Ejemplo n.º 1
class BpodHiFi(object):
    def __init__(self, PortName):
        self.Port = ArCOMObject(PortName, 115200)
        self.Port.write(ord('I'), 'uint8'); # Get current parameters
        InfoParams8Bit = self.Port.read(4, 'uint8')
        InfoParams32Bit = self.Port.read(3, 'uint32')
        self.isHD = InfoParams8Bit[0] # HiFi Module Model (0=base,1=HD)
        self._samplingRate = InfoParams32Bit[0] # use H.samplingRate = X. Underscored version does not support get and set callbacks
        self.bitDepth = InfoParams8Bit[1] # Bits per sample (fixed in firmware)
        self.maxWaves = InfoParams8Bit[2] # Number of sounds the device can store
        digitalAttBits = InfoParams8Bit[3]
        self._digitalAttenuation_dB = np.double(digitalAttBits)*-0.5
        self._synthAmplitude = 0; # 0 = synth off, 1 = max
        self._synthAmplitudeFade = 0; # Number of samples over which to ramp changes in synth amplitude (0 = instant change)
        self._synthWaveform = 'WhiteNoise'; # WhiteNoise or Sine
        self._synthFrequency = 1000; # Frequency of waveform (if sine)
        self.Port.write(ord('F'), 'uint8', self._synthFrequency*1000, 'uint32') # Force SynthFrequency
        confirm = self.Port.read(1, 'uint8')
        self._headphoneAmpEnabled = 0;
        self._headphoneAmpGain = 15;
        self.Port.write((ord('G'), 15), 'uint8'); # Set gain to non-painful initial level (range = 0-63)
        self.Port.read(1, 'uint8');
        self.maxSamplesPerWaveform = InfoParams32Bit[1]*192000
        self.maxEnvelopeSamples = InfoParams32Bit[2]
        self.validSamplingRates = (44100,48000,96000,192000)
        self.minAttenuation_Pro = -103
        self.minAttenuation_HD = -120
    def samplingRate(self):
        return self._samplingRate
    def samplingRate(self, value):
        if not value in self.validSamplingRates:
            raise HiFiError('Error: Invalid Sampling Rate.')
        self.Port.write(ord('S'), 'uint8', value, 'uint32');
        confirm = self.Port.read(1, 'uint8');
        if confirm != 1:
             raise HiFiError('Error setting sampling rate: Confirm code not returned.')
        self._samplingRate = value
    def digitalAttenuation_dB(self):
        return self._digitalAttenuation_dB
    def digitalAttenuation_dB(self, value):
        minAttenuation = self.minAttenuation_Pro
        if self.isHD:
            minAttenuation = self.minAttenuation_HD
        if (value > 0) or (value < minAttenuation):
            raise HiFiError('Error: Invalid digitalAttenuation_dB. Value must be in range: [' + str(minAttenuation) + ',0]')
        attenuationBits = value*-2;
        self.Port.write((ord('A'),attenuationBits), 'uint8')
        confirm = self.Port.read(1, 'uint8');
        if confirm != 1:
             raise HiFiError('Error setting digitalAttenuation: Confirm code not returned.')
        self._digitalAttenuation_dB = value
    def synthAmplitude(self):
        return self._synthAmplitude
    def synthAmplitude(self, value):
        if not ((value >= 0) and (value <= 1)):
            raise HiFiError('Error: Synth amplitude values must range between 0 and 1.')
        amplitudeBits = round(value*32767);
        self.Port.write(ord('N'), 'uint8', amplitudeBits, 'uint16')
        confirm = self.Port.read(1, 'uint8');
        if confirm != 1:
             raise HiFiError('Error setting synthAmplitude: Confirm code not returned.')
        self._synthAmplitude = value
    def synthAmplitudeFade(self):
        return self._synthAmplitudeFade    
    def synthAmplitudeFade(self, value):
        if not ((value >= 0) and (value <= 1920000)):
            raise HiFiError('Error: Synth amplitude fade must range between 0 and 1920000 samples.')
        self.Port.write(ord('Z'), 'uint8', value, 'uint32')
        confirm = self.Port.read(1, 'uint8');
        if confirm != 1:
             raise HiFiError('Error setting synthAmplitudeFade: Confirm code not returned.')
        self._synthAmplitudeFade = value
    def synthWaveform(self):
        return self._synthWaveform   
    def synthWaveform(self, value):
        validWaveforms = ['WhiteNoise','Sine']
        if not value in validWaveforms:
            raise HiFiError('Invalid value for synthWaveform: Valid values are WhiteNoise or Sine.')
        waveformIndex = validWaveforms.index(value)
        self.Port.write((ord('W'),waveformIndex), 'uint8')
        confirm = self.Port.read(1, 'uint8');
        if confirm != 1:
             raise HiFiError('Error setting synthWaveform: Confirm code not returned.')
        self._synthWaveform = value
    def synthFrequency(self):
        return self._synthFrequency
    def synthFrequency(self, value):
        if not ((value >= 20) and (value <= 80000)):
            raise HiFiError('Error: Synth frequency must range between 0 and 80000 Hz.')
        self.Port.write(ord('F'), 'uint8', value*1000, 'uint32')
        confirm = self.Port.read(1, 'uint8')
        if confirm != 1:
             raise HiFiError('Error setting synthFrequency: Confirm code not returned.')
        self._synthFrequency = value
    def headphoneAmpEnabled(self):
        return self._headphoneAmpEnabled
    def headphoneAmpEnabled(self, value):
        validValues = (0,1)
        if not value in validValues:
            raise HiFiError('Error: headphoneAmpEnabled must be 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)')
        self.Port.write((ord('H'),value), 'uint8')
        confirm = self.Port.read(1, 'uint8');
