def get_tag_by_id(cls, tag_id): try: o_tag = cls.objects.get(pk=tag_id) except cls.DoesNotExist as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.NOT_FOUND_TAG) return Ret(o_tag)
def get_user_by_str_id(cls, str_id): try: o_user = cls.objects.get(str_id=str_id) except cls.DoesNotExist as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.NOT_FOUND_USER) return Ret(o_user)
def get_photo_by_id(cls, photo_id): try: o_photo = cls.objects.get(photo_id=photo_id) except Photo.DoesNotExist as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.PHOTO_NOT_FOUND) return Ret(Error.OK, o_photo)
def require_login_func(request): """需要登录 并根据传入的token获取user """ jwt_str = request.META.get('HTTP_TOKEN') if jwt_str is None: return Ret(Error.REQUIRE_LOGIN) from Base.jtoken import jwt_d ret = jwt_d(jwt_str) if ret.error is not Error.OK: return ret dict_ = ret.body try: user_id = dict_["user_id"] except KeyError as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.STRANGE) from User.models import User ret = User.get_user_by_id(user_id) if ret.error is not Error.OK: return ret o_user = ret.body if not isinstance(o_user, User): return Ret(Error.STRANGE) request.user = o_user return Ret()
def create(cls, qt_user_app_id, token): ret = cls._validate(locals()) if ret.error is not Error.OK: return ret ret = cls.get_user_by_qt_user_app_id(qt_user_app_id) if ret.error is Error.OK: o_user = ret.body o_user.qtb_token = token return Ret(o_user) try: o_user = cls( qt_user_app_id=qt_user_app_id, qtb_token=token, port=cls.get_unique_port(), ss_pwd=get_random_string(length=8), ss_on=False, ss_change_time=0, ) except Exception as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.ERROR_CREATE_USER) o_user.do_ss_on() return Ret(o_user)
def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs): """wrapper""" if not isinstance(request, HttpRequest): return error_response(Error.STRANGE) if request.method != method: return error_response(Error.ERROR_METHOD, append_msg=',需要%s请求' % method) if request.method == "GET": request.DICT = request.GET.dict() else: try: request.DICT = json.loads(request.body.decode()) except json.JSONDecodeError as err: deprint(str(err)) request.DICT = {} if decode: for k in request.DICT.keys(): import binascii try: base64.decodebytes(bytes(request.DICT[k], encoding='utf8')).decode() except binascii.Error as err: deprint(str(err)) return error_response(Error.REQUIRE_BASE64) ret = validate_params(r_params, request.DICT) if ret.error is not Error.OK: return error_response(ret) request.d = Param(ret.body) return func(request, *args, **kwargs)
def create(cls, name, singer, cover, total_comment, netease_id, o_user): ret = cls._validate(locals()) if ret.error is not Error.OK: return ret ret = cls.get_music_by_netease_id(netease_id) if ret.error is Error.OK: return ret crt_time = try: o_music = cls( name=name, singer=singer, cover=cover, total_comment=total_comment, netease_id=netease_id, re_user=o_user, create_time=crt_time, status=cls.STATUS_CONSIDER, last_update_time=crt_time, updated_total_comment=total_comment, ) except Exception as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.ERROR_CREATE_MUSIC) return Ret(o_music)
def get_msg_by_id(cls, msg_id): try: o_msg = cls.objects.get(pk=msg_id) except cls.DoesNotExist as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE) return Ret(o_msg)
def get_dr_by_date(cls, date_): try: o_dr = cls.objects.get(dat_e=date_) except cls.DoesNotExist as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.NOT_FOUND_DAILYRECOMMEND) return Ret(o_dr)
