def add_to_cart_via_post(request): dictionary = baseDict(request) update_dict_for_main_page_redirect(dictionary, request) quantity = request.POST.get('quantity') if int(quantity) <= 0: # stop if the amount added is not positive dictionary.update({ "error_message" : "The quantity you added is %s, please put a positive number !" % quantity, 'nodes' : Category.objects.all(), }) # return render_to_response('index.html', dictionary, context_instance = RequestContext(request)) return render_to_response("products.html", dictionary, context_instance = RequestContext(request)) # otherwise fetch the product and add it's amount to the cart product_slug = request.POST.get('slug') product = Product.objects.get(slug=product_slug) if (int(product.quantity) - int(quantity)) < 0: dictionary.update({ 'error_message' : '%s has %d items left in stock !' % (product.title, product.quantity), 'nodes' : Category.objects.all(), }) return render_to_response("products.html", dictionary, context_instance = RequestContext(request)) cart = Cart(request) cart.add(product, product.price, quantity) # return render_to_response('index.html', dictionary, context_instance = RequestContext(request)) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER'))
def remove_from_cart(request, product_slug): dictionary = baseDict(request) update_dict_for_main_page_redirect(dictionary, request) product = Product.objects.get(slug=product_slug) # fetch the product we want to remove cart = Cart(request) # fetch the cart cart.remove(product) # remove the item return render_to_response('cart.html', dictionary, context_instance = RequestContext(request))
def view_cart(request): dictionary = baseDict(request) update_dict_for_main_page_redirect(dictionary, request) totalPrice = 0 # the loop calculates the total price of the shopping cart for i in Cart(request): totalPrice += i.product.price dictionary.update({ 'totalPrice' : totalPrice, }) return render_to_response('cart.html', dictionary, context_instance = RequestContext(request))
def view_all(request): c = {} c.update(csrf( request)) # token is required, because there is an add to cart form products = Product.objects.all() dictionary = baseDict(request) cartItems(request, dictionary) dictionary.update({ 'products': products_paginated(request, products), 'page_title': 'Products - Amper', 'nodes': Category.objects.all(), }) return render_to_response("products.html", dictionary, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def product(request, slug): product = get_object_or_404(Product, slug=str(slug), active=True) dictionary = baseDict(request) # fetch the common data cartItems( request, dictionary ) # get the cart items in a form of a dictionary, so that templates can display if item has been added or not productCategory = Category.objects.get(slug=product.category.slug) dictionary.update({ 'product': product, 'nodes': Category.objects.get(slug=product.category.slug, ), 'page_title': str(product.title) + " - Amper", }) return render_to_response("single_product.html", dictionary, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def rate_product(request, slug, rating): product = Product.objects.get(slug=slug) rating = Rating(product=product, rating=int(rating), user=request.user) dictionary = baseDict(request) cartItems( request, dictionary ) # get the cart items in a form of a dictionary, so that templates can display if item has been added or not dictionary.update({ 'product': product, 'nodes': Category.objects.get(slug=product.category.slug, ), 'page_title': str(product.title) + " - Amper", }) return render_to_response("single_product.html", dictionary, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def view_by_category(request, category="-111"): dictionary = baseDict(request) children = Product.objects.filter( active=True, category__parent__slug=category ) # so that all subcategory products can be fetched and displayed direct = Product.objects.filter( active=True, category__slug=category) # fetches the current product branch products = list(chain(children, direct)) # this line joins them cartItems(request, dictionary) dictionary.update({ 'category': category.title(), 'products': products_paginated(request, products), 'nodes': Category.objects.all(), 'page_title': category.title() + ' - Amper', }) return render_to_response("products.html", dictionary, context_instance=RequestContext(request))