        if confirm != 1:
             raise HiFiError('Error setting headphone amp: Confirm code not returned.')
        self._headphoneAmpEnabled = value
    def headphoneAmpGain(self):
        return self._headphoneAmpGain  
    def headphoneAmpGain(self, value):
        if not ((value >= 0) and (value <= 63)):
            raise HiFiError('Error: Headphone amp gain values must range between 0 and 63.')
        self.Port.write((ord('G'),value), 'uint8')
        confirm = self.Port.read(1, 'uint8');
        if confirm != 1:
             raise HiFiError('Error setting headphone amp gain: Confirm code not returned.')
        self._headphoneAmpGain = value
    def play(self, SoundIndex):
        self.Port.write((ord('P'),SoundIndex), 'uint8')
    def stop(self):
        self.Port.write(ord('X'), 'uint8')
    def push(self):
        self.Port.write(ord('*'), 'uint8')
        confirm = self.Port.read(1, 'uint8')
        if confirm != 1:
             raise HiFiError('Error: Confirm code not returned.')
    def setAMEnvelope(self, envelope):
        if not envelope.ndim == 1:
            raise HiFiError('Error: AM Envelope must be a 1xN array.')
        nEnvelopeSamples = envelope.shape[0]
        if nEnvelopeSamples > self.maxEnvelopeSamples:
            raise HiFiError('Error: AM Envelope cannot contain more than ' + str(self.maxEnvelopeSamples) + ' samples.')
        if not ((envelope >= 0).all() and (envelope <= 1).all()):
            raise HiFiError('Error: AM Envelope values must range between 0 and 1.')
        self.Port.write((ord('E'), 1, ord('M')), 'uint8', nEnvelopeSamples, 'uint16', envelope, 'single')
        confirm = self.Port.read(2, 'uint8')
    def load(self, soundIndex, waveform):
        # waveform must be a 1xN or 2xN numpy array in range [-1, 1]
        isStereo = 1 # Default to stereo
        isLooping = 0 # Default loop mode = off
        loopDuration = 0 # Default loop duration = 0
        if (soundIndex < 0) or (soundIndex > self.maxWaves-1):
            raise HiFiError('Error: Invalid sound index (' + str(soundIndex) + '). The HiFi module supports up to ' + str(self.maxWaves) + ' sounds.')
        if waveform.ndim == 1:
            isStereo = 0
            nChannels = 1
            nSamples = waveform.shape[0]
            formattedWaveform = waveform
            (nChannels,nSamples) = waveform.shape
            formattedWaveform = np.ravel(waveform, order='F')
        if self.bitDepth == 16:
            formattedWaveform = formattedWaveform*32767
        self.Port.write((ord('L'),soundIndex,isStereo, isLooping), 'uint8', (loopDuration, nSamples), 'uint32', formattedWaveform, 'int16')
        confirm = self.Port.read(1, 'uint8')
        if confirm != 1:
             raise HiFiError('Error: Confirm code not returned.')
    def __repr__ (self): # Self description when the object is entered into the IPython console with no properties or methods specified
        return ('\nBpodHiFi with user properties:' + '\n\n'
        'Port: ArCOMObject(' + self.Port.serialObject.port + ')'  + '\n'
        'samplingRate: ' + str(self.samplingRate) + '\n'
        'digitalAttenuation_dB: ' + str(self.digitalAttenuation_dB) + '\n'
        'synthAmplitude: ' + str(self.synthAmplitude) + '\n'
        'synthAmplitudeFade: ' + str(self.synthAmplitudeFade) + '\n'
        'synthWaveform: ' + str(self.synthWaveform) + '\n'
        'synthFrequency: ' + str(self.synthFrequency) + '\n'
        'headphoneAmpEnabled: ' + str(self.headphoneAmpEnabled) + '\n'
        'headphoneAmpGain: ' + str(self.headphoneAmpGain) + '\n'
    def __del__(self):
Ejemplo n.º 2
class BpodObject(object):
    def __init__(self, serialPortName):
        self.initTime = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.connectTime = 0
        self.sentDateTime = 0
        self.serialObject = 0
        self.firmwareVersion = 0
        self.currentFirmwareVersion = 16
        self.machineType = 0
        self.HW = Struct()
        self.HW.n = Struct()
        self.HW.Pos = Struct()
        self.data = Struct()
        self.softCodeMod = None
        self.HW.inputsEnabled = 0
        self.eventNames = ()
        self.stateMachineInfo = Struct()
        self.stateMachineInfo.Pos = Struct()
        self.stateMachineInfo.nEvents = 0
        self.stateMachineInfo.eventNames = ()
        self.stateMachineInfo.inputChannelNames = ()
        self.stateMachineInfo.nOutputChannels = 0
        self.stateMachineInfo.outputChannelNames = ()
        self.calibrationFileFolder = AcademyUtils.getCalibrationDir()
        self.subject = 'DummySubject'
        self.protocol = ''
        self.protocolFolder = ''
        self.date = datetime.date.today().strftime("%b%d_%y")
        self.dataFolder = AcademyUtils.getDataDir()
        if not os.path.exists(self.dataFolder):
        self.remoteDataFolder = "C:\Data"
        self.currentDataFolder = os.path.join(self.dataFolder, self.subject,
                                              self.protocol, 'Session Data')
        self.session = 1
        self.currentDataFile = '%s_%s_%s_Session%d.json' % (
            self.subject, self.protocol, self.date, self.session)
        self.stateMachine = Struct()
        self.modules = Struct()
        self.status = Struct()
        self.settings = {}
        self.syncConfig = [
            255, 1
        ]  # [Channel,Mode] 255 = no sync, otherwise set to a hardware channel number. Mode 0 = flip logic every trial, 1 = every state