def get_music_by_netease_id(cls, netease_id): try: o_music = cls.objects.get(netease_id=netease_id) except cls.DoesNotExist as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.NOT_FOUND_MUSIC) return Ret(o_music)
def get_unique_port(cls): while True: port = random.randint(60000, 65500) ret = cls.get_user_by_port(port) if ret.error == Error.NOT_FOUND_USER: return port deprint('generate port: %s, conflict.' % port)
def get_unique_str_id(cls): while True: str_id = get_random_string(length=cls.L['str_id']) ret = cls.get_user_by_str_id(str_id) if ret.error == Error.NOT_FOUND_USER: return str_id deprint('generate res_str_id: %s, conflict.' % str_id)
def field_validator(dict_, cls, allow_none=False): """ 针对model的验证函数 事先需要FIELD_LIST存放需要验证的属性 需要L字典存放CharField类型字段的最大长度 可选MIN_L字典存放CharField字段最小长度 可选创建_valid_<param>函数进行自校验 """ field_list = getattr(cls, 'FIELD_LIST', None) if field_list is None: return Ret(Error.ERROR_VALIDATION_FUNC, append_msg=',不存在FIELD_LIST') _meta = getattr(cls, '_meta', None) if _meta is None: return Ret(Error.ERROR_VALIDATION_FUNC, append_msg=',不是Django的models类') len_list = getattr(cls, 'L', None) if len_list is None: return Ret(Error.ERROR_VALIDATION_FUNC, append_msg=',不存在长度字典L') min_len_list = getattr(cls, 'MIN_L', None) for k in dict_.keys(): if k in getattr(cls, 'FIELD_LIST'): if allow_none and dict_[k] is None: continue if isinstance(_meta.get_field(k), models.CharField): try: if len(dict_[k]) > len_list[k]: return Ret(Error.ERROR_PARAM_FORMAT, append_msg=',%s的长度不应超过%s个字符' % (k, len_list[k])) if min_len_list and k in min_len_list and len( dict_[k]) < min_len_list[k]: return Ret(Error.ERROR_PARAM_FORMAT, append_msg=',%s的长度不应少于%s个字符' % (k, min_len_list[k])) except TypeError as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.ERROR_PARAM_FORMAT, append_msg=",%s不是字符串" % k) tuple_name = '%s_TUPLE' % k.upper() tuple_ = getattr(cls, tuple_name, None) if tuple_ is not None and isinstance(tuple_, tuple): flag = False for item in tuple_: if not isinstance(item, tuple): return Ret(Error.ERROR_TUPLE_FORMAT, append_msg='(%s)' % tuple_name) if dict_[k] == item[0]: flag = True if not flag: return Ret(Error.ERROR_PARAM_FORMAT, append_msg=',%s的值应该在%s之中' % (k, tuple_name)) valid_func = getattr(cls, '_valid_%s' % k, None) if valid_func is not None and callable(valid_func): # print('_valid_', k) ret = valid_func(dict_[k]) if ret.error is not Error.OK: return ret return Ret()
def get_user_by_qt_user_app_id(qt_user_app_id): """根据齐天用户-应用ID获取用户对象""" try: o_user = User.objects.get(qt_user_app_id=qt_user_app_id) except User.DoesNotExist as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.NOT_FOUND_USER) return Ret(o_user)
def get_user_by_port(cls, port): """根据用户分配的port获取用户对象""" try: o_user = cls.objects.get(port=port) except cls.DoesNotExist as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.NOT_FOUND_USER) return Ret(o_user)
def get_user_by_id(cls, user_id): """根据用户ID获取用户对象""" try: o_user = cls.objects.get(pk=user_id) except cls.DoesNotExist as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.NOT_FOUND_USER) return Ret(o_user)
def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs): """wrapper""" if request.body: try: request.DICT = json.loads(request.body.decode()) except json.JSONDecodeError as err: deprint(str(err)) return func(request, *args, **kwargs) return error_response(Error.REQUIRE_JSON)
def remove_port(cls, port): # deprint('remove port debug') # return data = { 'server_port': port, } data_str = json.dumps(data) deprint(data_str) cls._send('remove: %s' % data_str)
def get_comment(cls, netease_id): comment_url = cls.COMMENT_URL % netease_id try: data = abstract_grab(comment_url) total_comment = json.loads(data)['total'] except Exception as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.ERROR_GRAB_MUSIC, append_msg=',评论获取错误') return Ret(total_comment)
