Ejemplo n.º 1
class hit(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of hit """
    def  setUp(self):
        """ Build the Pkmn and Delegate for the test """
        self.attack = BuildAttack()
        self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.environment = BattleEnvironment()
        self.toHit = 100.0
        self.delegate = HitDelegate(self.attack, self.toHit)
    def fainted(self):
        """ Test that if the target is fainted the attack misses """
        hit, message = self.delegate.hit(self.user, self.target, self.environment)
        assert not hit, "Should miss if the target is fainted"
    def dodging(self):
        """ Test that if the target is dodging the attack misses """
        self.target.dodge = "DIG"
        hit, message = self.delegate.hit(self.user, self.target, self.environment)
        assert not hit, "Should miss if the target is dodging"
    def otherwise(self):
        """ Test that the attack hits if the target is not dodging or fainted """
        hit, message = self.delegate.hit(self.user, self.target, self.environment)
        assert hit, "Should hit otherwise"