    def updateSettings(self, data):

    def updateCurrentDataFile(self):
        dataFile = '%s_%s_%s_Session%d.json' % (self.subject, self.protocol,
                                                self.date, self.session)
        self.currentDataFile = dataFile
        return dataFile

    def updateCurrentDataFolder(self):
        df = os.path.join(self.dataFolder, self.subject, self.protocol,
                          'Session Data')
        self.currentDataFolder = df
        if not os.path.exists(df):
        return self.currentDataFolder

    def updateSession(self):
        oldSession = os.path.exists(
            os.path.join(self.currentDataFolder, self.currentDataFile))
        while oldSession:
            self.session = self.session + 1
            dataFile = self.updateCurrentDataFile()
            oldSession = os.path.exists(
                os.path.join(self.currentDataFolder, dataFile))

    def set_subject(self, subStr):
        self.subject = subStr
        from ReportCardClass import ReportCard
        rc = ReportCard(self.subject)
        self.protocol = rc.currentProtocol
        print('Subject: ', self.subject, '\nDate: ', self.date, '\nSession: ',
        return rc

    def set_protocol(self, protStr):
        self.protocol = protStr
        protocolFolder = importlib.import_module(protStr, package=None)
            softCodeHandlerStr = "SoftCodeHandler_" + self.protocol
            self.softCodeMod = importlib.import_module(softCodeHandlerStr,
        except Exception as e:
            raise ImportError("SoftCodeHandler_%s.py not found." %

            self.softCodeHandler = self.softCodeMod.SoftCodeHandler()
        except ImportError as e:
            raise BpodError(e)

    def structToDict(self, st):
        import BpodClass
        d = st.__dict__
        for key, val in d.items():
            if isinstance(val, BpodClass.Struct):
                d.update({key: self.structToDict(val)})
            elif isinstance(val, list):
                if isinstance(val[0], BpodClass.Struct):
                    newIter = [{} for x in range(len(val))]
                    for i, item in enumerate(val):
                        newIter[i].update({key: self.structToDict(item)})
                    d.update({key: newIter})
        return d

    def saveSessionData(self):
        dataFolder = self.currentDataFolder
        if not os.path.exists(self.currentDataFolder):
        print("current data folder: %s" % self.currentDataFolder)
        print("current data file: %s" % self.currentDataFile)
        fullPath = os.path.join(self.currentDataFolder, self.currentDataFile)
        dataDict = self.structToDict(self.data)
        dataDict.update({'Settings': self.settings})
        with open(fullPath, 'a+') as f:
                           separators=(',', ': '),
        return fullPath

    def connect(self, serialPortName):
        from ArCOM import ArCOMObject  # Import ArCOMObject
        self.serialObject = ArCOMObject(
            115200)  # Create a new instance of an ArCOM serial port's
        self.connectTime = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.serialObject.write('6', 'char')  # Test connectivity
        OK = self.serialObject.read(1, 'char')  # Receive response
        if OK != '5':
            raise BpodError(
                'Error: Bpod failed to confirm connectivity. Please reset Bpod and try again.'
        # Get firmware version
        self.serialObject.write(ord('F'), 'uint8')  # Request firmware version
        self.firmwareVersion = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint16')
        self.machineType = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint16')
        if self.firmwareVersion < self.currentFirmwareVersion:
            raise BpodError(
                'Error: Old firmware detected. Please update state machine firmware and try again.'
        elif self.firmwareVersion > self.currentFirmwareVersion:
            raise BpodError(
                'Error: Future firmware detected. Please update the Bpod python software.'

        # Get state machine hardware description
        self.serialObject.write(ord('H'), 'uint8')
        maxStates = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint16')
        self.HW.cyclePeriod = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint16')
        self.HW.cycleFrequency = 1000000 / self.HW.cyclePeriod
        self.HW.n.MaxSerialEvents = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
        self.HW.n.GlobalTimers = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
        self.HW.n.GlobalCounters = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
        self.HW.n.Conditions = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
        self.HW.n.Inputs = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
        self.HW.Inputs = self.serialObject.read(self.HW.n.Inputs, 'char')
        self.HW.n.Outputs = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
        self.HW.Outputs = self.serialObject.read(self.HW.n.Outputs,
                                                 'char') + 'GGG'
        self.status.newStateMachineSent = 0
        self.stateMachineInfo.nOutputChannels = self.HW.n.Outputs + 3
        self.stateMachineInfo.maxStates = maxStates
        self.HW.n.UARTSerialChannels = 0
        for i in range(self.HW.n.Inputs):
            if self.HW.Inputs[i] == 'U':
                self.HW.n.UARTSerialChannels += 1

        # Set input channel enable/disable
        self.HW.inputsEnabled = [0] * self.HW.n.Inputs
        PortsFound = 0
        for i in range(self.HW.n.Inputs):
            if self.HW.Inputs[i] == 'B':
                self.HW.inputsEnabled[i] = 1
            elif self.HW.Inputs[i] == 'W':
                self.HW.inputsEnabled[i] = 1
            if PortsFound == 0 and self.HW.Inputs[
                    i] == 'P':  # Enable ports 1-3 by default
                PortsFound = 1
                self.HW.inputsEnabled[i] = 1
                self.HW.inputsEnabled[i + 1] = 1
                self.HW.inputsEnabled[i + 2] = 1
        self.serialObject.write([ord('E')] + self.HW.inputsEnabled, 'uint8')
        Confirmed = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
        if (not Confirmed):
            raise BpodError('Error: Failed to enable Bpod inputs.')