def auth_callback(request): code = request.d.code deprint('CODE -- ', code) access_token = get_access_token(code) if access_token is None: return error_response(Error.ERROR_CODE) rtn = User.create(access_token) if rtn.error is not Error.OK: return error_response(rtn.error) return HttpResponseRedirect('/random')
def add_port(cls, port, password): # deprint('add port debug') # return data = { 'server_port': port, 'password': password, } data_str = json.dumps(data) deprint(data_str) cls._send('add: %s' % data_str)
def get_config_by_key(cls, key): ret = cls._validate(locals()) if ret.error is not Error.OK: return ret try: o_config = cls.objects.get(key=key) except Exception as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.NOT_FOUND_CONFIG) return Ret(o_config)
def get_phrase_by_phrase(cls, phrase): ret = cls._validate(locals()) if ret.error is not Error.OK: return ret try: o_phrase = cls.objects.get(phrase=phrase) except cls.DoesNotExist as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.NOT_FOUND_PHRASE) return Ret(o_phrase)
def aes_encrypt(data): try: key = SECRET_KEY[:16] iv = cipher =, AES.MODE_CFB, iv) encrypted_data = iv + cipher.encrypt(data) encrypted_data = base64.b64encode(encrypted_data).decode() except Exception as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.AES_ENCRYPT_ERROR) return Ret(encrypted_data)
def error_response(e, append_msg=""): """ 回复一个错误 171216 当error_id为Ret类时,自动转换 """ if isinstance(e, Ret): append_msg = e.append_msg e = e.error if not isinstance(e, E): deprint(str(e)) return error_response(Error.STRANGE, append_msg='error_response error_id not E') return response(e=e, msg=e.msg + append_msg)
def aes_decrypt(encrypted_data): try: encrypted_data = base64.b64decode(encrypted_data) key = SECRET_KEY[:16] iv = encrypted_data[:16] encrypted_data = encrypted_data[16:] cipher =, AES.MODE_CFB, iv) data = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_data).decode() except Exception as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.AES_DECRYPT_ERROR) return Ret(data)
def get_value_by_key(cls, key, default=__ConfigNone()): ret = cls._validate(locals()) if ret.error is not Error.OK: return ret try: o_config = cls.objects.get(key=key) except Exception as err: deprint(str(err)) if isinstance(default, cls.__ConfigNone): return Ret(Error.NOT_FOUND_CONFIG) else: return Ret(default) return Ret(o_config.value)
def create(cls, key): ret = cls._validate(locals()) if ret.error is not Error.OK: return ret try: o_image = cls( key=key, ) except Exception as err: deprint('Image-create', str(err)) return Ret(Error.ERROR_CREATE_IMAGE, append_msg=str(err)) return Ret(o_image)
def error_response(error_id, append_msg=""): """ 回复一个错误 171216 当error_id为Ret类时,自动转换 """ # deprint('error_id', error_id) if isinstance(error_id, Ret): append_msg = error_id.append_msg error_id = error_id.error for error in Error.ERROR_DICT: if error_id == error[0]: return response(code=error_id, msg=error[1] + append_msg) deprint('Error Not Found: ', error_id) return error_response(Error.ERROR_NOT_FOUND)
def update_user_info(token): update_info_uri = '%s/api/user/' % QTB_HOST req = requests.get(update_info_uri, headers=dict(token=token, ), timeout=3) if req.status_code != return Ret(Error.QTB_GET_INFO_FAIL) try: res = req.json() except Exception as err: deprint(str(err)) return Ret(Error.QTB_GET_INFO_FAIL) if res['code'] != Error.OK.eid: return Ret(Error.QTB_GET_INFO_FAIL, append_msg=',%s' % res['msg']) return Ret(res['body'])