def show(sample_size): global session global scatter_plot global source global pie_chart_source global line_chart_source global slider DB.__init__(sample_size) min_time = DB.min_time() max_time = DB.max_time() print min_time print min_time xs, ys, color, time = DB.get_current() xs = [xs[i] for i,v in enumerate(time) if time[i] == min_time] ys = [ys[i] for i,v in enumerate(time) if time[i] == min_time] color = [color[i] for i,v in enumerate(time) if time[i] == min_time] time_dict = Counter(time) pie_chart_source = ColumnDataSource(data=ChartMath.compute_color_distribution('x', 'y', 'color', color)) line_chart_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[key for key in time_dict], y=[time_dict[key] for key in time_dict])) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xs, y=ys, color=color)) scatter_plot = Figure(plot_height=800, plot_width=1200, title="Plot of Voters", tools="pan, reset, resize, save, wheel_zoom", )'x', 'y', color='color', source=source, line_width=0, line_alpha=0.001, fill_alpha=0.5, size=15) scatter_plot.patches('x', 'y', source=state_source, fill_alpha=0.1, line_width=3, line_alpha=1) scatter_plot.x_range.on_change('end', update_coordinates) line_chart = Figure(title="Distribution over Time", plot_width=350, plot_height=350) line_chart.line(x='x', y='y', source=line_chart_source) pie_chart_plot = Figure(plot_height=350, plot_width=350, title="Voter Distribution", x_range=(-1, 1), y_range=(-1, 1)) pie_chart_plot.wedge(x=0, y=0, source=pie_chart_source, radius=1, start_angle="x", end_angle="y", color="color") slider = Slider(start=min_time, end=max_time, value=min_time, step=1, title="Time") slider.on_change('value', update_coordinates) h = hplot(scatter_plot, vplot(pie_chart_plot, line_chart)) vplot(slider, h, width=1600, height=1800) session = push_session(curdoc()) #script = autoload_server(scatter_plot, session.loop_until_closed()
def update_coordinates(attrname, old, name): global N xbeg, xend = scatter_plot.x_range.start, scatter_plot.x_range.end ybeg, yend = scatter_plot.y_range.start, scatter_plot.y_range.end time_bin = slider.value xs, ys, color, time = DB.fetch(xbeg, xend, ybeg, yend, time_bin) if len(xs) > 0 and len(ys) > 0: xs = [xs[i] for i,v in enumerate(time) if time[i] == time_bin] ys = [ys[i] for i,v in enumerate(time) if time[i] == time_bin] color = [color[i] for i,v in enumerate(time) if time[i] == time_bin] = dict(x=xs, y=ys, color=color) = ChartMath.compute_color_distribution('x', 'y', 'color', color) time_dict = Counter(time) = dict(x=[key for key in time_dict], y=[time_dict[key] for key in time_dict]) print time_dict else: = dict(x=[], y=[], color=[]) = ChartMath.compute_color_distribution('x', 'y', 'color', []) print xbeg, xend print ybeg, yend
from import output_file, show from bokeh.models import ( GMapPlot, GMapOptions, ColumnDataSource, Circle, DataRange1d, PanTool, WheelZoomTool, BoxSelectTool ) from Backend import DB DB.__init__() SAMPLE_SIZE = 1000 xs, ys = DB.get_current(SAMPLE_SIZE) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xs, y=ys)) map_options = GMapOptions(lat=30.29, lng=-97.73, map_type="roadmap", zoom=11) scatter_plot = GMapPlot( x_range=DataRange1d(), y_range=DataRange1d(), map_options=map_options, title="Plot of Stations" ) circle = Circle(x="x", y="y", size=15, fill_color="blue", fill_alpha=0.8, line_color=None) scatter_plot.add_glyph(source, circle) scatter_plot.add_tools(PanTool(), WheelZoomTool(), BoxSelectTool()) output_file("gmap_plot.html") print type(source)