        # Set sync channel config
        self.serialObject.write([ord('K')] + self.syncConfig, 'uint8')
        Confirmed = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
        if (not Confirmed):
            raise BpodError('Error: Failed to configure Sync channel.')

    def getModuleInfo(self):
        # Get module info
        nModules = 0
        for i in range(self.HW.n.Inputs):
            if self.HW.Inputs[i] == 'U':
                nModules += 1
        self.modules.nModules = nModules
        # Get self-descriptions from modules
        self.modules.connected = np.array([0] * nModules)
        self.modules.name = [''] * nModules
        self.modules.firmwareVersion = [0] * nModules
        self.modules.nSerialEvents = [0] * nModules
        for i in range(nModules):
            self.modules.nSerialEvents[i] = int(self.HW.n.MaxSerialEvents /
                                                (nModules + 1))
        self.modules.eventNames = []
        for i in range(nModules):
        self.modules.relayActive = np.array([0] * nModules)

        self.serialObject.write(ord('M'), 'uint8')
        moduleEventsRequested = np.array([0] * nModules)
        messageLength = self.serialObject.bytesAvailable()
        if messageLength > 1:
            for i in range(nModules):
                self.modules.connected[i] = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
                if (self.modules.connected[i] == 1):
                    self.modules.firmwareVersion[i] = self.serialObject.read(
                        1, 'uint32')
                    nameLength = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
                    nameString = self.serialObject.read(nameLength, 'char')
                    sameModuleCount = 1
                    for j in range(nModules):
                        thisModuleName = self.modules.name[j]
                        if thisModuleName[:-1] == nameString:
                            sameModuleCount += 1
                    self.modules.name[i] = nameString + str(sameModuleCount)
                    moreInfoFollows = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
                    if moreInfoFollows == 1:
                        while moreInfoFollows == 1:
                            paramType = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
                            if paramType == ord('#'):
                                    i] = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
                            elif paramType == ord('E'):
                                nEventNames = self.serialObject.read(
                                    1, 'uint8')
                                for j in range(nEventNames):
                                    nCharInThisString = self.serialObject.read(
                                        1, 'uint8')
                                    thisEventName = self.serialObject.read(
                                        nCharInThisString, 'char')
                            moreInfoFollows = self.serialObject.read(
                                1, 'uint8')
        nEventsRequested = moduleEventsRequested.sum()
        nUSBSerialEvents = int(self.HW.n.MaxSerialEvents / (nModules + 1))
        if nEventsRequested + nUSBSerialEvents > self.HW.n.MaxSerialEvents:
            raise BpodError(
                'Error: Connected modules requested too many events.')

        for i in range(nModules):
            if self.modules.connected[i] == 1:
                if moduleEventsRequested[i] > self.modules.nSerialEvents[i]:
                    nToReassign = moduleEventsRequested[
                        i] - self.modules.nSerialEvents[i]
                    self.modules.nSerialEvents[i] = moduleEventsRequested[
                        i]  # Assign events
                    nToReassign = 0
                Pos = nModules - 1
                while nToReassign > 0:
                    if (self.modules.nSerialEvents[Pos] >
                            0) and (self.modules.connected[Pos] == 0):
                        if self.modules.nSerialEvents[Pos] >= nToReassign:
                                Pos] = self.modules.nSerialEvents[
                                    Pos] - nToReassign
                            nToReassign = 0
                            nToReassign = nToReassign - self.modules.nSerialEvents[
                            self.modules.nSerialEvents[Pos] = 0
                    Pos -= 1

        self.HW.n.SoftCodes = self.HW.n.MaxSerialEvents - sum(
        self.serialObject.write([ord('%')] + self.modules.nSerialEvents +
                                [self.HW.n.SoftCodes], 'uint8')
        Confirmed = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
        if (not Confirmed):
            raise BpodError(
                'Error: Failed to configure module event assignment.')

    def setup(self):

