Ejemplo n.º 1
    def dump(self, f, showContents=True, keyColumnWidth=25):
        """Dump a message in human readable form to the stream 'f'."""
        from BZFlag import Protocol
        from StringIO import StringIO

        name = self.__class__.__name__

        # If the message was received with Network.Socket.readMessage,
        # we can determine where it came from by its fromModule attribute
        direction = ''
            from BZFlag.Protocol import FromServer, ToServer
            if self.fromModule == ToServer:
                direction = "-->"
            elif self.fromModule == FromServer:
                direction = "<--"
        except AttributeError:

        f.write("%s %s\n" % (direction, name))
        if not showContents:

        # Attributes for us to ignore. These are generally things we annotate the message
        # with later. Note that this isn't a list of all such annotations- most notably,
        # 'protocol' is omitted since it's very useful to have in message dumps.
        ignoreList = ('eventLoop', 'socket', 'header', 'fromModule', 'fromAddress', 'client')

        # Recursively build a list of (key,value) tuples that will be displayed
        # to represent a message. This handles traversing into substructures
        # like FlagUpdate.
        def buildKeys(object, prefix=""):
            keys = object.__dict__.keys()
            lst = []
            for key in keys:
                if key[0] != '_' and not key in ignoreList:
                    value = object.__dict__[key]
                    if isinstance(value, Protocol.Struct):
                        lst.extend(buildKeys(value, prefix + key + "."))
                        lst.append((prefix + key, value))
            return lst

        for (key, value) in buildKeys(self):
            if key == 'data':
                # Special decoding for 'data' members- do a hex dump
                d = StringIO()
                Util.hexDump(StringIO(value), d)
                value = ("%d bytes\n" % len(value)) + d.getvalue()
                # Let python decode everything else
                value = repr(value)

            # Handle printing multiline values properly
            lines = value.split("\n")
            print ("%%%ss: %%s" % keyColumnWidth) % (key, lines[0])
            for line in lines[1:]:
                if line:
                    f.write(" " * (keyColumnWidth + 2) + line + "\n")