theta_shift = self.normal_direction - self.initial_direction

		# Clear the data lists

		while self.queue.empty():
			if not repeat:
				data = 500000*np.ones(360)

				# Get LiDAR data
				data[0:181] = self.sensors.lidar_data()

				# Get direction from compass and normalize to programmatic world
				self.direction = self.sensors.compass_data()
				self.direction = (self.direction - (self.initial_direction-self.normal_direction)) % 360

				# Rotate, scale, and translate GPS coordinates to programmatic world
				self.location = np.array(self.sensors.gps_data())
				transform = np.array([
					[np.cos(theta_shift), -np.sin(theta_shift)],
					[np.sin(theta_shift), np.cos(theta_shift)]
				self.location = np.dot(transform, self.location)	# Unrotate GPS coordinates
				self.location = np.append(self.location, [1])		# Add bias term to allow translation
				transform = np.array([
					[xscale, 0, xshift],
					[0, yscale, yshift]
				self.location = np.dot(transform, self.location)	# Scale and translate to correct range
				self.location = tuple(self.location[:2])			# Throw out bias term

			# Add in past data set from LiDAR
			for sample in map.last_data_set:
				r = math.sqrt((self.location[0]-sample[0])**2 + (self.location[1]-sample[1])**2)
				theta = math.atan2(self.location[1]-sample[1], self.location[0]-sample[0])
				theta = np.pi - theta	# Needed because y coordinates are upside down
				theta = (theta*180/np.pi - (self.direction-90))	# Find relative angle from absolute
				theta = theta % 360

				# Only modify unknown region around agent
				if theta > 180:
					angle = int(theta) % 360
					if r < data[angle]:
						data[angle] = r

			# Pick a direction to move
			viable_angles = []
			for i in range(45, 136):
				theta = (self.direction - 90 + i) % 360
				viable = True
				for rgn in range(math.ceil(buff_width/2), R+10, 5):
					# Calculate theta range and limits to search for obstacles in range rgn
					theta_range_needed = 180/np.pi*2*math.asin(buff_width/(2*rgn))
					low_lim = math.floor(i-theta_range_needed/2) % 360
					high_lim = math.ceil(i+theta_range_needed/2) % 360

					# Check if the path around theta is clear
					if low_lim > high_lim:	# Handle the roll over case made possible by "% 360"
						if np.any(np.concatenate((data[low_lim:], data[0:high_lim])) < rgn):
							viable = False
						if (np.any(data[low_lim:high_lim] < rgn)):
							viable = False

				# Save viable angles for further inspection later
				if viable:

			# If there are no viable angles, try decreasing R
			if len(viable_angles) == 0:
				if R > buff_width/2:
					print("No viable angles, decreasing R")
					R = int(R*0.9)
					repeat = True
				else:	# Stuck situation
					# TODO: Use A* and Map to find a path out
					print("Help, I'm stuck and too stupid to get out!")
				R = MAX_R
				repeat = False

			# Determine which viable angle will move you towards goal the fastest
			min_index = 0
			min_distance = 10000000
			for i, angle in enumerate(viable_angles):
				# Simulate moving forward R movement at the current angle and calculate distance to goal
				x = self.location[0] + move_scale*R*np.cos(angle*np.pi/180)
				y = self.location[1] - move_scale*R*np.sin(angle*np.pi/180)
				sim_distance = math.sqrt((x-self.normal_goal[0])**2 + (y-self.normal_goal[1])**2)

				# Keep the minimum distance to find the most efficient angle
				if sim_distance < min_distance:
					min_distance = sim_distance
					min_index = i
					min_location = (int(x), int(y))

			# Record the resulting data
			map.record_data(data, self.location, self.direction)

			# Calculate speed and turning based on amount of turn desired
			angle_change = self.direction - viable_angles[min_index]
			speed_signal = int(20*math.fabs(angle_change)/3 + 1000)
			turn_signal = int(-80*angle_change/9 + 1200)
			print("Speed: {0}".format(speed_signal))
			print("Turn to: {0}".format(angle_change))
			print("Turn signal: {0}".format(turn_signal))
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def avoid(self):
		map_width = 100*12*2.54				# cm
		map_height = 200*12*2.54			# cm

		location = (600, 580)		# Initial position (bottom center)
		goal = (600, 80)			# Goal
		direction = 180				# Initial direction (degrees)
		vehicle_width = 35*2.54		# Width of agent (cm)

		buffer_distance = 12*2.54	# Space to keep between agent and obstacles (cm)
		buff_width = vehicle_width + buffer_distance

		MAX_R = int(10*12*2.54)		# Maximum distance to consider (cm)
		R = MAX_R					# Maximum distance to consider for a iteration
		move_scale = 0.25			# Percentage of R to actually move
		# Create initial map of environment
		map = AStar(map_width, map_height, vehicle_width)

		while True:
			data = 500000*np.ones(360)
			# TODO: Update location based on GPS and direction based on Compass
			data[0:181] = self.sensors.lidar_data()

			# Add in past 2 data sets from sensors
			for sample in map.last_data_set:
				r = math.sqrt(math.pow(location[0]-sample[0], 2) + math.pow(location[1]-sample[1], 2))
				theta = math.atan2(location[1]-sample[1], location[0]-sample[0])
				theta = np.pi - theta	# Needed because y coordinates are upside down
				theta = (theta*180/np.pi - (direction-90))	# Find relative angle from absolute
				theta = theta % 360

				# Only modify unknown region around agent
				if theta > 180:
					angle = int(theta) % 360
					if r < data[angle]:
						data[angle] = r

			# Pick a direction to move
			viable_angles = []
			for i in range(45, 136):
				theta = (direction - 90 + i) % 360
				viable = True
				for rgn in range(math.ceil(buff_width/2), R+10, 5):
					# Calculate theta range and limits to search for obstacles in range rgn
					theta_range_needed = 180/np.pi*2*math.asin(buff_width/(2*rgn))
					low_lim = math.floor(i-theta_range_needed/2) % 360
					high_lim = math.ceil(i+theta_range_needed/2) % 360

					# Check if the path around theta is clear
					if low_lim > high_lim:	# Handle the roll over case made possible by "% 360"
						if np.any(np.concatenate((data[low_lim:], data[0:high_lim])) < rgn):
							viable = False
						if (np.any(data[low_lim:high_lim] < rgn)):
							viable = False

				# Save viable angles for further inspection later
				if viable:

			# If there are no viable angles, try adjusting parameters
			if len(viable_angles) == 0:
				if R > buff_width/2:	# Try decreasing R
					print("No viable angles, decreasing R")
					R = int(R*0.9)
				else:	# Stuck situation
					# TODO: Use A* and Map to find a path out
					print("Help, I'm stuck and too stupid to get out!")
				R = MAX_R

			# Determine which viable angle will move you towards goal the fastest
			min_index = 0
			min_distance = 10000000
			for i, angle in enumerate(viable_angles):
				# Simulate moving forward R movement at the current angle and calculate distance to goal
				x = location[0] + move_scale*R*np.cos(angle*np.pi/180)
				y = location[1] - move_scale*R*np.sin(angle*np.pi/180)
				sim_distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(x-goal[0], 2) + math.pow(y-goal[1], 2))

				# Keep the minimum distance to find the most efficient angle
				if sim_distance < min_distance:
					min_distance = sim_distance
					min_index = i
					min_location = (int(x), int(y))

			# Record the resulting data
			map.record_data(data, location, direction)

			# TODO: send instructions to motor control
			#location = min_location
			#direction = viable_angles[min_index]