        # Generate event and input channel names

        inputChannelNames = ()
        eventNames = ()
        Pos = 0
        nUSB = 0
        nUART = 0
        nBNCs = 0
        nWires = 0
        nPorts = 0
        for i in range(self.HW.n.Inputs):
            if self.HW.Inputs[i] == 'U':
                nUART += 1
                moduleName = 'Serial' + str(nUART)
                if self.modules.connected[nUART - 1] == 1:
                    moduleName = self.modules.name[nUART - 1]
                    inputChannelNames += (moduleName, )
                    inputChannelNames += ('Serial' + str(nUART), )
                nModuleEventNames = len(self.modules.eventNames[nUART - 1])
                for j in range(self.modules.nSerialEvents[nUART - 1]):
                    if j < nModuleEventNames:
                        eventNames += (moduleName + '_' +
                                       self.modules.eventNames[nUART - 1][j], )
                        eventNames += (moduleName + '_' + str(j + 1), )
                    Pos += 1
            elif self.HW.Inputs[i] == 'X':
                if nUSB == 0:
                    self.HW.Pos.Event_USB = Pos
                nUSB += 1
                inputChannelNames += ('USB' + str(nUSB), )
                for j in range(
                        int(self.HW.n.MaxSerialEvents /
                            (self.modules.nModules + 1))):
                    eventNames += ('SoftCode' + str(j + 1), )
                    Pos += 1
            elif self.HW.Inputs[i] == 'P':
                if nPorts == 0:
                    self.HW.Pos.Event_Port = Pos
                nPorts += 1
                inputChannelNames += ('Port' + str(nPorts), )
                eventNames += (inputChannelNames[-1] + 'In', )
                Pos += 1
                eventNames += (inputChannelNames[-1] + 'Out', )
                Pos += 1
            elif self.HW.Inputs[i] == 'B':
                if nBNCs == 0:
                    self.HW.Pos.Event_BNC = Pos
                nBNCs += 1
                inputChannelNames += ('BNC' + str(nBNCs), )
                eventNames += (inputChannelNames[-1] + 'In', )
                Pos += 1
                eventNames += (inputChannelNames[-1] + 'Out', )
                Pos += 1
            elif self.HW.Inputs[i] == 'W':
                if nWires == 0:
                    self.HW.Pos.Event_Wire = Pos
                nWires += 1
                inputChannelNames += ('Wire' + str(nWires), )
                eventNames += (inputChannelNames[-1] + 'In', )
                Pos += 1
                eventNames += (inputChannelNames[-1] + 'Out', )
                Pos += 1
        self.stateMachineInfo.Pos.globalTimerStart = Pos
        for i in range(self.HW.n.GlobalTimers):
            eventNames += ('GlobalTimer' + str(i + 1) + '_Start', )
            Pos += 1
        self.stateMachineInfo.Pos.globalTimerEnd = Pos
        for i in range(self.HW.n.GlobalTimers):
            eventNames += ('GlobalTimer' + str(i + 1) + '_End', )
            Pos += 1
        self.stateMachineInfo.Pos.globalCounter = Pos
        for i in range(self.HW.n.GlobalCounters):
            eventNames += ('GlobalCounter' + str(i + 1) + '_End', )
            Pos += 1
        self.stateMachineInfo.Pos.condition = Pos
        for i in range(self.HW.n.Conditions):
            eventNames += ('Condition' + str(i + 1), )
            Pos += 1
        self.stateMachineInfo.Pos.jump = Pos
        for i in range(self.HW.n.UARTSerialChannels):
            eventNames += ('Serial' + str(i + 1) + 'Jump', )
            Pos += 1
        eventNames += ('SoftJump', )
        Pos += 1
        eventNames += ('Tup', )
        self.stateMachineInfo.Pos.Tup = Pos
        Pos += 1
        self.stateMachineInfo.inputChannelNames = inputChannelNames
        self.stateMachineInfo.eventNames = eventNames
        self.stateMachineInfo.nEvents = Pos
        # Generate output channel names
        outputChannelNames = ()
        Pos = 0
        nUSB = 0
        nUART = 0
        nSPI = 0
        nBNCs = 0
        nWires = 0
        nPorts = 0
        for i in range(self.HW.n.Outputs):
            if self.HW.Outputs[i] == 'U':
                nUART += 1
                outputChannelNames += ('Serial' + str(nUART), )
                Pos += 1
            if self.HW.Outputs[i] == 'X':
                if nUSB == 0:
                    self.HW.Pos.output_USB = Pos
                nUSB += 1
                outputChannelNames += ('SoftCode', )
                Pos += 1
            if self.HW.Outputs[i] == 'S':
                if nSPI == 0:
                    self.HW.Pos.output_SPI = Pos
                nSPI += 1
                outputChannelNames += (
                )  # Assume an SPI shift register mapping bits of a byte to 8 valves
                Pos += 1
            if self.HW.Outputs[i] == 'B':
                if nBNCs == 0:
                    self.HW.Pos.output_BNC = Pos
                nBNCs += 1
                outputChannelNames += (
                    'BNC' + str(nBNCs),
                )  # Assume an SPI shift register mapping bits of a byte to 8 valves
                Pos += 1
            if self.HW.Outputs[i] == 'W':
                if nWires == 0:
                    self.HW.Pos.output_Wire = Pos
                nWires += 1
                outputChannelNames += (
                    'Wire' + str(nWires),
                )  # Assume an SPI shift register mapping bits of a byte to 8 valves
                Pos += 1
            if self.HW.Outputs[i] == 'P':
                if nPorts == 0:
                    self.HW.Pos.output_PWM = Pos
                nPorts += 1
                outputChannelNames += (
                    'PWM' + str(nPorts),
                )  # Assume an SPI shift register mapping bits of a byte to 8 valves
                Pos += 1
        outputChannelNames += ('GlobalTimerTrig', )
        Pos += 1
        outputChannelNames += ('GlobalTimerCancel', )
        Pos += 1
        outputChannelNames += ('GlobalCounterReset', )
        Pos += 1
        self.stateMachineInfo.outputChannelNames = outputChannelNames
        self.stateMachineInfo.nOutputChannels = Pos

        # try importing softcode module
    def refreshModules(self):

    def startModuleRelay(self, moduleID):
        if isinstance(moduleID, str):
            if moduleID in self.modules.name:
                moduleID = self.modules.name.index(moduleID)
                raise BpodError('Error: Module' + moduleID + 'not found')
            moduleID = moduleID - 1
        if self.modules.relayActive.sum() == 0:
            if moduleID <= self.modules.nModules:
                self.serialObject.write([ord('J'), moduleID, 1], 'uint8')
                self.modules.relayActive[moduleID] = 1
                raise BpodError('Error: Module' + self.modules.name[moduleID] +
                                'not found')
            raise BpodError(
                'Error: You must disable the active module relay before starting another one.'

    def stopModuleRelay(self):
        for i in range(self.modules.nModules):
            self.serialObject.write([ord('J'), i, 0], 'uint8')
            self.modules.relayActive[i] = 0
        if self.serialObject.bytesAvailable() > 0:
            self.serialObject.read(self.serialObject.bytesAvailable(), 'uint8')

    def moduleWrite(self, moduleID, message, *args):
        if isinstance(moduleID, str):
            if moduleID in self.modules.name:
                moduleID = self.modules.name.index(moduleID) + 1
                raise BpodError('Error: Module' + moduleID + 'not found')
            moduleID = moduleID
        if isinstance(message, int):
            message = [message]
        nValues = len(message)
        dataType = 'uint8'
        if len(args) > 0:
            dataType = args[0]
        if dataType == 'uint8':
            nBytes = nValues
        elif dataType == 'uint16':
            nBytes = nValues * 2
        elif dataType == 'uint32':
            nBytes = nValues * 4
        elif dataType == 'int8':
            nBytes = nValues
        elif dataType == 'int16':
            nBytes = nValues * 2
        elif dataType == 'int32':
            nBytes = nValues * 4
        elif dataType == 'char':
            nBytes = nValues
            raise BpodError(
                'Error: datatype must be one of: uint8 uint16 uint32 int8 int16 int32'
        if nBytes > 64:
            raise BpodError(
                'Error: module messages must be under 64 bytes per transmission'
        self.serialObject.write([ord('T'), moduleID, nBytes], 'uint8', message,

    def moduleRead(self, moduleID, nValues, *args):
        if isinstance(moduleID, str):
            if moduleID in self.modules.name:
                moduleID = self.modules.name.index(moduleID) + 1
                raise BpodError('Error: Module' + moduleID + 'not found')
            moduleID = moduleID
        if not self.modules.relayActive[moduleID - 1]:
            raise BpodError(
                'Error: you must start the module relay with startModuleRelay() before you can read bytes from a module'
        dataType = 'uint8'
        if len(args) > 0:
            dataType = args[0]
        return self.serialObject.read(nValues, dataType)

    def sendStateMachine(self, sma):
        # Replace undeclared states (at the time they were referenced) with actual state numbers
        for i in range(len(sma.undeclared)):
            undeclaredStateNumber = i + 10000
            thisStateNumber = sma.manifest.index(sma.undeclared[i])
            for j in range(sma.nStates):
                if sma.stateTimerMatrix[j] == undeclaredStateNumber:
                    sma.stateTimerMatrix[j] = thisStateNumber
                inputTransitions = sma.inputMatrix[j]
                for k in range(0, len(inputTransitions)):
                    thisTransition = inputTransitions[k]
                    if thisTransition[1] == undeclaredStateNumber:
                        inputTransitions[k] = (thisTransition[0],
                sma.inputMatrix[j] = inputTransitions
                inputTransitions = sma.globalTimers.startMatrix[j]
                for k in range(0, len(inputTransitions)):
                    thisTransition = inputTransitions[k]
                    if thisTransition[1] == undeclaredStateNumber:
                        inputTransitions[k] = (thisTransition[0],
                sma.globalTimers.startMatrix[j] = inputTransitions
                inputTransitions = sma.globalTimers.endMatrix[j]
                for k in range(0, len(inputTransitions)):
                    thisTransition = inputTransitions[k]
                    if thisTransition[1] == undeclaredStateNumber:
                        inputTransitions[k] = (thisTransition[0],
                sma.globalTimers.endMatrix[j] = inputTransitions
                inputTransitions = sma.globalCounters.matrix[j]
                for k in range(0, len(inputTransitions)):
                    thisTransition = inputTransitions[k]
                    if thisTransition[1] == undeclaredStateNumber:
                        inputTransitions[k] = (thisTransition[0],
                sma.globalCounters.matrix[j] = inputTransitions
                inputTransitions = sma.conditions.matrix[j]
                for k in range(0, len(inputTransitions)):
                    thisTransition = inputTransitions[k]
                    if thisTransition[1] == undeclaredStateNumber:
                        inputTransitions[k] = (thisTransition[0],
                sma.conditions.matrix[j] = inputTransitions
        # Check to make sure all states in manifest exist
        if len(sma.manifest) > sma.nStates:
            raise BpodError(
                'Error: Could not send state machine - some states were referenced by name, but not subsequently declared.'
        Message = ()
        Message += (sma.nStates, )
        for i in range(
                sma.nStates):  # Send state timer transitions (for all states)
            if math.isnan(sma.stateTimerMatrix[i]):
                Message += (sma.nStates, )
                Message += (sma.stateTimerMatrix[i], )
        for i in range(
        ):  # Send event-triggered transitions (where they are different from default)
            currentStateTransitions = sma.inputMatrix[i]
            nTransitions = len(currentStateTransitions)
            Message += (nTransitions, )
            for j in range(nTransitions):
                thisTransition = currentStateTransitions[j]
                Message += (thisTransition[0], )
                destinationState = thisTransition[1]
                if math.isnan(destinationState):
                    Message += (sma.nStates, )
                    Message += (destinationState, )
        for i in range(
        ):  # Send hardware states (where they are different from default)
            currentHardwareState = sma.outputMatrix[i]
            nDifferences = len(currentHardwareState)
            Message += (nDifferences, )
            for j in range(nDifferences):
                thisHardwareConfig = currentHardwareState[j]
                Message += (thisHardwareConfig[0], )
                Message += (thisHardwareConfig[1], )
        for i in range(
        ):  # Send global timer-start triggered transitions (where they are different from default)
            currentStateTransitions = sma.globalTimers.startMatrix[i]
            nTransitions = len(currentStateTransitions)
            Message += (nTransitions, )
            for j in range(nTransitions):
                thisTransition = currentStateTransitions[j]
                Message += (thisTransition[0] -
                            self.stateMachineInfo.Pos.globalTimerStart, )
                destinationState = thisTransition[1]
                if math.isnan(destinationState):
                    Message += (sma.nStates, )
                    Message += (destinationState, )
        for i in range(
        ):  # Send global timer-end triggered transitions (where they are different from default)
            currentStateTransitions = sma.globalTimers.endMatrix[i]
            nTransitions = len(currentStateTransitions)
            Message += (nTransitions, )
            for j in range(nTransitions):
                thisTransition = currentStateTransitions[j]
                Message += (thisTransition[0] -
                            self.stateMachineInfo.Pos.globalTimerEnd, )
                destinationState = thisTransition[1]
                if math.isnan(destinationState):
                    Message += (sma.nStates, )
                    Message += (destinationState, )
        for i in range(
        ):  # Send global counter triggered transitions (where they are different from default)
            currentStateTransitions = sma.globalCounters.matrix[i]
            nTransitions = len(currentStateTransitions)
            Message += (nTransitions, )
            for j in range(nTransitions):
                thisTransition = currentStateTransitions[j]
                Message += (thisTransition[0] -
                            self.stateMachineInfo.Pos.globalCounter, )
                destinationState = thisTransition[1]
                if math.isnan(destinationState):
                    Message += (sma.nStates, )
                    Message += (destinationState, )
        for i in range(
        ):  # Send condition triggered transitions (where they are different from default)
            currentStateTransitions = sma.conditions.matrix[i]
            nTransitions = len(currentStateTransitions)
            Message += (nTransitions, )
            for j in range(nTransitions):
                thisTransition = currentStateTransitions[j]
                Message += (thisTransition[0] -
                            self.stateMachineInfo.Pos.condition, )
                destinationState = thisTransition[1]
                if math.isnan(destinationState):
                    Message += (sma.nStates, )
                    Message += (destinationState, )
        for i in range(self.HW.n.GlobalTimers):
            Message += (sma.globalTimers.channels[i], )
        for i in range(self.HW.n.GlobalTimers):
            Message += (sma.globalTimers.onMessages[i], )
        for i in range(self.HW.n.GlobalTimers):
            Message += (sma.globalTimers.offMessages[i], )
        for i in range(self.HW.n.GlobalTimers):
            Message += (sma.globalTimers.loopMode[i], )
        for i in range(self.HW.n.GlobalTimers):
            Message += (sma.globalTimers.sendEvents[i], )
        for i in range(self.HW.n.GlobalCounters):
            Message += (sma.globalCounters.attachedEvents[i], )
        for i in range(self.HW.n.Conditions):
            Message += (sma.conditions.channels[i], )
        for i in range(self.HW.n.Conditions):
            Message += (sma.conditions.values[i], )
        sma.stateTimers = sma.stateTimers[:sma.nStates]
        ThirtyTwoBitMessage = [
            i * self.HW.cycleFrequency for i in sma.stateTimers
        ] + [i * self.HW.cycleFrequency for i in sma.globalTimers.timers] + [
            i * self.HW.cycleFrequency for i in sma.globalTimers.onsetDelays
        ] + [
            i * self.HW.cycleFrequency for i in sma.globalTimers.loopIntervals
        ] + sma.globalCounters.thresholds
        nSMbytes = len(Message) + (len(ThirtyTwoBitMessage)) * 4
        sentDateTime = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.sentDateTime = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.serialObject.write(ord('C'), 'uint8', nSMbytes, 'uint16', Message,
                                'uint8', ThirtyTwoBitMessage, 'uint32')
        self.stateMachine = sma
        self.status.newStateMachineSent = 1

    def runStateMachine(self):
        self.stateMachineStartTime = datetime.datetime.now()
        RawEvents = Struct()
        eventPos = 0
        currentState = 0
        StateChangeIndexes = []
        RawEvents.Events = []
        RawEvents.EventTimestamps = []
        RawEvents.States = [currentState]
        RawEvents.StateTimestamps = [0]
        RawEvents.TrialStartTimestamp = 0
        self.serialObject.write(ord('R'), 'uint8')
        if self.status.newStateMachineSent == 1:
            confirmed = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
            if not confirmed:
                raise BpodError(
                    'Error: The last state machine sent was not acknowledged by the Bpod device.'
            self.status.newStateMachineSent = 0
        runningStateMachine = True
        while runningStateMachine:
            if self.serialObject.bytesAvailable() > 0:
                opCodeBytes = self.serialObject.read(2, 'uint8')
                opCode = opCodeBytes[0]
                if opCode == 1:  # Read events
                    nCurrentEvents = opCodeBytes[1]
                    CurrentEvents = self.serialObject.read(
                        nCurrentEvents, 'uint8')
                    if nCurrentEvents == 1:
                        CurrentEvents = [CurrentEvents]
                    TransitionEventFound = False
                    for i in range(nCurrentEvents):
                        thisEvent = CurrentEvents[i]
                        if thisEvent == 255:
                            runningStateMachine = False
                            if not TransitionEventFound:
                                thisStateTransitions = self.stateMachine.inputMatrix[
                                nTransitions = len(thisStateTransitions)
                                for j in range(nTransitions):
                                    thisTransition = thisStateTransitions[j]
                                    if thisTransition[0] == thisEvent:
                                        currentState = thisTransition[1]
                                        if not math.isnan(currentState):
                                                len(RawEvents.Events) - 1)
                                        TransitionEventFound = True
                            if not TransitionEventFound:
                                thisStateTimerTransition = self.stateMachine.stateTimerMatrix[
                                if thisEvent == self.stateMachineInfo.Pos.Tup:
                                    if not (thisStateTimerTransition
                                            == currentState):
                                        currentState = thisStateTimerTransition
                                        if not math.isnan(currentState):
                                                len(RawEvents.Events) - 1)
                                        TransitionEventFound = True
                            if not TransitionEventFound:
                                thisGlobalTimerTransitions = self.stateMachine.globalTimers.startMatrix[
                                nTransitions = len(thisGlobalTimerTransitions)
                                for j in range(nTransitions):
                                    thisTransition = thisGlobalTimerTransitions[
                                    if thisTransition[0] == thisEvent:
                                        currentState = thisTransition[1]
                                        if not math.isnan(currentState):
                                                len(RawEvents.Events) - 1)
                                        TransitionEventFound = True
                            if not TransitionEventFound:
                                thisGlobalTimerTransitions = self.stateMachine.globalTimers.endMatrix[
                                nTransitions = len(thisGlobalTimerTransitions)
                                for j in range(nTransitions):
                                    thisTransition = thisGlobalTimerTransitions[
                                    if thisTransition[0] == thisEvent:
                                        currentState = thisTransition[1]
                                        if not math.isnan(currentState):
                                                len(RawEvents.Events) - 1)
                                        TransitionEventFound = True
                elif opCode == 2:  # Handle soft code
                    SoftCode = opCodeBytes[1]
        RawEvents.TrialStartTimestamp = float(
                1, 'uint32')) / 1000  # Start-time of the trial in milliseconds
        RawEvents.TrialSentTimestamp = self.sentDateTime.timestamp(
        )  # Start-time of the trial in milliseconds
        nTimeStamps = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint16')
        TimeStamps = self.serialObject.read(nTimeStamps, 'uint32')
        if nTimeStamps == 1:
            TimeStamps = (TimeStamps, )
        RawEvents.EventTimestamps = [
            i / float(self.HW.cycleFrequency) for i in TimeStamps
        for i in range(len(StateChangeIndexes)):
        return RawEvents

    def addTrialEvents(self, RawEvents):
        if not hasattr(self.data, 'nTrials'):
            self.data.nTrials = 0
            self.data.info = Struct()
            self.data.info.BpodFirmwareVersion = self.firmwareVersion
            self.data.sessionDateTime = self.connectTime
            self.data.sessionStartTime = str(self.connectTime)
            self.data.trialStartTimestamp = []
            self.data.trialSentTimestamp = []
            self.data.rawData = []
            self.data.rawEvents = Struct()
            self.data.rawEvents.Trial = []

        self.data.rawEvents.Trial[self.data.nTrials].Events = Struct()
        self.data.rawEvents.Trial[self.data.nTrials].States = Struct()
        states = RawEvents.States
        events = RawEvents.Events
        nStates = len(states)
        nEvents = len(events)
        nPossibleStates = self.stateMachine.nStates
        visitedStates = [0] * nPossibleStates
        # determine unique states while preserving visited order
        uniqueStates = []
        nUniqueStates = 0
        uniqueStateIndexes = [0] * nStates
        for i in range(nStates):
            if states[i] in uniqueStates:
                uniqueStateIndexes[i] = uniqueStates.index(states[i])
                uniqueStateIndexes[i] = nUniqueStates
                nUniqueStates += 1
                visitedStates[states[i]] = 1
        uniqueStateDataMatrices = [[] for i in range(nStates)]
        # Create a 2-d matrix for each state in a list
        for i in range(nStates):
            uniqueStateDataMatrices[uniqueStateIndexes[i]] += [
                 RawEvents.StateTimestamps[i + 1])
        # Append one matrix for each unique state
        for i in range(nUniqueStates):
            thisStateName = self.stateMachine.stateNames[uniqueStates[i]]
                    thisStateName, uniqueStateDataMatrices[i])
        for i in range(nPossibleStates):
            thisStateName = self.stateMachine.stateNames[i]
            if not visitedStates[i]:
                        thisStateName, [(float('NaN'), float('NaN'))])
        for i in range(nEvents):
            thisEvent = events[i]
            thisEventName = self.stateMachineInfo.eventNames[thisEvent]
            thisEventIndexes = [
                j for j, k in enumerate(events) if k == thisEvent
            thisEventTimestamps = []
            for i in thisEventIndexes:
                    thisEventName, thisEventTimestamps)
        self.data.nTrials += 1

    def manualOverride(self, channelType, channelName, channelNumber, value):
        if channelType.lower() == 'input':
            raise BpodError(
                'Manually overriding a Bpod input channel is not yet supported in Python.'
        elif channelType.lower() == 'output':
            if channelName == 'Valve':
                if value > 0:
                    value = math.pow(2, channelNumber - 1)
                channelNumber = self.HW.Pos.output_SPI
                byteString = (ord('O'), channelNumber, value)
            elif channelName == 'Serial':
                byteString = (ord('U'), channelNumber, value)
                    channelNumber = self.stateMachineInfo.outputChannelNames.index(
                        channelName + str(channelNumber))
                    byteString = (ord('O'), channelNumber, value)
                    raise BpodError('Error using manualOverride: ' +
                                    channelName +
                                    ' is not a valid channel name.')
            self.serialObject.write(byteString, 'uint8')
            raise BpodError(
                'Error using manualOverride: first argument must be "Input" or "Output".'

    def loadSerialMessage(self, serialChannel, messageID, message):
        nMessages = 1
        messageLength = len(message)
        if messageLength > 3:
            raise BpodError(
                'Error: Serial messages cannot be more than 3 bytes in length.'
        if (messageID > 255) or (messageID < 1):
            raise BpodError(
                'Error: Bpod can only store 255 serial messages (indexed 1-255).'
        ByteString = (ord('L'), serialChannel - 1, nMessages, messageID,
                      messageLength) + message
        self.serialObject.write(ByteString, 'uint8')
        Confirmed = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
        if (not Confirmed):
            raise BpodError('Error: Failed to set serial message.')

    def resetSerialMessages(self):
        self.serialObject.write(ord('>'), 'uint8')
        Confirmed = self.serialObject.read(1, 'uint8')
        if (not Confirmed):
            raise BpodError('Error: Failed to reset serial message library.')

    def getValveTimes(self, rewardAmount, targetValves):
        times = [0 for valve in targetValves]
        for i, valve in enumerate(targetValves):
            filename = os.path.join(self.calibrationFileFolder,
                                    'valve_calibration_%d.json' % valve)
                with open(filename, 'r') as f:
                    s = f.read()
                    d = json.loads(s)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                raise BpodError('Error: valve calibration file not found.')
            #calibration point values string to float
            invcoeffs = [float(c) for c in d["invcoeffs"]]
            p = np.poly1d(invcoeffs)
            times[i] = np.polyval(p, rewardAmount) / 1000
        return times

    def disconnect(self):
        self.serialObject.write(ord('Z'), 'uint8')